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Technische Universitt Mnchen

Lehrstuhl fr Kommunikationsnetze
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kellerer

Master Thesis

Extended Techno-economic Analysis of Dynamic Migration to FTTH

Nowadays telecom operators are evaluating how to adapt their networks to increase the bandwidth
delivered to their users. The adaptation of their networks will depend on the actual scenario/technology as
well as on the targeted technologies and their expected costs. Any adaptation (either migration or upgrade
of existing solutions) may involve significant investments in infrastructure, and therefore CapEx and OpEx
costs are affected by the adopted network layout. A dynamic migration cost evaluation tool has been
developed which considers different FTTH models and by considering CAPEX, OPEX and Revenues, it
proposes the best stepwise migration strategy to FTTH. This migration tool can be further extended by
comparing FTTH with other end alternatives which may have benefits in less populated areas.
Furthermore, the tool should distinguish (Physical Infrastructure Provider) PIP from (Network Provider) NP
cost so that new business models could be considered. This thesis addresses the study on: Technical-economic analysis of the fixed access network migration to FTTH - More technologies and
migration steps, such as Vectoring for FTTC, Fiber-to-the-Street/Distribution Point (FTTS, FTTDp),
Fiber-to-the-Desktop, etc; - Optimization process and methodologies to find the optimal migration path to
FTTH, possibly based on an optimization tool (e.g. Cplex); - Further development of dynamic migration

Dr. Carmen Mas Machuca


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