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Marcelo P. Isassi Pez A01194128

Fernando Garcia Arellano A01194533
Mariana de la Garza Metzger A01194424
Regina Alvarez Ulloa A01194174

Cancer is the term used for a disease with abnormal cells that divide
without control and invade other tissues. Cancer is not just one type of
disease, but there are many of them. There are found more than 100
types of cancers. Which they get their names from the cell the cancer
Cancer groups:
Carcinoma: begins in skin or tissues that line or cover internal organs.
Sarcoma: begins in bone, cartilage, fat, blood vessels or other tissues.
Leukemia: begins in blood-forming tissue and causes large numbers of abnormal blood
Lymphoma and myeloma: begins in cells of the immune system.
Central nervous system cancers: begins in tissues of the brain and the spinal cord.

Alcohol is classified as a depressant, slowing vital functions down, and reducing
ones ability for rational thinking. It does not contain nutrients. It is used in many
societies for its mood changing properties, however an overdose can cause
severe depressive effects, including, but not limited to: toxicity,
unconsciousness, and the inability to feel pain.
Although there are many types of alcohol, ethyl is the only one used in
beverages. It is obtained through fermentation and most drinks have a 2%-20%
alcohol content.
It acts as an anaesthetic, circulating the bloodstream and affecting first the
frontal lobe of the brain causing euphoria. It then slows down the central
nervous system. The liver breaks down the alcohol.

How does alcohol causes cancer?

This are different theories how alcohol can cause cancer.
-Acetaldehyde: This is a substance that when you drink, your body converts
into it. Acetaldehyde can damage your DNA, stopping your cells from
repairing the damage and causing cancer.
-Oestrogen and hormones: When you have high levels of oestrogen, which
alcohol causes, this exposes you to greater risk of cancer breast.
-Liver cirrhosis: Cirrhosis in the liver is the result of too much drinking,
which makes you more exposed to cancer.
-Folate: People who drink have very low levels of folate, a fundamental
vitamin that helps your cells produce new DNA.

Types of cancer alcohol causes


Mouth Cancer
Pharyngeal Cancer (upper throat)
Oesophageal Cancer (food pipe)
Laryngeal Cancer (voice box)
Breast Cancer
Bowel Cancer (small and large intestine)
Liver Cancer

Alcohol and Cancer. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2014, from
Cancer: Anonymous. (March 7, 2014). What is Cancer?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed October 22, 2014].
Cancer Research UK (2014). Alcohol and Cancer. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed
Oct. 22, 2014.].
What is Alcohol? (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2014, from
What Is Alcohol? Is Alcohol a Drug? Alcohol Content - Drug-Free World. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22,
2014, from

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