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Grammar & Writing Workshop

Essay #3: Reflection Letter

Okay, so again, this isnt really an essay. However, its the end of the semester, and
having you write a letter instead of a formal essay will make all of our lives easier.
I want you to write me a 2-3 page letter about your experience in Grammar & Writing
Workshop this semester. In your letter, please discuss all of the following:

What your expectations of the class were at the beginning of the semester
What youve learned this semester that you found useful
What youve learned that you didnt find useful
What you wish wed learned that we didnt cover
What ideas you have for lesson plans (describe at least one lesson youd teach that
wouldnt involve simply a Powerpoint or handout)
What other suggestions you have to improve the class
How you plan to use writing in the future
Whether you think writing is important.

Though I want you to be honest, I also want you to consider audience. I dont mind if
you use humor, but it should be thoughtful humor, and you should keep your language tonally
appropriate. (That means that you should try to avoid using overly familiar language no
cursing, please and dont try to make me cry or anything.) Above all, I want you to really
reflect on the class successes, as well as its opportunities for improvement.
When I grade your letter, I will assess whether it is:

tonally appropriate
well-thought-out (and not slapped together an hour before the due date)
thorough (that is, whether it answers all of the questions stated above)
precise in its language
well-organized (with clear and appropriate transitions)
well-formatted (please use letter headings and signatures, as well as 12 point,
double-spaced Times New Roman, with tabs for each new paragraph)
grammatically correct (especially in regards to what weve learned recently about

A hard copy of your letter is due at the beginning of our last class on Tuesday, 12/16.
As an essay, it is worth 10% of your final grade. I will not accept late work past Friday,
12/19; any letter not submitted or submitted after the 19th will receive a zero.

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