Consumer Behavior Group Project (10%) MGM4302 I - 2014/2015 Objective

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Consumer Behavior Group Project (10%)

I - 2014/2015
To provide you with the opportunity to apply consumer behavior concepts in advertising for a
specific product/service. This assignment will also develop your team building, time management,
written and communication skills.
1. In the first week of the semester, we will form groups in class and your first assignment will
be to select a specific brand of product/service of interest to group members to focus on for
the assignment.
2. Next, the group will produce a TV commercial for the chosen brand/service.
You can use Movie Maker to produce the TV commercial. The commercial must have the
following characteristics:
The total duration of the ad must not exceed 20 seconds.
There must be transitions throughout the movie.
The movie must have a title with your name at the beginning, a signal of the ending
(The End), and credits.
The movie must have at least 1 music track.
Presentations will be held in week 14. The duration of presentation should not exceed 15 minutes.
What to Submit:
Each group is expected to submit a written report and a CD containing the commercial (week
14). The report should not more than 5 pages.

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