The Very Hugry Caterpillar

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Lesson Plan for the teaching of reading in a second/foreign language

KG1 , FS1

Grade Level

Lesson Focus

Healthy and not healthy food , lifecycle of butterfly

The students will be able to :
Identify the good and bad food.
Know that caterpillar became a butterfly at the end.
Play and remember the things that they saw in the story of bad and good food ,
caterpillar and butterfly by drawing them , doing them by the clay .


Target language

Some vocabulary like : healthy food , not healthy food , good , bad ,
caterpillar , butterfly and counting.
The story book , the clay, the papers and crayons. ( all of the materials is from my
MST ).


Lesson Procedure


Teacher activity
(T will )

Student activity
(Ss will )

Let the students setting on the carpet

properly and make sure that they all
setting will and comfortable. Maybe i
will try my MST strategy of making
them quiet and listening if they listen at
the first time about every body do this.
Tell them that i will read a story for
them and discuss the cover page.
Make sure that they all paying
attention and participate.

Go to the carpet, set properly and discus the

cover page with the teacher. Paying attention.
They me play with me ( everybody do this ) if
they was noisy and not quiet to be quiet.

Fodhna Hyland ADWC



Describe the pictures. Let them point

on the things they are seeing and
counting. Ask them some questions.
For example : Is it healthy or not
healthy ? Is it good or bad? What do
you think will happen next ? Is it still
hungry or not ? What colours can you
see? .... Etc

Pointing at the pictures ,counting , answering

the questions and predict what will happen
next. Listening carefully and see if their
predictions were right or wrong.

Ask them if they like the story.

They will say if they like it or not.
Tell them that we are going to do some
activities and play. Describe the
They will go to the activities area and try to do
activities :
the activities. They will draw some pictures or
do some of the characters by the clay.
1- Draw the things that you have seen
in the story like caterpillar, butterfly ,
healthy food and not healthy food.
2- Make them by the clay.

Fatima Mohammed Hassan


Fodhna Hyland ADWC

Fodhna Hyland ADWC

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