Biology Protein Structure

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The linear sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule. The first protein to have
its sequence of amino acids determined was the hormone insulin.

Alpha Helix
Beta pleated sheets
o Peptide chain becomes folded or twisted forming a helix or pleated
sheet. The structure is maintained by hydrogen bonding.

Bending and twisting of the polypeptide helix into a compact structure.

Structure is maintained by ionic, disulphide and hydrogen bonding. Myoglobin,
a protein found in muscles, has the tertiary structure. Enzymes, antibodies
and many hormones have this structure as well.

Different polypeptide chains combine with associated non-protein groups

forming a large complex protein molecule. Haemoglobin, an oxygen-binding
protein, has a quaternary structure.

There are two types of amino acids :
Essential amino acids
Non essential amino acids
Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be
synthesized by the body. Example : Leucine.
Non essential amino acids are amino acids that can
be synthesized by the body. There are 11- non
essestial amino acids. Example : Alanine.

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