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Joy Practices VII

Read pages 121144

We are going to skip reading chapter 6 together. You
may enjoy reading it on your own.


1. Remind yourself what BEEPS are (refer to pages 44-47) What is Eds main point
concerning BEEPS (bottom of page 124 and top of page 125)?
2. The signs of a joyful Immanuel lifestyle include: (page 131)
a. an increasingly secure bond with God
b. an increasing capacity to remain connected with God in difficulty
c. an increasingly secure bond with others
d. an increasing desire to isolate and hide our struggles



3. Describe a time your attitude, outlook or mood changed after you saw things
differently, more like God saw the situation. (to a friend in person, in an emailand/
or post on facebook group!)
4. Share your thoughts about the following quote, spiritual maturity is a growing,
interactive relationship with God in which we are increasingly aware of His presence so
that our identity, relationships and emotions increasingly reflect the character of Christ.
Bonus points:

Ask God to reveal one person from your team to intentionally encourage all week.
Pray Isaiah 41:10 for everyone who is in authority over you, including our President.
Get up 15 minutes early and spend that time in prayer for someone you know struggles with addictions
Post on facebook about any joy starting you know the consequences of joy starting...
smiles, lifted spirits, reduced tensionmore joy...

God wants us to embrace weakness. God is ok with that. This is our design.
We are weak but God is strong.
Shalom comes from a sense of Gods presence.

Jesus is always glad to be with me.

He enjoys my joy giving and my joy receiving.

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