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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Four Food Groups

Tamika Ellis
Toddler & Preschool

Common Core Standards:

Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards
Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Strand: Physical Well-Being
Topic: Nutrition
Standard: Distinguishing nutritious choice verses non- nutritious
Lesson Summary:
This lesson is to teach the children about the five food groups. This is to help them be able to sort foods by
nutritious choice verses occasional choices. The children will be able to make determination where the food fit
between the food groups. If healthy or unhealthy food.
Estimated Duration:
This lesson will be broken up into one week (5 days). Each day we will focus on a different food group. Each
area of the classroom will have the theme we are working on. The food groups will be as followed; dairy,
grains, meats, fruits, and vegetables. Every day during circle time which is 20- 30 minute we will have
activities and discussion about the theme of the day. This plan will take place in all the areas of the classroom
in different ways. So total time will be all day learning through play as well as structured activities.
In this plan the teacher will talk about the foods and how they help our bodies grow. The teacher can use a
KWL chart. Or even use this web game: .com A challenge as a teacher
doing this plan might face is children with food allergies.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1: In first 10 minutes will introduce the four food groups. I will then provide the children with the KWL
chart listing the things we know about the four food groups; what they want to know and what they want to
learn. Then will start off with dairy. In day one the children will learn what foods belong in the food group of
dairy. I will talk about what food Items like milk, cheese, and, yogurt. How even ice cream is a dairy that will
help our bodies grow. This will take around 20 minutes Then will have in Language and Literacy Area will
have books on healthy eating. Book like Gregory the Terrible Eater. The very Hungry Caterpillar, and Lunch

by Denise Flemmings. During lunch on our dividing plate we will place all our dairy items. During math they
can count the dairy items we brought for lunch that day. In dramatic play area will be ice cream parlor stuff for
the children to pretend with.
Day 2: In the first 10 minutes talk about what the children know, want to know and, want to learn about
Grains. In the next 20 minutes read a story a called If You Give A Pig an Pancake, by Laura Numeroff..
Then after reading the story. I will have center set up for children. In Art I will have different size shapes and
color noodles, rice and paper as well as string. This is area that they children will be able to create what they
want with the supplies. In the sensory table I will have small food items the children can pick up with
tweezers. In Dramatic play area will have the bakery items set out. In Science area will have pancake activity.
The children will have pancake and a scale that they can weigh the amount of pancake/ noodles.
Day 3 first do the KWL chart on Meats/proteins. Then will read a book called Eating Right with my plate
Protein group. By: Megan Borgert-spaniol. Then for the next 10 minutes we will sing the song Peanut Butter
and Jelly. Then will set up different center in the classroom for children. In the dramatic play area the children
will have restaurants. They can also use Legos to build restaurants. I will have a bean bag toss. On the bean
bags the children will have different food items. The goal will to be make at least 3 meats in the basket.
Day 4 Theme of day will be Fruits. During circle time the children will play the fruit basket game. Are they
fruits or not. The book that will be read is Lunch. By Denise Flemmings. The children will have computer time
and be allowed to explore (10 minutes each). The other can use nutrition
stampers in the Art area. For gross motor activity the children will roll the dice and they only can move to next
square on the rug if land on a fruit.
Day 5: Theme of day is Vegetables. Language and Literacy will be the book The Vegetable Alphabet Book by
Jerry Pallotta. Dramatic Play will have the gardening supplies so that they can pretend they are planting
vegetables. In the Cognitive Area they will have a puzzles. In the math center there will be fruit and veggie
counter. In the Art Area the children will have pictures of different foods they can use to make food collage.
Pre-Assessment: The way that I will pre-assess the knowledge they know about my lesson is through group
discussion that will happen daily at group time. Using the kwl chart will tell me where I need to go with the
lesson plan.
Scoring Guidelines:
In this age group there is no scoring there is no right and wrong answers when you use a K.W.L. chart
it tell you what they know, want to know and want to learn about the topic.
Post-Assessment: To post assess my student I will provide them with a plate divided in to each different food
group, and ask them to glue the foods in the appropriate area.
Scoring Guidelines:
I will not grade them they are too young to be graded. Although I will still mark the food group if in
wrong area and label the food group it belongs in.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or
accelerated students: The children will assist the other friends on where the food belongs in the five food

groups. They can also read books and create books@
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: Use picture and labeling. Look on PBS kids to find games and shows that might help them learn
the five food groups and how they help us grow.

Extension This site provided lots of games that will help the children to understand
the different food groups. They will be able to pick the games of their choice to collect foods and to sort them
into groups. This pinterest site gives a worksheet that the children
can use to sort foods.
Homework Options and Home Connections
The children will help the family with meals. During this the parent will ask the child what food group the
items they are eating goes in. I will have the children cut out different food from each food group and bring it
to class to use for creating the food collage. The family will be encouraged to help the child to make a healthy
lunch using some foods from all the five food groups.

Interdisciplinary Connections
Counting Foods. Have the children count the different food and sort them into the food group that it belongs.
This will work for math. Have counters, baskets, tweezers and fruits in the sensory table.
In the Art area will have different food items the children can use to create a collage.
Materials and Resources:
For teachers

Books about Five Food Group. Variety of noodles, glue, string, paper plates, makers,
paint, stampers, KWL chart, food chart items, tweezers, fruit counters, two laptops or
class computers, 4 scales, pancakes/bread slices. Four small fruit baskets. Food items
for the dramatic play area. Worksheets for the plate activates, construction paper.

For students

Laptops/ computers, Scales.

Key Vocabulary
Nutrition, Fruits, Grains, Proteins, Dairy, and Vegetables

Additional Notes

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