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Guajardo 1

Savannah Guajardo
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
October 21, 2014

Annotated Bibliography
Research Question: How does ultrasound benefit pregnant women?
Working Thesis Statement: Ultrasounds benefit pregnant women because it is safer way of
monitoring voluminous varieties of health conditions.
Refined Thesis Statement: Ultrasounds benefit prenatal patients.
Freidenfelds, Lara. "Sonography." Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and
Society. 2004. 6 Nov. 2014.
In this article, Friedenfelds states that ultrasounds provide psychological benefits.
Ultrasounds are used to monitor the health of a fetus and will create a bond between it
and the parents. There has not been any kind of evidence stating that ultrasound
technology is harmful to the patient or the fetus. This kind of technology has been
shaping the understandings of pregnancy and the fetal development process for many

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Johnson, Kate. "A Window Into The Womb." Baby Talk 69.4 (2004): 23. Health Source Consumer Edition. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Kate Johnsons article describes the differences in new ultrasound technology. Newer
ultrasounds use 3-D and 4-D picturing and video, unlike old fashioned 2-D photographs.
More high defined ultrasounds are used to detect problems with a fetus. Studies have
shown that the use of Doppler ultrasound can increase the uterine temperature in the first
trimester. In some cases, ultrasounds that are not done by trained professionals can give
soon to be parents false hope that their babys health. Although keepsake imaging is a
parent need for pregnancy progress, it is not used for diagnostic measures. This article is
useful for research because it defines the uses of new ultrasound technology.

Vintzileos, Anthony M., Martin R. Chavez, and Wendy L. Kinzler. "Use Of Ultrasound In The
Labor And Delivery." Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 23.6 (2010): 469.
Advanced Placement Source. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
In this article, Vintzileos points out the different clinical uses for ultrasound exams in
labor and delivery. Vintzileos explains that one of the most important achievements in
obstetrical ultrasound is the estimation of the gestational age and the fetus weight. As the
fetus develops, the rate of maternal obesity increases. This means that the determination
of the position of the fetus will become more challenging without the use of ultrasound.
In many cases like this, the ultrasound will help diagnose the presence of a breech
presentation (frank, complete, or footling), as well as many other conditions during

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delivery. This article is useful for research because it shares the information that an
ultrasound can offer for reassurance during labor and delivery.

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Works Cited
Freidenfelds, Lara. "Sonography." Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and
Society. 2004. 6 Nov. 2014.
Johnson, Kate. "A Window Into The Womb." Baby Talk 69.4 (2004): 23. Health Source Consumer Edition. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.
Vintzileos, Anthony M., Martin R. Chavez, and Wendy L. Kinzler. "Use Of Ultrasound In The
Labor And Delivery." Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 23.6 (2010): 469.
Advanced Placement Source. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

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