Vinzonz-Chato Vs Comelec Case Digest

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Vinzons-Chato v.

it avoids duplicity of proceedings and a clashof jurisdiction between constitutional bodies with
dueregard to the peoples mandate.
-Special civil action for
shall prosper if thefollowing requisites concur:
Tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial orquasi-judicial functions has acted without or
inexcess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of jurisdiction amounting to lack of jurisdiction
There is no appeal or any plain, speedy andadequate remedy in the ordinary course of law
toannul or modify the proceeding.-In this case, COMELEC did not commit rave abuse
of discretion when it issued a resolution holding that ithad lost jurisdiction upon Unicos
proclamation. Itdemonstrated fealty to the constitutional fiatregarding HRET.
Unico has already been proclaimed and takenhis oath of office as a Member of the HOR,
hence,Comelec ruled that it had already lost jurisdiction overpetitioner Chatos election protest
against Unicoregarding canvassing of returns and alleged invalidityof Unicos proclamation. He
then filed a special civilaction for
in the SC.
Issue: WON the court should take cognizance of Chatos election protest. If not, to who is this
issuebest addressed to? WON his civil action for
will prosper.
Held: The court should not take cognizance of Chatoselection protest for it would amount to
usurpation of the constitutionally mandated functions of the HRET.Civil action for
will not prosper.Ratio: - In an electoral contest where the validity of theproclamation of a
winning candidate who has taken hisoath of office and assumed his post as Congressman
israised, that issue is best addressed to the HRET.

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