Junit 3 On One Page: Fixture Object, Shared by

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JUnit 3 on one page

package info.jbrains.junit3;


naming convention for test case classes

import junit.framework.TestCase;

fixture object, shared by

multiple tests

this class has tests

public class ComprehensiveExampleTest extends TestCase {

private Matcher matcher;

a test method

protected void setUp() throws Exception {

matcher = Pattern.compile("(\\d\\d)(\\d)").matcher("762");

check the expected value

against the computed value

public void testBasicAddition() throws Exception {

assertEquals(7, 2 + 5);

check any boolean condition

public void testMatchingRegularExpressions() throws Exception {

assertTrue(Pattern.matches("\\d\\d\\d", "762"));
assertFalse(Pattern.matches("\\d\\d\\d", "No 3 digits in a row"));

optional message to help

identify the failure

public void testCapturingMatchedExpressions() throws Exception {

assertEquals("group 0", "762", matcher.group(0));
assertEquals("group 1", "76", matcher.group(1));
assertEquals("group 2", "2", matcher.group(2));
public void testTryUsingGroupsBeforeInvokingMatches() throws Exception {
try {
naming convention for
fail("How did that work?!");
expected exception
catch (IllegalStateException expected) {

this line should not be reached

public void testFindItemInCollection() throws Exception {

ActionListener actionListener = new DoNothingActionListener();
List list = new ArrayList();

verify the computed result is the

same physical object as the
expected result

step 1: create some objects

assertSame(actionListener, list.get(0));

step 3: check the result

private void testThisIsNotATest() throws Exception {

fail("I generate a warning, because I'm not public");
public void testThisIsNotATestEither(String parameter) throws Exception {
fail("JUnit silently ignores me, because I take a parameter");

unexpected exceptions handled

by JUnit framework

step 2: invoke a method

public void testListCanStoreNullObjects() throws Exception {

List list = Collections.singletonList(null);

methods JUnit won't run as tests

verify the right exception is thrown


check object references are

null, or not null

invoked before each test (method)

to set up common test data

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