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Lincoln-Douglas Debate format: Planning Sheet

Affirmative: Constructive speech

Affirmative speaker 1: It has many medical uses...... (prepare speech)
Negative: Questions for Affirmative side
Negative speaker 1: ?(prepare questions)
Affirmative speaker 1: ____________________________ (improvise well)
Negative. Constructive speech
Negative speaker 1: Nowadays there is a lot of problems in society that affect
us no matter your age, race or sex. The active substance THC has as
consequence many toxicity problems just to mention some, it acts in regions of the
brain like the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens (which take part in processing
addiction pleasure, motivation fear or impulsivity)
In an official statement the Pope Francis said that A reduction in the spread and
influence of drug addiction will not be achieved by a liberalization of drug use,
rather, it is necessary to confront the problems
(prepare speech)
Negative: Refutation
Negative speaker 2: there are not enough studies that can prove that it have
health benefits, many of this studies are still made in rats so its still too dangerous to
put them in the market.....(prepare refutation and improvise well)
Affirmative: Questions for Negative side
Affirmative speaker 2: ____________________________ (prepare questions)
Negative speaker 2: ____________________________ (improvise well)
Affirmative: Rebuttal and/or refutation
Affirmative speaker 3: by legalizing it we can control that young people
consumes it..... (prepare rebuttal and improvise well)
Negative: Rebuttal
Negative speaker 1 (or 3): I dont tink that its consume can be controlled, because
even the drugs that are legal(tobacco and alcohol) are consumed by young people, and
making it legal would only facilitate the acces to this narcotic, putting our youngsters in
danger. (prepare rebuttal and improvise well)
Negative: Summary

Negative speaker 2 (or 3): People assume that the youth will obey the rules and
that time will give them the reason but there are no scientific proves that this is true,
many young adults start with marijuana and sadly end up with even more dangerous
substances because, when you consume a lot of a narcotic substance you become
tolerant to the effects it provides you, therefore you need stronger substances that can
give you relieve (prepare summary)
Affirmative: Rebuttal
Affirmative speaker 2: ____________________________ (prepare rebuttal and
improvise well)
Affirmative: Summary
Affirmative speaker 3: ____________________________ (prepare summary)

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