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Lesson Template A

Teacher Associate

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 7/P.E.

Unit: Indoor Baseball

Lesson Duration: 42 mins


General Learning Outcomes:
Cooperation - Interact positively with others.
Activity - Acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance,
games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics
and outdoor pursuits.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
A72 Demonstrate locomotor skills by using elements of body and space awareness, effort and relationships to
improve personal performance
A75 Demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with varying speeds and accuracy in skills specific to an
C73 demonstrate etiquette and fair play
C75 select and apply practices that contribute to teamwork
C76 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others.

Students will:
1. Demonstrate (B) effective teamwork (P) playing Indoor Baseball (C) (psychomotor).
2. Apply (B) the correct rules (P) for Indoor Baseball (C) (cognitive and psychomotor).
Key Questions:
- Students playing Indoor Baseball
- Are the students following the rules?
- What are the rules for Indoor Baseball?
Written/Performance Assessments:
- Indoor baseball
Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Physical Education.
* Wiffle ball and bat
* Hula-hoops x3
* Scoreboard controls
* T-ball stand
* Voices and Visions glossary
Introduction (5 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber:
- I will meet with the kids in the band room, prior to going into the gym
- Q: Before we go into the gym, who has completed their vocabulary sheets from Social studies?
o Before kids move or answer, I will explain
If you are not completed your vocabulary sheet, you will stay in the band room and
complete the vocabulary sheet as it is important that you have it.
I need the people who have completed their vocabulary to go against this wall,
while those who have not go to the other wall.
- Once the kids have created lines, I will distribute the glossary to the students who will need to get
their vocabulary sheets.
o Keith or I will escort these students to get their vocabulary sheets.
- These students will work on the stage where lunch is held.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
- Q: When do you need to have the vocabulary sheets completed by?

Lesson Template A

Teacher Associate

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:

- As students work through their vocab, I expect them to stay on task and complete their work
- For the others, I expect them to try their best.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
- Meet in band room
o Talk about vocabulary
- Move to gym
- Talk about rules and expectations of Indoor baseball
- Play Indoor Baseball
- Clean up
Transition to Body:
To get students attention in the gym, I will clap and count down from five.
Students, gather around as we are about to talk about what we will be playing today.
Body (35 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Indoor Baseball
- As the students gather around I will explain what we are doing
- Indoor baseball
o Class vs. class
If not, then 1s vs. 2s
If 1s vs. 2s, boys will line up on one line and girls line up on another
I will go up to each student and, while using my fingers, I will give the
students numbers, using my fingers to visualize what number they are.
o Once given a number, they should hold up their fingers to
remember and demonstrate
o As we are playing it indoors
No pushing and shoving
Shoes are needed, no student should be in socks or bare feet.
o There will be a time limit of five minutes per team
During that time, each time is allowed unlimited outs and runs.
o Going to be a batting order, rotating between boys and girls
o One class will be out in the field and the other at bat
If youre batting, you need to stay on the stage
It will alternate girl, boy, girl, boy, etc
o There are two ways to get out in this game
1) Catching a pop fly
2) Being out on a forced play (someone throws it to a base that you have to run to)
o Everyone has to try and hit the first ball that is thrown at them
Afterwards, students may hit it off a T, rather than constantly pitch it to them.
o You will not block the way running path of the batter as somebody can get knocked down
and get hurt.
o At the end of five minutes, the buzzer will go off, signaling that it is time to switch sides
(fielders become batters and vice versa)
o At each buzzer, the ball must be returned to either Cody or me before play is continued.
If students cannot handle the game and continue to slack off, the game will end,
resulting in the entire classes sitting and waiting for their time to change
o When it is time to change, students will be expected to change quickly and no horse play in
the locker rooms.
- Q: Does everyone understand the rules?
- Student participation in the event

Lesson Template A

Teacher Associate

Closure (7 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
- At this time I will end the game, some of the individuals to go and get changed and then return to
the gym
o Periodically, others will go into the change room to change.
Feedback From Students:
- What skills do you think we learned/improved on during this period?
o Teamwork, leadership,
Feedback To Students:
- I will congratulate them on playing hard and well today
Transition To Next Lesson:
Next week, we will do something revolving around building teamwork.
Today was a very good day! Both my TA and the gym teacher were very impressed with my lesson plan,
saying that it was very well laid out and clear. This made it easier for me to explain the rules and
expectations to the class, allowing the students more time to play indoor baseball. While the game was
underway, I began to try and joke around with some of the kids in the batters box, to which I received
positive responses from the students, not just a silly look.
One thing that did not go overly well was some of the students behaviors from other classes. One student in
particular was quite rude. When I asked him for his name, he said dont worry about it and ran away, only
making the behavior worsen. After I learned his name, I decided to call him out and talk to him. It wasnt as
effective as I hoped, however afterwards he started to behave and follow some of the safety rules, such as
not throwing the bat.

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