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Course: World Literature

Minutes: 95
New Vocabulary:
Rising Action
Falling Action
Reflection about and
or teaching to:
Learning Styles
___AR ___CR
___AS ___CS
__x_ Visual
__x_ Auditory
___ Kinesthetic
__x_ Gender
__x_ Multicultural
__x_ Disengaged
__x_ Special Needs
__x_ Verbal/Linguist
___ Logical/Math
___ Naturalist
__x_ Intrapersonal
___ Interpersonal
__x_ Musical
___ Kinesthetic
__x_ Inquiry
__x_ Direct Instruct
___ Coop Learning
___Laboratory work
Technology Utilized
SmartBoard, Prezi,
YouTube, Microsoft

Topic: Elements of Plot

Teacher: Melinda Smith

Instructional Goal/Rationale/Essential Questions

My hope is that this lesson will give students a better understanding of the different
elements of plot, and be able to apply them to several different texts. Students will learn
to identify each element of plot in any given story. They will become familiar with the
elements through examples, which will allow them to eventually apply it to Cyrano de
Bergerac. Having an understanding of plot will allow them to structure narrative writing,
and will help them to read narratives.
Learning Target:
I will demonstrate my understanding of the different elements of plot by accurately
identifying those elements in a short film.
Students will understand the definition of each element of plot.
Students will be able to apply the elements of plot to short films and to Cyrano de
Students will become more prepared to create plot lines in their own narrative
Students will understand how the details of each plot element can impact the
overall meaning or effect of the story on the audience.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of each plot element by accurately
filling in each blank on the plot graphic organizer.
Standards and District Goals:
CAS 2.1.c: Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic
mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment
CAS 2.1.f: Analyze how literary components affect meaning
CAS 1.a.i: Usenarrativetechniques,suchasdialogue,pacing,description,reflection,and
Resources/Preparation/Material Needed:
Copy of Cyrano de Bergerac play (characters on board), SmartBoard (Microsoft Word
for cornell notes), Plot Prezi online, YouTube for short films, Graphic organizers for
short films, graphic organizer teacher key, student laptops for accessing play



Introduction/Set/Focus/Attention Getter/Pre-assessment:
-Put character names on the board and have students sign up for their character
of choice as they come in. Extra credit levels: 5, 4, and 3 points depending on
the size of the part. Have them write the name of their character (s)
somewhere they wont forget it.

Instructional Input/Body of Lesson

Teacher Actions



Students will quietly

huddle in the corner of
the room.


-Start Character List in notebooks (two column,

like Cornell, adding Cyrano and Roxanne. Model
Cornell Note style on the SmartBoard. Give
students a few minutes to write some notes about
those characters. Hand back viewing notes as
students write.

Students will begin

writing character lists in
their notebooks that they
will refer to later.

-Move desks into a circle. Tell students directions

for accessing the play on their laptops. Begin
reading the play as a class. Read the play for 20
minutes. (Read only first act)

Students will follow

along with the reading of
the play, reading their
lines aloud whenever
they see their characters
name appear.

Discussion Questions and Directions After Play:

-Take a few minutes to write a short summary of
Act 1 in your notes. Share out.
-What is your first reaction to the play? Do you like
it so far? Is it easy/hard to understand?
-What is different about Cyrano in this version
based on the comments of his friends?
-Do you see any parallels to the movie in terms of
plot or events?

Students will quickly

write a summary of Act
1. They will answer
discussion questions,
responding to their
classmates comments.



-Transition: We said characterization was an

important part of understanding the texts were
reading, and another important concept to
understand is plot.

- Share Elements of Plot Prezi. Tell students to

take notes about the five elements of plotlabel
notes PLOT
-Explain definition of plot
-Define all six elements of plotstudents take notes
on each element
-Give example of plot using Titanic
-Conclude lecture by re-defining plot

Students will listen as I

describe the five
elements of plot, writing
down the definition for
each element in their

Guided Practice/Application:

-I pass out graphic organizers for plot that go along with videos. We watch
Lifted together and I model what they do by calling out my answers to each
section. They write them down as I call them out.
-Fist-to-five formative assessment: I will ask students to give me a 0-5 on their
fingers, 5 being I completely understand each element of plot, and I could give
you an example of each one, and 0 being I dont understand the difference
between each element of plot, and Im completely lost.


-Tell them were going to do it again, but this time they fill it out on their own.
We watch Partly Cloudy, and they fill out their organizers. We share out about
what they wrote for each section.

EXIT TICKET: Which elements of plot have we seen so far in Cyrano (how
far have we gotten)? What do those elements look like in the play? Please
describe the details of each element that weve seen so far.
Independent Practice/Homework/Lesson Extension:

How are Objective/Standards Assessed in this lesson?

I will assess students understanding of plot by their ability to fill out the second graphic
organizer independently, and by checking their exit tickets to see if they were able to
apply the elements of plot to Cyrano de Bergerac. I will be able to understand students
critical thinking abilities by listening to their responses to discussion after reading the
play. I will also assess student understanding using the fist-to-five method. Their
responses will tell me how comfortable theyre feeling with the different elements of
Students have to opportunity to access plot elements through written text and through a
IF EXTRA TIME: Have students write a paragraph about what plot elements weve
seen so far in Cyrano (instead of exit ticket)Explain what ones weve seen, what the
definition of each one is, and how we see it in Cyrano. OR watch first scene on PBS.

I was encouraged by the amount of engagement that I saw happening during this lesson.
Students were familiar with the short films, which made learning relevant for them. I
didnt get to nearly everything on this lesson plan; I had to adjust my plans to fit the
amount of time we had remaining. However, I believe students achieved the goals that I
had for them. My formative assessments showed me that the majority of students
understand the five elements of plot. I saw students making important connections
throughout the lesson, and although the lesson didnt go entirely as planned, I was
encouraged by the learning outcomes.

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