All Questions Are Related To Your Role Model What Effective Managers Really Do?

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Effective management Interview Role model

Who is your Role model amongst all the people youve worked with? What do you admire about him?

All Questions are related to your role model

What effective managers really do?
1. How did he establish a relationship with people working under him?
2. Did do you have any conflicts with your role model? Did he try to persuade you to see his view
or did he take your views seriously?
3. Was he good at networking? Did he discuss growth and development of his subordinates with
them? Did he establish a social relationship with you and other employees?
4. Did he micromanage? If not what was his style of work?
Inner work life
5. Have there been instances where your or some other employees performance was affected by
personal reasons? What did your role model do to help you in such situations?
6. How did the role model deal with employees who are not happy with the nature of their work/
company policy etc.?
Pygmalion in Management
7. Did your role model expect you to deliver each time? Did he put in a lot of faith in you and other
employees to get the work done?
8. Have your managers/ role models affected the way you manage your subordinates?
People management
9. What are some of the people management practices that your role model adopted that you
really admire?

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