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Post- Test Reflection Essay: What Did I Learn

Taesha M Wilcox
Georgia State University


During this semester, this course has allotted the chance to understand cultures other than
the ones that are most related to African Americans. It has been an eye opener to become
knowledgeable about diverse groups, not just by reading out of the textbooks, but by also
venturing out into the communities and getting an in-depth understanding from personal
experiences. Our task is to realize that people carry their histories with them and are cautious of
how they relate to other (Lum, 2011, pg, 497). Therefore becoming culturally diverse is not just
about learning about other groups. It also consists of learning about what makes a person who
they are, so that they can better understand the varying mechanisms that go along with helping
others. In order to understand why a client holds so much value to their culture, a Social Worker
must first have a personal evaluation of their own. It has been a good journey discovering the
hidden memories and unknown linkage between the past and present because it has allowed time
for the student's strengths and weaknesses to be shown. This process has also given a chance for
understanding why one chooses to endeavor upon this journey as a Social Worker.
Pre/ Post- Test Scores
The scores that presented themselves in the pre-test were not favorable. The Self
Assessment pre-test reared scores on the not very likely end of a 76, and the Cultural
Competencies with Culturally Diverse Groups reared scores of a 179; that also leaned towards
the not very likely end. Through the knowledge gained during this semester the post-test
provided scores that were more favorable, and exhibited the significant amount of learning
achieved this semester. For the Self Assessment, the score achieved was a 113; which was a
significant bump to the likely end of knowing the information. The Cultural Competencies with
Culturally Diverse Groups reared a likely score of 237. The Post- test scores gave a sense of
achievement, because it helped fill that unknowledgeable void that was there at the beginning of
the semester. Culturally competent practice is emerging as an integral part of social work
practice and education (Lum, 2011, pg. 487). Therefore, it was a pleasure being able to gain
culturally competent knowledge, and show that by having higher scores on the post-test.
How My Perceptions about Cultural Self-Awareness Has Changed
Going into the course, there was this notion that you know everything there is to know
about yourself. But after there is time to reflect on those core values, cultural influences that once
did not mean anything, and the intuitions that make us choose what is right and wrong. One
realizes that those influences are the root of their existence today. In the beginning, there was not
a want to learn more or to think deeper, because we are sometimes afraid of what will prevail
itself. The take back from becoming more culturally awareness is that in order to serve clients a
social worker must understand the culture that holds true to them. A Social Worker must become
culturally knowledgeable about the environment that surrounds them; therefore, when the
opportunity comes to help the client the knowledge and skills are there.
How My Perceptions about Diverse Group Has Changed
Being as though at the beginning of the semester there was hardly any knowledge about
diverse groups, the perceptions have changed tremendously. Because of the personal interviews
done and the presentations about these groups, there has been in a sense some clarity given to


these groups and their cultures that previously did not exist. Going into the course, there was an
assumption that only African American was the individuals significantly attacked by oppression,
discrimination, etc. That is not at all the case because all the diverse groups discussed in this
course face some form of oppression. Not having the knowledge that in California half of the
older adults aged 65 and above, living alone lacked the income to pay for basic need (Lum,
2011, pg. 471). It gives an incentive to want to help the cause, because as Social Worker it is our
duty to understand the different mechanisms of oppression and fight for a change.
How Will I Use What I Learned?
The goal is to take the knowledge learned this semester and incorporate the skills in all
aspects of the professional career. The useful tools such as knowing the NASW code of ethics
will help on a daily basis with understanding where the boundaries are and how to stay
constantly in tuned to where your competencies are as a Social Worker. The most useful tool that
a future Social Work practitioner can take from this course is understanding intersectionality and
how that will play a role when dealing with diverse clients. Social Worker must understand how
this structural pattern affects individual consciousness, group interactions, and group access to
institutional power and privileges (Lum, 2011, pg. 152). Knowledge gained throughout this
course has shown that better to serve the client the Social Worker must know how to obtain
resources. Therefore Social Workers need adequately coherent and accessible conceptual
models with which they can plan, conduct, and evaluate their practice (Cameron, M., &
Keenan, E, 2010, pg 64). Going forward the hope is to use these concepts and models and tools
to push forward the movement of social justice.
Although there was a rough start at the beginning of the course, this semester has proven
to be the most knowledge. The thanks go to the professor and the classmates for allowing open
and honest communication throughout the semester. So that students from different backgrounds
can get a personal understanding of different cultures. This class has so many diverse ethnicities,
and it provides students the opportunity to communicate with cultures other than their own. In
these short months, the inspiration to want to know and do more is embedded into this future
Social Worker. If every course continues on this path, then the students will be a guaranteed
success as a Social Worker.


Cameron, M., & Keenan, E. (2010). The common factors model: implications for transtheoretical
clinical social work practice. Social Work, 55(1), 63-73. doi:10.1093/sw/55.1.63
Lum, D. (2011). Culturally Competent Practice: A framework for understanding diverse groups
and justice issues. (4th Ed) Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN: 978-08400-3443-4.

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