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Generic Name: Ampicillin

Brand Name: Ampicin

Classification: Anti-inefectives, Aminopenicillins
Pregnancy Category: B
Mode of Action: Bactericidal: binds to bacterial cell wall, resulting
in cell death.
Suggested Dose:
Adults and Children: IM, IV; greater than equal to 40 kg; 1-2 g ampicillin every 68 hours (not to exceed 12 g ampicillin/day)
Children: IM, IV; greater than equal to 1 year; 100-200 mg ampicillin/kg/day
divided every 6 hour; maximum dose: 8 g ampicillin/day
Infants: IM, IV; >1 month; 100-150 mg ampicillin/kg/day divided every 6 hour
Adverse Effect:
CNS: SEIZURES (high doses)
GI: PSEUDOMEMBRANOUS COLITIS, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
Derm: rashes, urticaria
Hemat: blood dyscrasias
Misc: allergic reactions including ANAPHYLAXIS and SERUM SICKNESS,
Probenecid: decreases renalexcretion and increases blood levels of ampicillintheraphy may be combined for this purpose. Large doses may increase the risk
of bleeding with WARFARIN. Incidence of rash increases with concurent
ALLOPURINOL theraphy. May decrease the effectiveness of oral HORMONAL
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to penicillins
Nursing Responsibility:


Assess patient for infection (vital signs, wound appearance, sputum, uterine,
stool, and WBC) at begininng of and throughout therapy.

Obtain a history before initiating theraphy to determine previous use and

reactions to penillins or cephalosporins. Persons with a negative history of
penicillin sensitivity may still have an allergic response.

Obtain specimens for culture and sensitivity before theraphy. First dose may be
given before receiving results.

Observe patient for signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
edema, wheezing). Discontinue the drug and notify the physician or other health









antihestamine, and resuscitation equipement close by in the anaphylactic


Assess skin for ampicillin rash, a nonallergic, dulled red, macular or

maculopapular, mildly pruritic rash.

Lab Test Consideration

May cause increased AST and ALT

May cause transient decreases in estradiol, total conjugated estriol, estriolgluconaride, or conjugated estrone in pregnant woman.

May cause a false-positive direc Coombs test result

May cause a false-positive urinary glucose

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