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Running Header: GAPSS PART A

Professional Learning Current Reality and GAPSS Review

Johnny Tilton
PL & Technology Innovation (ITEC 7460)
Kennesaw State University
Fall 2014



In reviewing the School Strategic Plan for Allatoona High School, I was able to clarify the vision
for my school as it relates to technology as well as the overall performance for the student body
and the community. Titled Excellence in Everything (School Strategic Plan - Allatoona High
School, 2014), the vision set forth a goal that could not be mistaken. The mission of equipping
our students to live in as honorable and productive citizens who are competitive and successful
in a global society (School Strategic Plan - Allatoona High School, 2014), gave the vision the
direction of not being a goal for the school in a sense but a goal for the students and society.
The schools core values reflect a school that is truly focused on student achievement. Core
beliefs one and three reflect this idea and commitments. Belief one states that successful
schools are a foundation of community stability, growth, and prosperity. Belief three adds that
the school faculty should believe in a constant and purposeful focus on what is best for
students. (School Strategic Plan - Allatoona High School, 2014)
Long range goals and key strategies for Allatoona also focus on the students. Long range goals
of varying learning experiences to increase student success and differentiating resources for
students based on need; shows Allatoona understands that they must always look for new ways
to engage students to promote higher level learning. One key strategy that caught my idea was
that teachers should strive to create flexible and innovative opportunities for students. (School
Strategic Plan - Allatoona High School, 2014)This strategy is further proof that Allatoona is not
only willing but actively seeking for new and exciting ways to engage our students and help
them be successful not only in our classrooms but when they leave Allatoona.


This mission can only be accomplished through the desire of everyone involved to truly prepare
students for a global society. In order to accomplish the goals set forth in the School Strategic
Plan for Allatoona High School, I believe that technology will play an important role.
In interviewing Allatoona High School Principal Scott Bursmith, I was able to ask what role
technology played in the vision for student success at our school. Principal Bursmith said that he
believed that Allatoona should strive to be on the cutting edge (Bursmith, 2104)as it relates to
technology in the classroom. He said that technology could and should allow for teachers to
work smarter, not harder (Bursmith, 2104). He also mentioned that students needs would
always guide the schools vision and that technology should play an important role.
Mr. Burmsith mentioned that technology would always be a part of professional learning at
Allatoona. Professional learning needs at Allatoona are generally designed based on teacher
needs and feedback. Principal Bursmith mentioned that professional learning can often be seen
as a waste of teacher time. (Bursmith, 2104) He says that it his and the schools goal to make
sure that professional learning be focused on teachers needs and efficient in delivery.
(Bursmith, 2104) Making teachers more efficient and better in the classroom is always a school
goal. With this in mind, training on the available tools is important. Mr. Bursmith said that he is
happy to design professional learning around what his teachers and students need. This is evident
in the training that has taken place over the last year. BlackBoard, Smartboard, and online
technology resources have all been the topics of training sessions provided to teachers at
Allatoona. By using the talent in the building, Mr. Bursmith has been able to keep professional
learning costs at a minimum. He feels that not only is this more efficient but by having staff do


the training, there is always someone to contact with questions concerning the lessons. He
believes that this also allows for easy follow-up.
Subject specific PLCs provide collaboration in which teachers can share ideas as well as
compare data that can be used to improve classroom instruction. By doing this, Mr. Bursmith
believes that teachers can find practices used by fellow teachers that can benefit them. These can
be backed up by the use of data as evidence of success. As far as incentives, Mr. Bursmith feels
that the teachers that he has hired at Allatoona are hired for a reason. The main reason is student
improvement and with that comes an internal motivation to learn in order to become better. He
feels that this is sufficient motivation for teachers to participate in professional learning.
Principal Bursmith believes that the evaluation of learning can be done in several ways. First of
all, during administrator walk-throughs teacher use of technology and professional learning is
notated. Teachers are expected to use both of these to challenge students by using innovative
strategies in the classroom. Secondly, Mr. Bursmith says that administrators constantly talk to
students about what they are experiencing in the classrooms. He says that while this may not be
and end-all, it can be accurate when you look at the overall feel of what students are saying.
He believes that this is a very reliable tool in assessing classroom experience. Finally, test scores
are considered. Mr. Bursmith says that he doesnt get wrapped up in a single years results. He
likes to look at the overall picture as well as trends.



Bursmith, S. J. (2104, September). Principal. (J. Tilton, Interviewer)

(2014). School Strategic Plan - Allatoona High School.

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