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Your Name: Angelique Ketis

Name of Lesson: M&M lab

URL of Lesson Plan:
3 Florida Standards Addressed:
1) MA.3.S.7.1- Construct and analyze frequency tables, bar graphs,
pictographs, and line plots from data, including data collected through
observations, surveys, and experiments.
2) MAFS.1.MD.3.4-Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three
categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data
points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one
category than in another.
3) MAFS.2.MD.4.10-Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with singleunit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple
put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information
presented in a bar graph.

A= Analyze your Learners

As best you can tell, describe the learners for whom this lesson is intended.
What else do you think you would need to know about them?
The learners for whom this lesson is intended may be in either first or second
grade. Previous to this lesson they can count, sort, and compare data. Students
can identify colors, students can work with others in small cooperative learning
groups, and they possess basic computer skills. Students are able to estimate
and can properly understand the difference between estimation counts, and
exact numbers. The class holds a variety of cultures, and is extremely diverse.
There are a few English language learners and there is many kinesthetic and
visual accommodations made for these students in this lesson.

S = State your Objectives

Carefully review the lesson plan. Identify the objectives. If the lesson plan has
learning objectives that do NOT meet the ABCD criteria, rewrite them. You
should have at least 3 learning objectives that meet the ABCD formula.
Remember, think Action Verbs!
A=Audience; B=Behavior; C=Condition and D=Degree.
1. Students will collect and explore data through counting, measuring, and
conducting surveys.
2. Students will be able to organize data using concrete objects, pictures,
tallies, tables, charts, diagrams, and graphs.
3. After completing the lesson, students will present data using a variety of
appropriate representations and explain the meaning of data.


S = Select Media and Materials

In this section, make a list of what materials are needed for this lesson plan. If
they don't specify any technology, think of how you might do that! Try to think of
two different things you or your students could do with technology. Maybe you
can find a good multimedia site to use in this lesson? How about using word
processing instead of writing? You might be able to use a spreadsheet or
-Small bags of M & Ms, one per student and one for the teacher
-Student copies of the M & M Lab
-Overhead copy of the M & M Lab
-Overhead pens (same colors as the M & Ms)
-Markers or crayons (same colors as the M & Ms)
-Ruler for each student
The technology aspect of this lesson is the overhead projector. I would also
include the use of Excel or software programs like the Graph Club.
U = Utilize Media and Materials
How are the materials used?
The overhead projector is utilized by showing the charts, graphs, and candy
assortments for the class. I would include more technology by beginning the
lesson with asking the class for predictions and recording them on an excel
spreadsheet or a software program similar to the Graph Club. At the end of the
lesson, have the students record their accurate results in individual computer
settings on either Excel or the software program used at the beginning of the
lesson demonstrated by the teacher.
R = Require Learner Participation
Explain what the students are doing. How will they use technology in this lesson?
The students will be tallying the different colors of M&Ms in a bag on a chart.
They will then convert this chart into numerous different types of graphs showing
that they comprehend how to display data in different ways.
The students will use this technology by utilizing the spreadsheets and/or
actually recording their results individually on Excel or a similar software

E = Evaluate and Revise

How do you assess student learning?
Assessment of student learning will be visible throughout the lesson. Teachers
will observe that students can identify components of a graph correctly. Also
observed is that students are using higher levels of thinking while making
comparisons and decisions. By utilizing a rubric, the teacher can determine
mastery of the overall lesson and what the student was able to comprehend from
the comparison between M&Ms and math.
Each time you use a lesson with your students, it's an excellent idea to write
yourself notes, so that you can revise the lesson if needed. For this assignment
because you haven't actually taught the lesson, you do not need to add anything
about revision.

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