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Camera angles

The aerial shot

An exterior shot
filmed from the
air. It is used to
establish a
The arc shot

A shot where the

subject is circled by
the camera.

The Close up
A shot that keeps only the face full in
the frame.

The Medium shot

The shot that utilizes the most common

framing in movies shows less than a
long shot, more than a close-up.

The long shot

A shot that
shows an
or object
from head
to foot,
also known
as a wide

Deep focus

A shot that keeps

everything in focus.

Establishing Shot

The establishing shot is a shot that shows the viewer where the
scene/movie is based.

Low Angle Shot

A shot looing up at a character or subject, this makes them look bigger. It

can make everyone look heroic or dominant.
High angle shot

A shot
down on a
character or subject which often isolating them in the frame. It makes the
character look small and insignificant.

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