Learning Styles and Accommodations

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Learning Styles and Accommodations

Johnny Tilton
Kennesaw State University


My Learning Style
The result from my online assessment classifies my learning style as Interpersonal (88%)
and Intrapersonal (81%). While answering the questions to the assessment, I had already begun
to get a feel for what the results may be. I found myself answering the questions with somewhat
of a bias and had to re-do them after clearing my head. The first time through was tougher to
determine to what level to answer some of the questions. I took the assessment twice with the
same basic results. There was only a slight difference in the percentages from the first try to the
second. Due to the relatively high percentage for both types of learning styles, I felt as though
they should both be included.
The first of my two learning styles is interpersonal. Interpersonal has to do with social
interaction and understanding other people. This style seems to be one that all teachers should
have, on some level. I learn from the way my students react to lessons as to how I will structure
the class in the future. Although I am not learning content, I am getting valuable pedagogical
strategies by listening to my students. I see this in my teaching style as well. The interpersonal
learner is one that does well in larger group projects where they are allowed to use their social
abilities to understand the different parts of the project. The will also do well in discussions.
Discussions give the interpersonal learner the ability to give and receive feedback as well as hear
others ideas about the topic. Knowing this about me will prove valuable in the future.
The second learning style that I was associated with is intrapersonal. Intrapersonal may
appear to be the opposite of interpersonal, but I see it as a completely different learning style that
can prove to be a valuable contrast to the other. Intrapersonal is defined as being connected with
who you are and how you feel (edutopia.com, 2009). By taking a look inward, the intrapersonal
learner can self-reflect on their learning. This allows for them to function in many different


settings. No matter how a lesson is structured, an intrapersonal learner will self-check and
decide whether they need to seek out additional instruction either from the instructor or on their
Combining these two strategies can allow for a solid learning environment. The two
strategies work together to develop higher order thinking. The interpersonal/intrapersonal learner
enjoys the group setting to gain content knowledge and hear others ideas, and packages that
with the ability to reflect and study on their own. This technique allows for the learner to adjust
their studying to the topics that they need to improve on. I must say, that I feel as though the
assessment is accurate to what I feel is my true learning style.
Strategies to Accommodate Different Learning Styles
Knowing a little bit more about the different learning styles that students have, I feel as
though developing strategies to accommodate them is important. By doing this, students from
different learning backgrounds can now have a better chance at being successful. Although it
will be difficult to accommodate for every style, every time, it is important to evaluate and adjust
for these differing learning styles.
One strategy that I have used, and will continue to use, is giving assignments in which the
students can choose their own strategy for completion. Doing this allows students the freedom to
choose their own assessment strategy and gives them the ownership feel that many students
thrive upon. The assignment has a broad topic theme with certain requirements that are set forth
in the rubric. Students are then given free rein to choose how that they would like to complete
the assignment and be assessed. Assignment strategies that students have used in the past vary
from doing a simple paper to creating a music video, This type of assignment generally takes on


a project feel. My subject, United States History, does not allow for much time to be spent
creating depth, so I have found that this type of assignment can help in that regard.
I feel that creating a variety a variety of assignments that allows for differing learning
strategies is important. Having the students take the learning strategy assessment early in the
semester could give a teacher a really good idea of the core strategies to use in a particular class.
Doing so could have valuable results in regards to learning styles.


Works Cited
"Learning Styles Quiz Results: Digging Deeper." Edutopia. Edutopia Staff, 26 Mar. 2009. Web. 09 Feb.

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