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Molecular Biology of the Cell

Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al.

Elegant macromolecule, polynucleotide chain

Double helical, complementary,
5-3 polarity, antiparallel
Transmission of genetic information
Accuracy of genetic information in offsprings

What happens to
DNA during cell

Remember DNA packaging

Human genome
46 chromosomes
(24 types)
3200 mb
DNA synthesis
occurs in every
chromosome (every
DNA molecule)
All DNA molecules
replicate at once
Speed, accuracy
and completeness

Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition.

Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al.

Biochemistry of DNA synthesis

Unwinding of DNA helix

Template strand
Primer strand

DNA Replication is

Lehninger et al page 950

Both strands act as a

Template is an original
DNA strand on which new
strand synthesized

DNA replication begins at ORIGIN and proceeds

BIDIRECTIONALLY with the help of replication FORK
Lehninger et al page 951


DNA synthesis is
(5 3) in a
template and semidiscontinuous

Reiji Okazaki and

colleagues in the 1960s
found that, in lagging
strand, DNA strands is
synthesized in short pieces
called Okazaki fragments.

Replication needs template and primer

DNA is synthesized by extending 3 end of primer
DNA polymerase is responsible for polymerizing nucleotides

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