Tpa Lesson Plan 9-12-14

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Jessica Smith

Date: 09-02-14

Grade and Topic: 2nd Grade / Science

Length of Lesson:

Mentor Teacher: Carmen Weaver

School: University of Memphis

60 min


All living things are made of cells that perform functions necessary for life.

Given that plants and animals are living things, the learner will be able to identify that plants and animals are
made of cells and use food, water and air to survive with a score of three out of four on the rubric.

Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts and use food, water, and air to survive.

ISTE Standard(s):

3. Research and Information Fluency: Identify, research, and collect data on an environmental issue
using digital resources and propose a developmentally appropriate solution.

Power Point for Explanation
Microsoft Word
Internet Access to: MS Clipart Gallery

Given that plants and animals are living things, the learner will be able to identify that plants and
animals are made of cells and use food, water and air to survive with 4/4 accuracy.
Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN Science standard 1.0.
We will refer to the summary created here as we continue to explore other living things that require the
use of food, water, and air to survive.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of
this particular lesson.


Begin by informing the class that all living things are made of cells & require food, water, and air to
On a power point presentation, show examples of these living things; show plants, animals and what
they need to survive.
Show a power point that includes my example of this project.
Explain to the students that they can use any type of animal or living thing to show that it requires food,
water, and air to survive.

Prior to Computer (15 minutes)
Teacher Procedures:

1. After the introduction, Begin by informing the class that all living things are made of
cells & require food, water, and air to survive.
2. Select an icon representing each animal and what they need to survive.

3. Tell the student to choose three living things they want to use for the project and ask
Students choose what images they would like to use to illustrate their living things &
what each living thing needs to survive.
4. Although the living things can be very different, the learner will learn that living things
all require food, water and air to survive.
Student Procedures:
1. Students decide what living things to use for their example.
2. Students choose what images they would like to use to illustrate their living things,
what their living thing needs to survive. Although living things can be very different,
they all require food, water and air to survive.
3. Label Each living thing as a plant or animal
At the Computer (35 minutes)
Teacher Procedures:
1. Have students open up MS Word
2. Direct students to creating a table
3. Direct students to MS clip care gallery website
4. Monitor & assist students as needed
Students Procedure:
1. Open MS Word and an Internet browser
2. Insert a three-column 2-row table
3. Add the following column names: Living Thing & Survival
4. Cut and paste each icon chosen into the table.
5. Use key words to locate an image for the first living thing
6. Use pull-down menu to copy the image
7. Go to Picture cell in the Word document

8. Paste the Picture

9. Label each living thing a plant or animal
10. Save work
11. Repeat items 7-13 for the remaining phrases.
12.When all steps are finished, correct any errors
13. Print a copy
After Computer -10 minutes
Teacher Procedures:
1. Have students sit in original seat and prepare to share their projects with the person in front of them.
2. Have students pass sheet to the person in front of them.
3. Give students 5 minute to show off their work.
4. Walk around and monitor/assist students.
5. Take any questions any students have about activity
5. Take up sheets
Student Procedures:
1. Prepare sheet to share
2. Pass sheet to the person in front of them
3. Discuss each others work and ideas about the lesson and assignment
4.Ask any questions the student has about this assignment
5. Turn in work

Closure: Allow students to share reflections and check for students understanding but asking the class
for questions.


Graphic images

Very few or none of the

chosen graphics
represent the concepts
of their associated
Processes of life.

Only a few of the

chosen graphics clearly
or somewhat clearly
represent the concepts
of their associated
with the Processes of

Almost all of the

chosen graphics clearly
represent the concepts
of their associated
Processes of life.

All of the chosen

graphics very clearly
represent the concepts
of their associated
Processes of life phases.

The rationale for very

few or none of the
chosen graphics
demonstrates an

The rationale for some

of the chosen graphics
demonstrates a fairly
representation of the

The rationale for

almost all of the
chosen graphics clearly
demonstrates why the
image is an appropriate

The rationale for all of

the chosen graphics
very clearly
demonstrates why the
images were an

represent each
phrase of the
Processes of life.

Rationale for
using the


representation of the



representation of the

The reflection does not

demonstrate an
understanding of the
Processes of life and/or
what it means to the

The reflection
demonstrates a
somewhat vague
understanding of the
Processes of life and
what it means to the

The reflection
demonstrates a
somewhat clear
understanding of the
Processes of life &
what it means to the

The reflection
demonstrates a clear
understanding of the
Processes of life and
what it means to the

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for
enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Living Thing
Plant or Animal?




What is needed for


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