Course Info 2014

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Course Information: General Chemistry 101 for Engineers

Section 4: MWF 12:00 - 12:50 PM, Auditorium, 105 LRSM Building

Section 5: MWF 1:00 - 1:50 PM, Auditorium, 105 LRSM Building
You must also be registered for the corresponding recitation section: Section 4 (250, 251, 252 or
253); Section 5 (260, 261, 262 or 263).
Dr. Anthony Pietrovito
Prof Peter Davies
Department Chemistry
Dept. Materials Science & Engineering.
Chemistry Library, 5th floor (898-3570)
Room 200 LRSM (898-1013)
Web page
Canvas website: Chem101-004/005 2013C; contains all
information, problem sets, exam info etc., for both sections. Please check it regularly.
Required: Chemical Principles (7th edition); S. S. Zumdahl & D. J. DeCoste
The Student Solutions Manual (7th edition) is highly recommended.
Course Content (subject to minor variations)
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19 see Course Outline for details.
plus supplementary material covered in lecture and listed on web page.
Recitations and TA's
Recitations will meet once a week, for 50 minutes; time and place depending on the
section. Your TA should be your first resource for administrative questions and help
with the material.
Problem sets will be assigned approximately weekly, but will not be collected or graded.
Problems will be discussed in recitations, and detailed solutions to selected problems are
given in the Study Guide.
Midterm Exams
Mon. Sept. 29, 7:30-8:40pm (DRLB A1 and A8)
Wed. Oct. 29, 6:10-7:20pm (Fagin Hall Aud.; School of Nursing, 418 Curie Blvd.)
Mon. Nov. 24, 7:10-8:20pm (Fagin Hall Aud)
Final Exam
Fri. December 19, 6-8 pm (room TBA)
Grading Policies
The midterm exams are worth 100 points each, the final exam 200 points. Final grades
for the course will be based on 400 points total. We will drop your lowest 100 points
from consideration; this could either be one of the midterm exams or half of the score on
the final. To ensure that the relative weighting of each exam is consistent, all exams will
be normalized.
If you miss a midterm exam (for any reason), that exam score will be dropped. You may
not continue in the course after missing more than one midterm exam. No makeup
midterm exams will be given.
Note: if you have a valid conflict with the evening exam times (i.e. another rostered
course) we will arrange for you to take the exam earlier the same day.

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