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A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF MIDDLE EGYPTIAN BY RAYMOND O. FAULKNER D.LIT., F.S.A. Lecturer in Ancient Egyptian in University College, London GRIFFITH INSTITUTE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM - OXFORD 1988 (© Gries mitt, Onfrd ost ssan-0 900416 327 Alright Thi bak ape with bis frm he ‘rate Sir Alan Gori’ Tr for Prine ‘atl BeptitelPuaee eames 1978 207 986,186 1988 rt pind lihagraphicalyin 1981 by Bien of Cir “from eri nd ined net Britain tthe Uist Pre Od erin 8 by a Fara To DR. MARGARET MURRAY who first taught me Ancient Egyptian in gratitude and affection PREFACE Fon a number of years it has been borne in upon me by experience in teaching and in conversation with colleagues that an urgent Egyptological requirement of the present day is an Egyptian dictionary which on the ‘one hand shall contain those words which a third-year undergraduate or an epigraphist in the field is most likely to meet in the course of his regular work, with textual or bibliographical references, and yet which shall be sufficiently concise to be reasonably portable and not exces- sively costly. In the nature of things no attempt to combine these in- ‘compatibles wholly successful, but.the need for such a book seemed to me to demand that the effort be made; apart from the in- valuable Vocabulary to Sir Alan Gardiner’s Egyptian Grammar there is no modern dictionary of Ancient Egyptian, in English, and no modern general vocabulary in any tongue which provides references apart from the costly Wérterbuch der dgyptischen Sprache in several volumes, which is not only the very, reverse of portable,,but is also beyond the reach, of most students and, acholars of the present day, who to consult it, must perforce have access to a specialized library. ‘This, book is therefore = -addressed primarily to the younger practitioners of Egyptology, though | it is hoped that others may sometimes find it useful. ‘The present work has been designed as a concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian, since it is that phase of the language which has the widest general application. For the purpose of this book the term ‘Middle Egyptian’ has been taken a8 including texts from the Heracleopolitan period to the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty, omitting the Late Egyptian locutions which begin to appear from the reign of Amenophis I onward. This exclusion applies also to words or meanings not recorded before the Nineteenth Dynasty, with a few exceptions the reasons for which will be clear. It has proved desirable, however, to include references to (Old Egyptian sources rather more frequently, since these at times shed light on the original significance of a word or provide instances of obvious relevance to Middle Egyptian usage; also the older texts often show the basic forms of words that have undergone phonetic change by the Middle Kingdom. On the other hand, old words which do not appear to occur in PREFACE Middle Egyptian texts have not been recorded here apart from a very few instances where the reason for inclusion will again be obvious. On the other hand, certain Middle Egyptian words and phrases have been ‘omitted by intent. These comprise most of the technical terms of the mathematical and medical texts which do not belong to everyday par- lance; for these, the specialized works on such texts should be consulted. In order to save'space I have omitted also those words whose meaning is unknown, as well as' the names of unidentified species of animals, plants, and minerals; the broad categories of these items can often be gathered from the determinatives, and their inclusion would have added ‘unprofitable bulk to the book. When such words have been included, it is usually because they have reteived discussion in print. The names of only the most important deities and localities have been noted; for the others, works on religion and geography should be consulted. ‘The method adopted to display the words is in essente that of the Vocabulary to Gardiner’s Egyptian Grammar ; first comes what may be considered a typical, writing of the word in question, and this is followed by (@) ‘the ‘transliteration ‘into modern characters; (b) the meaning, miatked'with a double anderline; (¢) a teference or references to texts displaying that meaning; or to works where the word is discussed; and (@ variant writings, also with references. These last do not pretend to be exhauitive, but display only significant differences; thus the occasional omission of a determinative, or the interchange of 4, 4, and —+ have not usually been noted. In those scenes from tombs where we see pil tures of animals and the like with their names written above them, I have where possible treated these pictures as determinatives, justifying this course by the close interdependence of script and picture in Ancient rypt. “The alphabetic arrangement of this dictionary is that usual in works of this nature, with the proviso that I have followed Gardiner in treating — and {as one letter s. Where the existence of original — (z) can be established from Old Egyptian texts, the earlier reading has been indi- cated in brackets at the first occurrence of a stem, e.g. 3sh (32h). Apart from such instances, the interchange of — and )) as sole variant has usually not been noted. Following the practice of Erman and Grapow, Warterbuch der dgyptischen Sprache, causative verbs in s have been entered under that letter and not under the parent stem. PREFACE i In order to attain maximum compression, the meanings given do not attempt to indicate the finer nuances, but generally are on broad lines; in some more important instances the provision of a larger number of references than usual will enable the student who looks them up to ascertain for himself something of the finer shades of meaning. On the other hand, there are words such as sp and shr where the demands of clarity have necessitated the quotation of original passages, usually in transliteration. The bibliographical references to be found scattered throughout this book, sometimes as a ‘blanket’ citation covering the whole range of meaning of a word, are mostly confined to the last half- century, the earliest work to be cited extensively being Gardiner’s Ad- monitions of an Egyptian Sage (Leipzig, 1909). As a rule, though not invariably, a given citation refers to the most recent discussion of a word. ‘The variant writings, if any, are normally collected at the end of each article, but often they are embodied in the text in order to avoid an unnecessary repetition of references. ‘The abbreviations employed are explained in the lists which follow. Since the nature of a word is usually obvious at a glance, such abbrevi tions as n. (noun), adj. (adjective), and the like have been inserted only where circumstances demand them ; the adjective-verb has been deemed to be but an extension of its basic adjective and has not been distinguished from it. Among the verbs, only the geminatae and ultimae infirmae classes have been specified as such; all unspecified verbs are to be regarded as immutable. Ina compilation such as the present work, containing more than 5,000 entries, the compiler in the nature of things owes much indeed to the researches of others. To mention names here would be invidious, but a glance at the list of works cited will show clearly enough the extent to which the present author has depended on the labours of other scholars, and to all such, whether personally known or unknown to him, he now makes due acknowledgement. To the Trustees of Sir Alan Gardiner’s Settlement for Egyptological Purposes is owed an especial debt of gratitude, inasmuch as it is they who have made possible the publication of this work at a very moderate price. R.O. FAULKNER October, 1961 ABBREVIATIONS OF LEXICOGRAPHICAL TERMS bbe. abbreviation. div eg. nestive flee, nomen lek ponendl, nonencite om. numeral obj. object. OK. Old Kingdom. ae ve 3 plate of publication, poentve preposition. qi reBrt { tub voce. Upper Ear. variant) ve weting ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED Aat. Or. ‘Acta Oriental. An, ‘Admoniions ofan Eyption Sage, P. Leyden 244, quoted by coluron, ‘and line. Quotations by page of Gardiner’ edition (e.g. Adm. . 99) refer to the writing-board BM 645. For the commentary fn these texts wee GAS below ABO ACH. Gardiner, Ancient Egyptian Onomasica, text volumes. Ae. Stud Aaypiologichen Studien, 08. O. Ftchow (Festecheift in honour of 'H. Grapow), Alphabet K. Sethe, Der Ursprane det Alphabets in Nachrichten... Gottingen, i936, Amarna N. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of Bl Amara ‘ne. Ee Ancient Egypt Gouroa) aim. Ser. “Annales du Service des Antqutés de Egypte. Barns, dshm. J.'W, B. Barna, The Ashmolean Ontracon of Sinuhe. Baris, Ram. 1d, Five Romestuon Papyri Bauer F, Vogelaang, Kommentar su den Klagen des Barn ‘2D EA. W. Budge, The Book ofthe Dead, 1898 edition. Vol. I, Text. Berk. , Newberry, Bl Bershh. BH Las, Bend Hen aM ‘Bridsh Museum stele, ke, quoted by the old registration nimbers. Breasted, Development J.H. Breatted, Developmen of Religion and Thought in Ancient EgyPt Brunner, Siut H, Brunner, Bie Terns den Crib dr Herat mn Bul. lta de iit fangs € echelons Coie Carino, Lit. Frag. R.A. Caminon, Literary Fragments inthe Hieratic Script Caminos, L.-B. Mise. 1d, Late-gyption Miacllanis Cenotaph H. Frankfort, The Cenotaph of Seti. OBL AH. Gardiner, The Chester Beatty Popyri No. 1 Ch B. Text 1d, Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum, Third Serer. Chester Beatty Gift. Vol. 1. Text. coa "TE, Peet and others, City of Akhenaten. cr A. de Buck, The Egyptian Cofin Tests Dae. B. Neville, The Temple of Dai el Bahar. Die B.(XD. 1d, The Xith Dynasty Temple at Der el Bahari D.a Ge. N. de G. Davies, The Rech Tombs of Deir el Gebras Dav. Piak, 1d, The Martaba of Puabhetep and Abhethtep at Saggareh Dav, Rekh Ld, The Tomb of Reth-mi-RE at Theber Dend. W.M.F. Petrie, Dendereh. Dah 1, Deshasheh Dream-book Chester Beatty Papyri No. I B ‘The Ebers Medical Papyros, Edel Edel, Altagyptische Granmatik, Vo. 1 BHT A. H. Gardiner Beyption Hieratie Texts of the New Kingdom. The ‘Papyrus Anaitast Tend the Papyrus Kole, Erliat K. Sethe, Eriduterung su don aepyptschen Lesestche. Garten. LL Keimer, Die Gardenpflanzen im alten Agypten. a ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED. Gas Gauthier, Dict. edo. oss Gtsa GNs Goyon Gr Grit. Kah Hann. Hors Haima Hele Herdem Her. Les. Hier. Pal. Dhabi liner, die, yea INES. ‘gras Kovamin Kom. Pyr. Koptos LtoD. Lac: Sore, Licht Muck. Meir Ma. Masp. ‘Meveruka, Meriharee Mit A.H. Gardiner, Admonitons of an Eeyption Sage, commentary. HE Gauthier, Dictionnaire der not glopraphiquet contenut dans ler ‘exter hiroplyphiues. 1B. Gunn, Studies in Egyptian Symias, HE. Junker, Ga, ‘AH, Gardiner, Notes on the Story of Simuhe G. Goyon, Inscriptions rapestres du Wadi Hammam. AH. Gardiner, Eeyption Grommar, 3rd edition. F. LL. Grifith, Hieratie Pepya from Kahn and Gurab, text volume, ‘For the individual papye ee under P. Kah J. Couyat and. P. Montet, Les Inscriptions idratiques du Ouadi Hand "The Harri Papyrus No. 1, ed. W. Bricheen. R. Anthes, Die Felsinchrfen von Hata HLW. Helek, Der Einflais der Miltrfthrer in der 18. agyptischen Dynastic. ‘The Herdrman's Tale, A. H. Gardiner, Die Bradhlung des Sinuhe und die Hirtengeschichte, pls. 16-17. FLL Grit, Calcio of Hirt, a G. Moller, Héeratische Letetiche flr den akademischen Gebrauc 1d, Hieratische Paldographie, ‘A. Erman, Hymmen an des Diadem der Pharaonen, in Abhandlungen ‘der haniglichen prensischen Akademie . «191 "FG. H. James, The Mastaba of Khentiha called Inhekhi. H) Gauthier, La Grande Inscription dédicatoire Abydos. E. Naville, The Funeral Papyrus of louiya. ‘Stela of Meneptab naming Larecl, Spiegelberg, 24S 34, Tournal of Eayption Archacology. ‘Journal of the Royal Asiatic Scity, . ‘Sela of King Kamost referring to the war against the Hykaos. G. Davies, Phe Tomb of Ken-amin at Thebes. K. Sethe, Oberectming und Kommentar nu den altgyptichn Pyra- ‘midentexten WIM, F. Petrie, Kopeoe. AH, Gardiner and K. Sethe, Eeyption Leters 10 the Dead, P. Lecas, Sarcophagesantéviurs cu Noweel Empire ‘A. Erman, Gesprich eines Lebonrmdden mit seiner Seele, in Aband- grec Ate omc Ade 16 vied et XK. Sethe, Aepypitche Letevtche um Gebrauch in ahademitchen itrotyphiques et Stelae, Se, in the Leyden Museum, quoted by Museum number. I.E, Gautier and G. Jéquier, Mémoire sur les foils de Licht. ‘A. Erman, Zaubersprche flr Butter und Kind, in ABhandlungen der ‘oniglichenpreusschen Ahedemie » , 1981. A.M. Blackman, The Rock Tomb of. ‘Mdanges Marpero. Chicago University Grlencal Insite, The Mastaba of Mereruha. The Teaching for King Merona, P. Leningrad 1116. ‘The Teaching of Ammenemes ! to His Son, P. Millinges. ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED ” Mise, Acad. Berol. ‘Mit, deutch, Ina. P. Beth. P. Boul. XVIT P. Bd, Smith P. Kah. P. Ram. P. Wilbour Miscellanea Academica Berolinenit, 1950. ‘Mittetingen des deuichen nstvats 24 Keio. D. Dunham, Naga ed-Dér Stelae FLL Grilth, The Abydos Decree of Set I, in YEA 13,193 €. E. Neville, Das dgyptische Todtonbuch der XVIII bis XX Dynastic, 1M. Pieper, Di gots Inclrift des Kegs Noferbotep in Abydos. ‘The Prophecies of Nef, P. Leningrad 1116B. ‘The Marquis of Northampton and others, Repert on Some Excavations ‘nthe Theban Necropolis during the Winter of 1898-9. Berlin Papyror No. Boulag Papyrus No, XVIII, quoted by the tection numbers of ‘Sehart's transcription, ZAS 31, 1°” JH Breested,, The Edin Sith Medical Papyrus, commentary For references to the original text see under Sm. F. LL Griffith, Heratie Papyr from Kahun and Gurb, plate volume, Ramewseum Papyei,ed. J. W. B. Barns. AH, Gardiner, The Wilbour Papyrus, Vol. 1 (commentary) JI. Tylor and F. Ll Griffith, The Tomb of Poheriat El-Kab, bound ‘with E. Naville, Aimar of Medinek. ‘The Story of the Eloquent Peasant. ‘The stela of vietory o€ King Pian, RO. Faulkner, The Phil and Dual in Old Egyptian G. Posener, Catalogue des Ortraca hidratiquesltéraires de Deir ‘Madineh. “The Prime Papyros. ofthe Society of Biblical Archawoogy. P. Bru. Mun 10373/435 (duplicate text of The Mains of Ptabhotep in the Priave Papyrus). BP, Brit, Mus. 1os09 (as above). K. Sethe, Die dluagyptischen Pyramidentest, ©. Kuents, Betaile de Qadec.. 1A. de Buch, Eryption Reading-book. - ‘Recueil d'cruder teyptlogiaes dedter& la mlmoire de Jean-Frangois ‘Champolion Recueil de travaux relatifs 2 la philologie a & Varchdlogie epticnnes ‘angen der preutchen Ahadenie «1929 1d, Altagyptscke Vorstellungen von Laxf der Sonne, in. Sitmunes evchte der preusschen Anademie- 1928. Id Die deyptschen Ausdrachen fr recht nd links... Nachrichten Gating, 1932. ivi ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED Sethe, Stine K, Sethe, Die Bau- wd Denbmalsteie der alten Agypien und ibve "Namen, in Sitzungsberichte der preusschen Akademie «= 1933. Sethe, Zahlen 1d, Vor Zahlen tnd Zahtworten tei den alien Aypter, in Schifen der Witseachaflichen Graelchat Strasburg, 1936. Sh. 5. ‘The Story ofthe Shipureched Sailor, P. Leningrad 1115 ‘Sheikh Said IN. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of Sheith Said ‘Sin, The Story of Sinuhe. ‘Sinai AvH, Gerdiner and E, Peet, The Icripions of Sina, and edition, ‘eviaed by J. Cerf, quoted by inscription number. Sit FLL Griffith, The Intrition of Side and Der eh, quoted through ‘out by plate umber. Sm. ‘The Edwin Smith Medical Papyrus. For the commentary of Breas- ted’ edition see P_ Ed. Smut above ‘Stud. Grif. ‘Studies Presented 10 F. Ld. Grifith Cam. Camarvon Teblet No, 1, see A. H. Gardiner, JEA 3,95 Tarthen 1 W.M. F. Petri and others, Tarthan I and Memphit V. Tei Com. C. M. Firth and B. Guna, Teti Pyramid Cemeteries. mS. ‘Theban Tombs Series. Nine de G. Davies and A, H. Gardiner, The Tomb of Amenembit. IL, Norman and Nine de G. Dayien, The Tomb.of Antefoker and his Wife Senet Mk Ide The Tombs of Teo Oftials of Tuthmois 17. IV. Nina de G, Davies and A. H. Gardinee, The Tomb of Huy. V. Nina and Norman de G. Davies, The Tombs of Menkheperratzond, Amenmost and “Another ‘ n G. Skeid, Dat Grab des Ti, Top. Cat. AH. Gardin and A. BP. Weigl, A Topographic! Catalogue of pba Tenet etn sd by sel number an TR aca, Tents elie eins, ghoted 0 ne. Unter i. Sete,“ Umermchenger sur Geschichte nd” Altertmhende Usk. Sethe, Urhindan des aen Reichs, W. Ia, coninoed by W Hk, Urkunden de 18. Dymatie ¥. 1 Geapow, Religie Urhden Vit IK Sethe, Urkanden der mitre Reich w. 1A Bran and Il. Grapom, Worerbuch der dicho Sprace. Wee, Tale ofthe Magicians in te WestcarPopY". wexm Whar Zenehrt fr ie Kunde des Morgenlands Worforchag A. Ermanand other, Zur gyptiche Werfochang, in ABhandlungen der drtchen Abadi. Zita 2." Liba, Ler Moines de Ptabbotep, aS Lesa fr agyptiche Sprache nd Alereumsbande ZDMG Zac ber detichen morgenindschen Geselichaf. 5 at Lol: ad pace, Bp. S04. crue: L6 2. me Greet addi CTT, 224 Is ‘noe fal deka ‘alls pote: be ela ad eat 7, ef. 805 95,095 ined, BD 4,6. J meat: od flor oma, ames, op ft ety ground, add maid, demis; Minerals, 1991 ei + add uci freak Ail: men, 0. us fect + add, untin-maadous Bull. 62,50; fap. ie dar fibrin ad He, 18,98 dosnt At attachmonl : add bt: imll ‘my human cenntolions, CTH, a of: for devour’ () ead Kean ofp. uo aq a 35 no aa 4 2 at ge a ry under om if, heed ‘he discreet! ele. read ‘become 48 | ht wigs fr 40 read mod. 59 nl formes, ehanakhle 10. oer 103 matt. mandrake (2! add but see Bull 6,60; 288 gh; mm Beimes ab a4 ight : add ch3dur, Bbw ‘bake care) ry.tik. MN; Sha dr and. 7, 26, sonny FOI, f aag ald hw a Hither; min} ‘her ‘hither, Uthe this record - 50 |egt a manioh (0: add tut sce tamia, Minerals 63, Pints dekanakhle, Hhou'2; “Uikewise minus, feel, S52. : 55 Jutd a prtorvstne : add. malachite, ofcit. 102.1%8, — tn tos roman did f sme: add quanty (2) Stemi Minerals 0. 5% cabr adminisbioton ending sir jnopete, Ret &.15 128, — 10 |mmdl yellow ochre: add ov redo.) ofvcit, my, so se adeeb: ntuatguntaen 113 | by cub; by flew: read. meus? of famee Sekamalete + ft tt ae eases i a fee med eb foe omaha. 4deb,Oubbel ab spe I re pak 18 min caus add ov jasper 1), ni ott. bs car an: ad of. Sel ng, 103; Komi, te,y. uy |manh, rotate: add. 2As 95, 55. bq | west Ae dilapidated: add lian, ob. nuiny, theriharé’ 122. 125 lms thig these : add adv here, here, hither fames ofcitsias ad 7543, $0 | bir: for brome’ read ing, Harrie, Minerals soft. Jee 126 |nbwt the isles: at-end, add Vereoutten, £' yim tonal pa agehe Site | een fdhetbnique, sf BAf atl abet: tend is the name of i this, these: add, adv. here, hither, James, ibn, " ‘maberial, ef. bu din fap. ( 4e854,203, (One ia es 0h de Pan hth, hehe 140 how hj: ated add a ue 2 yp rot ents ae of Aa, nics, sp fig carnshnn: dad genrok (2) fe cb ue. Hint uimepy lake: add: wmloreourse, ZAS rye. Herwne dnenge: aa of ani, ofcitibaalso amethyst iki 24 fae add degrade olcial, Merikans add ashoaly $82 athlon ee Et heads) 0. bor and, Atern-pisces enim top, OF, 2596 [Aft dn front of add of speech fi a'oe, GS 22, ial se Fa elab-nae 14d de Quel b Sos, 0b, 04] a5 [ne cal of ley add f.n€0 1, (te 200) il, - ae ee 191] dour nowy: delete Ura neat and, dubiitule spoon. foe tk efi: delle dc. ee ga: dae ‘ues chin, aa! 155 lad gin: Gs Adu wt ‘shar the sya ‘tna aside Dl. fa06 Jae. eS ey ‘divine stale’, ors; 161 | ur sinkage: acaat YTS HA. 2 ies lt. thi onli: the od is ck: ee ‘sr al! rere b fics, of boat, add, Gheumnaine JER bg, 183, 03 fraas : ‘nemove, mv the Oe ee cae hemend Raf eo ty [set fe, it add aoounstse mim dlf hat iss y.2072, elated foes ehanabe, ut oF 7 Fr 24! aya | Som a4 ayo [ato |ftt jae [306 Bu YCallow'nead, oinlmtnl,Caminoy £. $y: Mise.52; ih ees 20 ’ ifthe gate: af Os Aon 43,9848 Lat: for ‘nightfalt’nead. night why, 245 14,1 + for‘leather tolt'néad, tatow, and add win. K=2 2 er PL, Ak ef, Romig Rekminds fp 31. bdr (hd plaotan add gypsum, Henis, Minerale, 4 A fad os op ert hk le 4. Poon, ae elit ald ime, denis. Hk dat add dene, 285 Wu hein ess: ae th, offen dur 46 [ee Aarne: foes, deamaskhte1n- anggeds explanations de renter: Hai, Minerals, 207 Auggerle ttons clay. dhe charcoal : add soot , ofp. cit. 160. ns deur fine gold: add. Somis, Minerals ru fp, fuafors electra, dare: for lamest read surgical Anite and ade ree, fr bbober (om. 4B). Abt Srich:: add, amis, of tts 30.204. dasa finds ad of cit. 159, nbi need’, measure of 2 eubit: ad Srages, Qalnace and Namcoles, ab. Note sia ee dae 64.4 Apaull, eal Nathan ey CoRRIGENDA Pina, cD; for devour’ read, Coan off P20. ISS; for tromye! read. ‘inow, Jamia, Winerals, s0 ff. AZ, for consisting of bongs read cmaisting of inen, Loe. cit. fogs. oa TT ‘wig’ for CTT, 40 read CTT, theo Pring, Delete “SEY, Place and subatitute ISH if shear Pore, Schamadehecin;wame. BAN, ISN a hid; TSAT ou z, 29; EEK deste 12,0 Phi, pomudtiomale enliy; for AYIA ead SINS Th Pros. Telole HSIN nie’; sce eas, 4.124, £209. Te SP" Bury ‘gold tivo-thinds fine’; Baanis dispudles both Azading amd meaning, Minerals, 3%- Airus, Lact only; for its read at, £320.) Saga fine gold; Slawis nevireothe old. bnanobatcin ‘eleotuem; Minerale, 1 bef AK Ws 0) qubliae : (2bina, ine geroal, var. xX JEA SH, 02. a ancl. pant., e§ 245; JER 34,12. BS fread 2 place Mest 4,15; am DSI 4-96 ‘goof with @) done, 12,25. Ra it ahiching ower of qed, ele., var Boi, JEN 3m 2 Aro moment, instank, Sin. 857,299; dak , 46941; 1016, 8; mt stef ‘im hiia m= ine the act of doing dthing, Li.5,10; sir, Moh TS, 122,18; 26,8; mv Bonn ab ‘on the. esinbahing of ans ene bn, 12: dime in. goneral, tgp Ah gyi am 2b spon chile! Weabe, 2,6; £6 bin; as skp ‘spend as Fappuy Ae. 2,4. Vans. KO Lok 1m, s016,8; ha $2215} Aaeq6y,; S41; BS 2466; 404.2 14.90, 140 Ahan ‘round, of naies, BN 1, 26,195; of. SEA 34,15. TABS ft nts abiow deftain (2), JEM 34,15. TUM acs tscenay, oman. Al dfo, alom dumb ‘train’ Jen 33,48. Miss iy blanah (9, van RO Ko), sen 14,65; 22,45 3h 06. B~dh 3ur eontainer for frafyri, of, Uod.t, 42,8; var.deli Czas 57.9% set tffveasian, Mak. TE, 510,13; var. dets, 1 OS 12.2,15. PRY sur cnadj. dpag +of space, Pp. 4aqiTR 14,34, dork. W, Want (det A) of Hime, toh 1m, 564622); 108iqit; Peas, 81 108-124; Adm. pr. 107; Ark sur continual crcnbed- need! Jen 26,18) fig tay UF Yogfull ak. 1W, 5,13, 06,3; arta farsighted’ Foas. tl IY; dur dab ‘generous, Les..90,21- (2) dengldy of space, Moh. T, 4,10; 108, 5 (deb. 9); hd 26; Mok TE, b13,2(det. 10) oftione, Merihant’ Sr; a-surcfy all ‘online! fn. §100,3.- Pct Aoagth, of lire, ino ua dt inthe of lr Serpe, Mod 19403 1,33 (A-9E), 632, th} fe: Sut f ‘fey, Moh 0, 16,2; 22410. Fe jot we, Sin, 818 7; Unk. (06, 408, Bett hvaatee 800 Ran. 39g. PAS AA say vb sink. qeatenel the asm, deste. 1 (PVE0); dks, Ags,3;b12, 137 ecsent anv offering, BP 450,10; announce dome, 1 'le; Res. int tinal MARS). i aes ag hd 2 douse lal, Jen 7,20 VSS) sey dat Lay bande on JEQ 3115, m6, APT sac git hin 0175 dk, 530 5; fe gushs. PRS sw death, inv nll m sur ashe ia deceased! £ Hab.1,6, YS set Long baie, crs yg SNS. sh; doniolonce,» to! Lint, 324 Fahl inlsane lay sly din 895 hans auvid, ev 2045 cease, £6.43,6, FSA she cessalion, bin. 6299; laksm 44,10; £8 PIS 4 shar brand, stares 0 calle, made. NS, Gemines fan &y, Mise, 2305 Monch the shin, dina, 957. Tle Wifttste anu (my fyp.b75; debs, Pream~bok, i Gf. Canines tre. ct. Le Mlb ett family rasj;ran, U2vomisqg ECP Leayg is, FBR sh sing. desir, wish for, Lobia; Ah, 83hyi9 p56; ma XL 25,0. Ut Basse te OLdah. 34,18. TIN shy father, lehey, 8,10; v0. FINN sh, PLS 373,10; Fa yor. ZS ls ig, TLS he ethan, den, 19915; 00. FS IER 10l,2. ELS Ita iro dhad tb det. gg; voor FLA db, x24 ELSA veges ES shorn. bc. Sepang, in. b228; 0m SASS Mhz 040; Feed, syn; FB 129,0; FS Oqby; UD, Tea 7,50 uy, Beds Mitt. 2,10; FJ Bs? dom. 310. Gf. 200 2,2 F124 st wh lana oie Lf Mach 25 me nko , dogs, b-10420; 4 with, 56,20, felon « god, Makes, smyry FOZ), Hee tars, 1842415; Hak anos, Lys pus, S10): indiana mingle, m ‘with; Mak. 1, 365,2; 516,16; fine ‘with, 50116; be Lo ‘in! a 8S; gage in tattle, fe 65. [ov ake mouth, Bh Ay, £8.54,4;04 10; abbr. indales $n. f 203. JED ste monthly faint dak nj del-cp cr, 2 be ee FS stem to. byes Lag, a. P'S fe ny Patt bes. nso, a6 Tet) tde wih, tak a.554 sn, 37.0n Ha}co, Deft vrdack, J00 011000 Bad dn gona, Sed 185; fous 6, 196;abbe Se gu; in dfeing formal h.pig2. WEA ht mh found, dab. gps NF pe glutony, A. SAE glatton, Bure DEW sfey bat cob, £8 10,5 NIG se ob liane in fy ld 210; dk, bi.192(3) cinoma fang Bp 558. DT eames IMS nce « perch ing Sid, Jen 1,151. BAN tet sams fur; fk of one ae BAVA RAH fe. Smithy 52. BRR ane wet. A pore sala, get, Le 1739; 1 12894; 7 5, 5 tack, x sone, din. 8120:(2) n, Peete, P Ramo I, 815, BARS vooml gua mAh, gn; 12,0;b151 BARS sre Pings med.) LKah. 5,38. DIR seu 00 wren Lee ‘places: FRAN sayy. club ov mace, 5325 bak W806, Bo, 4: 3) goiekl Be tne More SBS ae hn cy Bo fe tlk ray VB); da the fr, Moriherss uy DORA), NNT yt sap, on se, Ress~ sis Pouble, Faas 81254; feb. 8 KSx); adm. .105 1827); fake ley AOS; 7.6 DOS), af, don 48D ioe bo. 0 onda WPS. she safer, aiken’ ODS shat sono Seaham I, 19,468 SS ES she gies palpitale, 310; fe weak? dit Dh dich, sa NAT A ind of daa, hg; 815; ded 705 wa LR Ap a6. TS she fat, able land, Boob P Hah. 12.6; A100; lah. 1, 3,n1delr, Sx; ma; caath, mould, Maw, 344; 19475153 6; 8.6 123,16. Aa pL So AAA 20% FE AAt Seundlin,- seser, mn, WOLi.f.203; NMS wah. 5,2. WK Hf fatops thicket, he p00, eus. RWS 2h Re nla. Chemmnia lsk.,h; 254,; v0 WU RG Bebo Py iain of $20 99,5. SEI ky fiat, dah, 19, 5 mam. Be 8505 Sr sah6 RP erna, Wzas 59 Bh the iit stale, ln, 549,4; vas BK. 2A 1099. RL hirek fe Lecome asinit, lbw, 51, 2, paves, adj glorious, spend MR. 10,296, 5 299, tb; dame useful, oft ble, Oe 51741105145; il, 4; eas 8.293; a3, 46; we5,2; hb mw he serizeahly minded, lawasde +. hail be wiell with... 65,195 133,165 im 36, meds mv tbe f Lowna favour im hia hear din, 8106. Vin, BR 145, Mah, 51,6, sh de gerd di, Ankers, 4 (0 . Be SF ear pce 2s DA Mabe ROM). 2253 BIBL); 80112, 3 RLV; masiny even, 59 Glen ze, nym. ROT Ae arable Land, Lok, n22, 9,-0.9 £8 ua, BE une SB 6 soacua- seen ipso, lab bc; m0r 5B 0 sy SS ge of gd, £0 558. 5 SE abe flame, wo s64,93378,6. SOME shyt stl oom, con m,puqis wh dp. Sad, 5 2ht henge C4) acher am isan se, 505 S23) lak (BE: Li lamb of ding, din 86,83; la 6; era nar (tha hin sredimaguy S801, 2 sy 9m horizon dastle, of 36 BOS Dk a 159,17; 6. 52 SP 7 romoterefle,Uak.1,124316;n0,( SOW GIS), 281,126 (apady. igen i lie ig he anda gods ade 049, 15:0914, 16. Wey A sur the Mae, 55,45 va. RH Lob 65; RS dak 091 BEA sig; eaier IBPPR, 4 BRE sh 1 gowpeon, of Ges and: plants, manna, Rehexxt, 434 hang, Bp. 103; 801530, BODO 1404 shan Def shi lab 15, em sep port appetite (1), La .8:eh JER 33,73, 1b, BEA hye Le fig of eye TR V2 PNT Moke seth cape; conse, onguane, 218 451 ATT Agee seraleh, wean (nfo ul, SSIS ae cyinliana le funy: Lf walen,285 15; 10;34 bmpaliint? 6) 267, 5-6: (ardent off lf, 4sfos 71; vale, din. 8 22.169:(3)ad wckly, fp.1205 0, tha, NES faheai, 3 IRs fold headed: DBs di his or 5pm Sid; Milne; HR fp gto. BJ upaups pradinnes A. 32400 NU dob 4491 MUMS 4 st flame, 22.045 MB a sh sieht barns Ral. 24 21 Jeske sthoe $ NG ish chy ea Mak 9 hyp boy lat IS), Leh bidet. Ws Med ay z06; WF 2,5 INS sie crvl, noset dd 56; Sins, £ sb aad fin t6; 815,07). ae mel, wrenel, dn, Ptah, 57.6; Mink, plat, 02 det). NEC adit aaut jin, dak. 1, 12536, 55; 100. deb. B hp ate. BSA pouty Lbs 17 fats fas. B1259.2955 lly. 3197635 seme Lo gril Lb, SNES hes aus (:) doe 3,135 mifertine Prt DVSe). WRS a of tue hatte ane! SNS tebent of lle, BeibD,07. 22 sh mdi: canth-geb her, Oph; lok 205,17; the earth ilclp, fip.935;h eth gol, p93 (det BR); 2200; 78 54 30d PY pone aldee Dp 44 see under syt Planch)! INS ven of sda grease, eae of 3 me BAUS o> wert ‘et. Wo Big be crowed, dab. 4651 RSF rls 0, RSH 14 2 BF Fag Mi Abganen, 15, NBC uae cob 01y7 TH 1,8; or 2 ns (oleo er WOM MD, UB azee ase mcr serve, Ne MaS D Pama, 037, WSF slot fed, £69.54; van N28 G25, MS ade. ty NTS zp loada shi, i, Wa 1095; en 8 204; ay U5 90K FA, Bib. nb; cargo inlaw ship, Sod. 66 SBM), £b.69; feheawrg- lade seth tole fas Bae 010-276 SA); Moke 111) om, BRD DS sus scr fan), Ado. 13.06; aga as 81254 8); Pah 30, Be) dea 7 haste bai REDS aspect fod (my Man KX 5,5 sau Mabes, asin Bs AS, Dade sep coffer, Adem 55. WA id quis pulpal, porkapas coms for ih, 908 20, SSR sbevdnlianaoh fesaouge of cocoate lak 1,405 (dat ©) fe aggre Aes tb; Becomagng, maith Mad 1912; ba ‘ak! 1091, 3 sch bn ‘Be apne dive B22 sana alta, 18 16,3: gauge, L304. 298 5549 Poth iter aggreuson, fon. 81 1.299; lak. 39, 9¥4,7-va. NSF fa, 52,60; KS. Meh qya,5. NE at decay (oh) 8 25,2 BRA se fropars w slecping pile, Adm. 41; 008. S72 2. 4 deeds, Bork. I, f19; Loaves orcad, $b. 4.24%), Amen oan, D, BANS spon ly pyar wb say Jen a) lnc po Bini (SP); Mase Ke 2,5 yt aso lahe, dale n, NIN ar slandand for eutl-ofecs, Ap ray; Abd. 44 2; BD bt ONE. tt mound e034 6 flitoas, 2:4 IRM YS inaheaef the "wn Caines Ei, Sag. 2efol (2) i, 160 4,219) an, SP 8D 195,16, 4B ap sy 2, Plait office fumelion, fea s,s; 7510; Sik bg, seq; Mk 2, 209.2; van IS eg; ADS FN dade, ea; ab a ery 0 sen official PoB date alice alder dade, 043.5 Bit n siucgith guldory rR, fy 11 NS Wace mith team van £208 38 fy fe 5 540; dank dal, see aden dan. ANA Li obs sinf, adore, Zs yb. aw a20,y (2) RICH tater amare), te .Cf ibe ind lia hoes [ime— eke 3 rn a Bn Bae MISS Lar adaatien, sp2a;ean INSTT 20995) 438E 1905 DN INIA ci find the sacrifice, we. BN BIAS, sor, Ash 7, 430,14; 48} 2038, 0s as. GZAS 79,87 GIS Adame offer, mi teferkotepe, 30.58. ASINR. dos mounds of rabble, Kes be 14,16 of JER Its QR YING see felowa. dm. AW IMG Zo yt od, fa. 6122; 00mm ANS apa IRE 10 54,5; DNF cane ashes hp; 80465 6; afl ne Til of in the Beyond, FIBA Bp. 066 ORM er sag. Make ¥, 266; 80 225,5. INS oan, of ct Summen te MNS da Ladi ofage; ewe helen dels Se, 507 208. UNS Lateral feaged, B11 65; atten bdeage, fh ryo-isdmahdage, DSP and pine dak 09) va Me, v5 gf, Janene 62.107 Sin. 0165; Ba tn2; v0. INSTR dak. 10a. OK goatee LA ry ben 842; e285 56,05; 5470 INSP dt otha, ih; Meal. Ak. 03,5; 0 EB a4 TINS R cif sumohing sony 17s sauder, 52534 god det 9 NDE sold mam, Waa, Uke iam NPR fee 72,22. Te 16; van ROD ins arbicn forme of shat ‘sunshine. NMS Zaye woman, TA aD tebh.523-Gnsbo, ABS UNM cas fal aan NG; Moy ODE 256324; Diente, 1 64 Mok, isin. SSB alt summer ne, with Lh yo; Sin. 6315; fides 1h. Gf kel MSSSSYSE ut heady, dakar, 2048. Lat uy of Sct ‘small cate’ leaf rb) Unk 30, 25419 RL cab crady. Lfte handy castcaslevn:(3)n. Che eft side of Sethe, Keckla + face Mele gar; 8h nba pega inegencral, a am $1 Bn 1,25, 945 Rak. ww, 262, 12; ALA now, 1; FR oy2, 12. UID cle ts aged, 602046 ea dat he aap 206( Be AD IA) Bou (Fal) dk, gary GSE en of a lone quan isu. Mss uaz Mak. ¥ 105; ar BAIA omg ening, 80263) $5 Ll et cet fue (UR AD a0, 25d (SIN BS tty rosaney, 004 252d yyy Leshan ds 2(ha (am. the Ke SRAM ttyl mang woman, 89353; 000d 032 ys, (det 099; £101 239; Bo st, AINE i fcnjura, 215573875 fe dilinlad, Od Smith, 48-4: erfemiin RID citlyc Laateanens, Sin. R15; 202.8 Bok a0 133. : af bates of fore, mr. ha. TS zis 53 LAD the east Lin ow; un AL ere $B Mink. 24,0. INDI ge shambles dak 9 145,20 DD 79 a BDSG s,10 PPL the eaat wind, rer NIT Op. 55%. - INS spur mulilation, Aa 811, KL tha cast wind, Liat, 22; 000. FPA Rp. 554. INP van of id tay! flaca dB che baal, CMa; BDI det); Lob in the cat of lk. iS aan. of i = ‘pestilence’ ENR Ti ae ord, £89 (abl yay use, U0 3053; founing sainy da thunderstoum 6155 VS" M2) pestilence, Mdm. 2,5; (de bmith, 5123 ae Be ” " Sb ie ekfbidion,Camines ft fray $83; nflaanc, cecil det BSR dade met, Mates, Corina bt rag Hd ns 0 NTS La sat of land, fons Bn. [Bez taut. come, of sony, Sin. 81245 Mae 1412 ings Aha A155; loge, a0; ine, lea 883 Si, Hof fone ool, at 81274 21395 Ma, 40; ply i 5, Sk la 93 a Sp 605 Sdiomatic usu SS, HSYMAY Welcome, $9213.07, I906%— Pim in sehr fsb a occured BH, 195 4-9BS 25 cme im fees 65 Besshe ts; ‘nla, anoles, Lhe d to; BH T, 413; lnk 12,324, 16; Liar me ithe “Weleome’ £63, n.0n,> ISSA. ‘asthe consegpience, oulieme af, ENS aur A mast 42,2 Meat 520; 00K dak s,s; 900 fans. NUDSP igh inka, Fas: Boule 8 ann oy; anny ahi done 81 45.103 Ton IA Ss Bas 128,9 WA suse; ANA mit. 2. TF 0 te meg pant, $003, 21 GB ce tomb, Ap. 16 NFA, ze gaconeh 0° Ey orb iby, guia of anya dignity, dk. 258 4. Cp 286] BR de. oh inf arash, Airy, Wes faa 244; lak, su; of weahing for gold 1509; wash euk an snseriptin, anne, Wat, 20 Eth satis, | Weber eysig; Ben 01g; alae oisardon, Peas, 0,206; la. T.9,9; vont oe feck sigh Bak; Ley nth the fa’ ae ongeibs an mB FEB Aah. 36,4¢ VS EB ces amshing (0 ERT bab fast i-mnath at), a, 5, 2 90%, (PF OF pp bose VERA wnguy speck! Pel 4, aor AEH Ate YASS cour feast, fp. rs; ver IER en ph 1105 f chi f.9, AAS seca coverup an insviplirn, Qmarna,Y, 26,20. Boake ck bt fsss latin “3N0 4 ane Qa) Zeb heofeaf cove with a pitchfork ans 112. UN Led hintane de united, fp 3464, MANP), fon with dnd. 954 lA) ann sn ip 2500 0~A19 Pyles (8013 105 aaa. foie tone, Lap. -b31; wil Limba fenea of dec't, Lap.6+75 nso; daaon we! lak 325.8 CELL) arg deb at “nts guss1 CS) GEE Lf singel cathe, 845.395 08 acta gah je, Gah sa) siting, Lb, 541( Es). V2 den babe fp ibs, ash 1h nA SH pb; 3G FH eo sass; 8 FR ak 224595 3 Mel, s128; fom. deal, Borah I, PPM cna ganing LLB fp tail. det Ta352 U8), (ays, 60.10. Of. 388 ise GS oan. of c2 mount ups A Dace waza pb ln gran farm. hs asabn, = Ak, 995 2. YEE eat abe of got, dak. 204 24 cc, anon atte, lak 6150; aged, 136, SANE C A 0015 IAN (aad, 13,5, D416; Ve 05 16 B24 Sse unden -it ilet! NS sae ayant of ef ASH ie fumnpe ack, 8430, 32. AS dar ballin come: of posed living celine Lia 82575 fas R51, bo 55 f hig, te i 6,97 ire ie, 031 Ba 5 96 offi event Mak 8,5 of aby gah, Adana, tse, au; lull, 6,57; seas, ty alin, ab 97 Mak 14615 ef SER easy fvarga. Siomatiz uses: SQ Ueleoe Lime! £15 9.2,s009; ASN comet eek; noe safely, lak, 565975 43 8S COS nm fa of enn pT ose. a BE o ie cn ol 5s ABS RENSN ees many fo oss Bb ys ie yc i, as SYS Sinha! at ond of Lect, 4.8199; SATS ta ising mam! Sige da alam, BA 109; Sin. 8. ssh qief neo 10% Ladbleun, 27. sa Sb bin 1 nba fe oats, 3 8 2b 4; Lenk B, 17 (det X) 3) ane, sand teane boattess fy. srrs USPS); o028i Laman, 801857; yaya, C1, es. lam $9 dda, a ah. 4,15: OD de wrongdoing, a .te; lak, 101 6 Soa infact Bbw fas. 8,95:102; daz wn ‘sin against Gol Un A, 1284, 505 10; hak iki, af ong, BS: Cf-258 18 ASUS ies Meat, 9; Maher, 519 UB); ible dong horned. cle in cont Ke send ‘short an, M1695, 13; 9208 ARSNG ta fof ak, 5,4- NAIM AD dvryt foal nefesentatne,aulttale, S08 anor 7 dngl wrongdoing Puna 81.26%; Unk. 1 £05; 8.13, fea 1PM); ay ‘snong lB 610 (SES); hn yl fl nd ongoing, 1 sabi tat hae Lorre cS, sanctuary, lak. 35; quan of Lum, G05 ai fl ley i aS aR er dog, Cita 20506; mn SOPER gp 25,2 SSS Bical f man, 80 25 5; eg of ep, At, ph 6276 E2), SAS doc inherit, 73,5; a5 bei frre dime, Bupe 2AN), taino osu3,a,qiguceed sme ip. s01 VPS, YR) jgct as hein « perform hie fmerang dat e850 IDO Pdrcur hein, Leb.s2; Unk. 1, tts; fended ila ade ale 1032,5. Van. SaPAHP Gly, as 82,11, SAP Rak we, 214; AD s042,5, EBS tock fatness, Unk, 22/10 he a ——_ SBR sect inherlance, a5; se;0mm. Sirsa; 29 irrdia. Rg SED ony, PP 8 cab m0 2,5 ns BR tym SPT dee newand cob) dk. ain RMSE, docyt Bos, Jen 4.44; 00m. £3 wk suns, Bas S03 P0 Locus ping, lak. 3,497,5;ab.0 192,5. dee ale ve PLES taht cw of Bread. (cnet cust), £6 15,1; ef SEB 22,105. NSS af pak man figs AS) dak 5 His VES, saat, ps6; Sin. B86 (UF), Male. 15s Fok, 6 695. neo, 202 SME oe inlet Ss; AMES Ls sng BANDS 28 052 Een ean, dtl, Ate ain dei bash, 1, Lap, (det, B); 1.1.0; Aba, 19,5 (deta. BS), Be fill, fp 5a; hi 86 Hk 81,7; 1246,4-mania's fof he family, BM 1a 25; ps oe, Sen maf fp ofa mater, ptf young Aorasand.a fiat lle, 28 m3; Uontra t, 36,54; Lam Honk africa litle, P5.60 635; la nef the natal bone’ So 5,0 UE dg ian lt Wh oa DONE 3105, SATIS 1g5, fo, Sechithus, 5,000. lob Pap sbi. \ dane Lilermen, li. boomer’) Ka; ur. fae, 13; 000 donk, 1456 DSBS ONS 0,0; rant angel 95; dual 544. Ao “Somt w. lee. Benderahy, 90x, 30%, Goent n tot. Seamonthas oar. Q60, 8603, 2.2% 44S Say n be, felis Lana), AOT, 10% bs "eras nee ashi 0, Sonar Ser eke 8 2,2. danelany lee 3,61; 300 3; 000. 22S toy genie obit, Anau; a2 445169 Leemn fongrennt, ak, 3263 C2QY, Male. 40; P ham-B,c2 (det). SRF, nyt teams Lah. 53; vr. SAC OMNSS Sif ares am, 26, sb iB ACs ahi sie afl) gunn g as qy-aj thw 1 Fhe hint lb ry sf Uh win che onion Fess 1 (gilda in 8 25; B19, 8810, {EE (zeke Gg an s ih Jame TS Luk, Load wh, Weal 6 ard te Maihanss 19-194; HE othe seep’, Bah, 2m2-h: (0) mood fly af (EaNED Ab pogns 80 409,75 wala fald- Ab chad is this m7esle 4,1, dal $oil hm ‘whiyane you on this m.t) peng deft lig nme, Aah. 5,15 2% inakar(s)idiomalic uses: ily for the aake of £45 272; (dd me Leche inundation, 218 5106. ib ‘determin 111 teansious about dé Ub nk ‘give attenlion 19,2; 19,00(det-BTB), Peas 81, 96-13; Mak 8176, bana SEY Laotip- 684,10. ole [sa YS° Ledt gusel neo T,231*. bss (viniana, thinly Mit. yu (2) Gama. Se ont pt ated et Mhisah alr stig, Adena, raat = tan Ut 5m 10541 Sh alow hike nc, fom 2 Mp 9920230425405 D6 sak snp “Je 3h 23; halo ecause. nol Ss lucy wf ht xSP charsly oman, Sin. 896; var JHE BP e5.19,2. aly he ahotsnathing, S20 | US be on Ui UE gs F watt shal iamat, doce nat uit, 28 io; nt Leth 'wergching, fr-§208 hi Mod USES haya. wan ISLS APE Bp. iin6. AISA think, supose, ads 7, ann SRD eas 829301 dad. v1 SaDANG dolor gonuption, db, J dee foe SNC ai und ak al pf rhea machi i ale, [UF a of dane an magn fle long, ie; Ma 482 L150 2 dango, on. Sef sin yf sh da ele X a fy, LL in, 82208 sith dele NIG as dance ob. 1b ip. gey LISD), dk. IB, yj, Mea 2-4; Dds, cf GIS a a a belscer amd... $140. asq sh JB itn, sexy BUR. OvedmvnetS4) aT hdl afaration, fas B26 OS see Ganlanysher, en; 2am EDS 102.05, ASF Fiber heaal physical, Peas ih; lay 36, usp; seaoh Cheughts and. WIS H0 wn. of fy adorn olin, in 919; Fna RA, 3b 68 EE mac ith CC car efge theley, Bah. 2,5 Bs 124 rm ASP Ua, 1089.35 fori dh by acorn @) mind, Me gain, shin of the misao ord wh USL tne int, peep Reinga eo, MISS tay hatin hip nk een SS qa9 IPOS: a, I'S Si dda glam, en. UAT th aden tne. § HE feta dS Ball ig. fete e VeDT AD the station, Makes 66510; Carmina, Lby, Mise 214. IES Sei, foc, « Rabin teat am ASW, fauthon, Bi gg 5 bin LISS cell het fone van. 4} OR Yi, athe, Maine, 50. bh tooth, Ka 5,15; 1,35; 0416 lish, Unk. 3957 ANT). JEN 2h ica, wich’ Ligue, Nefet 52d. 1), £10019; Le suff $e with Blow, 6k: 10,4. _ | SoS cote dbalioney, Uk 1,286, 17, 0 LL caine 20y12. WIE dead of ing, lk. 205m, AUD an MIS ke finan, ote Com. 26; van. Ala sp ang ND. stot count, reckon up, 28 53,7; Mader, 54,5 475,057 2 mae, Aechaning, Aone‘ uith web; gabe dey Unk 1,493; erg, so 1259-10 95 Lea yy; Mah ng, Bing, 81,9; ip 103; recone sine Ay, 56013445; Nan ached, JEN er; lake honk, Mak “tomy ek in ender nen deci Ring. 2016; inline, rer castle, hansen, Bh fe SH ttle Wil recon dente ip 2041853) ofamintelligent young man hawing his ssitecbout Rim, Mk a, bor12Y9 9 (ay, gecouniiong: far tf mel mv farmour ‘a. raring hamd inthe falace! det 10; eatirmaioe Cug-c m Up obe“fremost im the ofthe ds 2s bo, bi. 25 i eras, la; ib, pls, 20 MOST du payment, lak 2,119/4; 3616 ASP ie gain mensne fn st, 2661; dill, Sade: AS Ne ptt mtee. Lomple of Hannah, doth, donun, $515. SRD Ab ame and festival the ath month, ik, be NE pc raner, wen ©3,20258 075A ab he Southean Mlle eee eee eee fH Pa 2. BR, ¥fouserae unite wich these groups sce under sr HoH pe ait fe, Lt WIRE that paionle office, BMbr4 10. 03° fo Le. fbboning wa. S98, Reo ai BOS fr domenal. adj mph these, 510; Paral, $595 duct WSS) OY, hi $6, No 24f domonal. a.m ph that, a0 so, anal, $59 M2 ie demonat- adm these, wan.2., us; Cla, $54, 4 8 Siplis demonat.ady.mpl-thase, $2. s110; Clara, sho duat ASS WSS) ibid 62, “li demansla-ady. fpf these Paral, $0; dual 2% 42 9°, 562, thle demonstra. these var. 2, fo; Psa, so; daa 22%, Loot aan WAST pda fuming, Rebbe rsj000 BS Sur dak, 15,0. NS if ae under if feo ASSP ed quale cf) ak 10, 20.4, sfown, quanlelte sao. WSS id rectangular, Bersh.1, 6; Unk. 2,9; Khind wy Ws Fifa lth, La Ros. BL Fg couch, Were 0; ran NS SAVE en 2 NSA Ye flee, Mak. 65 by mate me if fee headlong, B65 qld fe aera rowel by horse’ dln 16 160,10 2a $A). VSS. daw there, shetein hess, therefuom,§p-§205 1; lip the dead 110 Wem fm, sate fp gey Mak 2062567 7,196 WEE aide Bp aunef 2Asbng. LISD sn meag (vb) Mdm. 5 5:of-608 355 wx ESD esass. © fazer, Sethe, Oman, Sndle:(2) secret chamber of lonple, va. 498, 42.0r3,300 * 4 N= Bod ine groaning, guef, dm 3 QD Sar guief, din Ram INIT Comins, ft Saag $1031 QIN A Sot m be Sell cb Yarctin (Nebishah), REO, ING dal wine of oul, wenn 507 174. WSK ti fot htlof te Ming 280,25 yr Ban ABS Fd gee), Lea 10 MR Nat dal figment 288 bege- WEF ye ae, en HET, ako ASS ny ahah nin man EIS, bs 9.1; fol ai with. spline aang, 9rd i, JER 2:6 xpi al), Northamplary oto OF Tiny if fava, 6m bi 2 Aa 0g. an. ihn 64% BE BAIS dang do council, 61, v4 ;000 AN dak. 03,12- ASN ngee gional fies (Caine il Sago 42 gk sada his i Aah 192 ANS) rn foe dba 2s} HNDS imaged name of dha. fli, Caines tag. fo 30,0-8508 cof HEN i hia the Bastnce, st lg Subse ahaa aferelime, of gry dak, usually po $5 15515) ae Lah. 2.5; AREA os hot? 1b. AY" eager mur aquatic animals marae, 5 f-Camines, Li Sag. fe. HESS Se dentenedat stern of shite, dak-@ 15475 of. 288 Sm3- Bg gona oe Te sg 2a sear aly fl bye cin finn Rt afd Unk 015; ou dg hae rand 150,16; 1009; densa igh atand, ene Ro,cf. BED U5 img.n mld A601, 25% Jen, 224; formar gang, 34,26 fo dae dae. gael Mato names, Kab 3); 0» TSE dik. 1,4. HES, deny haf hos diy for the day foi, din [EINe2, cy hat sekwhich isin fl, Cairo 20084; £6 10m; ohich ane Leone, of ie, a 08; bn li rg ASE thay former haan ak. 155 Erne hit those of fovner limes, den ogy (dat FA); Mab, 2934 drt sey ie thes sich foceded therm ther otginals nk. 64, JER, 4l-2,23,cf fi 20l2d);hatlean, mould of conduc, fae 81,43.208. ABSA B foal att she who soni fron the royal race lk. 3,831, HEADS iy Ayal chamberlain, mow AID S42, neo x,ax*. NIN Step Caasally pb folleuing after of lime, Aut, in 95 has rallendance tn, lak, 520,12; (0,5 (det. 0); ising. member ofthe Seyguand 1605454 (NE, NSM), thos of lal iby, Makes, 45,20 NTE SD) 30, his i SSLAB); den. pg yom sing. fewhe shall come aftr, isu NSa), EN ISTP ny ti geal, dake 109. ui $l le i 906. $B dang 29 atlindamt, Rea 81,6; 82,115) € Hah, 18 TSIT day ts gmake, 80 11; mgs - mas of Landhamd, aa’, gre pilace! cause! er IR, of. Gufs. ina: grb, var ABS, G02 ff, IINUN ze de md fine, Slonga omen. fp ESM tat? flac, Ap b13.125;mong ros UES), Spr. Older form of imuglie Lelous. nit Eel cae on HSH ae igs we EN a doy, Ses 11 (7a dst female hes, aw: Als 4; BH alo female of ang wild animal, 39 ZAS SH 36. +— aa ewe 2 2 beam 999 isco érreya tee, gg; worn USES hid 5473 8 don rr; 9 9 Maks, 43,0. Nat ‘dale pobre; fldilbour, 31,6 979 cs dsm) Kind, gontle, m Ne 469,09; well dicposed, m'l'atemple ia, Hg Aleasing 16 Oye 1 BNO UNIO); Le gpacious n'b'ofgod- des, Caines, Lit nag. fl 2 2, 0( VR); fe dlighted chased, aoith’ Auster DOB 78, ; ia, big a6 ON 9), dak ng; he paciousch counlonance, £8.00,5(01) WORD dnt charm Aindliness, Bay sha UDO), Sil ps, fen 8021629), Make, bran DIN Hi da osate fc Lovare Coy QE) unt drt preat in ga’ of of quecn, ke 32, 14;224,14 (Qer)s Decale rome tee freien dtr batliamce, 8552; vam. OSM dirk. 115,45; QRS 1.6.03 005 VR 105125 4Qn 9 dok-w, cory, 6. QINS = dm er Lond, Mabe 4,6; ra OR 656,15; IPA H04 59 FO Amann 2h 5307S Sin. 810; faal, Caminas Lit, Frag. 4.2, 2, 3 M70 ish spinal cond, van." fe fp 465, P34. NSF dmthy Komour veneration, fy. st; din. 85; fry); the Blesed. Mal ofthe dead, Sir, 8g fan 84,322; Merk 10,149; mak 2 iodave La, Big 1285G5 ef. S68 U5. HEA dst Aomoun, Ls 81,1. 7 FU does at inf fe homenred, hn “by! 81,9 (4D; 2414 VD; 443; sit feet snag AIA), VARS ans hur noered one, ofthe Heated dead, fp tio; 847.12 (A SN) ok esq RUSE of the bade 20 0S EB), Cah. ae (p de lee e ete Pld insby sured one, of dead woman, Gere pas; mod Bits, BIAS Sa mu she Aa 9.258, 1300 Aad 7 4 GOD Sx zis 6,55 SO fy. fg, Pr: shin load, Caminog £6 ag 3 A= tne reale, Ap. 1oqs 881m 5 YEH Sou ndiv: rin, of Sethe, Amun, GoD Sunt n. dit, Amaunel, ef ibil, dnd. A de wap tee hiddn, Lda 5,289,135; det on. fn 24 vr mel ide Ap, 1.6; dn 2, EHD im sscrcl mn), Cairo 20446 Wee dna setel (m), faa BI NES cmt woret place, Unk. 364, 6 yin oradpight band): (am sight side the Aes, Sethe, Rechts Ver. fess MOP 20 Slam the Mal, Ayre 2; in 821; dl 6k a goddess Bb et, 3b); C712; aan DB Aaa BM re Fuh.w, 9950078 8b ns FE Lonely. aight had ete. $19 (det:x); 80 66:41); western, Sie. 81; 847,26 146; Mh, 12,2024); the Adest, Ryp. 22 =); R10 23; tak. BE, 8443 (det.®); 89 142,0. my the west ain din Bian PP H By sm doth the deat,, 23,80 24,2; 298 (det) ama Wes 30,9. bh, 2 poroonifiad Borah. 1, 15; POH int detrei! anally PIS" lak 1613; ued the dead dn hal ile Sovemost ofthe Ml ep of Ours, passim War pt. FD, 12 B Ae 15 BR fa yaar. leet donmyl daihy offerings JEA, 27; 00 FS Ue. w, 20440 ne fe dean. NAS dk machen, lad 1h; usedcof kml, 4m nA) IND me win ‘Binal disposed }*pleasatn tolls 307, 19; va, Ba g114:(aywar dds mislalomaent! a a caguejam NS UMS Apion ys Moros JING Hinde rampant, Rahs 20 We be arpue fy efagent:aynen onal an: Oinliney panto) empha foo of fen fp p55: (9) goal Jeary Yan. OS dak 262 Jind bese inf ying, fel, S| tag Mey a 3426; Yo ting ff tring cur, i. R15; 830; Mek, 26,7 54,0 of eng tamil ean by anvil, in 834.185; ing alealar even Let 0.255; Lb se azmcne Athing bad, 3, 340,16; $4 6,10; dnt nd he nile of ramon ing the fortefuint), Va. 1-4 7, p-43} 268 2% 87; 25,215; guercame Liowkle, Carnines, kit, Snag. fot Oy aeachy allan a ple, Mk 512.816; bn dar athe Ail of. plate, BH 2,545 RBs; of shill, Faq; of bemgch, lah. 9,0; sin dar, ag ib; Mil 2,02 n'a the Maite Aveda, RB ng (by ag, Ml uf 25h elit. Cdappoint,a Uilan office, BH,25 1) Leo 45,25; Mak. m5 13 (Oe, fi, 986.107 fas, 215/8.059. (7) Mdiomalic used fase recourse te, Hac. laa 34, 105; hur, bn} “dra, ‘make an ond ef svangpioh’ JEM 30,16;ee aleoCamines £4.Mise, 518; ‘move retlsly fyn ig fo funthow uae cf JE 212 than Rta. 90,9] Ds Snfat m dor Onanie va BX, AD, fnker, Onuniolegende aodace of. region fess 95, She dips i of sheet Lay Ak, 533, Ssh gift form palace, BH1,26 152-4; diploma g. from fonign owes, Mahe 12, bb 5,63 700,06; yo; dey ko te paid, dah. 26,35; quarny of Rusner, din, 40. Van. BOS TT BH 26,1584, a HMB tag nein of ong, ab 30 Tou 2 + a 4 ARM Sot m din etna the frag ay i206 AS a align it Sag fo ae Ro SM nur pater model, Auk, 120,5: om OSES Se dt the hi-fi, ran. NS, fap. 6 Kt ta, oh sae inf, dala, TR 35 held oueth aborl, from, C45, 234. “iy glu, Sats; rot cnr for inh, GIL 4; lad, 0; 8530; 98615, wa A BO 65,9, hs a9, a0 FES eyo. dayl malerials for handicrafl, ddr 96 Sb ine chin Mp. 908. Kalen ence, gv WES tact chin, fe Ak dmith, 515. WEI cal walt, Sie 015; er Ll Sin 875 "Sob Whie lallnarmeof Mon Hhisamd ils nome, NOT, 122 Ah easton Ponti forliess, GAS u2,n-2. WS IF inkl foe, stockade, dn. Bb; 7 3,60; an, det. TH din Rint AS Shad walt off place dab. 2155; 0, (EIR Bab dean th 005 Na taf decay, 18 25,6 Yo Se ali tier AT SS Gf finest) 2b0,454q, 21g4D A sy. YT SEAR Spur. due Praha fess 035,00. NOD sen2, play; PM 744. EIA phi of man Los sys) Ma. m, 94, 7,0;66,0;0f animal don Bigs (et) ah, 324 90d. PR); by hae shy, 81 13,12-13 of. Brena, Geuclofoment, 316,no te. elath, Caminas by. nia 213, NF Law lp foil, vl ye $n 0, Barna, Kame. ry sock a3, 92; shal block of mat | Lenaiating of evsingle 43492, 155 bo ES una thell! 285 bie 4; ABD dang shsddey, vam (VLR, ILE, di, 2 EQ sahmay fomegranale (ive amd fit) ab. 14; mo Foe 9 £64,145 BLM sb Gide bs, 24 faalor 6 NER tah syebrous, Mw Ke vg, Ll 105 5 dan 3; var de Wb a YEAS s Zab cnsunound enclose, Mak. 36,660.16;153, 12: (2) Adem a vessel sith gold, 3,16; 235 (del om ow fieceof rim). BW INS sefat Lote teanes 2, darts 2; Caines Lt. rag. fl 59; 2eam- Book, 2.5) ChB. eck, th n.¥. VE Stas calf log, haa of man Maa.K os ssof animal, Sa e304 (det); of inf Mahe 5; hemes mat hocks 168 24 11,"-6 US Play hight lence, hah; ron (Ek 4 a9 ASP 40; of nE07,65. ene ede ak collec, gather logether, p.ags 0 ys OS); dork 1, 24460), een UAC), her, af embrace, Apc tnniibag; Hut.d 110.275 inbrane some lige, f posses, Bib. inde fe ay 5 esto; banging ome sr Ma Pel sb 5 ly Came, finder: sndrame. Longer, ZA 44102, VDD inl fold tac sls 235 45,61 EP at fn ob ome 4, er170. NS tate ten ems, Gots, ver A WEE inde may, Adon; mn AS VES th affected many, Lo 6 NED ind Leap, Maloal 16:0; 29,1. WEN Pand fe fail fasare. Geant fone fan orannench parkas, ssn ION ef af 2 4 dank a # itt din a imaslne’ Lethe, Stina, Yi nfm Bs tdaln, spc. AN a eer thereof thereto, AF, 53,2. llc in yh; a NS dake, 29. WS ag aj slang, sy. ke the eps helo SDazh dane halt hecho, Komi, 0; BH ESI. 3 Gages door hae, a9, 0,00 b= G65 4 OPTS es a1 0; 003,434 fa i day- hdl fowmany JER GK SDE Pag fe at Aachen the ddan BMI; om0. 0K ER ak. 3,16,5 NL DESS tay rdaoy one i tarde, 6,49 2; Qaman 1,26 pet cualodion of tauat, SEA 276. WDE bag fut pitt, e040" ERD day: frmur felomsrnay lab, 8510; 62 3,2. Gf ne, dng Bt ounaens, adminisal, 8H 7,30; Ns, toy. A PE dg Aeon cleft 8031 USING ay sdre funclimany Ua. o, rors, 16; ra YER oy GDA STi tall pectoral, Canina, Lil ay. $4,2,4. LeU companion, fp 2b), fom ASD Maki ys dager us of Boa, Ua 8, 5961 SMM day of done, Sine 82.06.40; lak- 1, 52,4; use hares of thing, Moar, 9759. Vin V2 8 foo bog, Divya dake, 24g 4Z 752 9, DM gy5,9. NBS oun tite ang Ja ak eye, in. 8249; lal ab “oer oye, Unk. , 645 7,= wenger, 106 16. he reading the mase dual Se, 14. dim, Bib; £kah.1,96; 643, net Anowr. hi oh Sac inf. 0) esate eget humans teingy Linh bs Ayn flaking, ss 361.974,35 ae, emaliel concrle hangs, Sin 1 305; fany nf tb; Ma. 204 1 15k Lgl ak ficial lap lagubi; Moh. 40,2; make decrees dows written documenta, $46,260; £ Kah, 10; Milt. y1; 4b 44; Mak, 1045, 4; de mod Yul winking, EEE llr eR a (ara a ay Mok. 115; 113,15 abla, 64 tnoulle, fas 896.1020 (in) name, 8b; sion, Sine 8249; Unk, 1046; 1 aK. 2,3; B44; cctions, ¢4. anv assault, Lin. Brora flight, B27 7;0. noise, Mente. 12,9; air dite 42; Bhad 35; feat 13; Moh, 5,4; 415: (2a: ey scith oj 04. good, ie 81h 5- nil fa by 29; juste, eas 81,64; daped rm hal cam Sal; den. 2,95 sim. Weske.yb; din. 6183; don, 8, de athe wilh of £Haha 3 2-u; dv Aur to abtendaance on, din. 8282-3; 3 atl o basincas Sin 81 B13; SER pl 81 al A fumish; £62 1, »-5(m); aha lo the hiding f Jem psych pdb m7 daha othe leanne ies 6435 Leb 1, of 6659: (B)wcithout of do phe 07,» HS wilde se amowser order vrtyaest, Ql. B.107; bn fred mmf Your Mapeliywill doa youcish, Sin. 82; the land tvrmanound: mn wh as does a polter'ssohecl Qalom.2,%. Cacti tahe action, fexs 8156; 82)124; feb ie; rtian in the capaci eam ficial, oe, Mese 9,13; P53, Shh 83; Pea 8124-30; Mah. 1, 55,9, eaerciag te office tag; Lin 825; fanaa 0h apoint: finds Pas 81246; dak ww, 12,4. a gchiewe wresultor purpose, Mill.s,s; Mee. 440-10; din, B52, 208. (pen madigal contexts: fuopane a reonadly, bah. 54; 8h. 266; aly a Aemedey, bt. 44 10;icak an ailment, fee. Charpy. 0. (Wim mathomalical conten: ir iy = ay work nut the excesof 2 ery’ Fiiah 551-25 de x ape y multiply by y’ 3,34; in x KA square x’ se 15 fel. 36, ty nbs (paused fregnantly, succeed, h.s,5; make juoservus masnlain,£4s 21, stn (9 erie: fan oul agar Sin 8305, sim. hc 10; ubioate, copa, dhink, BH1,8,20; dine BY; qaumer corm, Ak.s, Ye3 1 read.aloud-abock, 82 og '95 neal spell, Ma Kb spend, fea lime, fen 84, Bad 881 Meal. 2,6; oleracea festival, fea 707; Mok. 16, 99,1; nance fama, GHS4; endl avenpedition, JER 96,43; infliat a rounds Lte 25, marshal a free, Gall 81h; LIE mw So busy with; Ghabhi, on; ete ene Heal sith, Bag; simi g; BIE mde a foafasion as; fo 93,2. Torvertons Lechrical on idlomalic uses natincladed: chose, og. tx ius ‘levy ahare sce sundev the second element, with various frepoitions: 3 ‘maha inks dake, bry, 3; £45 15 34155 ‘age, lamfrns inl! Mest; 244; in accordance with; th dae] dam tack Like} tilt act in accordance with’ Ulva. 6,29; Les 1-25 amd mack 1 towhatisright for, Jen 38,211.45 dx me black prop ‘do 2 should fa done Je 2,126; 25 bo,ysyinfin. in mi fn the comet pocedne! JER'2, tb: La do for; ncton behalf help £109 1560); JER G, 21,21; Some! God, do. 3; a superon, Mak 1, 12 192 ‘make for! place, West, deal uith'an, accusation, fas 6257; teat againd ‘inure, £168. om Ty); Jeng, ayo; marge de thing, a 82215 ‘ack with a ww le purpoce, GE810; in Rl» lo dthing against’ sb upon! Aone, P Kah. iyts dx Ane ‘ak in conjction sith; fa 82,126; fab Wasde fe ‘oown Loa diseclion, Dab B y3 wht ‘act invaccordance with; EXah. 24.3} Mak, toy te; deal sth ov ash, Mah. 1, 4241. (od anccibnny 10k, Iu. $4938,15 48S Jas c docn cf gon Lalo. SS covib-rdowr, Leas. 81,143. mY sha, for 24k. 3, oo( I); 226, (4B), naling 50 UES cattle tir, BH1,5 17)» bur ‘tony tect Bus 306 S11) Mak. B15 0 (ol gael (0, £6, 30,5; don. 3,1 (AI NOD pe Hie dyed Linen, berlin 45 effin lho); Bal B18. QDS ser maning, dd 89 f G85 2 NZ Spe mith, Ap. r2;randso4 dak a5 fon ¥ hn, B27, WB NOR nao thr minor pai 9M 000 S yhoy Oho! Kah, 5; older GH ystsin OSA char cammfe, Mah. 1, 655,15: Yo) Fee dancing ritual, vor 4S), e092, 14. NOSE hb ritual dameors s60 32,4; rah OSPR 80 4,3 pesliain, deb ran AN Lb og; Glen rs, 220 WO DSe al detention, JEM 25,20 NO, hw ingen lag, fle 8, 6-75 82,10 Of a9 5426 BAND chy sefoccing, Mak x, 409, 51246 UDGUUE, am thay ‘rajoce, lk, 8.035% 12-15, 881 (det $e); 1, WSS the cour Dream. Book, 5,16; Ral AB. (KD), 9, tan NG Uh Qh! inter), expressing relief, GAs 101 forwenloanitton with this signe ate under ch, NN yh ag, fuss. VN wa of Bs fight! eh i | 7 ek Ga DUS ge mile cou Mok. B10, 12-1 MANU hy aaa flee, of of Hath, nai ae sta UD Ae Ma NN gt Lazer, kre, x26. uta of A, B14 3,26; 3004, 5964) UDS); dak, 1056,9 OVID. YTB an of dst vine’ UNS har stable Hak, 283, Uhr 's-maulel JE 342 AF a ap wing, din 882; ve de 00 99 223.4; PR Ret B 10g, [JUS zr wanaseon ama i, 60% NE if ftt forme ent, pant af. gn solar, Ta do | [RSS der ards a TIN lyr ag Bae 7 lee fh it ~ BASS a of any atid’ eblendant, Caine 201%8 e205 Uhtt, Land Lice, BAT, 8,24 2. 2h vynow-oel pant. then, che: (3) inlig thal, of Sp Hp 554-5 NNT 1 make 6 flaaish, dk 2015 Ue achat fake ie, A; fs 046 NOR. 8578 WF; o fot ess, Moda, 31251 BN. NOD ifr extinguish, annul, ZA so, 4.27. NOR cme dgnerantoney Lek 204 eR SESSA Lhmacund He unmanying lina ie netccumpols), 1832, = ‘504064 9° NA 28.00, of.sen 21,5,™35 Caminay at Sag, fp on -5pn0 ad palling ahs‘ saos sh at, sr, 600K #). Wot F thm sndetactile san (creamer) Qa ys 8tier VOR, PEE analy, Gy 1825 90 AB1ou-al OD Ti E TS nad paling about sans fy anaes, Jeauarar@ SOF Bef se 21 9.0.25 Caines, Lec cil. BER cht fuiighe dark, fp. y95 ren dB goog PSIT rays, Se°F din. Basu. Gf. Gusq7- NS a infer gol eae eae Marra BB nby 7 by de feb ty fey debby hm rk dancer ni Noe eat dadany amg landmark ips at vr AT enh 1 Fn en gaat n sadeunichamlo inf ENMACS councittor , ia fe 20 a Hak BH, 4m; 400.0. KASS dk 5, 95,02 Duorkohofy 81,6; Usk, 453 6; 503,12. tam NE Ted. bj AP Adin. 019554402 dab, tos; WIT 305 2, de Et cinta dak, 266,16; aa ATR Abani ISAC ‘hlden the P Bap $60; va PA tha; DAG Bonk. s,y. PP 2 cast cna of. ship, eat ty; dad 28 60,12 APH); company of sot- dius, 103,15; of elle Mad 6,6 det, gamgef workmen, Shsibh Jets, 184); taferhotegy 1s UA eis height of aight, in fig sons, as 8y 4; B20 die high Au‘ 8194 (HIN), iif tight-minded 81,204 Me Lt Leghncas, fig longue, Jen s3 a2 (L). AN ca panel. pan (2) inlay fant, of. pf 55. UK MN ce dss hall ale wiscora de old acton $l 241; 16; ey Mah, 180,4;000 APY Lia, 15; ancient nas des 710. WS & det gncinl firme 815,25 4526 16; ann, AIST dake, u295- AA NQS UAe WE dur needy £4 74; Comnag dit. Frag. pl 242,15: Me daw non-omel. part, fp. $292. NDB dur reward pot, 200 4(NS) 0550 HPO) ‘a cof fo sr MIS ISR APS! ak, 279 Yast refowsentlne, Unk. bohm fing aa a oft -ged QUE, aft chaos, masa, 15; sol, 0, 30 (del; or AD km 1,1 YS i 2p few, el, Cameras, Le fy tise, bob; 10 I dm 618 ANSE cape quite for enn, grb amyl. Ten ADS S Bada, 13.4 16 sO caf wai, am, 1393, 6. APS Lf fy ong nor ding. falierd, fp rb (WEE) 647, 25556; dab, Cis 2051 £5 A095 05M a9 5546; 88 2,0 = MB apy eden uk mest one - MPa Cdn Lamarck, pmb; min. NS au, asa; Bem fee 81,22. UNS Te ay Danity, 603, 0% Og ADA cok ob: biame, inden, arkhan I, 19,45: @inkiana binges, 2 Kab 35 (dels. $7); sail, for, AM sk mer meh pa, we swan, fag ugj3390 Abe anf fa. MRA Ss isle shape ep, Bind, Adele 25; INES ty 2213) ef. ChB Yael 8, 7.8 I cd ot Pa hfe pss dacehs ox Bt fscasins, Pe (1) 04; Je BB (morning maa, soe Ten, ples,s15)4 Sins LoD. 307 din, Bino. 480 ist indonog. achat? war AS fr ny Hit wcheefnel, $e. $500 ce Mek 16,5915; v0n SRE yn of 93,0; caren AST Maha 035,85 fail tie, gs (Na 8), Kb- 2353050 FB PED, of omnes (abba Pi) $b Yr 20196 65 OH NS ihe seal, Make 016 ihe cred (are persons aa, liuliortey, Bhd; Any heb Sk 06 gba yy gel: dni lan, Wa 641549413 505 19; ‘esprit of dead, 6 sb Mak. 46s leading of secs, Sia, le, 24.2 lake ‘alt lathe heart of’ Bory; weltolicde, fi.10; 0$; sardonin nant, Pasa dada combat et eecllent Sin. 8106, ta Sy 3 ‘exceedingly fy $2055 (arm, wealth, vinlie, excellence, Lr 5,19; Lee bq,16; Ail, pl 2405 fle BAB tbe Gusta man lsh WANS ptr fst ame, nes a5; dt, Ak, 13617 00» BAS dat 0, WS STS chee duitder, doh s,s; Har nda ptt, peo, yt QBSSN— ay stone quamy, ONS 1% Hrd ty gamma 4c shal Paes 12, IG) WM van. of LAE mounting: NRT th shint, di. 611; lak 1,14 (dat 0) van PAS Tae dae, NZS te cute, 4656, AEST) V9 thee daar woelir, ake. 0.28. ABZ thus hoe, £tah. 20505: YES B ther councillors) Beroh 18 6. 43 Msp wm lead fp sey; 80 20m; grrr doudbaat) Maihan’ 5 Piamdehi, 93:(3)eb. he onercast of shy, Ars BAM); sown cloudayands fp. 41. saas.isbo |yo Sn puts dane has, 20; del ae cena tg 3 Aaa, Dh. 7.5; pl foefathes, Wal 22yonan $B LS dee dew 08,9 B (ateg hia fachory fp. weg MOD 5,4 Qc ne ofthe wane 19, 59,81, neo 4 oy 169 45,35. Sy seve i iyo UNAS Lar AB DN ak, 5; QS> yy sr; 4 vats 49M skh, 2 DANE ca, VN ye geen regal, lak. 82 15,413 Heinle yucom of thousand ef of cexoun of.icby Alger, kr 6. 2 lm) die re, din 8204 400.50 D 2s ny mo SA 8 - tree Pita uffocatian, 5 06 42 sam, hin Ry; Base; Uae 2665 NE); 90416;84b5;more specifiy disk of sum, iayye; Hn ev howe eof dary, RB nie, 6 Ulnt solar goddens, Ladd 2,50. 42. 24 tn, tein offouiiony, ee 2.25151; gfidt with di.ofj, din. 8 84 (4299) teferbotel, 3%. 142.84 thu epronant, P15 5; war d= ® SADE Ak 4; Lina pet pose tous fof My 9 USL. nur. cheryl, Sib; vor 48S a it pa (Some 2S Ha eyncer of men, Lk 10m; 15hb; of shrubs, Comins ht Bag. pe, 235 of shrinaoa jubilee A MOTH eoelat of amd SUS eof LE, ily ‘the Lavoe! Mak. 105,3(det. Diecrehapel dokn, 126,12; At Adem. ssehoona’ p96. UDINE sie aso i Bt tar easonal ook dh: 16,5; 94, QED (without at) s20, 5; 4 Har f at hit foper Limes 310 WEL); tla s my at han pooper seasons, deat, 11g. YAN ich, dang, hin 019s lem Pia. 429d Ss), dag the bow din 63,8 Hake, Moh, 1290,3; putlelf bond c.1 3,05; publoat eye, fp. b0 det); Langa, cam 5 aro Bort; daaasout inflammation, brit. > €@€-,___ eae ~ 35 ie tly oN i fois, ia, p16; Aelia 2918 48 an.of ll aiain’ NSW aan dee fly op" SPI sing lab for use, Waals. 4 BY); 5; fhe passat of in| Aeritanse, ele, din. bub; fas t1, 43; £ Kak. 31; M36 by6,.4h; 343105 take, conduct, to: ot, n; Like any, came of, Sod ab hing ath fbn; ng 3 Aomene daulp pys Feag. 01, 1h 543811, 5,45 finns; anes ffendere, Leas 8, 04.296; conquer, ie. 8h; fed 832»; Unke 1, Fim 9569512795 soma fuase Lire, fry; Usk, '5; soeel, ns 54; moet, se daar, fin. rbsbj6, Miomalic usc “Lake frosession of, JER 24,0; AE. expression fordiserderky or enalic movomentior cndast,JEB 2, tf eg dn move unceasing, Ap esq nev itl fb ithout maving tnd fe, hon 519; the avmny Caged dhe wilt dk ith a neggede chars of shouts, ak 90g mide 2 Ca med this ny and tha 365 eb pow Ub be This Lama un! Nae, 3dr re fen ore caught i the dusk, bin. 625%; if Apt tianel by boat! fy. sys.1s06; i hasnt he fore! Betty; de gt lake sun’ rove regulary fart Spx keh fn conuon SEA 32,55; nv bb so mit ‘thou nating fom move ment! Uk 3, 1280/7 RM ler thief, Pea 6160 MAGN tts teal, Lae 81 ig IRDA, N° aa of in ase! EPO oma of Wier 'oponcnt WEEK a pop Ap noua; crm, sy joan dK ches c, EB Re soamal an i dp, 45,00 IN ALP 0 Nao cage gink, Mesto, fias.81,235; BD uby.b eo AB ids vb. snp. Le deaf, fp. ugg; 18,85) £4.99,15: laa van of ide stitch! Am i ob in. case, 21.295 Oa" TW tt conaing, incense: php. 34s.1390 A) fs 0521, ase aavous, Md, 2214; 889,15; BH, 11 Co gf aence Se, $8. YY 2d aaseutl (29 by Te tnd QP ar anach 2), Samn ABO batt, hpsors Saude cou, von, ST ET POR ncom, 60% SX ake s020, 4.00 SP LUEC? spol, vale mn TS, B. fsb4, Fos; nga, Nets REO IE, 264% 4D 24> smooth a me-made fet 8H, 7; ef Mit deutich, Sual 9,52. 9 ips rndl ETE css gus, SBME, Vee Lat piven bak, nifuniam Land, Luvitbour, 26; neo, 1%; share of foal, Po 504; hy, ub dual the Son Banks Ly, nob did, p18 va0n 8S Bos miSE Pah. 353 dale, 545; NS the B of corals yp, 50405 SS YOK the Lane the Baumol zie; REO 2, 206% [dem GASP’ ned Linen, 80 aot 3; van. ae Fuk, 1330,3. Wide seme inliadof arpa, 6; 813, 1,640); gover, Jen a4, (de 25); serve as italian commander Mok. 94y6(C4). OBE Lda defy, usally fll hy specification franks on office 0.4. ida ima Hib th overser efor ak, 52,04 8); er mv mC ialnant-conman= den of che army’ £0 7,25; 80 34,46; declines uscd alone coher the sie~ (iis fametion sons than bathe sorter 04. Kau Hak 9,04 ® 2 de nam, im id 0s fr Pak. 824. WE dle Layout 0 melons dak 35,15 NSO a hand of cathy in Rin 3 dan 96; Borah, of lop ha RA Kd PP of peas dak posal. Bnd mar = ON 155 Bhatt hho beat goth BI a TALL cae sgh ater" 4~— [ua ox 26 a ee NS Wats owl. stitch arm gltching, wm DUS 2 £ 8a Smith, 224 ff AS ale itll mf’ a4 LN Se ttuye jusnishment Maks 105 sma NOB; R812 JSS hue the Bella Baus. ran deo. ih. 51417, F&O i; eft 926 5%. AMAR 2elay marsh man, bin.6.65; mom beh Kesh aus, KS oi22, Mes eal ath an dre, dk, 18. 1 I< crane din. 83; SAA 69; lakes, rt; Lama, dis. bya. 20%, Sor re, cur, een ssc unden the faut loro (2) glen, primer: any‘ southern f the Mtoe ft ‘the Louthenn Ps Upon Say, 288511225 Chl the nthe ofthe sep, py. rth Nothern Las Sgypl 2:51 12356 foat tedeant (Deondilion, slate, Fea 8} 76; Aden.b,u; Unk. 1; alae dal Soy zissiiaa, oy en fie eof lath’ kn Um Bd pairf whl somdats tg Cr Soh ‘manna cf subsistence, Fea R25. f dint. 10875 3,4 Be tonief. Batt 2, 60.5501, 195 m5 (©) Figo toace, £4 var. PSA sen syb)n.2. seman, eliza, ior alan V), Mah, 21 29,15 nacoed, gtr, sty 1q; a ‘Hace of seconde, Usk ,6,2; adit 6 eal wcd by 0 YEO Dw aa ingame! ah tn PTE c dyke tah. 212; ah: wan 9 ftp be be ISH < seondan nod, Camimos, Lit. Tray. f.2- LS < Baek ape ly Tce f a ‘duagomar > 0. dik, member of bud, in 83; 6.5; Mak. 514,15; 780 Ft mr caer, i 8264; ele ak, 15; dab fue, AEOT, 206% SUC ssaghlin-& SAA thew he) 28 Fake) 0 7,5;200 0X school Lit, plein) ata Sm the lohy Chamber's the ebsiah halleh judgement, 2a 42,529; "om St chard’ Ma, 0185 18,2 TX & column ilar, 18 21,98; am. BRK as ek 75 a nef hi, Tay IM oe) gue of ip, hb ibu; dele. 2 lad, 3249 FB) 1404s (D9 50 16;of the high’ ml, 66,19; Meador tb; ath wal sey 4.00, din 0265-6; 4f rand or degree, din. 8int.2m6; th. 13; Boush.3, 1.2; of quality, 865.215) eas 8) 321; dabial, 202; forsi 14 E MA), of quantity, Bosh.t, 15; Maka, 5.7; plentiful much, din. 632.95; rich im pastessions, Sia, po 22; ofege, denier, PBe.go10,9; fi9- 9 ib Ue amogant, fa.5, 45, 7- PIM 9 manele, Le 02,2) alder son, Bel. 9ore,s( 539); 2 fr map| domo, REO T, 34% TEN 9 greatness, Li Lin0; speak m9 Foestfally dak.r, 206, TEINS. ot agrat ching, Boh.1, 2; fees B1,108; m-Ob'n, n-t-n inarmuchs 04, fu siti; anal rently. 52055 Vane. BH, 25 45; "o OHO, Ta NVA es greatly, Gp s205 4; ame 25 NM fea 95) 2 8. SUN cy ez, yes math pron Mah 5-2; hind, NS 9 hese, fas 2054, there youd, sen 25,5(2)36;64, Vas. 5 MUO Beh, 33,5; ); Taft 23; $8.10; hau, pc iaia; Tes; bm. ty15, DU di the malls! rT se SK cot fick ony, ee tia 3466 PS cn ag of gold, Mak, 950; sche fo je 6015 A coy half, Ma. 6 (dals EY y20 15 (det. SY, ight f fcr, 123085 | if foros, 983 Bo; Le Rind, 5. 13,20 0 FS cacy conan, 8.1 somblain, A. 2B cue complain, lak 1,085; eompbaint, vin 3 ccm chim, MaacKe tyh, Fankien dl, gv 209 cus mite. Ging, sousee f omualine, BH, a6146 00. SQ, a, 2gn)19; 28 Das. cf nos, as Jc eat for matting, Usk 612% (de tar fr cubge else. IM te cmbyt measure for the abmve, Bapns, Alam. $2420. AT cea oh 2.gor, Lae tack, fa 8299; 82,965 Matt 15 (det 8), Mask, 410; comeback, relay, fob 3; Jin. 8 56; Unk 3, 514,2; ing dock, fas 82,16, Ftcmb sandal sbraps, fr 506, 53t, PS enh ore Line dhad nn; as. 81,295; Wise. 7, mle och bing ge, Lob 1 ae ing sul a 135 Saline dene 5 = co ‘captive see o.x th; wh. me ‘Live on, fy food, le, in. Bibs. 19, 2 06; lnk 3, sagan Laine foreign Landy Lith cn cy Ma it fone oath, fp. $218; PRM mag hel, de prosperous and uell 4995.81; cy mary He L fret, $315; of $078. fenk- cde th Sad che rr (2pm fe i 8256; Lt 9; Wd 156; 0 en ba 4340, dP hapa dng Wing eine ey $08; nb a Ueda Layo of iy, Sa 44 Makm, 40,15; Ly cupheialic fer sarcophagus 2,4 (del); w81, (del FA), am Sol make frorisin fs’ sie, fas 8182 RB 2 He Sa ge, fa Yew a Ri 9 5 i rs fom abl ana, ahs 42.15; cfr na mie “emma soldiers JEM 94,3845; Sehwtt Bhs recipiont fom the noyal lable! Jen 2084, 6. FES" nl the Laing Mah m1 5; an FS" 5b3,5, 0205 64 gs $B cape dle, 36 2.6; em H 36,09 FMC age FOR coh ty be mans Memphis, fathin ek pgs 1, ng, REO, 125% $l say, dak 965 14,00 ab5 4 sath, 4 Pech gan, dk 595179450 B49 he, 9° vicar Backs of alattor, alia 22,1, FPS cary £28, Bohs Uae 196;44 13. 8 coh mio, dn. Von Reale aye of ily, 28 216; ma Ul. 36 4% Raa ce ce, Gas ug; mon FOO, Bons #'9 2M sy FO enbe gual, Sit psy 0 p29 90d. $4.95 18 ee cu dir i, os. 50; ll 208,15; 889 ARE culiwe magn, SecAts, din a6; emis 10. rsh me lnk 2 306 liar ae RY tied a lah 3%, 02,5; Ss) £6 2516 ng nb cng esi foe ary Aa 18 Yn 2B ig; ARB ae fasts $8025.24 IN cing in af 2 —'mywh-seribe! Hah. 20,60. J ca des 0; aly fart 802; An hdninish, |_ ems Pm BS cud Hee foe, of probe, aor 12,1. ee or OY cd a argue Mabe, boyy mann Veoe dE, $02,5 AE cnr jay, G05 40. NR cnda dauny, 69 4,20, YC uso YT asi 0 ht. ey mown uh ascend, bin place din by lik. ll Bye one, Bin A) atond, janeliale, of amend bene, de 5.2 easi15. Of zie whys; gus. OM cau preity an 22%, sa SBS casper they che sscond () Cains fifa. pli 2h 8% SG ca seed per, Pes 81,305; la, 29,5; rY0i red. ca m4, es Sy, Sk cat soll f popes, Fs 82,124; of leather, Ue, shar dat.) Pn of Za rae! Seb cat jaar, fp 36; 204 5; Sonar da 0 3,6 SB cat inde ft of ran TA (dt 0); inguin of anime, fp. SUS, BUS, sx hbo 10 nul. 228 cacy chin?) 80.466; f- G.8. Yea, 20,0 [> Feng wag, abl. 8, alto, r0; vf combing Bash 32 C6; th far 6 Mb ny s¢del Pi) iyag dele Ss); pn clae dlah Yb b6r, Yd: >); Sentai JA 33, 24012). BSF cual gate, Bp. sya.gra le Pry, dak, pee BNC), df of dele dot, BB 12,06 1256-2 NN, lente, s0m reg} MOS), fable judge: ment, fas. 81,35; €kah.19,96; lck-re, oy2, 9 SME); 104s Ves), of 2s bobs; ductling home, La 2 (my MFA) Led 2 by FRA ek Lats — raft he aes basin ful of spent Do, Be bb, [S45 ca do garment, oorphy; vem AT Magy, Poke, u2a, SA cok bow frets Lewise, mail aan. S43, MM, 605 107; se 32, y5,m4 enh th closer, lok 9795(T™), PS coh seear, Lah, 4458 aps. [cab chime “6 a inl che SLA coh basket 0, Belch 3 Pe crby lastdar of the month, wn. =U Zaffle Sle Ho, He sabu MMe seyr; okey ant dof he yor dm ove Shins; es «hy 10, 20,01, USA nate, Ap 1046; er; van NS 20.4344 ES ch fualace Mea 5,34, da, 56,3; dgde, enn, 25; me IO din, 06 Hts din 50. MAF ef anliah snare dak ,a0ia; mene flor NE eg. Barsky; dk, Ub with dat 20 $6710; 081 1; gnclose Love. with ditch, 660, 6. YA ite off, aurny disk oe, Ap.rssa; our N28 dak yoy. HES Bt farm land, Uk 10, 12,23 66,10; J, 143 ae, oi 10, 1% HS Phat cubation, Lia 6, 230; vem SB pls. 309; 419i Pau , 5,05; WY Maken, mir ey; EPR Gian ct GF. 280.0,97% OD, hs fee sureh, La sy in 8b; Alka, 31954 ‘against bin. 8136; he seit i bc dik an ith ASE em da $2948 db Sd ly the sounding fle, Meas 8) 298. 5ER 4,11, 0.10; 43 oar, TY ye loucn’ Bo. sy; Mab, 51 hie fe tha ith ahead ig (29m in 8108131; Aah 654; SIT hy pense ons 6A R Shy hint of mail, Gn saw, 205 hin tote fy se; OUDSA4in 75400 8 hy wraps, L189. CDN ht cll. gris Uk 977 Ba} —* chive gino, din, ob3.129.105; vane OO tab. aye; ENS F250, ‘He aloof safari pnt ip. ne del 8 fy Pen insenal 19, 36, GBC hat Latleginsnd, ak 18,15; on 1, 82 x Chat aoanshify Junin #1 BABS hd fh lates nitions, 18,50. rah chs mur doumding role, 8,255; Mak very det Deh eng | aC chsaciy srnion PKab 9,2; ra. IK Bors. x 15 00% SF Mihex, 42. Gf JER 34,40. YR che sand, Sin 8.245 810; faa 4 lento ee m-haes'gthe neigh boushoods f'n aithsland, efifese, din. 65-6; ah. 3,169; cht ‘ald. in the placeof'a succeed, dene, Maher, 54, 6($);van. he ba ab, bo, 5; he he Af seppnes (land ot) marcry, fas. 8-4; slamd. by, Pyr.230; sland, gieak, of pillans, Per. 359; nai self, on! dsacde, fp. sow; Mme ay, ian ay, Moe 2; oI 1 againal sna, eas 8186; ith ba infin. ‘nie and de thing Mase 62125; aise = aucced (as nator) MZ, 85 in make accusation agsinet 88 45;2-8; attend, n'on dine, Wh 31053; 06 business, fas 81, 202.243; 4a Ue, JEAIY, $4029); gail, JER ty 63;0 fr! Pah. 51,3; idimatie seo: he Lb parsulent) dn. 65 fie me the. ‘err or monthly dulies iS 911417; hc homie! ass dif, 2 ypberah. TE, 2A, Aju, 4), Zi b0ybq; fue hav face) ‘indulgent Je R14, 54(30); dat alts hE “Iatance oitunadngf Pbiah,.14,13; ndé fot ooduce! ‘produce dthing, Bale 6 ue, vb, Mf. Soaybors. BAD, cw eemenial atin of sins 15 i 4 rasan dh), foopes faite of ings, Mee; Loure Cte (YD); 254,054 $5 dv rogoud onder ak. 1, 525, 12( Hin), PAST hese attindance, omvize, NS U0. Ptehc gétindan, fom He, gus 0. HS chic stand-by, etry dt phass. YB che heap, dah.3,235 11, 524,108 fl sahy Bas Bhs; onlin, abletnent, der a og HET, quail (rate) 002,190; fe fom seals riches din. Brey, 6,188) Adan 2,5. Rech shel, fe $4,m; Unk. 10, 1052,hj-var. 9" es. £78 BY che measure for ber, Unk. me, 155, HER, wanof chet ome! Ya) 32 cer ghia dim. Bann; Aik 4. lak, 325, BSR) rb A cath, fb er tha flat 9; 5b 2 Yea et ia GR Phar hfe, feb 19; Unk. 95,5 ier Sa lng Life 084 1 make ‘lifetime’ 86 bo, of Home, faa 8431; Bato gs me Bio nf ‘inde Lime’, testey,22 ame. TS orbins; 4S seas pl.s0; 151 doa, 580,125 89 ey ns56; Bisa [ST eh bagi, Sin, py 303; lok 2 604,005 4,0, BAe oh sin aie sf Che hy, Mak 442,16 hema, rons 1244, 4.15 Be he wb. ain Lag, in. 61; Mah, 1906 n, ew alsa che Joab sovop inyef fabeon, Mak. te, 12,4 ON che extinguish fre, Fy.2ny, 68,2612; quench chil, slabs AE); Peas 8207 (det: ES andy) Alek. 1, wea, dasog, Wh THT FORE con. of hore “ty! RE of mage! SDI en of Un ier lamb Joo he gow, chee; ean, nit oy. See Teen of hur cilight! Jam che wf simp aly Moh.¥, 6315908. eeTR re = din, Ral, Nhe rage of god, ma. BS cso; BSS seo 39, pl2,22. Je Nw cho areca Pberiss fees ¥ cde sigs adh 6 Eb adel UDR 1526 n; mene NET EL ys FHEIES ty sudinee chamber, (ntti Cay Lanes, 601, rita] heat deo tt olin rawr, Gs et Jes 56a. Bele ast; FRPCO Aatauh ans, FHS Uk meng, ge fers 15 JB sme, with dre ly, 80 4 9; ith ny lh 2, ops, 16 UNE M) 4 a-h EDAD Ase fale my dob. 9102; actaapill dds USB), 398 J pene ais 50 JESS cl so-called cedar, MEO, 1; van, Mak 23 195 hee Wits, 3:09 “pee Or adi ani toni SAN dt fogend, fama AN cas 0024), mang, numerous Lin, 898.43. 155; MEI 249) pnjanin ate “a hina ala Ly 2; ao enki bg ak, 6,8; bys ae fu108; sich, te din. 8 uy, Meh. 4m; ordinaurg: mend. cs o.propihet, ‘bes; sim. £ Mahe ty 50; bp. 2087; as ale, often, 5208, (yr quantity, malitade sb maven roa of Mk 2, tye Sl mf efflitind, B.r1.45 yo te, Ml 1, 340,2; the sale of ian i i much; ld ob — any 2 7 fad Paki he a [ADA ce multitude of rrsons, Sin 654; Uk 3,246 OSB); company of spt, he 3th many the mages, D2); Bob. AT AD cn chatter, bo loquacious Makers, 3; Mam IE, b AN Te Bits dr noing Mar 161,26; famer pte 298 ), RD dy dove (1), lak. 1,155); neta AIM shreziousl, Comins Lk tag, fra Anat by. Wak, 4. ‘il “ives sn inl a ala JA 30, 5, nl ie. Bub Uh. 23, 2( 3), wos 4 AA); ef Coming ine” ofp kaa, 19-195 ha ‘ol areal, 68657; tea‘ me, dhe; ‘ly'a door, 88 120,13; Lm ‘olsine, Lesle.196; fr come in amd go oul; tome andego; Mah, 10,483,119; 108, 5-9; atom fom Sh, ngs, ys change, wv rd fos, RB 57,3; Lee ny of evince, income, iat ply, 300, lk 36, 10g; hae the onbice: 4m is gt % # Sgo- dts he suled man’ mar having the ef diode infty without bing annownted’ Bosh. 2, rfp \ Br); web he» n'a fide having fee nly Limit. 50,93 h Ub ecome nbimale by; TA ‘on face bs face fy eed, S60 32, 53;,at, of ay Heb 71; run agnevend yo thy, eat 1,25. eA Tiki tl in, Lhe untrusas; war, PB.¥ tasty 20, BATH har me eu familia in speech, Mam-t, 85,23, BATT har fund mill 5; Ba it,a asilhout 0), SMe yt female sown RIL jm & haytvs, BEIT ch hooves, lak 1,105; 18; 164 1 frovisions ford Sin.85y (SY 5), Proryy; Leas, 83; 81,83; 2 few () ‘make fr for dag, 20 S- Ae 11), Cea. a, 39,6 8157; income, Aste, Hak, 22,36, 35,24; PIS ch eyed fuecine scans ane 8111; Bris; Abr 87; Uae 50746 BN); chs Lb stuaightforenad; 3,18; 90,10; soalse hs ity, haat Plajabs (ay inana go shai 5 facs 8y i262: Liane sacanight, of lirl, BA CHD); fig. of sing uth, Bao; conecl a frubt, Pham, 1, rina: (3) Miaightnese, JER Wis; siaight dealing, Hraight foruradness fas 8193.25; Bais 5; exact denae of serch, ls 819g; 2 BD ‘omar feckasith; fu. 515; = 2 Ms secording dikes EI chy o obiaghe dealer, Lea 8472. Mth cay fie balancing, fas By; me Rt wrath, Jee, WLS, (ms, 73h. Fa MY hse sot, dak 66 802046; 0, 4 NY 20 16; uae the chs-rohe, feb a, why, Bese gk resinous varnish? from dys, 6 70.9 . BS ut a fcpanatiovel grain, dial pl, ss7; flak 243,100. a Bo, SS ego fea for oat lak, 33, my S84 ch atin mash, fia 8207, ham 18,020; earkien 9S, cf. ans ga; Abe i fuse eaten’ SEA, 25,04 ee ct beers, dln ROP oen.of or ai, if pete sterol os, EE, SE ts. fi 205 vas. RR take Bu 6m ad) ak 008 fs afeand sound! nd of sony Eich 3,2) Ak, 55204 4; fraprnurand, offen Lah. 249; 24 Ui, 1062: fcome hele don.2,21 A feng Gas 1 EDs oo nat ttontyc! "Be isiemended) Tied hachup, desig Marth D9 dn, 2,10, aN cae. massacte, TE 4,14; se Cate 20295 9 SRG rangi eli in ts 3 "e3u; Shera Peg of fob peate, UAL 41; same SO tab mw, 75545 Se Nytea, 2; Se es Novi Aamo is, Cf Mintforschung 25: hea fete (2, Feces, feaa, 81,133, irre ee aan mae 6,024; OO mek 5695 hep, 13. ES cdma adenine 44 43; tna Sled, TS BSH see a lly Comins Bay HE Stes me gud, Able gy), CHB io944; m co} fp JER 3,88, m1; soaleo n 9,22, 03) LS dome heswtany fm doit shar tired!" faher,y FARINAS cds guilty mann snemgdan, ah. 495 17 R= det emt, Pad bith, by, SRE det: quater, Ca. deith, i. aan [p= mica EB 53 Bian wet ¥ Set onclney fa nat, fo 53524; van 9 fais. Sue suff. ron spl har, here, thet war. St, Sp. $3 ve ory Mak 0,35 605,12 IS 135, 15) 0d. x fea. sy; YI dihiiet- superintendent fas 8, 193700, BO AXeh. 9,25. PSB wl cond, den 4,641.16 PS Ber fread no, Aes 81.241; eshte meal Tha, 3; maser, 15.5; 88 10 BUNS ws ey far: adj. Shad ut; in 6b; 0555; 4 from, TH, 2; deck 3, (90 7 ae of space, in 8; Pla 81,29 R862, of ina, Long agg for bog tine hast, 608 5p Naw. ABMS faa 81,53, 52 lik. 1, r44,2; AB 565; REE dae. 0) fal, 2 ink! edition, oan MIF ADA, cas 58 with mamy i matic uses, Aa sl 183 cer afr fall on thar bid dul, 18,9; 1 LL ‘he were inthe act of Coming’ RBb 9; wef.» fi matt ‘he has .- ene sezaaion li emafine (Usk, 19,8 PIS west road omy, Hin gfe 819 2); la 906 RID 2.515 Say te sat begin a jouamey, 27520 wt mapa aca fo Bosh 1; fiir causing evcnyone le know af his fen teak ab, 6,152,025 ‘alk on errond’= follow line of tndaucl 5,6; mdde wit adhere 65 smerny’ he Loyal, det tsk, 20, i lan 22. Fen TPB Ese blader (2 sie, be gh 20; 8 Mah 5 fas Rend; Mk ,nbhn send nb on eery 8, Bab 63; iy. JER 32 $6 oe NFR Wut dh Loe Roadaof-dorus name of NE fonterfontius JER, 5} sn DEE dab 1, 5415 of Caminon fit. rag. p20. PDA asi roast (9 grain, $b. 12,125 W191 00d, HSA cb, PMY scar captain (0 of ship, Mak 0 9961. HBS se sae of wo, AMS 4 “abi counsel beans 5; debe 2098 9 ALE sorant cond, lak. 1, db, 2; aur.del fh 13950 PINE G sort fing 226 (9, digmaen i. UA es Wert m Lee Adal, Mothern bis, B.S 4 lek Be yn2; mah Mes £86510. f. B60, aYo%; Jen unig; Kash b 50. BNI self ian bara le eh 7 kt fe, Bags. AB D6 ww Leth, decipi fsail ak hi; adaling caches bub, pln. amd, UNIS wste fi Lina ad, Sia pb, >25; vant Llc. 1, RIN Ai att fay of he Cy cna wih the wa rns td RBA we bake 66 55705 ABRs anak of elafnel, sory 5:6; Caminas Li thay 403 mofo YM 5h of. 00lians got down, Lauy oun, Wes, 4; Lh L 18M. 100,55 ja ok 645, fn, in 890; le rome me, da 13 4; lary aide, discard, ibid. by..65; Leaue aside, overlonk, ignore Hamoti 0.1 (5; JER 3 39,1; Abd 18, bbb, 1; dab-asicle dthing m‘for'dime, 231,(2;inallale offperiongs i, 17h 1 74065 1977 Lasgo av huileling, 283 bay, anden thing fyi negislen lbh. 36, 104,317, add, ba to Rhind, 12,3; filleha comfy, Mdm, 65515; da death, mv among’ people hill thor 13416 sail day R649 rail for Sone: Brink, dei sip; mm tard n wht Sant ‘wail for you) oven aewilon efering dink £5 lady, faheni 1: permit sith, Gott, adomcf, Ge sttins (rAdiomatia uses of (: 50h le ous the head, Segmeen, bu: lak, db, 6, ‘rssh tem x nate mull by, Mind, wb s0ik th mona gmt 1 Winidey by x23; 098 th s00am bf mv 50 eof aahah oe ~ Maat, She to * ad ‘make offering, Uk. 36, Hah, ah 54; wh fa bx i the face i favoun sone, Jt, 240.008 9 Lp lathe ground burhrasie, 519. (pinks ie Longe f prs, Ain 82705 fay 4 ob a 050) sth ty Bachar earthy i, he 295 uth, ak, 350s. am eing ofA, yy st a ing pape a pla Sy ating, A, 30,5; 4 angie 5485; of js ize, el, Leas, 21; el 23; Moh 0 9665 208,12; 88 1018 lyme dh 13, by 12; din ‘ont Adele br; Unk 10,1550 5; be palionl, Faas 8125, Vaan ABATED shad ps; Wt din 690; Yut.te, 29,6 VAST wih Uh febinadly paliont, Las bq, 20; Lean 8209-10; 28 16; a0¥h cb a “fe sohindasts...| Lok si-24csld.); Lomeney, fenvocbonce, Lin. 20% (NS 16; én enor forssih enduring! RB7b9. ILS? Tr wrshaal bbations, Bork 36, 1325; 200. 0S EF to 8 ag, TAG osha graith, glam, Camino Ei Ia pla,s2ithem sus R@); rgb ALE necklace, £1 104 SOSIS), tbr 6 GAC) Hom ash file of gold, p05 4; an KOA Te she omasinal ation Mah 899 6.04 TANG wihye omen dak, yee TA sitcom ik 5; by am TAT tak gg irs MINE oo oe OK woh flo cms, Lip. sarvar. A DOIN 20 225 14 BUNCE woh vb ind. fy arta, of land, fps03.ssu; Becton f persons Spanien M2 8 Y 2. ARE K soak column foc, Mele 54; van A ORO fia 8251; APM Lak. vost. Gf. 8496; Jeans; sor. Miso aati lab 5073; acan SAP Aip gys bo Bai. Vita n.daminimn JER, 12; Gq Mud, 2; vb Barve dominic ke, 225 42311 (le dsm enone and ey of Sake er, ithe, man, $3; MEO, + WS wast the oben, oof gat Mont, lak, 6575, 0. 4eP ion HUB sad cing, he rained deco, Bor. 25; Mix 0s, (1b nud ok, 165 DSSS, hash confer wilh fn) 43,15 15202 SI Taal ob honoured, of gly ole, 0p hy»; 243.9; Le diong, 288 547% lah Byha0j1a: henous dae lo ged ov hing dak. 231,13; 200,y AE. 3094802). PRIN ay seating All. 1 PISS wig w iat agy war 1.299; deta B few mduleuttiene " IDF wosl corspiraling C1 1 a6 Biot agua, p54; BW dak, 5 Dosh talopeform colsnen, Mah st, 43,9. Vek wil amulet im shape of last, 2612078921515. VED\ wd ad green, fa 812.2 N); Ae 80; Sil, 15,25; ake of Ly ol, ans, am p23; freak, Maks, 335,15 1554 (¥%);15b0; rau of ford ale 55; Lat 81246; halestindy, Ap. sy Shao; BAZ, 23; he 1h 1 Made 2b u AVA, 264155324 10, 03d ‘eiqoroushy| fe. 5205;5; cmv ati Saceceasfully, ea tha baa vb moabegseon, Uae 132,12; Ae flounish, 215,15 om TEN sosd foun mary Uk 34790 “Ne wid queen slime, Ar.5;10;000. 12 Uak.w, 6554 Ne Paotde queen dimen, Ak. 12039; 0088\ 0 6.9 PIs racer gazes ane, f JE 0 habeas dd 3.0 CN). PTS: sade an oye aint ba van ANE iid; 1 ay 55 sae |i Ala 5,50. PB sosd Chaco 1 ay offering loaf ak 605413 Bisa neue ie tm eid aa eof Uk a, 518 idk wt 3b ~— 4 5 we IND aide bow of ship, 285 543. STB we curse (wh. and), GS th rho. Te De dadgt mdi: crags Sel, a mig grr. PR e244 TTS soccer fame, im sb wc ina elmer lak, 34m BH 5, 15; E0160 VE the Lin eonl- goddess cand & lak, 6/8,26%5 puch, hear, eno se Sn pve, Beh, 24 ly 15( “5% duh 00, INS adyt Aathel clamor dink, 154 19; 0a IMC 56,5 13, aaa. chil‘ inde’ RB 1s fina apanlinenl of palace, fet by, 25 SS dr te sey, Sd 5; Bay Mal, n2,9; 000 SSAESS 0, “jb; 151 (dt. c2) BE sa; Foe HEMET isqss ee ~~ PIES BS accu Mak. 3, 546 6 RENT esddl setting rigor WONG cogs PtP wey saldie, 285 53,06; Je0 sys Shaadi tao. g, Jane; SS, a, fa 50, (TEE sch a a, a3 3 15,3; bo; 88 07 4: acl, 4B a? mummy acate 54, so. ‘ AMeale.u,18, 88109, 15; athe, deste. 2,25; lak: V, 24,14 Aians, ob. cleanse, purify, Ys adit ant awl oom, Go, 2915: fifa ae, 8a Bed 1.1; Bot Bb Von SUBS ts sacred teak Lb ne Mak a, BD 4944 aks (0) th lia riverine SUD fy ry (Fido; (ax, 0152;'9\ 043, a Jen se2ijn.3. Us. Ya Aske, $04, 16 (TE Purch fusest, van (TS geos,55*. YATE ae hat aside sh ary sa se 5 0d athe, 135 FF ac fuialas, Cairo 202.406. tas 10. — (TE seek senue an pies, Naferhorde, 32; 0n.(T fas 12,12 hse one, fp. t4 ab 0.abay; indef. antes faba; try, 6. dar me... othe $5 1 BAS“ wach fics seize, Moh.£, 16 7, 00h (VES dee 5 Bn tt ove. other; im Boy al. $2; 00 wb oeorger f5104; esha ‘mech TEC ett jae ot embuloent; tom: Aitcheny refectony othe Ue, ans 263 several, §263,1; 200. 406 “in me ackion, or stale door fe dhing atl Lagethasaiqq; slkeing- slab lish.xe, 166,197), sree alt Oogeher, ti 2, mig ve ond, in; lk 4,0; JE 9:7, (TS wsdl mat Ai pty ayb lade ays (TS Caffe dat, sens rst pate hac ani’ Sp Spe nar Solan. agi 5. iatyapspbe (TUES hes 73,1; (T LO yp, 23; RSNA safe gs Es ed wt sf, Labeda a Bn 5 a fag. no 2. (TSF archer sacred roe, lah. 1, 12,10, 80448,5;00n.(T ST rezqas; (TP SNS ety sale ott Sole Companion, 814,953, 6); Bemus 15. daha, 25,15 Dat rawr tt ‘Sole Hing’ Cancaine La pls), SEA wef fond dou hormeep Aull, in 05, abe naions dn 8219; Unk 3 15.4 (debs 8a); ght je honb, erled. ate, of pach the boy, Som bys; £63 1 hy wwii single obli; lnk 3,544, 10;1550)8; ab why the eae, fr. 25 SAW); Mu A. 6-y aneltef sis onky dasghten, lk. 7 5 React) captive, Lounre Cie 10. ZA wey gol, nat rj roe. A hat ha SEB welt noyal urneus lk 0,339.07 SEN saan janine) lnk a, Yn dele? 214, SSA soc flog dim Bing; 2 ka 520; fly agains se, of well-dinectad, 219,10; nash forth, of child a nth, Mase. 19.17.26. wc fugitive din bing. jarcaur— ahey 8 4 haat SEL scat fyb dn ssosjaaa. I2% Siiorst; Soe SM ayy Saisate DEES wrcaur haalines of speceh, Faas 81,208. SE2 Sc fg 515; las ig 4B 5 35a oo, fs 0,259), WEES weal deert plaliaw, ver del», Es, Gn 3. AS socal adminisbralise division Say, Aah p24; ef olso 21 yo 36; quanline ef quild, Cain 20084; nti; of necro, Lea $2,21(S) of GS 20; feanl vata By wae by flim egy fu of ming digs, $61 2-4-6 SSB socal coil adminisCunbon, MoS. 3, 1093; JER 0-ntjmillany tlle, JER yun; acalis wv Ais Conbiotler ef the Household 2), wa, 5 cf SEA 24, ayn solr fo 4A Cnbittovef the Rubs Salle; 21 85.55 9 Sela weatye administalice, Lawne ci; war Se Cite 2 025, 4. Saat) sch earobaLeam, Siul pb 2,69;amam. T 20l.8.1t; om LHL. 296. nginonas( 2); a, 8012; 893515 bs Ue 0~heanbed Unk. 1329051993, 5 20) Ub mr , Ba haa fe) onde in, Beashet25lpy n-s eB) dak, 5950s me the sighs info ian bh 14 sls aan sightd, St gaa 2g 56,10; onlay, klore a regio lk: 8, Suniel), 205,25 06018 2AM) reseala matter, Bers 25 6p 4; Be apie BA); she acelin la soe iho of he ser lob, 3531. 2 Blanks cferveounl of lomfile, lak , 561n10. QS what sheng, ooh 3 LE sls butler, nto, 2% CAMS aby maidarnnt Mts; 90. LBB 2D ii. SS She aiseyshing, of dun, din. 8235; dak-w, a,16(deb RY; 420.7; his; glitter, of frccious metal, 3, 0;ghhest, of gok-n-man, ino 200%0;Caminoy fit bag, 14l.2,2,1%; goofy fas 8124; WA, 1996 12 He eeessing of live ase byasa. SAT ae pide isk 2) BH Ma, 005 0. SRS velour samy Makan he faa, 197 5; slrar tana, 97,6 SLPS ab grad, wade. 0,09, mn REP RY Ref, Ld. mith, 52 SI. ly he bight, manna 1,974,004 det. Pid, 20146 Sd salt wb hur hb»; 8035. 1p heat, £6 05.16; Ke seakded, 801956. SIR le ham Lb hing dd |Siahil omg Ap. yos.1soa lf of head, se8 22,06; frou fpf mba, Fim; uy se ig’ Uh xu, 5; Lf of moulin, BD 24,2; de bef the earth's farthest owt, sk. xe, 86 270,965, 6ahl wb Ab uber abdomer, Jen22, oy fefechol, Bp bot (GY) headdress, 546; renith, ib 152,13 BK sok 8 inf often, PW) Lhd oy 80334, 6; of soomen, oLhe svom bin hitb, beat, 5s Nak, 30,9; fea ‘0th t's onaleone bse, fp. 110 omy adie, nk. 23,1; 200d, R85 6;quainy, Borah, p24 Araugunale, 160 52, 50; paok, sepanale, £ Kah bq 122714; BH, 30; dinde gerd Make, 834)6; judge coleslanta at tase, plitionery diut, pl.h 2b6(¥ $1); Mok 36j072,; 1082, 1; whe onc Yue elcar 2 any’ LABD By (04)s Mak, 5; sf sel ose ft S68 24,mm-b distor a acre. 3, 1549; dking vac ‘hy name ole plate,, Sle at pecify ta dolailah it, L. Byour. 8B, fp. 59,24 Vi wht judgement, dalnul, 20,18. WR apd ob 2inf gu of (mag WO spe, decinion (9 dk 1, 108413; of. JB 41,25 (24). YS* 8 fare excel lal So YS BPut fewschold (2 grown, Caminos ffs, Mie n7;0r. YOR Phas 0/2 WS Taft imvenliny schaule fons 82,138) 008, BM ina fi dag $230) WR or danny XX Baber, [eteet” ae 60 YS" sacl message, in 825 Made, 295208 XD); pines, ann B13; BL ga SAY Lin 8173 843,26 106 439,00 6 9 Hae) Meat, 052 (3) sp He fnish; L236, 50) fl Si 1b. ah, sk. WE, tof, 12(dets~); ewe ?): Lrmuct Sb bue m wpe ‘swomer deca sccd abt thas rl 156,16 ESS ath july thunliy conisgionts JER 35,31;32,4; RED, him place els e5 Warn. 8 SP hi gy; WX Ma, 108, 55 MB san; Bp LVS ai NK g20, PEM doesent dic agus dial lam au, Mak. o30,n( iv Daa of Anubis, eI.L 90. Wen frat dango the month andi ital, 26 54; donde 5 ua ov did. 118 ISA Pax amdt Meu Yo any andl fetne, lnk x soqppeon W591 Fos. LE wh arson Mik md; van SEK C1, 40. SSD safe Gangs REO, 245 "Ff SIM ae ob Lath aul discuss, Gs fe Laan ain nfl, fi, 61108) eee pan, JER hi, ¢ SIN Hn death ube tonsensaion, 5 31. SB sot chick, A 20,17; zombith stout Aearlid, Gus 35. SB sont gutesnay, $0545; rs data NE mk 95 8 TPM samt Uhick eloch, dak, yo3,15, 00s det 145, 2;¢. Caines fits Sag. 05 SIT set mcssof men, £867,3 QTE pint thick unt in SST ay sombl tircwmvallation, Ma, bb 03 soos, PSM rp ne STR) hay 0 Mak, 2,2 DD). [2 sm or, in 15; fa 8,277; Aloe, daha chore ann cl, Mader, 25, 581519; RBI, ai on db. 2591 Seng pee br he some SF soe he so the sight of, aa, of. 6212, .5; Thay ie lel, mn a ly, 303 bok 3,15 aden me aha judge in fuabli, Senn fig 46 $7 ako inf adn ha Lp bay LIB 400) RB, 603 6 0 ng wif of Lama dsb; 015465 hy, Mec law 2b; fameny, Qe; age feat, casos. Van SCF Wak a, sti [SA so neglect lak, 2 Sse faut, lame, uh. 65; 41 4944; 4470 SB son fea fy tans 10h of amar fe don, ye ats). SMT, sony alent yobs, Me Seat sancti in Lemp, Me 92. JSS Samo wy divin of ime, Ge prob; aaquncral Liv sat: bink wil = a badibine, Lab. 32514; suc 'Ona.momenb don. y;,sim Mok 1b; 40 95 ace pie muon paorvodially, bjs te che beng on deing thing, 25 hn Meng th fe 0185 deny tratt ows souls aslionomey, AEO3bI* Tan Xo 057,552 dl. 44,6 SAE anus duly series ab x43 6,00 OYE 454p3 2K 4h. A arat elt uiatheet, List 21; fu 6 ED;4u 5B; 0mo Be), ake, 199, 1 BBY, salt of worbons 45 ERA). ux seul fren eon, 80 5634 a S222. Ud, 16034; 22 Sr 1609,15; 5226 Rob; K44,% neo bat Se SN soar sy lind fo, Unk. a86 5986.2; mab, Tm chalet, Epbgs det}; 18 2, by (det, 80 155,1 (et; pane abel, of child i womb; fig. ys0 (EE) tana fiance a-region fi. 710 AM ad floacy, ip 64; oan SSR do, 089.6. S28 wm frur figs 2 Mk. 20,2.68,3. SS soup hej 8815125 1; sf 2h le fle fi 5 bd") Lat Wah. 190,10; 13359,017- eassion Y) Baana fam 4,2;fublicappamancs, [amp Bam afer a o wah ant We conbont' the like, la. 1, 181-5, 10. IS Shaman gat, eae. 2.215 2822, SIND); fo 8, 12(¢+ Makes, 5201 HAI, Aakens, (8 SN, na of, fed, il 1295S) Mak, sey; consume asa proper, dial lb 22, of JERS, fa, mh —GE.Z8 Abyh EDO wnt food, fodder, EMS 4 wan DT Lagu; EO So.a,. SST sr ford suslonane, td 1, , TTF amano 0, 27,5 SN fale ex (18 29,61; o0e WE, I 22,02. TIMa rong devin fas, 0057.6; A404 dhyrmen ot SIRS oem ad. aight 1m hie Lathe Mache Man RE We, sin, PKB 3536; PA, song 2 sno. 2 gor eel, of fu hb) 235,31. Sn ymenamcl. at thal, fo §$149. 259.522) ancl fal wor.of went blow, 485i ode smb ‘thee ia(one) nat fff 0h 0451953) LEB IS, 53. HES noc at deren ar $f $420 SSAA on mr, ine kg, reality, in omrinus dena} inl 3 fu ‘tina real (aomedep) ££ 63, 3:(E)asich suff, (afi) and =m at] ‘nat (beer laced] rv rng justification Mah 3, 1084 6; sim.r08 7: (6 ater gor itil, hak mesh ayaa thine our real ear bey sith thee Ha 16059; mg Stay wm mse arreal voserrd, fuahel ia p10, SPY nfm scree is a night cause fan 8) 203.295 sm 299; thy wy ume mse neatly shill seni, Ma, 1,15 sly md mo soreme ‘epeasanbarhois eloquent: in ery lath fa 8156225): A) afer be I fr errs ‘ch sre my ies ivan Lill Uo. 8, a0 ee aly Loved boy hia dnd, Bar 36:8) feu pepo nstr Bench Gfought im wong dend, Unk 3, 1442). SEBS Blam nf md Onnapbia name of urn van S289) ise, dead, Bat Dymay ah fm an oa; 5.8 tok ws, 1529, 0. |e anh, be clthedm Ss Ao yna eo Py 28:22, B), ing tg il sar ody, i 2125 te oni gas le (Srl) anf seth cloth, 3b ogra dels Pips. [Sel Tmkiyt mummy olath(, dew 2,6 Sop Fanhur clothing, Amann Wh, 24-5. SF and chal, Pat 85) 88% SSE snd lege, ert 9 Le Secor senate 2 5 andar pha hese ct Uk. bys psa at Maia. ECP ade by; of. Carirecs, LM, Mie, 210 eS Ht Ht wonder goa, Mok Tc. Caines, tect ESPA ond amorintis, t6ung;ven® ODES, crs ha JAP ab anda ale iy en SA 8 nef se ore SESS saat alles deci, ve. to 7+, Clas 26 HS wr seeblows, fp. 90-126 Ss or adjandch agom. fie gen Soaks ah 39 s05 pS): oo iia i 3 B82; Bc 1 any ool Aen, aioe tart pt of S193; o age, de, 81 39%, floes gua mba, fa 82.14.2205 al Hl e998 Inga a high lanod, fa 3, saa the pb sa the then di 8258, uayn in much loogral, for. teh 5h Sx crm gunn of ie, a, 29 4 anil saci ford, sib, eens of splits, BoA; Let 190) Boat rat reads amd beer ine pny, Uh 12931224 onsmach a f $8 abe macy 2080 (pintonog hese much ? hp $502: unk (genta nan whl gus aradh ia patna, Sisk, ig 350; habia dade ant Sy ching i lesb ann ob fetid hat cam be more than ry burial Pin 8.4; @)ade yen, 5205 ft — sek be be schon Seif great ne, magnate, fs 665; fr. (DSP) Le 1; lak. ba, 2°29); ‘the great ened’='yod'ef a place, Bobrm, 19; chief of ecomomy eas 81,90; 2ulerof fire ld tak es m2. SP th inlet B10 [SB%s2 arr Yat of de hgh fui of Aico Sete, REO 1,904 3, ay, vB ae bmcer Magna th ene Ur Laden ile lk Wo SSM Mer fhoar reat of Magic fof gods, fp. 204 of hing, ik, 24.3; fom. soak of godeleaey 245 3;efcvmans fe 5q (dQ) Aah a, r27 ts (dal, GIy ¢ sraous, sur; shye del. B. BSE sth name fn ig the Mat Ho ain bi KE DEE wd brie) aise the Mastin Ceftmer, high-pritef Ask at Memphis neon, s5%;., aby, SSeS Yana maser sien, 248 55h = sercdle peli the Se high-poic Shh at eras 2855410, Bee Daal seat One ou of wacus Ayre 5; of goddeey din 86; 80210,125 aaa. SB sot Gan of ten Sey ak 2408 Boe sat Comet Lower faght, hp 6 POW vat sacred bark, Les 18. Dee wt sacred cow; Cairo L00k0- Bela festa mel Me mos, 2 aus 55 BSA day 0. DUT door hols dak. we, 52.44. Sv Pag lth for luaning Luly dd. BSN a ering aba obra) iil ing oo SHNAM. e BSG out ovens ahs sila a esa ss yldet. y24 0; a0 goddess bos. 6 SUD any ani, lak is; bors hrm BES Drom Bello gig, Bee Wag WO ie; wag 80502 SS wah, gaan de, wi unpuentamana ny neuen usa Mlfrchang, 17,35, vane, Oak. 1, 015: ISL! souk simon das, $b 15 (det. Belek abe oinment, $e 1915;52, 0% f MntforsehuanyV, 36 BHA WA rd oneindn, aminay dit ag. p saith Bele wre headrest, LMah 1615; Adem ta FSIS sot umd the dag send ie, Bn 84156 fia ae and. all dang ithe me of medicament 4; ppandmuchtiome on acpued, Wk; ae eae, sp( date OD) Gf Me. iat 318 SEM OP way solr, sony, GS SSA eu Seger cnt ge; bag AHH) tae, tas stp dnamaed di, His, and th hasnt Beas lyin 817} Buy 35; 86103,05 he many -haanid'= the ina oof decd Oi, BB iq, £8015; rmadrsord, ‘the unuoenriying sande fv 24- SS PAP wed swanineay, Ado 5 SS. whi wb inf cas 3 Cann 1 a1, 8 ty 12(det =} Ee 1.514 a 9215 fa 4,60 25.2 MK 014 rere pide sand of Ret, Kamas (SPINS) de lacking io HED, yy le, 246 4 SPR ache failine, Leas 8h aq2. SOROS hss amogance(?) Aeon 4s SO) Xs whl of pierce, 66 sian: mele, BE sinar. SOR sehr thaowdoune free ee, C780 (var. dala SK, $5); 20n3h mj cA8 55;0rv evil spin Ma Kn fala of seal, Bl ym 6158 SES whem chen of head, 6.862554. 2,28 TPeeredet F [uke an @ oy sehen ahd VNB ano bit alow SARS seit auld, Ay ses a a3 ak tsa SHE ao rag 3 what ons sis region, dak, 9, {dele} ghgrainns.a;of AE 0, 236% SIN hi ur ois duclling Adm. SPAIN sks hea aene, lak 1 08,2;2, 10455 9K) beh pan SLB, Basch flowers plank 78 23,63 (det. %); ersh 2, lay; cu erop, doa 14,0; dm, 513 (dela. 4) Aida, 659,10. SMS whit vitlage ron. S83,» Rasy, REO 208% fiblas 85,4 det PP ‘whyt family kindned, Py; fide din. qy.10. Ver §8) 8 dn. 8200; #2 62s; MMH 696 SBS rhe es fetngele, fn 244 593 2 My dso; abe 9, whe fit Lashal is ted'- unnanel problems, fos.b4,21,19, ela); dake, ay r2;abe edeg the ving of the Wile’ the sao the inandatiny Ba: Robh 23930; Aeleaac soe ov thing, fp. 2105( 85), 2135( SRB) Lb 19; the landaedayée crealed, dah. 1 62,6: (2) gctemm, mom Ua, 18, (84D), go home aftr work, Hoheu, 3( $4 €2), 5 DF wlentl capable oti with infin, Mak ile meh e209 Sh whe inweligae, aber, 1093.42) 5.1 SR sc fk sprees shalt Bans lan E-SeJe a 3a SRT ah fhermany Leas 81,250; faster, looks, SL! pl) ran. pb. SPR M so0y95/ SF dort a dj as 22; 3ST ak, 151. Mt flows fishersand, faders, 4 Berh-1, 25 of $60.36,29. 1 ake eetihale sakins 2) bh. 36563; ef. Jen 25,10. SUD SS eh, deseear of inscription, Amarna,T aba4. Ev ahonk ooh hp ob, 25, JENA whi ass (lt. 'hoof, abte.d, dee. cit: JPA seen onset snvaction thm de hal mother fol frouragea, lak, 15,915 scan oh ive again’ fl death sla, hg (A) che 38 se 3 95h he Me creat Buco bron fo fot fein al 4,23; sehrmar ‘ack many marumonl Uk, 355,9; m0 sch fogs Na A hy praca ail the fois Rajat $410 with 9 Aefore infin; so als 88,1; 0,645 695 muck agai Unk, torr Bgnis LIN aon noua sprog fa, 6S 6; hrc ‘again Mak a, wt def speech, usually with det. By repeal, rshor, di ‘hes 620; 80 102; bustabond, Sin 621; whom 43 ‘Sound thereliea din B12; whew dd 'sefeat’ 8b. 20,0. ASM atingt continued houling ef wind dh sup of se0 be. PISS Bh abn dena asp, 260.19 egal regis Kah. 3,25; chat nay Wings K, ne0s,22%. Taw P bus phy asus Sahm, o22, 54 Bos id os 9 alin nya f thacusitl nove te hiatthogcn arn SY% EN, ty M1; 1605.54. NIM sgt ncplin of hing sid, Aden f4y SLI he eat off hs, 80 004065 fill nek oy qual mal aii SO sh fli of Mien I 8, 04.4, mir rp. Se Tight, dist, lesen TNF Comins ft Ira Henin. YEP kl daabeess feb 1-2. SEN eh olen, ns U0 6nd fale tytn, 9S 8H 32h ghs SOU P60 a2gq.n.; PPO ak we, ibs SPER uks fatto calumny, 807,36, 90 FIs fre Baste lm, dent, SED ahs acself ath im elf, Pig briny; Br om wal Sm) 2 ea, 2.4.15, 8 £h5304; shake ut Linen, 8113, 415; feat a mal, St Co 4825 ung He Fody, fh} (xh & SEM sok kw pa; men DE bath m EDA see m si26 SOLIS hse fonlish oct say eb; ENS maiteres us, SPOT SS haf ignoanl, compli fri fo, Sed wt Bray Ada; STAI A fae o1,20 STS Pak, 9106 CEP aan. cf ach might! SEM a ant decked dik 4552886526 caxpenbers workshop, Del giaoSoa Sud fe fuinful; suf endure, Gs ro.105; fonts sone, Aetna 2094 Ven dl sh. 1063, YES wd foleanance, Mae 8,210. © Se hw pain, 66.259; 24, 7:4 08D he. Subd fang, ddr 5; whys. SIN sad oh inf. gag, 816 0; Ahem Tn SRA seit saueust, $B 21,15;42,20; abbr. 33,1. SPs ws uy crack, chink: (a)small window; >* om unhight'ofyramia Ch. Bat, ayes. CDS sot ot 1) Letter, Gmina, Lit, Sag. ol 34,17 Soe ganar Ben Bese; Sater Feaeys SPE sf fins fe aac hai fn. 6,27: angle dk 9096 (SPR), donarna ahaa SPH); grr, Lb of. se0 42,200, hughes, au 8.281, 83, 7 SPT efor gga fas 84.01;200. 4 YK 80,14 HP sosnt neck, Bug, (det a)r793. HRSG a liong ale 10; aka, gnb 1) fa Ua at) 20517 STIS 115 5; 0rtb to Bf 81,06; Ses b0( TB); cect, influential, Bil Hl a, yb 5592.7 wa I kof Pal MB, $56 1; Aa, bq at anche, and nich in year’ Kepli12,5; cfr ich in pilondnuh UkaE 129670 VS sa rb nag 1b Eng 9 Si as length power be anges, van Tt sai, Taq; Wa Raed] SS aers gay ohm, tay 16,2894; wo. Moat 55; VS Gila, 205,10. SPS wh ce pres wie SPS sah ona, Bead ie, as 815; ial, pl 20 det) ronnie Bite of mavemants, fp 846; f meramend, Sal, pln; of niche din Bob); datly ned Shae space, 0 gs,y sims of ecco Kemp, Mh. 831,408 “te proudf 3508; ath Ub generous; Loyd ur eh spacious ef face sen log: (2) Beadth, Mah, hr 2 t0 lb. CD); 2046 6192 Se ssh ovramentd collar, Ua 35,9; 47513; ablA. CB 54 8; sm. 20h SSE sok hae, Weal, ah 1015065 ves. SoBe 5,5 SI Be st fae, in 63 OE wht batt count Natal, 19; lak 4,00; am eSqy6,r5, ED roo,y; BD pia. Gee, 209% SS wih (ard) oh nlians urinal, fp. so; # am 3, 0b; £b.2, 20 (CAD): rams. pass flail, # awn. 1, 05; 6b, 25,7; Mak. 5,18 PH). SS wring, pe 27; 2mm SSD rH 24,5, SIS Dot B ro, SESS sal die oul, ofa race, Aaliuud, 2993 23,5 ost (wa) v6, fe dilanidate, Ayr yaq Meith 450), BH x, 25,34 SIS): 1 dilaidaion, Caminos, Lt, ray. Li 2. SPE sole Liawel froly, din. Bus So 'B')dlk. 1, wh; 1063 15; beunbin deeds iej rv ws 'unbindood with roe aces Bah 24. woke ‘prea handle; Uke, 2.09217 (deli £*);sosbe nell ‘fof movement, 4561; aden. 2A od fort aby tin Ef of ell fanaa, ysl sow or eaching of gocrnarnee Bf ngt; mdf meson‘ bang mane, Yen 35,245 ana deal abil with; ili 7 ad] ‘ast bs his hoes, ROU, y:(a) liana desolate a place £152, nyn. SF oat. of iS ‘aninalé! SIS sli widgeon 7 fe fruyn, (43,0 sais fatten, 6H sofa), van. 8SHN CG Brame bach, 5,20. SPEND os utr plaudilo hawt, deere, 0a, asc raiser feu 95h; SST sodsardarkiness, 80 02,7; ms.dela XT ish SGM ake chau Pah 5 04; £6 515; dd i; gal ecmoract Comino dit rag | fot; SGD f hems, Di. Sal Hh stl ansen ob ander), i. 8360. 261; Ahh sb (et. Sey; deo aaa 1,4.182.216,0. one, ith my, in Bb; Sh sh; fae 8,50; with fyb, 4] sith dict oj, des 86; amsaen for conduct, Wok W, 51173 insite mabe as, dow 1, 10-1315 Be ath a‘ fo fais, Usk 6, 47016 SSIES atl seoponve (9, A618. SSIS Pathe cohen) id 10985; 288 607. SRR salt hal 096 2. SAINT cn care conn Halil 20; von dels tak 595,00, SS soso jl of mal Usk. 23 6; 0 ber-meaaure, 1265] SBP), SS sadn ergoring the neck of pout, bins; ial i 2aldet. @)(2) rake offering of fordanel dink, Sul, $5.24. SF Sacieue pantlg for lable, Yow. Mich A, 5; van SLOPE a 224,2 EES yo wit SW wl ob. inlions fallout of hair 0562; hedesioyt, Leb; 86.0 £16 SAD wr. of wl “urinal, Ye elpese fa (dt); ges) 'found desig, of dingy st a1 9m, SS iid eddies, fy din 250 Ue. ueti sng,fas1, 206220, “Aan sted hay mat adit of resol eccasef the neces ef ying Maks; hg s( Sa Bf Mah. 2% axiguenl, Jen 660); sik» mdb “inwilé Le speak’ SE Saat ob inf. hea Carn 1 200.9 OF Ay. be SMe resgyt us Jr yon; 20082 54; SERYE mw. K 2,5 SINE saga Lather ser fig. asf La, fea 8,253; of aq 9pm. PAE sor ale ship, 10220; r0 8 SE 2sh5 35; PENN IT Bo 0b, SOU Rwegl (= sohp) rise, of sum, dirk. 19,1. SB soyp Gilinale, £ Heh.6$. SPE ag oh cual grain, C8 Sith n9yem gus gr ii; NEO, SOP wpe culcensgul fi, ele; Lhthur 565; Me 9 Cami Lt Saag $2.2, 2MSy;43,0. Set teeta tee ev heats miaery LOB,) (my $8) SOUS ugg sre B52 Slat rob fandage bind. fi tnea; Shr5s(Sh)9g a; bog SAY 8 Arnith, 528-6; sable, lak, 205, 13(S 24:00) 2 fe 1595; Ma K6,72 YB); din, sige SB CF fl); bandage 66.13; on.ns (SP; r20 wrappings 15,600. S95 sab Maceo embalming ity tthe whe sin theo ep nals, 04 Sey 0as dmg SOx, 2; name doukis-flih laminas Lt. drag. 20,708. SS at 1a 2457; 842,16, do. 55D) 7 019); NYG atte a it, fs yf. 0 2g SBN Fs 4 fs mary saping' aber SB Ath flr, tases lak 45; 0. 98 hug, 98S fa bag PSS da, dn ng eben ren es fede abr [areas = soe _ * sith 20 SVS SIA Mother fugitive, dew, sh; 5052. Ff apse hater: (arcook, Gnsqa; ator, ust tom B'S SSMU aw sqa; SE watt feget, Ap 50.1515 fom MSA tes sys lak lll; 1544 ODF (sing 9 dew, 935, STS Prt legates, fsb, 21 8D edjuyt sersing maid, (aire 20016. SSSI. wttar opengl, 81s SEG wf delay (ue ancl m3, Ap. 1223; 18 2,25; fean Ba, r2a( STA) shad PSP sla Co ain Lift ay, ch, 3 1040; 800m 2dele M9 of ic dak 1, 108,15 of exons coronation 82,14 S>LH AY; 127510; wear caso, feags ry (dole $4) da, 85,2;2991( SRA) syn 9H (aba weigh goody 999,115 etal god, Amara, Y 261.8; diplny Kaui nfo) yd ov ing, La yak, 2h, alinfusr ‘froceatonal bark? 4,4 anmaunce sme mam, fp. sot 1S). SPP A Blt aya informaon deat, at 29; ud VSP alr vai Mabe, 1088/5. SESS A A live aerated fers, fans 83,01 DA sald oh inf place pal, T8 1g; fet 9; Bhi Mak 2bq 4; impala an dtl, nn. deny 22; fla Biss ah 3,28 4:95; land, me eith ben 57a; Laya fre, Lip. 05; appoint ag, Lyribgahe Lent av a. purpose fas 61,2065 ah mat follow after’ evil, BH 61,7. (ith busie meaning theo: shack an assous NS 44 ulna ory Bupo(det, abs; ef HS 55; wend forth the voice(Tor B°5N) give outa naie (hg), 6018 55; cometh effonce, R812, LAR 16,964 5; deal Kaa, injury 0812; Mens 12513; JER 6 B01, m1 hie fy obife, lon b Snail tomer, lairo 20034; sehen protaclion, TR 11,3. (vinexfpessins sed.c cloud the hand; ld dching,l.6 31965 fone Atha hand; 2 against; $8.99; tod pl [a= fi 7% " A AR 2 Ae atg ely yn; ets 2s toys EZ SA) Ua, o, 5 by ere ba Bm a hed oh Heavily ‘insolent man, Liat py 230; Aad, 945 ‘plsh ln this thine thy yun, in. 145; ap pl, Ls the seater is the, 154; ef abso lal. rsa ke, 19,1. we nah. ee ante. this, the om RISK, 510-2. IM hry Be! fests XS ey ‘fs adj. Bo in yh, dy le, p10. BBs ote euro snp. with past meaning va BIR, gy 5400. ORNs fly fly ale 80 ibm. ngg vad RIN ng Rape ake 1 fa edn offing 9 tran pagent Lon 25 KRY ii); 1809 12 ela Si), TINIE Aye foc (on door, BD2bu, 16, KE Doct srigalle fond) Aalin 3 0 n203, 25 OS pac quail cy £6 2am) 3 WS jurut 4uimacnal lime: furut br pa Laof the varth, lnk s2, 15339 12(2)} 50s sTRoSOrn); fsa Lp the beginning of Lire 915, nd aly city din dar ota ol ne Mead gdh fo place he Lone Uh ese, BONS ply tamer gd day m5 049 BOSD) nyo Dp pera na BRINVS ®t thu BSI), pouty Lip bog of the Seo Landi, dathe mas, § rj mary ofanciontfamity Lal, phibnB< M); fea pa0 KW pl): a a piranoal rue rat the fr god Ap. som RIS G per falechood ( gossip? Loe 1416 FORE pout funder, of Ulraae, 14,4. OR poh arate (oy Bp wi S KES Abt n.din'She who soralshela lio-goddas, BH 15,16, T80; wan Est BH, 2, Bae Uk. at, 28,10. REA frhe be lianed upside dove, Bn bis; Feline oer of ate oh fort S| hi RELA), sir. of dileeation of lar bore, S90). fase treme a 4 dear facae RE pss watt tomy KIT oh, 2 0 see. ARS ph «fat chin coke m bdcuil Lug ist L306 vam 0 Bp 24, 3O,fahos SAI fake fine lineny bin 0753.293;100 BINS Pat og Pak, 10215 BRP tall (5,045 aa. ig RIMS page shethof tate, 6y,5f alm 24 (RIND) 538), Peake of sme, bate; pots, $8.64 16(2 VN, yp; Blah y (ONS CO), ROA toy squat e750 BING fad all ov cae of icant, fg. 398; 0 Kah 225000. RNa KB pod a Loaf, Byrs0 14; van. BING dike ba, OM hy feo, er 5215, UP pia fread (1 deed, JE 3,106,-4 2094 pet pabiciant manbind, 9805 9f fron ZR stron SRE ays, SS pet geake ovlaaf, G09 22S jucue flammeo(), 20355 Ae wen nl lg) OS fur wydeonalr this fff. 5b5:3)inliney. who? hal, fy. n96 0 whic fexxan Sil men this, that, bp. 5§ On ond mle fesbna, fauthin, Bich, gg, CZ WAP S tam the fuapler Ane, sk 299565305. J if domensi. rig. Chast yondar), ars “S42 INS fp 4g noma, Jy drmenat 4 thi, oe 840-25 he of, $1 08 J 3th fee diss upaide dou Ap. 22 7.516; BH, (abl, ”"); Bpi05;10; lana the sep 2 again fe, Taw Sth 0,5; he ierthrose nl, Uke, 12,1. antl gency geared tt, Ail, $l. syy Am MNEs dmeyt calanaet, Unkeae «4 OTF Th 7 frnene linn ovevamds over, 1263 APSE fur masse, au. K 623; She gh 25 BH DAES fone cat off join, Bet. Boy, publ out hain, £4613 A ne clay, Camircs, Lit thag. by. LR, pul gn) bm. 23,1 2. Ast fae out a boa fy, 325(det. ULE); q 30 (det: Ct) unl, Fens 61 20; n. 23); ual fig for abana dal of ieee ay de, FE) sual upp Bleed, 20 206,13; poke 2) mat dene with stick, u9h,5, expand povisions, Fea 84% FP. house, ad; Raa 1,25; Weal 9; ouaohel de ph 296; £ 2.5; Wake. withdet 92 to. fy aon ‘hom en sha nb fu ‘howseuife 1 Made, ge; aI, 9; BE few prog Si fey 305 Ala 6, ry er ‘be 'seaand! eft; Laon ‘ail lament de ice, ak 899,05 fasndur palace, dee boloar, Lonapbe, Fax 81,197); Cairo 20543, 19; Mk, 309, ue; pr nwhh ‘Eom 1 2, 2,120;fr-de “esta ae Flos; SSE my ag oer Of the adnninistalien, Usk. 8116; Bors, 1,4;diat pg 29>-m, FS A.8 Great douse, palace; lala Pharaoh, Apu 15;Je0 3; v0r 23 Bel. 8.og] AEA chy Aue of tfe'lomplescriplrivnn an OFF, Jen 2018 RID) foun national shrine oft hak Sl-dab, Jenre.yns;rar. PIS dou2, 4. PUA bby palace the Mingo 8, dit sass vn ROU, 5,0, E21 posal tary, Jen aut FL pum national shrine off ob Bef Jen .21.3;yan.c3002 Stymaana 5. SP paver escalate emaurg fesy15; Unk gui 05 Sb tnfe fanmanpurnbahey 61 p13 won. P bil 1,20, VEPs high palate, oul i 82; eb dd bg A; sand of pal arent 3111 adc of Hg of ra conta Ay, Bia ol 5234; nde, 545,15; lol, S035 2:5; va, PVR Aaa ph 5281 Maken, 5510; FEL 0b 1. [pene pe, 92 7" a PE pucnes natimal siinerf Lat sen sans aaplacedf ennatin, 3925 van PEA bh 41; without fa, B57 er shea fa la JPA por fa Cenawung, NEON, 218; war. “Pll, 935; 4. FASB tee, vm FO, cng, dl yy SPS pag ghoul floor, neon ait®, poe Labour wlablishment, Keow 04 ct es fade naling. er Fe es soqubay JER 5, mt. FF fad ‘Red, oat sary £4, Neo, 18h PR pede elle, csr ajnem, 2 its 5 tra ps SMe hi gt laws Ada 9 la; dah 395g fe fen 6 hana 1,2; Babi ft JS pulp Ci of persons go, coe uly ll 4 oa, hg 18) fon at 30; Ai; hn the dry a yf 9595 eld 093. ‘abs ke ahi 837; hy ul 6552; 84 Though’ dow 3415, Ch oma, ‘2. ‘come in amd goout “came ound go, 12,4 82,1-12 9% Y 05, 8-4; r rm Alpe “come out cleared from an accusation, 1,223,13;on hyn yoout of dame tes. (30 fds youl agains Land in snr, abs; h he emis forms; 5s thr9; tie he reveal a scerct, 2 wi 96; a ful m-¢ dese from’ aan) Aad 06531; 4. Up aa Rind Fag 81.18,6f-JERG2,n.5; escape, foley; ‘em ak 39154 a ony. Heawnonnad, of name en porsen,Bi. W.457,5)1082,5.— (8) of things cme oul, Bash. 2, ry; fau.8131; dak... ‘Lg ll; fa fot of hrm, Bh a base of spl evefferings, Sauk ph 305; Uk. 36,439; 768,115 1055, te; ASS ‘ety e fintef| ‘fren 04236; 9.0.8 17; fm 20h tome out the fain covking Hao "pupa flame! LAL 20 eh (Pigoufa,aoeond,n 18 53; Uh, 15,5; $n fear aps nigh, Lal. 54; go ue igh, fea Bh fav aden opsinal tpt in we e110; hon sande amd. desctnd, fp ing, B01, On; tone adige, din Big Cairo 20s 4-5; lk nb yjunid- fin R 61193; fares acy ‘possloand fray Ri yH i php 2 ppulen reso de, 6513; Ahaonging, cose, lk. 33,18, — fe aubbacled, Rind, 24,000: ‘puny. Van, 5S Maa, 1509; cng ul A 11057 DF pa nll proceanion dx 65 912.0; Loy. V6 dat) lak, 2.05 98.0 et OR Uhebincal rising of this iri lnk. anh 340050245; 222 Porm. ode 288 bh. SU Sy ere chambion, din buojef. GUS a SUS y faa ltd Ube page enists(, sem 6p. 24,9. SS fue meld, 80°98; dncamion, 8,5 oulioma, scoala 58424 f hea b0,4( Sn) Mah a, 19,5; 40us wT ‘ubleramee th; faher,3 (det), Asks, 356(S}jny2.p; decision of judge, 4,2 PA), SSI for gazes, aapbay JEG, 9,25; 000 deb. (dln 3, by. fora ‘more Ahan, CNS bh. BDA ue land emerged frre inndain Boh 26 SA pac festive, din 85%; fang 8156 CK fo) Made 99,122, don he yet onwith-your swork!' Bersh. 1, p.20; B28 107, SAC jl well £864 nb EER falar calor —offerngy falen 2 RUST faba fy. fu [6 fol winler, $r.f.203. SoM pt fut dk 69716; deed, Aen (AE) fbb, 86.1845 dnvawnat eh fpsing oily es 130 205) bah 24,2; 2626S E); 126m (207), JRL ft Aascefit, Uke 25,0; 90/3; 0m LAT ‘agon RM ns 6; EAT fighting’ lag phen obo a 43 thi the a Pars eo ae La |S ini, edie dy 2134, Pbk reach a, persen ovflace dint; 820; Bk 8 2.4.03; a.alalh in 826k 2, mb fo a acon youn. ie ma ped fg nil he could fe rye al runnin lak 6249-29); allain, sal fle 481-3; gnarl sithrat oy Mill nish dig Athing, 8 59; Maha 55,8; 2nd by doing aching, fa bq, allnck: sie, faa 8 36h 8h Tr 1595, Abe, seb,51901 contest a wil, 075 (raat); har fish, fad 8,207; Ait test commoes, foe 219. Var. KR 845,54, 08-9 fash; Uc, bing. PR phuoy Kinder pont ind quarling Utah, 935,59), M9, 1; fs has SSMS); fac of jue don i of Rouse, Jan, stsef fealty imho ‘pont, Pldillean, 2b; bar ra phury these ak che im anes 68,26 n.6; 2024, Aearguacnd of any, aisha; Unk, ben y; 19054; alia of ship, endo. Wad, 9,165 2909) din lah coerce and ababuact anaes Lhd; din. 8, S13 Hab no, Mh, 05119 ug OSU'S nd ary make anvecefy mg, Sn 3016; nd hung uae, p21 ana bpbuny ise Aeehave lara Coominay Lik rag ppb; phacy-n dural, bp. 6199. Jae S puny azolumn, F934; wan. UN be 33, 18 acorn. POSSE sabury ter coanho ip dak. 07.2; a-~DU4 os, -9 VE re apa P= phn anding al, sir DSS fhaeue the far merch, lke 27066046; ohana ra nerthuverd 0,0) agsjve 2B U OOH, C555, - TBS Ehime marshlands 6H; lhe, obs7j00m 23 D974 om 4116; DOES apy ONS fk course of Mamme R811 7. NSA phon ser, Ure 90216. ceed i , Lah. 330; i; frac f hing vgs EHR. 24, k| bau. naa anus NOS 10 183 eae a assiq; ON bac ON ied kana ca uf chon attr: inliana bart eof il, 84. bith, 29. OLS phd chain, Uke, 103514. 0S van. ABE mde: ON. pds hind pain, tet or, BNO pbs dank, 815,752.87 Ap ge SES phe pang th la orzo» sec 288 byob hl ‘cea of thought! Balin 2m 98D); pho ib ‘ean ef ent Ue, 264,4 OS) hh ily Henle a 99 (8 A), SERP $) povement, dake, 14. BENE ph decking of ship, obhe , 28s 652 2S on.of pst fe lrmed upaide down’ > phe wlan, dior about: Bans and inbiana) fap) be); 3313S); Yow: Miah. 1,28 (=): 0 344,12; dlakaa 5595 ¢f S07 Yj paid m Sineline the heart £8; U3, 45,16; oho. ne roan B55; ele, of as, 80203,11; move about, of Limb Uy; h¢ yj duanound erechoae, 852 29h (CSirhst 6 uauel enoundgliowerseo-region, 9525; 2 RBI 18; peamba- Lala wha, lnk 135; Sncumarbalae wall be powade Rear 8.0 aye a hafeys, 00.23, lit dionbarhot tesa Be (auiith 4nepositins: ihm goabout én' p.u.22)'poroade' bk 2.1692 phn wont, Bip 20; la Ta 14; Argon, 4; "fas ever a fips ply 384 (ee): feb 4d ‘go round about) encompass meinele hip. 246. 1550, 624; Unk, 203,15 Coney aout anegion, Rp i: SVR yoround about footie ial direction, Wok 3,192,955 TV prwmbulalion fhe avalt, conmabien cersmacney 26,6; 22,5; febr ual 4a rine anmoenbrace ther, iA) [phe — sult as He te Ha. 7 wk of 36 unlen at! 898; EA bay; ath 4-4. LNA fut mode, = © fon (Ham) ba, tA pshchah,) oh and, Han; Reonat; 9, of. Cheb. ty ue 3 uh ne daa ‘with, Cusim ‘bead silence tab. y6 310 ta meh nde cals aboat cho, 8.17: fo ma fot efte Mebe3e,9 7,1 —~ pha on BE jisauade with flating Siul $hi,ia(8 =); an, am auon da foe). woe); ES ‘eter fb 2,3 lB aye. Fab fui somaty, 4924422; EO ng. eS pe Paenailing alate daveription of He, STAR that fantn tatel mne 80 2—P ce, SOA platy Gavel, dak. 1196 SE pharm be fer lp ful 056; an. SBS yy SH DST akax, 1sy0,n, Gato 4, 175%, Ee Seabiol (horses, Lrkere, 128,13. O18 fl ah tts anion 24 €b arp Vi ea 5S din, PLS pa prepara of for ad dink, Mokexe 9126 fight Mids Kestlin 46 BRI us sel las Unk 2 ane Ff dike, ip 200) kw, 24.7 841, 2528 a Esher ith, Ha r9y2; Sink, pL Sas au Mk robe ne ith; an. 3; fal mar aI fal dae 8.9.0 woh ‘mdeight sh. 134,135 of Kemi, 30, SK fut hang fas 604, 0 05 shan nin Une, 5b, 6; Lb 20. a din 92, eB; vam 27 lode 224, lA 0; 1405 Ream bok 5; ing Yea Sm ae hn A) thay cre lige oshain:inbians, Ledisbaught (dot. x),Lealizun, mv SK, Pate bial Ba O)uy Loci ful cape malting of ral tah, 300; Ymarna,V, 265 a ly hat din, £8 4a, WE lM ileal inamed fo Yering the Math Loma T res, I, hag mn BSL sat stron dao EB n al fs (ht op, : Ha ai, Apso, ms RO ii fude groupe of nine, Any ;ven. Of Hs ym. STM a fanct faker ce 56, PAR ay, ETT in 8207.29, crap eonaing hy. pdt nbc of Duibain 26,88 FE pat eta te Ning Bt the nanny el, pan FR Mod 28, 612, 0, G-2As 415; Onionbabin, Lee cc. I Rid hie, Ap tenes ns Jeemnegsen. © Rina oom 2S aq. OVS har back shine, Sah ek, wr SS song oS H0m3}-« Wbin aH ays; Seb Cotak ya Js tyr the mvs mao avd fil 73,6, oan, OS” 3,204 Feud ayn; RP Ht 2 Pep, NS wigs Pe fe lit ead 1463; mele oe dl TE jae, 8061 allel 29) fee ig bn fk Sith 30; separate combate ead Cm no tray. 0,1, FP tl inde ra er 5 a) dul ofa sortie ) pacadout aumings 2100 set 2° Ph be fuecinel of Quits a Gouthie, Niet ghogh 1,153; HO parkas. ‘disbiet of Fah a.gsyiren SSIES Hh. 06 43(-meelaly Gf asus gi dat % 9 _ th $iyt EBSD figs cher ot) movshanes 26 Referel, a ylokm, nos (BOY); 1220, (Bo); araual, 20629; leopen, 285 bon of umd dong eC NN); dg Lk Spon Reon Caine 20543.6( BL), fpa-h ene’ 13, pdt pb ab5; F am.t,01,3 deta.) of Barna, Kame. BNO tg) sndiomce of building fas 81105; horiyn, terns (B IST) mouth alley, ies 62m q( BTV) area, ia pl. tel 9 5 de, yg 299,75 1695,03( 81). BIN gs out, Udy shugo 8° a, 1b 18 BE Egat Load om foc, sen 48 25 ht Lad, vada, Lyn sas Lhamaple omemizs, £ Hab. 37, din. R ustdet: 4); Mak, 555, ha Wb (et, 24); $096; 2:79; aldo nitten aa spina (55, aba)or bull (tabintiampding portale foe Pls se leh dak 44; sam A494; SAS Hos 6 3 go 224 fats HEP L220 SL G4uiinlimog. whet, what 2 var. fy ip a5b.cay. JENS missing of a tefl [a1 Pek mde lh, of dandnac— Albetorg, La 2A pth erale, 06 03,0; of. J00 95,b4(h). ER jth cast La the ground, ip ar(det: £4), Pak 2) foage, 2; faa 87 ut Hany dine camizd, fy 0s; be silihed out in elecnes, nh 2,994. [$8 fad Ae, m5 fin warn erent ashioh fad met teow erected, dink 8, 501,10. SI dab el 25; ram S73; Se ah aot 4. dina, 09, Jal S pe alana lat, flat, lak, 103 so(det'A); 36 6,50 OT) 4d alreloh, cond, Bp bs ine foundation. covemaney, ak 2,16 Uers) hye (Li 165 atchout coms teng ph; man pound, den nde Yi sahed sclf i effort) sw; daa bows, Wem, 9412; diffe ffm, pryrrited tb teglad 55d ri for abiding, 6 om pl fata ninhed 8) for-aghted fessint Cominas, Lf mise. hat fai hat fo, e050; aka asi penajarpisirame 1 Y3,3; 2 Vay a Hb St pdt, Sowa, dre. 2.2000. 5 0 Mk, 1244 1 STV fat ot Loh of cling Lamia} 82 Teno-caplie ACO ta, 3803445, enf-commandat le, citvan dk 3 ub; an bt, free, din. orau-276; 4h SON), as. [EY RR a et foun es 8) va VY cin 85°21 fp Soa Pkah i; ee ale Tat VE. ETT bd mans fr gman, a, mas 2 ta ants fo ntl 195, finn sh dt sf shanna fe Bek, nigh: eo Nf suff nen. mtg, fe hin bis iil, Ap. 53; duals T says-6, SW oh. sing. saul uy alu 337 Mik 104; Agno, sang aebrl, flan 91 Sh 225; Ubkew, 3255 Adm 2; usigh Tea yah), Lead 8524508 211C~B M)fyesont, Bp isgoIN Vy di, 1 elites tay bbe, 41 Mad, bb, 6B), fs PE saclay die 8240-7; £ Hah. 54: (2)'the wind, nose), Bh Jd, SNS fo fneneial inireat 0, Kab. wa. of fyl recmnd! Salo. Barns fans fury IMG gout sight 0 Je 36,500. Ss cn veatet a NMG pr swe, se wrt al Spt samdndumeer 9, Merchants, $2, SIMS fue tale shin ates ven ATM seme ph ef eoav, 210-6 [er # 4 tom [PRS ju fod aupliay o a, SIT fw magni amen slime, dist 39d, 54 1006 0;4810,0: dj, maagnifirend, dk Bate. INR fh fo shorn, Fo 5 10¢fi9) PDS fk shaun many 2s 51,5" 3 be desmah, faint, 0 0 BBM ffs secompent sk Sin SOD fe font tring, con PEST tabu w. in.B 231 4 GNS 15 wth mv.) take a1 TIT 5 0;F SFP gooey, OUT fab Ul acute 8, sen, s01b) TR, fam deahe, fp 492; 80 1by/s ae) dnlelinal str, # Rar ,831 8) vb facame maggoty 1A e = Tesh ra os Pf. ose, ke, 52,3; £8 10,g;ven, mm VEO fy agi; eo din Bay PUD fry ‘Brake op-of Hath, or. EMS ose. “SDL wh tans Lorse nelease, fip-iars; 11, 2b ese. Py Len don 505; of Apecch, dam 97; late Ai 810; fats calgary dang, illorate Ay. s4. by; Mab, 1085 2; Lee mit Yeh me, A250; fail de do thingy with fl inf Le rye nk 5172 ata dant a. ‘ae die 8245 fet. hy bob BA, 6, 12.90)1 5:1 ria of king lk the. SYM fe wig er a0 se Hh graf (my), Nefont, b1, NA fi ob 5. coo, Sel, Si, PT fw. See pho nessun (obama Mal. o,f 8,20 fen 85,96; 10M. Waka, sorb; 2 Dii2qn9; FM 0550,°5 24 aryeie. SS fh hecmpiy, Aden; he ema that oats, Lam (det!) Bk te show, Se fly share at, Jee abt HEA fp defecate, Ab iau;78 2m 8; von. ZONA 203959. SSS fe me dings, a9; vf. sha dale, Un. e. “fife Lee, ok, 1,55 of. 15 te. Sf tat npn, Armarma,V, 2h 24 with for “T). =a yt Lint, Mink, Pd. mith, 10), vr.dat: © Porm IE, C3. SSF ge at spas 0 Sic fl wha np plac fly, ake; la plan Bor 2; afoot Hie, Unk, 952, 1; publ out hair, 44,63 15; rvmove Hk G18 moa). SSP aca ob dre 39 Sf atm) tn, 10.9; Make, 1292,18 SS" ee fs hp s1h394 FR, 8435 Sei fac forof Lat, ps2, bob a) eat guanfalle. C7, 129. SS aur fout, pe 6; 3,2. SS ft vb aren did tant feos 12g.13.257+82, hla 8) Unk shes, al ed, bt dle 9); wero of andl, am iy size ortin, Aan 35 avavanion dn ser wy fbr wehio made himalf inka arin’ sske wes meonpuhere ab mee sks, nb 16 b 3S an sith affine, issih by meant; fm caf sural (treo pradicnlion); efrre suffi conjugation, when, as though, Sp siba; Lagther with, 0902566; 29, 20.8. Sov mc, mm, ace dale fv Ash, mh ale, 400 umdevthe second, sbomnent: [Bs on one pant, var. NM, tps 250. fre ae Too Sa arm pec pt fetes, OM Be ganpjaasaly sith aft, NT, ae, of Apep.syo,anmbe. BS om inlerneg. shot, what ?,v0r.S°4 DB én cat what fran. Ds gu $422,349 2m rm wherewith mio ows) ar ‘Tacha favre fm hey? Sub. JB, map mer dena, N jee dn donated ht nt 5300, 3S am impr, Lae! we tahe lo yurslf oft writin FS, tp. 5036. SN wenof a Come! Fs shermof bool, 0 2126.7; PVD i bee dhs 1035 PeV DY ie Aan 09 AM an of must ‘shape 2B var im ohare: EINE mass oh gern Ciane see, is 54.07.15 des; 5 adhe ol, in, b10= Ry; Bushy lhe, 0; doce son regan, BoA. 28.24.19; Ad 53 1.175 dee the povformance of lash, Uk x 53;n0% 2.165 8241; maheot work, be, fos. yg; Abe, yoy; gh rm. 4,15; stir orf fade Bg “hia foes afpcns Lit. sa) flaltaned. By it! db. (indiana Leek ov at nent, 28 1,3; Leck, n'al; Pana Bars; iat, fbb Al, By, 263513; 2 Vovnd Lake cone of, Sen 1,6; = le hed. of, Mak 3, ej, nest); sms forty ove’ Any, pede sain pian anegeint fovew ae aee £354(fu2 ph). [2 Pre waht, appearance Nefnkati;£b.07 6 IW: (2) aight in Acmaay (lin the af Spe biys (76, APN), w maf st the of Ri, Paps 6b (inaheclian ir co ran m'moke it doch ile lk 3,214; 1006 61 PT) LS INS 22 msurnfa Cairo asoss. oF: cu, Ap 6; pL 2S 83,0. ‘a arte-me| FA ha, ony, 0036; Mh. 39612 PIMA rst fan dake; ele det. Bre, 2 NPA cp) de 20, PYF pebesa; 74 loka seme) FRO, ZN mat Moneas, TA 1,3 EASE arbor (mr bad fi, Rpran; sam ZINK 2b 66, No Moke try2, SAVES stag, MI MNESE 4g, BUI mnt fet, Amanna, 27. A msc vradjand-h fag of speech, 81 5:7 (aa), SPS touth; typ. v0 ANZA so abies sat: fm rere ‘an conmn ft ne (2 a BS) fab ne ‘alah lal (SAY sr, Lr Ra lake 95.5 16795 fut, Maghbeous 8805,) Abe, 1010; da Loyal, wir, 1;5907 CUA); 1g 105 Aghthul, of opel, lah.s, 99; Nightly Lelong, n't of ingehipy 01% 0; Henig, he bls the haan of Ua, 44 39h; fei odio lane 60 Mas. (ade. boaly, really: mb asc ene. jrecise feu gh fer 17; dag efimaat fac ba fawounile of Risraatiess, lak. ay; hy se ‘ones fa~ croc Bore 25 laa, 8 nighlly: a at mre 'whoalin' sens s9(b) Sor sereame dee frba abe. [EES S am secf h fejuuiind india, nainline dyer 1) seierS5 Der; didn by; Be Bax, 5; Brwrf mac ‘he ds £820; ti Mak 86,7 aus aftr name deci, 5,-8C13) of assim neha Horus, £8 1291( $2), fe diumphant, 2dr a3: m.fuatfisation, windcation, Yh I.h 11; Mok, 6 lem, @ Hah. 9; fea yo, 2D), Mak 3,545; 0796.4 nes 9.24 RBI mck Gath, 80 2ho9; Aa 846.1022 28M) dba nl Ej mset “aly din oa fl gig ding nightooumen nhnra\B)aqaoy " (81) ane fusing, Hon 2,307; Mako nightizay dealy freak mad 03, sa3§ ; management JEN ns yc a0 goddeie 20534,14 2m SD) Aa 5 Mc allo fuderent the Boyd (25 SB BY, dh, (22 APBV. Ry, TB Yaopheto Mallika, 030 5 igyt- amc ade argh sneer ling a fb aio me mscus, Rafer ®. 2 Re a jute ll x snd at nd ba (2M) ance. JP mc vb dese off Meerkat i a2 3;726 make fen, "th 103,10; Makes, 3b613: ad it fhe offered, nk sian). Var.dokn Del 8. GDL, 2mp [2S racer products, Bonen, Unk m2 6(ZE offering, deat Hab, 99155, i gil, 585 2407 2B sre mpl head, PMc. hs; MaKe yn SIN); dmc 0p he Abel arplacs ls cases Mente, 2,5: (2) pay attention £6} feos. 81,32; fre amscuny tan o'allontion fo} lk. 10631; dad ose 2'fay eed, d Cam Jin, i tag. .ythomre Nasi in the naghnhord compan, Se. siyt Liles ‘opponent, £7 2,55, 2 mye oh liane lad guile deat, snd danetihs Hawceat ne from ah, 39; al ahi TY mde: pln Li; ede ane acnormer Aa bmith, 126: inbiane dat out on jou, fata Fe tos tha 9 = 3002, or en bank ef rier on lahe, fas R ty; bah, 2418.06; C* de spa7BioBl mina tay hg, 345251 len a5 ASC Paascws Herzen 35; eam aT dake 206 15) AP op asy,2. 25 T ev macer hind of wood, dd. 81 PY" raza shalt oscar para; Carinay fit Srey pl..2, TIS I") of pog all Mahe, 415; aa of corn, BD 9b, 1 yrmnauing- nd a 2164 29> 4 103 iat mat ANS A sal age i ak 12m 1, TST hm TESA eda adja oh hing. uy, ae. 83,129( 7S); dale 59 do 165 3(52); Hom-amion, vs (7S); fe entused, 80 1,35 165,18; 04; Bhs. FIDE, mit emasthing, R16 Y2)jm met rau mess; Mi. 3617,19 (PSY; 0b ro gin; 1656; merasact asad nee ig VAL omerthis day, van.0.k P77, £.lo Ba 5, ISSEY masiet ner land, brane, 26,iseh Attn, 24, Sie aft nadie, Made weal Cy goddess JEM 2h 44, FAW 3203 dame ab, ak 7,3 082 BSS4" (py 065 0; DS TREY by Comins, fit, frag $033.8) SFE mies of come, Usk, 7 EF mee lathe Utstovn mountain, auth ick gba LY. LEIA RA torr dspecsces are, m'f’ Salah, 23,2. FISK Sst mse wlihed man hauher, 11,514; NBO dala, 2 TNR SS fees 64,239; DM RUSS 03,02; YR Flak. 060; PR tons,00. IMR min msn, fess Blase; fob 125; Ql. 96; Unk. 1046 0, SESE mar viewing Hace im aun oul, JOA on.68 FINS asd wreath, ko, 23,4; 19 (dete, had, fm Ma \nsh pasting, dando. 1. Fes mse sheas, Lhaith Jui; r0n.27 9 (ph), 812,24, DEA mask fay, Gus 50.156; er. TROY Lourre Cth 2. PWS msst Lnse of man; hock sfanimal,sens,ion; var. PS hips AN? mag heel var. INNS, Je0 rs, SY mske Ladder 13,50; 22 Poe TINE cht, aH op ang [22 mst mandrahe (2) JER 19,133.17. PII N=R sce formate moaamey er. dea, £30775 minh tug pc | 7B mat grail, Sothe Sting fram. 7c hls br; 7 Uke, th; 78 622,06 ing'theb.thssef Bhd 22,128; (eal. heise’ fdasles,22; soli n mitt,, 656,16; RE bas} m mill U8 ag i, Bde 1513. MEP met form (?), neom, 215% BOS) ear cal, 619-7; ot det Ua ¥ 5416; fern 4M Mb 65.0 FES wand me LIS, at gc, i ug; an. 8 2 Jen plasm, Gs 52, SB eng etc ef rome? sam AB; IM, fartlown na YO min Leb 1.0m; $92.05 5,205; meme dar, 205,38 SZ, saan 0.K. 9%, baneurthinda, fle ar, 5,1 RATRU maint Bind of Land, £ Mbithonr, Sndese, 96. BS Rianint dehy fone, ONS ht feats mad vo _ 108 wae mage FINS omsf fusclaion, C45, se1; vam Ub w,26,9;27E Baz a5, by. 8) ous siisq. FI mat, acoloimn, Lowere 65,7. . INIA sd impor. gore ar 4%, fo.5 936; RK? fy 2000 BANG anda Mier Pah, g5snon. De on Bu 4; 3 PO Shab Caso aust [SRE andy wir, Uk bb; Se, dS lat tal aman of, pans BACR De dgeaney 620 ERNE ANC, sn wrdev m, man Batce pf nthe and rating chang ter wich; fr rm mde ROWS FE mys seed of rman, Makes 1649 7 - ‘ing thal} 5238. $4 an? fp, dike, excondingza,vond, s190jrm md aif’ din. Aibs, BUST the Dea Sitoncd Mind of heal, Bah 2313-193 3810. lide Bib & + ROAD mci ny Ap gy van BM Dyas, SPAT eos SY ry ade Lihat, pvardll fp s205 4 ' [RI chat in, dics Foy, Seo UB md the equal of ine, 8520. WE IME nc deaf the ity, vn AMF thE gusso. Be it cof of document din 178. 201m SPRL chs heaporn, Py ira vem. "Bee 94.5; ann dea, 16 BA sly equal, similar, 9-510; r0m Medlin sid cairn 2ese RTA oncf fender block, 1h 2,96. BSE ruttr equacl (my, Leag. 81,288; Ah 5513; in. Bab; JE peg 6. SPEAD amcmbt pendant, Cairo areq2- ole DFS cml daha of -od,te danf asec bajar “hi; PAINS i ae nae DENS dake 266.9, NS SOB rong KEU ne. pda in, fs (RD), fia pla 536 8 spb 5 ed, ae A) fluniahing se. 25603 m accen, ys; fee 88,30 NYG mache Lil conetatsh, L116, 008 DAE bau: BIC Gado 2013 cr; SPCR daha atub; Paes 153, sycf- Jem 206, RSI mechs fra, dh ghogte Faraway in Bary 222; hed. Mea; 9 16; Aan, Commas, Ei: tay. pt Arar 115; amar oy hi, i 86; a 9116 71% 25 yeaa helper of seeanimg doing, 1241.35 det me at ‘Sapa dn exaciess) big. Ta, MES Gant 230299. (Fo muogt wang bm. igi.) BEi095 vn ES gps macy T pe, aa. M euay Sealey var = WVES, ft. dmith, a [rse- mae eb et me nal ESS nur clase iat damcng vor. SSIS,, cusro Shale at "Dm math, ne bei ie iy cn mom Ta 3 4, PP B10; 2 Praag M2 Bers |S ret odie: Nu, Mak 119,06 RE mast weight, Ua, nab £8 12. SSPE mop gemcson, Ua. y0417falce quand, Mle. aa SOAR, eaten of poms, St pan LASToa> pba Lingus, font 0; Bos 1953, DV Soon tenia; obama; of Komi gg LAS. vam frp among, von AN, FRM fos; ade then, £205 1 JABS mmm Lent catle, arbi [RISEN von. of sug ned ee SSG ny gfe th dihe; om BOR Ua gu Ja re ine PS ren ae ls yourself. i. 5386 [A ran of. tnintiama Lo firm eotablished, cerdaring, of hing, Uskn, 1.33890, 1a. of sen han, 85 ina, aa le; at, Ane 4 ef heart aout haanlid, Readefasl, bi, 360 i gef foot» of lance fig), a syrp.2,16,; aim. 5m5 5; othr thing, concaa on oblial 18163 1439 514nat09 5 7: Boney; of nth in aig mane bk. 3019; mer atsh‘es- Uabtished ants dang hosing, fing, Bershe 16; ‘ecandeanduniong, of deede, Usher yas; mms ‘cand fosperoud of queer Lin 896; Firma endning, of king, 2b fiscal ich fos wn’ lacked; Arvith 15%; noma 10 Mera 15 dap, ma 'o fi. 205; Bene of fuses, Mik; £88.25 70»). (abies, esta, Unkse, 1214, 10; rasa with fingers bom. 1 [A em in nom, ‘auf, 510 Ar aaa inelulig, Mas nonrsjtoa a, B08 800; nm the fired nal of JER og m2. Bete 54 MAE dak, J aw ards someone a Tas nk (alae frm m=) Ram Di, eft, mer ag sample aca Bs tc the dike, Lee 2,5 (dal); a 8.25 faa 8231 Zant maint ‘ave fare it pel fa tb ee nits frida de ch, thing, Me. img mn in tis shor OB. et bm rol ‘womelhing, Samer: (e)canlonk of aceaplacle fe Loune sabatan tp. sg ander see unde ma an AS ant in mt Maly’ Ormarma, A, 1iM, 35 he [an Heil auf £93; fe ie fen fy 4,1 be 2 fv fa yr 8525 ah, 53; bn by eile sh (f. mil. asp 593 [SS Sb avin, sich many, Unk 42,6. PN amt malady, Savin 1545 fp Soy A Mabe dl Ty 536 5; wha eaxanhel, By; suffi, fas 8180, RB ub)sj mae Rant diane, cabarme gnsres. mB nue cy Mam.t, Au; v0d. mr RIO eS ls aunblour (ry, ak. 3,19, ef. REO, 257. SS nl cag of a ually daa Keb 5964 aw Hv Ranch ot ox iu, pbs, (det. 2). |205 md jan, Mak 063.06 samolom 404 ensure efcaecily, fpf! (BWR. JU ts mnt Liana. moey ship, Mk. sa ayy olbodela. 1), esa. 82, ton; Meal iets in altace sie Mak 28 es smwith, Uebub, 0,0 (dat ida the dnoseing fia 8107 noi he den, et 18:nbiama de, Bo. 2s6(det >), Mab. 6 4) uk 6055; em fat mafic ‘et [bt wnt dead, dak b,16; 405 8 (det. oY; i s10(detz Ar). U3 nat fanlour dee, ,6;743 (Ble Panit necklace ancredele Bathin, sam. cm, gusivo MSS my dual phigh, Lb by (SAU: my come, dab 5;22, 6% [mle amyl noe Hei 5010.95 opis, $259 DS aemiar Keraoman, 8115; dada 1. fea Bhnysef A607, 6 Tn, SVS ty isos Dour, 26734 waka sant, APC Bo 6, =O ni act oo herdaman, Ap. q3h [EGA annve munse (oh), dk ar,.0,15; 00. deb.V Amann M, 27, (0. (P38 mmc me (m9 Uk 9155 920,12; 08S 1995, mde DOT, 09, Me, os, aed of mon, fee 60; Sin ANG amncy mate mane Mak 091295 8; Yh mt Heh Se muck mileh- cous, Uke, yay vor. deli, Pep 106,10. FF try mde, den.9, 5 vor. yo Fy. sar hina of one lak x, 1154; 922,4; 00.8 BHT, 22 mn thozad Bi, 1% 2 nl gon, po men SNE, SO, peo st OP mr pigeons, feaa R24 entree en tate fu db noe ‘soul en nde 4 Sg ak 8 Sree 333000 nmr lay planlalion, 5 6; va Sees Sdad 09; 2909 6516; BP icon. e203. se under anu fia! JSD aun et fined sellin gaeal Gaede, ald yu eral, JE 39,386 Vane DOM, dar 269,16) N A gy 3 MN 8. ayy oA ho; me a Poh rd zal ‘maul fond for aumves ankle, Oi, 7.0; 10n. des L dak. 347, 399,00. P=" mmr mene, of rors dk 3105, mere aba pce arth, dh A bo; Se hifi, of boutdany Mek x, 0, eR mnt cattle, in. Rib; B20 Uk. 2. ATSC rena folicy Maks, 19 16;00n E23 3,052.5 Pp, Ab A° tenfs mlee Memphis neo, 23% OM ah seh pale, fp 9; 00 £2 Sa Hh. 204 is poe oa eae 3,9; forchuong 7, 26:00 A AN crs ory Le nk Tih 32,65 Berk. p.23;van, LRM tack y,3, 1S nr fot 0 lip, i,t; ym, Pes moh sling bade (A591 Hs. J 8 nh, chisel (nan oy, Bull 29,864 [PRM nk taint of binge, ee Bn; Weal gy; il pany S28) 10, 5; Waka, 101 (dela 92; nia, 6 abla), Raab oof, Sin, 8 210; offen ous, of commands, counsel, ele, Lim. Bing; fab, 20; Unk 60,163,250, ‘rey me yesstleith'sffains, 3230 0; .ill- iho, doled 0 BA, 2,6 Mam 199j ay, aim. mn ib a, 52035 Un by roB lb Has ding bithe hel e435 7%5 Meat wb, splendid of buikdingy gy rsh maak 132; bly n'a mighty 04,6, i take ombalished ith Pult-lreesn 2110; coathy, material 63,5; Lavish oecoahipy, pot; excablant, of occasions Uk 42,1, of eda, tonsa; welt. acne, 1513, Bu 316 Mah. gus; wll -elblichel of endowments Lik pb 2y6; ends Horwaghly eh 64; 2 maby thoroughly, 5205,5 e907 annhur eeuloncevilivs edn lahat 9055 9240 ern Ti peg SL bia hl 5,262. eam willingnasdl heart, Uke x,p3 <0 2 25 3 ‘do gerd a1 [2 fe gf me ver, ab, [eee 10 uw mee 8 men the thirds mumthy Mk 48 aie Pm Lap of abi, aminay nay fo; thing Unk 12,9; SU oth ll tap. 507 504 mol Se mat Lack (1) 8472, 26,2. Seed ne Cm fon for Aoi, sa; B42. Fi md covlouche, Yt wal ypllne (Docks, JA 20,1; Banna, Ramu 38 TS mak come Li amend Jen x4 4.2, 21 Aa mnt jan?) Abd. 04816: Al Tnnkl fon, Apetistisar. ANT nhl oy cock tlace, Pah. 2,13: (2) chapel fos yha3-u (S241), fA mat fall laid rn by Rig Cairo 28092. oe ant anit fn BUST, Gs snk BOING ranks potting sess, Jen ba. = 94 rindie midi Ment Unk. 36 2045 argu 2S di 8 DNF tke Ben, Ay. Uk: 3,02.9 3055); Mae Set'B of ia fea £35 Ak 5 A) FY) 506, Sure (nur Mb naman 8, fas, £2,135 13,5; lah 30,200,290), FAT) rd scat, Op tangy Mak, 294 16S) of male A (9), $b 340 mo aS andl chook van 2220, 29, se9 12,0, 2h5bo, 20, SNA nl daha, Ca 6,133; SAR hs, Of 004,192 3. FES adj in, Me, diseased, Hy; 31; 05,0; Lt mul cove disease’, 8193; a la. bemy fp. 35 ny of abhi pay fpass; ‘Rae compassion on tescrry fr fip.10g din, 6123, fa displeasing fo, Ilan 7; i omy calamity, Lie Da, s(myldet By, 66 lajabus. EBS: SP ow sick man, desist PINS aml jainy, £6 1,12. a1 ESD mn papa psy din 30a 04 Ar0m, PRL a5 dh rae Ten cama fs; ty ania lobe, 8644; van, eb ua, SES (pb) laminas, di tram pl 3. 1 LP Alain ough Ink. 6365; 00.16 Diag SB mae atonrs in 3 orcerefs 13,24; lak 39044 VP, S92 forontam ofa 505,03 Cgerwanls undeling, bin, 12; ted tues; ISAS YRS HH be. laut lbh’ 120,3:(3)pantiaany suphoring, ‘Mills, Mecha 9.00 ER) in sig x dee bay, SED (ue), Lh wgy3)1 [SHR mal cole, gaeecing Unk. yn, 1: aroun umdortings, fin 5; 841, 25 10-1, 782,00 SMFS), lnk wt wu s(enndjs49 PSC BP ea lle Cominay Litto $8. 535; 10975645 mony ‘hull alow S Gd vhs, five, Sh. ng, Fin. thboyi25;Uok-mgaena;a a; won sta es, in 8234 0b; Pan dale ith fll. infin, 520i fol then f, $3190; 662,1; 652,1, TARE Be bys. SSF mnt Love (ry din 866. 60S B)2aa;dak me emi. s;253Sin jail, eine, fa ob hin 8325; n mnt mera xd Chat 58 SSN Gb mut che Mae, 19; 200. S15 5, 8S 045; SSM ha ph a7; fem See lisse. SU jan, on Ape 3, B10 5 1, SS tm find, Mele; agnor 3 stdet P) br. 9,16; aki S96 aes shite cbath, Mah 94,22 det. P), banal elites doe. bane SA3 Mb rd plein gues rar. SE BS cat sgsden aero. Sse Bindoet Sout, bors SE meat steel, Ls. 83,1m moat: steel folows, frat amb a us k le lm sounding pole, an 8.78 SHEA rat sm apron ship S04 o4010- SUES ny fighlng a 801mm SMS 05 SB po Soar tees bas Gras 3a; mn SE wk See SUNS mgt fan, shore Lean Ra; Meat 6 Lab Ahh ig ha 3-7de SD); dadbane eas 81260; quar, Je 012,13; 1579; Right of Diana Lace; dnb mont the coat ia lean, Peas 130. SWI mgt ott radii hal 5:20 CLT ST UE Magn pian amin Unk es von #7 MR Shay 5 5 ASTRA 305,6 Seid vsery, SS po hid of rd, i gg 8S 9, 0M. EQ ue dese Maw. 9:5; ue an Uhe coast ia loan, nk, 66815 of EA agnigg)- SYM mr harbouna lt, Dial pig 55, SYS megs Mack sink, sen 36 nay ila ST Pmt sheet (A850; amen of sales, 8112 b4,2 (ela. 3). SMe mnyt hemnpalt of incense, thd 164, TEN eB rt si grease 95 en in B95; 2.9 Bi) Be Mak, qh Sh mh decor (my of uildinge laa, 20356 Reb Tales daar peniete EIS abs, a SAS ky of sin. Le frgelf naglectfal hoof dy; 42;6; 20h Hehe beaks fshaadefctve actin, 31. Taw. BS Uh. 2645, 88S 443.2) De toe 16; BOP ye Pela, »,9;Uak-3, 05,58 32); of por hesnl action, I u5, 75 02 aU ans of me mith far SEE make jogos nelgene, an glare ty; mdi ik nego SNOURF oalit ilehcoe, fip.ss0. "dS IP mbaat family lakam, 075 MOST nabact: day — guarded of speech, J8 $5965 21112. SOL RIGH awh coffer, Camas, dt. drag. ob yo RE ah ule lke ysejran NALD ais 4; 2 as, “Pan fovea sprue dmall children), 86h in « SS awh gubit, om. 3,3, fe. $2662. I mh ts Land -culit =the arounre, able. tp.s ab6,s; £ ldlbour, be Sd ota fl, A; an 814; Sh 95 Uo. ot afb Come, 2g tri, nn; iy ful 2. wary; At ult 0) make athels, nk, 92,3; compile finish, 28s 50,54; Qn dene 36,225, m-2 mh nf ander gre account; Fee 825%; mh nang hur labri; Jrmatic ef dina ramer- cabs, uf.2h3,3: dbinne Se full, Fa: 8l 276; of ea, a,b donb ha combate fess Mor mdm Jbl mena Pan 95,7, Ainfn ‘st about ey doing sting, Gy, Li; mh byt act acending ls,’ fe mkt nena tegen nee a Pt one uch a laalad, conflate; dnk whe; wie; mei rm Musk in’ oe, 94, sp; Mead BL 286; det 4 ES nb ol, dey; sige, Lay hut wih my Abale2. on 6; haae indbslions Unk. , 550,03 cosine, Kb, 4; b9;3. mort tame off capt, nbs bS. SS dnd co da oA. 05 7; 89, TSB oh sing de concouned, bs ‘for, Leb. ye; Lake aught bn Jo din. 8199; fonder ha ‘on, Moone SAK): cane, Lb 6. IRMA by guondinn 35; ram TOD bi; SAU “MQ “IB, Sirah Bowl,, 634,17; 6254; Le Dar 6; ven. det £6.43 16. |S Powhe fore doar, a8 in 2 ub sinf vrdsou, Ledrcumed, Ryrbie yb Ib; fonts roy a5 38 heart iad'> anew coll. chifdrem, Bip my Mok, 0,16 FD); young of arvirmalh leak, aq (fh). eras any B mast Hnthy BH, 25 68; Ul. 118 NBS TY); whore mat fe vagain, Maks, 20568136710 MOS HS ‘Biche of ind gi SMITE day of rephlys! td 20 INSP masote gint chile, dad. W, 3 5% calf, dat p51 A ms foul dak, 1331 AND ne onc. ft sey, indac, fy p20 PRA cnt ah a HORSE, INNSS, 28s ygee. ANN % Fs Carine, Lt Yang. Hl, 3,2- SSS fn, KIN mya final, lnk 9; List. mea HS), HM PLATE “the Yom, dan; an AI WRS yas; NBS ng AIS Becot prorpectin(, foyer. RS =P Von (sary ding lp 0g3y,ven SH 2b. WSS mach ind of bread, 16025 th, BLS all Lins ts te! dia 29 dak, gs (det. By, ere ne, swith fo, 150.2 (dete $5); deal) one ‘ith! $00 6 fl.24 1 TS ses aie, bt) 29, vam PH M25 NES om, 891 DI SeY 4S sna haypogne, ming Li tr0g 42,2; ven. Noe HF re 20, 30; 28 5505 54199 BRATS wordy nota; laa buchuvanda lire esany, GAS 27 LES* Loe mah (mich) crocodile, Md goyrom Rom da sne AINE Uh, 10,415 16; fom. maht, zis 5t,nu(q). TRE push abode of eda Uk. 213; vanedel DW sto; R s0aabu. TLS mobo deoring teal? J 22,106; ath place?) fp. es dae 8, Fore sy iatdete ed, Coe catte, fi. 1t2; abate of gode, Mofo s7 DEL); meen, Loyd. VN). [mah — moder ue 4 ay Ey ISSO nahlic role, Une, 33,16 49; 00nlNP SSD oy. BS? ofr ftaning, fp. 435; ven. NIN BB kes 16; HI By 16; of 300 28185; format, Bp, det BE2E maf folalle shying, Bel fb x7;m0m Die ik 1; ING dio, IZ2 womof mardt moat! ANTS mat Raub 12055 of EO, 245 APNE madand Mack eechainl, Sh.hibs AL s55;Su-20rq om Ahm Te. shatter, 35h VDE sean pega; BODE tb ne gjath = Buss: INI al wh inf alia hae fbn hy DPA ea, bys; 56 9(deb Se), gym amadd tanusillingly, feaa.81,99; madd. ‘al Yam umesilling' Kab ah, i Un 16,964 i: IASB mead whats hateful of emdual, dit pi; 10. aS danse Fi ada nal eh y:22,03 fom Nero 22, BRS E:T ak mdi Mesbbiac goddet ofi lnhm sve dot Wd 423 IIE Pade gay Manel. Ep, 08 tian. 42,5 Bel shir odye Opening the Mouth; Min Ep 29,02 JP i edi, Sh; iA 88 afi Aa ga TOE snob cmulblation the Hough, ve BIS, neo, fob, 0096 dngn a pnts 807,265 foreman seep TIA ao kta, Mv. b3. swe 10 generalisnima p02, 21%; dou “ealenamt- commander the BAS ay amie seasons; dt: Fak, 99.; mas chs moi ain 2 ‘ og 20% or iain 1848 atin NS dk, 38,6. (at, yaalet,D). ad: fc neopets, te oh make ein GN 04-30 SED malls framework of chanit dsm, QoS mie march, Qadech, 221 TIL, oh Leathe, f-147; Mam ban | AP mic he shoulder bade, bar} BES robe iby dy) ary Mer ryrthe: 17 deca); 80 be q RSVP onar suse, Mob 3, 4004. Ca)ef Homme ps 2, 3552, 20. SSABR rebar evening, TA: role s0(det. Fram. SST mack, TNR naaks sin, fox ra0; Leather, LAB 1,2;ef J | 039) Tks, 1j0, SEY iy AAG aes Bef dad sening- meal ye RETA Bs I ITSZADS male night fork of san ge sk,»thijo04 AIS AGE tn.) SS ide fon, dk, ven. aS Qadach, 51. - Migs, Gf dethe dau, 2. ae SSS mk, Boal, mana, ai: SRS ak quand pai, ads 9; Ai i206; Bog dao) leks, ig rs, lke, oy Rear are Ais mo hin dn. 3 2 ho yen, fur ly quand amd relict, Jah 2211465 25/b6 RZ tim fyretiolin, 68 54. CEE whl on prtoeion ma Ky, A ms) coment pol, iy ee, may npabsy Br ro, ada 9); propor abalon for alionding, bo m7>16(det.)} with det.0 422 under mbit ‘oupprort’ SRE ably patil, quandary Mah. ;ran dela 4 Uo aay 6 5 bat sap dea Uk, rire NEINE dn ap REG 4 IM ee undew ome. SRSLW IG sake bach of che head gg, Mead. tng SNEAW® obs fn he nck iene Mth 45 Schon ei, 8 neglect, af Wah. 26, Cf lg Ata. 2. [rao — lg 120 at iy mdi BLOM ks a sep, Bp. rin 1595: RAM inks container for cacamenls, 285 54/01 BaD ange shinmichen?) 005 50005; ran. m9 ONT Uae, 6946, Sl ators Stee mut (mat) oh die, Shad a0; fans 8195; Mabe, 60, pera of hip Sh, de 623 aon fae 83,123; Lb 12. Vann, NG loka, wan; REY 965,13 RAY Lh L123; "Cairo 20526; P 20030. £69.15, ¢f. fsa; SE ye(det); Ode. 2,6;rmantal many, deadcsseman, Llib. 5, fh yy; sim ROVE ta Ko 2 ZR a esenel duc oat: (2) male, bith 24 Bara am. | Dana, of must ‘mothe Prat bolas, ME. 3, 9.16 ISR a bf Def eloth, im ml if 'a rectangular a nk, 1122,15; ade w 22.8; = Psi. RY only atnaightforcn ducing, Baz0 (2 NS); 1519(S fs 8420 ji, ly mse ‘oneal p's Le 61,96 fab, lr 8, af ll ‘Ri, sent abe 8 ys negulan, of ea baa sha R) ng shy fst aula, bo 520. # fe waa shnb sly ‘affection Sens 75.n.3; fa 6; van. BH, SRNES swan. of mel flor! PANN, PN vee ali amour’ >. (0 seman, Sk.rooy reryo a Si) Fi ded fgg ip sob RLY), dak, suka: (arfuinn Byp. id; Ma Ke 425 llaaild , rt PEN wanof mbar baone! PPP M tnt disease okey 0; discuss me EV: fowls ae union sx ander nb, FEN a send oy sso 2 PE id mate di enies yan Be soy Mat Mafedel, EM tn fy oid sa), Wake, mgs | (Zyparely with dali inti o disc dj, 00 32 pb 0; exhibit vinlias | Make; change Lasky b's ws inabiuel 21s, 1S SM uiiane ales $00 20513 inant be ferns renga, in.8 225 94S JED Vi onl fame aomonn, din brse; vom. 21% dak sy, 1923 7; 2 NN 32,05 PMoiss, «. Je oti Laatimng, Je8 226 ZS) DA alae wilnens,8095,3; 88 086; Pah y2n Laka omu,2(= NP), mbar inate the eye's wile Lakin, ok 1,503, jee bi fled, REO 1,78; vanca eV mara 24 8 [Sema day, Mak 34,25 10 PAT Pant ht onenbine(t rhann; oo, ALA 2, 05: SRS mats flout woe, mb ib disagree with'lee, iq. 228), SKC mate fad herilage 2) a.m, 8 BAN mts a womans garment, JER W ph 53. ‘connotlen of (ically) jury, aed of the office, fo conliolborshp, #Hakv, 18 SNE S5a lion ema, vera SIH, zis sag mage; in, 1h ma aa INTL ml noeda ane, ia 1,10; amon (Z E0542 8), Wak gaya), courat, Lana. 61,3( B22) 8 ).199;> mb obey! Sik ipa Do), ald bin ‘Be ogo eb 85th ni eho one.- Apa the hath, Ba. YK Praia maby cheibh (it path finde’? bin. 826(de. $276 2 0 Ibn foc. Tika, var. Na 023, nEO , 178% DNS von of abit reward” be naa sah 1 110519 29,21 eon; nod, Je 2,19; UPR Pray as ‘aofld age apport of aged parent, B53 Meh; Bere, 3, 29. VS anda (2 in — OS 'gldomicha, 88 167. bP madera) abl inf ia peo, no 3 Adeeb sie, in a; Ald 15 uf lt, U1, 15 mcr Yap ean) is 24,4;'sobnd! 8 20,52; mdr he spe uit Lb 5-6; Sma one oto Laur with’ Unk m,n, :nde md de inked sings 516% Giana dans sone, fy 952. (2pm. sheceh sstry thd jin 6189; faa. 8145; 5,25 ple JBN, 5402); | Abi jronounce aapullaectation, obte E; TL apocche dy dp. sact. | Yo eet, smd, a der se sede, — Ton IRS Ap 20; VS gah 1 ES fin da din 035A Mak WSS ete nls word of hd, divine decree fp 932 (T); fone oy in ph sacred unitings bersh 3, pers I Siri 1) 3, ps CUD), Loure cu 7; Mad. 60,1, written chanacins sop, Uk, 124,2 (Hr), 54s CUT. VES nde specoR soos ean 8142.96.53; 45 bin; 88051 13); dad, Make, tons u;ande mt vs mau Tourelaas 120,3;5087; egal pe, Mean 8123h; Bt 1005; anttn, sword, doa 82,11; Br 15,9; lox, 466; combin of Letter, ak. 1285; ranllen offen, Hes.7, (etna); Pans Bit; Maal 14 Aba, am nhs) 039, 2S rural purer Peas B19; offeir, 6,37 cy al ah VE BD ly Lathe, terikand’ 23.24 (Mle); speak dk aogay (VCR). SAIN made shanty of Arif, gba; aul of wiaion hs), Bp 2as,15;foreefu, of canact Uy on 9.71 SS TeX) re pla, of foes We '8(dea Ba), mde my ib my ah (yee considered acule by comfy Land, das. 81 22; mada i “ito dae 3,91: Eins ca denny quarry, pea; BD 35, 1 ad 10, $862.59 ff; SoM a maar Smear magnate the Lona U8. 2s by 5566 FS an deo, Sreambarh, 5; 694559 det A); be.2,0 ND. SNR nae deity Naw. Sodtd uog,26;veroL NE dake yf e138. NV Bandar banda, Ay 220a. ING oma bye, vam. SAP, def sas REDS, go% TENG PR alt slated calle Unk.x,y2,4; 2. NYA Bu, r0. Na Wand sil, lsh. 23 513,15; 2p ng; men. 21\ isa, Jen ana Si ndat fay soll Uk. 19012; Eber ldo) beh: gut. the bf a ithe of la, Bing 8; mde readsarb aloud, s0646,15 0412) 10 ye, Aip.aby; al madst ‘A -aerile, West, ba; latter, diopaloh, bp. gi ALE) dk, 360,607}; 125, Pay mat ‘bltn-caniosennysiv0al TT Aopen, [SD mdat chisel, vane 27, KAY; four dst lpr neo, yi . SUS dsr whee Medja, regione Nubia, R07, 3%, 264524813, 095 van US) dak, 5. SUIS SY md sere fens mtn lo fli, 9 2is foce.cit. Yam. MF,; PLS dakar, gqin 7. edt dsb expel fo, anni RUNS mete aien of Ioal, Uk i9a15; TE 2y 28 SRL LS mabe dais for bilge reais. Bin fron dst. SE Lands shutout sors 2Kak., 4; snlhin Loasune ok 8 aetol NEU) INTs radh fillet tenasaie-g; rem DI Loune cry O Bm 828 \hetmdlh Au limber, 2860, 1.05 bs 3; sane, in. 1.2; ul, shi, 0B 58 5 60,1. Yon. 61 Se Mak, 5B ge DS hicaryr sar gee Bae ag DP nh hs of lone, Iunich ny canpend Cis soni ( AR) BH228 8); SM head.) Bir, 14q— KFS 2.08 Bos, bo dk. 503,19= maby maw ‘King unguenti-maker, of Ah 2, 49,1 Belegslellen, INN'S b dif ohioed used in Opening Che Mouth; Jest ASR dl fanart as an alah il 20 Mk. 1832,60 A), saab én anda 19211317235 ay) ede f the foot dahard hit Pry; sie the mouths in puncrany nilsel, tAsy(CH);, Infra yan of the ache of arn ef dios 1341 foae ge vinue, Fea.) 2125 ik pry 54 Ake, 56,1 fog orden 208 ste tm, with ads 1822, 5;rmd wt Ce Loa obedient pera tathy Uke, 208,7,soalso mde me, fos 4951 6( mn Ak, 66 WS mnddar: a made wi w recording the witef; Bm bir osm foe ified La pean dea. fas of er cus, 5 ely i rg mk elon cme oe, 3y lly hj mmnll because, $223. om ng gen ade heleging forma BL offre nu ade theefon frit, fps205 1; eeawae of il Moher, 98,124) used. offer dnmbpraine, ea, 15,-b. Gh PSEA W0, 5. Oe suff pr. ee below. Tr pen so cu, nae rm, ff ade | ny aff. dren. (dual sve Air, lien o4 4p. 53H; nanely for supp. sduab and. ‘He they thar wor 7p 59h Obs Dh free = ib a Bs aly SF mms filet Uke 2% 15: um ney. pant nt; rs there Lem ig ndend at int ala fo OM mndhe invieat with insignia, BB 13s S88 3538. Adillan for ror nme, acd he Tb nt crown fe. 95 13; Hac a 16 vad. N ob ey mai ath, Wa, 25 ven' aD Dal. bo Ve Canina di ate tnt TRE ak mle Merihanas 26; of shales. TE as dona nei re pl hie thee; lant the pe 510-25 548 CUI ay. pouen og. pl my sooo nigh, nog ain Ses nds RA nt weening-nsore, AO, 215%. EK vor of mtu iden’ FSS er heoge, dem 99g lis ul inf. fie cree, nse (Al) Be 62,106; tei, By. 1306; threw dau anvenem, Bg 72 VO) finn tach wit ip. 20h; ytd oting Usk 32,15pang rile aso Aa, infin; danke) en, ip 341: ai for 20 (Mex, Sel alt srenge doing, Woh 923, 5- TY SS pase fee, Tan 215 r00n. BF Mok 02) DAE R beh; abbr, BL Kaan T, 2m FS iar sla, tyr nbq;van 4 dons a0f dango; © SLs GC Par boul thay, von. 73 Lia eg 308. TS males fuirnanval wos, wor SS, fp. ps0 wan, dealeo nae 5M at Losey hansen, 892419; 200-50 1p Aer oben 2 ast cil ove, din 866, Xo. 1 Aka babe. ft, aad of hele, “Yh li sk 94; atte thon Cn di nb nf anecropoti i. 6; L169. 1; BIL, 20,F aay cals of yo a id ong SB fet SON Man Paar mc, ab ah ra many | SD Aantal stertionmnen, ononpe mum Pca tan, S28 Genk. ne. Bate nlutie deglad(?) nhs abo CNA many Spacing! hi nba TD dam 24 2A), ny mabe shy ehg da mpg pnt 0 4 ani Lama dg BD 3h te rama ‘in qtecling, JEM 94,14; sa dak magna, BD. TPS nds indiana ve. make summons lsh 50416;mahe inwmeaion, 1995,9; nds 24 all Le “surrmery, din. Re; Be, Mah. te 9,8; 4r aloo nla, Aboot, 20, 3123 hana. summon; £059,221; Seb 6 voy, Maferhli,t;fa any rane, Maha, 2188 0; ie, Appt; fas 8 2b4; dub nar fr Be ‘he ait Be dubled amignoramus, fr 5 12; recite, Berh.z, tog; 80 frral past; i019; ls Let ‘0. numer = mobos rsckening lak. Mey tbs WO nd fo inde 2 yw J 15 p3-m: dermens l. 9301 11240. — Van. TD dk 2, teh, 15: 7S ir he sco is suramened Made 1; Ina, rckoney, Rind, 6,2. "PS ath eit door, P ham t,8i4,h; rand POH on sta. Th nth seahunl- demas; 20hy; wn I 8 Day TOUR mitt impute Te, 26; rm. a VN A 2,25, of-2is ws 60 Fade B aultt slammer, Bh . TB cd inf ely A kam yin late ane, Mak ena tne, Bp. a.aen [ate mc eapedition, dna, 66,1 SiS net vb sinp. fedonions, nes may ae meyt mooring. post, ak, 424. RO nce smooth ChB Seat mim 5; andexmaled lak 21309 08 OHA). 1% grncothneas ef compli, dada Siok: ria smooths, Ram Th 31 TY cur seahont, la 115 1; ig,28 Ta i mca cat fish, JE i 2554. ae mae anf gem ys PSD ret di: ah thea goes 0 26 in 210d), Ak 9045 og ea nk 3, 13;28,935 8050. Ton, PD 18 362. & ng rhe within, 1.451 fu 36-0.6 rt act P nuet adage, var. BS, Lp su.a15 PD rw demonsls ren this these, $p§$100 61,3. FIR mur ime Mh sq; tah. 5,24; 61 1 bol DS*2); chew 0 wan etimadfa long period of year Unk. sna; me MISE, bpm Schl, ages rove gene hy, Meir, mas; a4 ads for a while, tris y; n-rar bl the jrcperdimne, Hak. 1052-85 0b 4.10; sim TA ibs BBG; 246 CA nus fe cook, Gusta; Barns shan. fry OS mur weakneas, dat, pl babs; fas. 8h i04 0 wy see dork var. AE, ANA, Jen syns. 8} = SPs funder, lak. 4q0 19,003, 14f war del. FB dlr ab, 02.85 bya; Lbs; ploya. BSE mu you for sean, Bi dal 2,0( 2S 5 cond, 20 9950 (290). OSs mut snp cane for lake cane, fos; le 2510; coll, superbe, Gas by; Jen 22,799. TN ues cain fom rare 4 Trsadas in Pao epurcvt asin Opoing the Mouth ip. 9;20n 2% AA 517 of Meda, fe34n.2, OPV ny soln, hl 6.155 Uae, ong; flnd dm 2.7, deb bs; fact, £811 18 Taan PCE fin. 8309) Make, why M0 7, FED suey gato canal fabs 8, 09,4, % 1, hel, ama (BE sease, Bed 5104; Poa bi 54 OCB), OSM ay vb sin inline not, 13 a-place, Una, 9;come we, Cainon0: liane bing hack sme lid. am 20 2°97) mp3; 6h; LLP wn dish, echoed, 159; 0 19813; bullr a rhs foo E) FEDS ck ope, Ui 156; 8034116; Camion Et ay Hann te ‘ned ofeord! cub, fu § 366; dado metal fy. 06 018) OS IS a nth Kinch ememics, lak. bye 2604 nah Liane xt Leak, £4.21 bb; inion, be coorehed, Cave 26050. 9S nw sheet (9 of melal Hik se, Ye °K ead ide, £45; vacibla lok x oyh dele Se) ef 84,19 %4e- F806 maar a rata ang ano, fas 8 gn;laerpcmsraely 007, make ilo ith, 08rd erp lok be ODE 8S Tnall aweddling clothes of chite, Le m4, 22-85) Sa TEE aero inf frm inin) squsey ceil, Ma 207.7; 3534 See SN ued oinlmenl, 8b 609; 200-2251? 34419-20. IMT nde ok 20445 189200 Seb 885 15 neq 5S WP see pases PT da ay bp 9; OB cc 6 Fee OAS nue eiabrent rer, 24 od; Caminny Bray i895. TS ab le, dwn b Sle baka, ip ss Ge nla theists the Aegean, lose, 290 $3242.12), Seb dager ise “he iandon sein VSS the legea) islanders ied, neo, 206 ah» VINRE dak a, 09,7. dee further Gull sbasjns ors 81 |S ao Lond ,smalin owen “the Lathe hing sk rx(det B05 aldo); Pak. 03.21; 1 mann fms nt aah, aa Brothen ov ca itd 9, 2-9 (det By bse ape faa 0440 nb bof fesvn 022-9; hn poses ofa foe, Ens 8192; nar shut ‘ners fm, bait ‘anasto ruderce’, din. B41 ik: workman, fae 81 FSA nbcnb donb Li sarsophagualak srt;qnnsj ve det 159. ee 4 wea aly SE Daher dy Lond oft seo gods 80 15; ing, Mab 2 (det) ne "Ta Lond bowartnd th Cairo 20824 £,9;90. 93 Sk, ing Peon Suk Lady, mise nbt-§ ‘his, Caing 205H3,¢ (det); rhe ks £ of the land pee Akai; pon Rowse) Yad g le bs he atnsdin, ba abt of heen 2 olde Tr). PSB Ue alten aban Lf oye be bog ab A 4, SEBS 3 tlt Bact dept deae 428; 000. Bel 8 46 DE ty Keen Ladi Webbe amd St, 95 lad 0f the beo cones of Sg, 651252427 8h im nop lang fa fg 3% mt Lodahie, author of hing, lak 3 yh ah rey ny als ase nb aif nk amy ing ova nal 98/6 uot lt ony land} Sod Sap nk rnd dome. pont ial; ons 8.25; mbar note he ge bin 6210; unin bt lt hindac alle, ‘awrgon eachene) tack, Yh 5103 sone of thorn} A4q; bin. B26; BTS ‘everyone, aengbdy som SSAA TAR, Jp $103, 2101 ‘everything’ ‘amathing ii (TSE a ohain. cus dt Hisianjrom SLES lak 55 1S sh gol, in bua, 90(N db. 23 ‘anaion a g gold rmithseeeshaty, Lets 1:8 Aonaae 9 pagel at. 2B bo. sinf matt mall 83,1 SES); caaobjels ie mall fo. 715; rhea s,s INGA), gil, 334,r1(7, 3,2; model fashion, Je 6299 PRs the helen ee, oof Hath, G5 104. Mo abyt goldcotlan Jean pls, qryrmr. TM by. fi 505 51. SM ay gtd Mak 004, 5B ben. lo. Gras mean th, aio 1,2.) Ny cof Oath Usha, 2955 18,5. "ING ralyt nbc. Omi, Kim Ob neo s* faba =p 730 TB ns aging pallet y2; 0000 Thabo, AS 0B Mader, 2024 1018 TEN ads wig, Pah, 5052948. TV alin flame Alymnen gideh2 pb bs inlions ve, fury Bp 20bs, buy, Ted alte amen ne, op furans, dymntn nu TAY bt aed, # Ra. 831; Gg. a, TAWA nb fehet, dr. ib.n. TT abet aad dod, 21:2;200. IIA Ti nts giygthug ENT Anjo, 20; det > Boukr,9. TC nl baa dovuith aa, a0, ea $3) dat) TR ake ptt rae mina Lit tag, fa. TA alae fe of ain, 80 405;h. PTV nb destaatve Maks; sory DWP Mle (nbd) the boil One, 00 sy, dew bsagga TSEC nl a tao bed casts namie pl es, “DER ps fe unt, Caine 24050, RG mf a cake loaf dia, $30, DHBORM apps fae, £64. dmc bs "0 Ga Pnpmpt hem, JE6 32,4, Ende gui pb 00 ge mil Yaw. Tak aby El Bay ee fae" ai fl La of al, 88 715 flat al, fesis JERS 122; van. dot TE29 62. TACT ape hie naire Je 2. DU a sloughs ob) fay yn jor 1295 am0, 7 EN re 267, Ta. hd sharfe Hale CT 1,10, a nf domensls that, chase, vars, LBM fp pio; nfs te thas itso! Bier 12,33 md nf im st ‘nsswasdsserited aber P Meh.s bo-to 131 be oe SO nf erg, rng hg, fob. 24; £169.60 WER); oy nf f AS bb. Swe neta ONS CG Len. ed eat Saf eth ind on So ni OUR bgt fa, Lae dane; vom SE x, 6, POM mas PA bape sinned hl Aah. 23,015 Fg Lak soy yplaln sailor AtOT Ne aps Leos nat of nose, CT, 238 REF nf same, ens SE ndafe antl dom BE nf ofappaaney sulla Mak 45 eid arg, 3 lyf foe, the S415, 0 423: (def qualily goo fine goody, dn, eae 35; Bb. 21-g; fbb; lok hy recatany EBS 15; ‘Hlaaing Bets Ne charactor er ef, om fin lk td 19, Ah 5; Rd nfo wi alah set inden than a Rew regal acter, et th18(3): (of emi, habit go, in B31. 16-205; Bo ths; howe mp aby de oli Mee 39-1; dsb yap ia well wth’ Sa 5mm ter nb nde in fs 33; well subdie snp Sp nt ssid far 20; sim.ty.2 fafa J yy (6) in fined exfvessions: SIS good (my, din. yh 5; 51 faa. 8,a8¢; dd, 3104 (AB) orden ah 4a 1210-5, Ml uh nn ld gor Chang Mele. 15,1 20; Unk 36,87, 10;00 comment: ‘all wellands.) Mah. 3,5; rebar kf in ny gordon, 16.0 9562; 2.5 yond! fea tos9 SSS ‘ehatfey cent di. 160; Usk. nh gerd deat, "iy; ab f np sen mse "Ramon night ous fas 8) 2002959 B aged eginning’ fst; Burh. 2, 47; athe nfe ‘oucenfully, fo 742: (Uade Kapil well, 5205.4; reb ms honder full aczount Baa 81251, ae ft good things JRA ub; Oba, SCS); good, habia good, Pa 122, Bet fbn Ue. 13,2; 083,1 99316; inde, Bl 344, [fe sent 132 Bape aut, daa mahg bb; gnd dn ED) inayat Sei; gees iad hs 0 8M) dak, haptic gerd fortune Mull 13 fat Ma, snp; of a. yj dating me nb wary well fa thar SBS afr feu fa 2c lk, 476296 yma, 2; grdaas Ras, Seat, pli). a= afr espe fom bo yl ie af Bef Tan Moka, 1org6; 4, 11;6; 8 38ga, 0. BSD aft fair swomen, Wate. 53; van. bd) 19 ny pla, SSE np cattle, lode, 1023,2; 00. 82 FF nb PRaopp bin 133.9. SO nf howe of M6, Mahi, 13,8; 556, /kr BF mfpdat dindorn, ramen, ies BH rol SYD nhl ore. A, Mefrkatoy 1; dak, 24h»; ran.b 1420, SS poD tp tin whith lagd, Sa, au; wan benno 20093,¢ 1, Saf jun mb 1m mat} pfu mat there ia et! fp. 895. Se nf gd, btton late! Unk, 13,20; ene hat n tien pat meng epics fom highest ls Lowest simi, a BNE) ;nfaytr ‘dou hb. 79, BE UG aft ttl rope, fa 1581b.n DY fr ground Leal ete Jt 9m 335 mfr ond: — gob 'e of he ight) 28125, B83C3 fur ond Sock pant building 00 23,198. i asf dfiioney Unk, ws 4 soft Aachen Arow; detach, Loosen (det. 34), J60 22100. DO aft Lae oy di Bo. GS Ko rum sho? var. TR, fos ugh TRA nt agin, hots ok 73h. BOs 3; TRY LUphy 94,0. ne teen deans se65 Gs yo TB snc dar vane Bh eh with n, Bb250,16; okt, with m, Unk.s0, TRS nv gosoen, f lane, f.15: 103 (dats TR i emer vals dle, by 10 TRU nom inliana vb tignel lk a, abs: Mans dimrse, 6NS 1. nr. THA Aer ,55; Rt din 65; TRAST eos. nt A andfans Cada din Rossa TAC ca 2. TRA mt shel of ope, din Bi dns of cattle, B2».Aon, TRAD eg IRD rwncv deme aided Aantal eas 83, 10; fea ry ms dala Sit 5209; SIA dean gy: question (tub dk 3.752, (ERD) fo 2.5 of Jen 2, 200, TRY ane gol deh, Amann 3,42. RD must nal, 881,30, TRI nvm uae un, fp sy foleand a6 BD xen TRUS nk intians ob hoes, mana, 0: ama dee, educk, fron uy,ai me. furvery emaresa, 1,36; humility, Unk 201213. TRIAS rmblyy ephar, ins ba; Rat fag ej Aalr prion ser, fearon of lou degue, Je, 2, illo, 206 Naar. AANA oka 20035, SLB st. 16h fll, igh dus; TALS I BUH) fas 2.0. AAS TRA mt aide even fianere A.ecn.teg( TRS?) baie. GUS 6 BY nem ataide fyp.s53.2120; 80.93; din Bil pn 29; TH. 0f se fae Lure ne fas fs bh, 0 nemo ft hilt of fli, 2; seta o fev ulin 4 doth, 900 WS nus wearineny metas of dead, Ll ss; vr WIP A 8415. VD MCA nmr inet ones the dead, dadm py, won. We BF din. 01ys WSCA fab, FSS nue oalins bpp $30,Wa; na god, dethe Arman § 27 arr. ES hp sors; OYE lak tte BSD 60 1. dee abso no AYE wt Loser hear fir ware Yea nub; TY ath Ae abo ie. SIR am ho fans Bh96 A901, go song, of pla, Bi Pm. ges, Parga. Tam FURS fe (hm 35. PSS aden leon, 03,2904 wan SN Y bua 5 AYE Bo 20, nk elena ime, tp. §193 mg ha $209 ond f 0.2516. Shaaban dies ot D+ end inlinash foam, Aen, Lt be 8.9 dat liane Sree Makes, 2081514 NE), SYD nar foam daca (my Cah, 5; ditirbamce(2) Faas 620, Vann. SSD farting SDA hac 04 0; PO aks, 067; = voy; Ti esuoy. SS DA car Lemitte ome, Wah 379.06 SA mm change, 20 'efe snemey Ua, 00,0; debss 1 a oh sinh dit Uk 66; infin Mo 0 nt De nas ele nhow 1,93 din B08; ats ae. Mee fea 80» tg de, aby | | [IH n-th) herd, des 64,173 80 84, 5 (alll det), Aaa soda of march, 652.45 mena sth with ndening yal doh, | 146 mod) Lez the yea, (amines, Lz fy, Mie. 380; natd-— OA On 1590 Yom. fl TRS 0 Bao; Nein Bet sy49; 28 dla Lyi ( odically’, Mu dLit. rag. fo-33 TAR Rents: Gy — ‘inkling pono wef. et TRS, ta Xt. | “DS mh escape death, cr7, 26%. Wm dorcel. fon this these, an. ¥, fy. $5 40-2.$113. "TES hl shelter, refuge, Mah 2,16 Ak 3, 912,9. npn mal off 74 80 953 _ Feat magint failing, Mac nt68. VTA anny lessen, inet, 0 249; 16, 9 dang of foo ty VB ‘aS wha Jnotectina feng an, fb 22. B29 wht ayearene, lake, 2; don ht: @> ce im general Unk, 8.155305, 3g a Sel why gore, a lle, fas, with n,Weae 2,26; faa 8 48H Sin); de 7,3; Uh.w,1302,9(10 SB); with om, Showy. ia pr Loe fens 6); fs. th5, Bhd Al. 95j<> rar ‘showr fas of’ bad quali, fra 8 Vas BS Ua. bmn; WS foay4,20. iG ahh pada, esr dat. 0 86. Ta? nh copulale, BD2262- Gd mh pine sanky im the marening, Unk. 361051; 190,10) 2120 126 aan candy morning, dus, 6575; ra.00 LL 5920. dake mow, 2s, 0 hp cane, hu for, GAS 103; det, A Mae aistie BING hen shout oh) er, nj ea stellt. 3); in, 6201, Mok a 205,205.53 Hundan, of shy, Bpso-rt. DIVA sae damn for jog (1, dat 39, 10. ae S NI aan. of ahr fomepranale’ DNR wharhon rom Lp 150; thunder, Bb 1066 (det 2). "OS bnks quake, damn. a Ti abaya tahyin. neo 1.93% DEA Mtn n. be Nahin van. © Ress, G web, neos iff; Dw RY ee ie dak, 9,70. Eel we % aT heen, BB hat ahah. inf rake, Cai s36s2;mm, EA Pp ab; BCa Ta ray; DNA il. 2,2, a OR aks Aidtohelionny BIA 5,45: Be, M whdhd Maoh, 04d. dmith, ths. AM aks chring. jag for, Meihan’s 35; Uk. ayans2nhbjqnaebs we , gus br. Van, IS broh. 27 Bake Mahe querer dake by, 65 den. 66 TG aks hake (2, led, 11,5; $39,9-0 EDAD what palpitations (0 of hema, 34,12. PI nh eign, fers, 8244 loaning ds, s-4 T VRS) ile, Bava ame pb; obrermak ?) dm mina ty reck gar TBP PM ahah sad man, £ Reon. t, Bi, 15. PNG Fafa tl sada, dle dok 995 29) tad mals, Lob. sb-4, POET ws dangerous waters Canines, dit: tang. feta. RLS bbe neck, din. 0139-9; dm.1,20.21 IRLDEs wht harness yoke saphoink; combine aliiudee hte), 169 23.23/45 yn Re dd. 9 m3; vide, esis HA. 32% 7; requ A.B /p 35,n. LIS ee yoke -oxeny lok a 1 akhs YM tnplar haar the god Read his ftioal Rody. BL IS whl dof dak 951g deta 03 9; Jeni pr Bled ake lotus bud scope Cairo t0sbyrar 114 fp. t3in D2 nth dutesahel, Dn 2 "SIND nb fake exon, canny off, bin Bio; Feat 81,n28.246; pase a dig lig 0 offie, £1 2,59. ae, nase, BRL is; din 897.203; dom. i93; lah, 1b; Withdraar oself, Ap roe. FIZ ah mon encl. pants tunel, assuredly, fh g¢ 44) 226 "Bi Tiabe rejoice, bp 1299; 075 151; Wah. 254, 4.9. E ko resemble, Una, 603; 100. TS hp. EY sake aloof ov abe, tel. B no. Meh eli 120916; nh mma eam imemeral, fa 1455 aad dnb ily of crf Bat nf vlaaing wok Mt 1295 1ja0ade Jove Cain 2056; soln nbh, fene, 10k, reek Moa siden sy35; bh for and tah sala nh re ie aos3)5; me nbh dl, Uke, 233,19;nhh fed, 0671 5;n nbk fe os Usk. 15 1agsiy; hen nh, 491 wh 542k nhl hich odaren for ont, aqgajusoe Van. RICK dk x igng;Tohagq isleharggs R Leoni SUS Bux, 26,175 BANS hay tabi, deem; TRY yas RPK bs 0420; SIO ane of. Sea; 28s 9 fomonkal Mada dM 3m US nba Lath, dom, Mae 26 BN), 4h. 54.25 duck Maks, 1, 1; Soadib Mar fil Mak, 415 ARS). Blink, ob guccoun, peli lak 1 n,t6 145 101% 6) RBS: frettiny Unke. Wb Var. © SD Caine 20539,7,b "Oink, miserable, fag. 61,117. 20% "SSF chest complaint lamantation Fas. 8,24; fob ims; Alen. 2, ye. "5S nh youthful BH, 25 0) small} bsp of aug, amine, fit Snag. pila, Jon ht youth (ablinet), fs ya, ‘OS nhs pandatous fige.2.008 "SENOS hia fish shaped pondank, Jeanai2. WEST ads ble spawn. PS TROT hod flail Ap isrsi rem 00. sours Dat 7 bids ah 7 ROTA whofe ruffle nhain, Barmy Man. 22. % bb open rine, Sinai £9; naign repo, Mok 3,220. xP hl frsh Lael, Unk:a tr, 123 of. 2 abl atualation, Aa, 995 SAT alt tlle, lo, 151;270 2; 0m. 0 Lat 13;"@ JR ang. FAB Wn oe SLM von P69), faheni of. neon, 2% YAED psn div Mebhlet, fp.p.935 neo, 9%; ven. Fed daha, 2511. Dlel* nhthl ndaaurback door oll. tgu; thaaer chen, dor, 612 (2) wapi- Uae, of broken bares, 6d. mith, 2.56. en, @ 10% dem. 15,9-. |B“ Loe Nabhen, dieraconplis Rear, y*; vam. 8,8 fp. 296; T Muka, 21, 12h 6; 7 Bans, paige Kithe younger, Caino 20058, 20106. B dana child, Bosh, 2,15; 00m, 2B 8.1,16; 2 PS de. ty 5S A far youll (boliau) Abb x, 184599316; 70. [SSS ah omn.of hrs pt! SCM ahh ub. feold, cr, rim; 803%,7:m.ld.age,CTT,s10. JS abe abana, dake, 9; a2; au 6; il Rand, 48 21 52. doe.2 1.20; yelandgua fe. 149 (bb); Mak. bs 804, NE 8); mB 2b “orf Mo 13,9 nbc 'siony ofan, Sh to; ada gg j0a. amp, Uk. 1801,9; 1546 0; wht Ae ion faa by, fb rie ye cia, Goer 83, bat of INES 16,30 SSA nt aliong man, chernpion, din. 851.9319. sta. 80 thy of ibn nent, Bp ay;ran ®9S ip 803, PD | aq mie nk SE a bt ergy, uk. 10,55 0) itpees Ele FEST nbtire alungth, Ais.246; lok = 69,13; toon iag: 0) heskagey by OG hf of rly, Bb Sri, EM whom medf the soversaored tile, bel Bi. TN na ngue, tKapfeas 6 hh UNS dk anna 1) LES pucch 9g4h. TB nat sea throne, fp.s.g06; vam. 2 din 8207 cab. 45 2B 121510; Sole nay onlsllovef the Jam deal Je8 2485. FAN na lame, hp 27h; BB 0; 00 36,4. Op ney belo TENS wn bind of Arif 103. FID nay jain ven 2G ase dawn in te RNS nat flaome, #122} 88 9h Von ane Ce nist tp. ya fas by rte n8)of. fpf, hing, fb; i. 820d , Mabe se 1516413; 2S ns bit of lod LE gu peraston ond dakar gm gsr Be sagine S Gp om VEINS gr Bg eran AUS kg aS ons PEMD oygud specifically of 4, BB 200.8 EM nay be ng, Mil ta; Unk a3, 22h (dll). YoMama Bingohif din bibl 0; rom ON cee aha, 1216 14; 010 215,45 LEME mayer fata rsaphee() en 20. FELIS cach tk gona lak tessa 2nyeTD, RODS, vsfur a Pry 2.004; 2035, van. B PV a, dare 2,24. ED aay, a jen. SE nt snl gal corde, Bye ign Sepa, 9; a = Vl a; Pe & s9,2. ry gion, 59915, iH 15 mss nbn 4 mops y5j-un. PA iby sec aloo M4 above. io Daal Lame (mB D4, 16:44 Fy fame or ofanac, 1 ‘againal in of own Aen 4,265 25 Phe DD nan anger (La. 12,2. Si nar ani ingury, don 222 rs 2 re Jas nl indo thea, Ua, 154 Ee ‘nabie shoash athanea, Linlonin, = ad sell sm from ke, 109 det Th, fa dels, BY dui opant Auskard andere, 10; udkaurg ears fr rnd edith fh bith, 290: ombhigus, Barmy fame OS findat macs, bb 99 6. SR as Aad A. NE ly dae hain, 0000533 1H3yh BEM ods grain of sand, 6 04. aS) muduy anvessel, BD igi, 5; JEA23, 106,73. ag. 101 DNC dot saci oak of Oss, Les by 5, lak, 2 20; arab 2091, ING nina green flspan, 801063; var dala hob; f ChB eal 12,01 SAV ii ad sealer fish, M.uK.,2; var. aM" Comeines lit beg, phage; det. 2, aaajable Qin TIO oan eh fetes rd nl JE, nil pron fila wonobniran dot chief C6 ual Wt Sai ind nage (ob nin sand n) dah. 2,14;,19; Udi, rors, 2; 13017; slerm,| Feb ncaa, li ks os aati mg. Rete tad V6 5, dhy10; Mt 5416; van. WA Andon. 2 it hinges ik 85; fe J, Manan funny roma, B17 [52 A Tada eal the doomed) diymman, 1% mr wake ge cS aad tee fy doce, 289 4,107 Fa orb cut nolched, agcamara-fgs ver.'a Sty, tbr. b 2; neg ns bs TSP what mailing, Phe dri 4. TIN ah befall, lenryso TOMS sehr suffer, heapplicled, seh 21 SIG alt latin se04 46 Ta nh sf Mba, Am. a) 195 BH, DF CPnkewe sien, drm ai he cfd, Mk i BB HY SING wks meditate on, think about with m, Usk wb; Aelm fy 101 =A) Comino Lit Saag phy; wih fr, dak: 26,0"); Lahe counsel ree ‘ith 4-38. SRA akat plot, dakar, 38,04. BY see aout, Uo yy SB Sake m har injury BD 103, delo SS); nok by Ua 1085, 5am nb do Ki crm, b.73; wed oben dah, Mab, 1.0415; exceeule somber, eal 815-6, cf, Jem 2,63; nh do Bs 20,34 daly ron deg toa BX he mm some, alittle 48 55 dake 523 pl. E> aaa ho te fragrant b.515-1; aerathing, Mn. 1995 00 ace of sob 285 Hebi advanlage Eddie 1,75 ‘Ti gl vb Simp toca oe, lca uf, G45 £0, ,00.'5 D4 dbo; 68% Ebg aa gf teachin dam, Raa 81271 3 BW mgt beach lad, ine, fe gd V8. TSS ngur toy loka, vi BIC ng Ling herned tt nox, Sin 820; 005.5 PO habs, BAX gh lanmv aside, divert, t',4; 400. fags a i [FINS gman emai a, 018 Fe Ss meg seaflee Uak m4 9,005,9( rath nay cache of goose, BD rry1o; 93 1; acaseoh, ‘iy who, which, oh pfs. Jae mlb cong. hal, Ane cit Ja wanof mil Ypede! ST tm suelin hadi tale. le ila, bk 950 JER 9, pleb foe 717; amubine, Makes, 2188, 3; 2160 0; dul, txecuhiiony of task, Lesh; Asgt negualansaleh; RD whos aan their yearly due Unk. se, yo0,y3: oh nga, J08.4, 30 04). SOC nb. pur it isthe fact that... $8-$8 90,25 49m od alt scorch prareh, 4S 15h = ent om 3an.g-he, $n 56m; febongos him, sim s(a)fer mliy-f chick, oh §$2.00,20 ERA, uf heprinkle, Aeon 8,150.26; diymnenys 5 Unk 8 2 ul inde on... ahe,,var"S, HS i inde en. 34 fey, 0“ Bk Lapin le, ho 9,6, Pan. . sath inde prom.2- rg. ha, Sp sr; felony the 9) fr ie ke hich thou. §200.. aml Bll nop from.2 fag, Chow, 20 Vk god, din 013; dba shh suse of. hing, in Rb ld 2 204559296, 1 ‘the gook 4’ efudf hing, Mise. Oad. Bor 50.53; W the yeatg eh. ged Cesuably dead Rig ft tt, Varn FE £6 dak 22 anh; pl. 44 Lenya TED nti goddeay derdom, 23; 46.4u( TR Ui lakat 408,13. 1 wh godhed, dial, dk. mm. ie wand i A ml divine oye, 8091 10:68 5,32. ES ly deine, Us n9;n8,9; 1260, dared 2410 Taon 4B ate rere FES ntinr sacred fle, 28s bs, 13. IRS sbi magie cond, Mat A. vt. FILL lily alge atebi Opening the Mouth, Me 1 fe35n-2- FE Meivnige nadie, Camino ft frag pls 1-5 0 Tie Pl dnl oy SYS nltar fone Ap. ang; Cans; ved. on D8 abi SIF al site Aipi2s; von, TAS faherin SS amcl tam door with motal, Mok. 5; 297,35 966 SMe Pndbyt hank Cot sail, Las 0456-126, SINT nla axsn, tent, Lt, pli 35108. 0D ee Ade, 857 IAEA alll iy Bs. add oboe inde exp, 811595 coll anf, Uk shuns; 95 det PE, HE anak gr 6 aus BH bE jd Oy. van. nd, Bila Ab es.6. com sayfa Th Lath. 205 4 fine £ Hah, bw; 18,10 ToD dlr maidacnranta ? dink. 209%% SoD ned inlinsth like coundol aah ashe, fas 8; fos 8,9 4%: hame onsutl sone, nk, 150519; engine heat thing, dm); x, 49 ts call per Linge ram, Blame; uly Hed manne, (ira 20014. Ean wh ene dni ae fer, btn E Deg Blak ys AY gesrdagsina magia. 2024; rahe goed havo, pa: 0/pnelilin 88429 (BED: frolietin, Bo19,5; lak is,t. Cf Sea 31,22. smarter 1 CNP) abet done, amg Ade, sng dca nid co ToD T nd dake counsel, emul question ow 15; pac sith n.£7346( IES), SPST nut a counsel, kaby 20; 85 12,100E w\ 1); by To); coxublation, Mail; 295; Unk, bg; ack 2%; quecling, 75, 4h TB nd te wyguect, Cairo n05 4.5 Uek.m ug Fo? 508 9 m3,22 (2 fat Shgmmers 4s (ELLY) pelctn My 4: 1.9 tea 2438: TS Tndl hy gift dk, og 99,9520 EP s241 Sent! dese 553, bh mga yaigi mn. VF Om 5h. ot;sea yale. Mo Pn thacad, Maw K.t; wan. VE 815m TRIS nds parch sith thirst, cS 19.055: TMi sur chip of ine, Pah. ib Rend) meame for lace and: das lob. 14.000. 1 205,03 y5m 102 SU ndgt asec fas 6566; Bb; r00, NS fou yy SAG oon of nal if. 1 4b, 22,13; an. dk 15 of aroun or ed 3595251. dak. bg A); ‘pleasant dleasing Abhi, 22, ;nburiqanyey Bal pl.6,as0(A Ne); 0 amd, ia nd (ody ‘pula hive in kasberi, 5;aoebl, fal, Mahe, 16; bee.13; 555 Lomferlable, of pationl, bm 2b;3,4; of tomeperaline, $6.23 4; ndmoit mover, fos. 708; Melt 5;T84,36( Aad. ey UIA ndrge peaien, BD 55,1; A Rew fran te add inliama.vb, confer, hme with; din, ? nc ‘fr lak 1, 620,15: ian, consult one, fea 0,6 (Fam swice, counsel Uk. st, 1082, Tote 8) Mes thos sein. grasp holdefes, Bp 240; 82,26; Mb, 51446 Syst, Wad 0,1 gone oe 86; lak 10 lake pose ef, Bip 202.1280; £3,120 (alsaaith m + obj; obserne regulon S081; oldrl orders Uohit1392,5) follze journnye, ap 3 danas ight Lipa of errand, 6d Ail 228, SEA dat prisoner, Lbs; la 0 (Be); supdoecsin efron Bs AS was. nb ‘ooth’ ERIS ds Lite, smal of ane, Unk.m,1299.55 of degree, pad nda ‘he L, Snnead 8553; so tf fa fra it means Chat Ria head seat 0, rm, igs of yes Pann dad of ans ga toer ef appeie, 0; ‘got de bu, 18 (abr); 5; MiB nda Mehayeh minimus Tends commoner, citizen, half-contompuousoddhess goo flls txeecthent man -ak-armd) foo, §2,1 nda-fon ‘valiant unonie, Saliual, 202-3 Ati. SQ UD ES audeur four eatale, Pit QM ndede burn liane), Rd, Amis, 95. laa puch dein; concemming; mane than; fran; ascor. aathat unl; exci syncs poe vf; efor auffizen rarely; ia hat sath mouth, fans 030.243 =! pleco ing lak 9 genie Mehhom, urns feb 5; shming of cae, ale, Mau. gy 15,0. don fea 920 Bi 8145; Met 0; llores ara, hry 820% th, 1513; faraguage din Carmina fit drag p39; (audd ‘peat, ¢85 0%) dina ‘caller, Reas,8)b5; sn halter, faher,9; av uderamee ir ht ‘or the lips of poop, avauont snajong, RS thm 9 Mosatfully, lak 22 I- cata wb i [1 a alias edge, £6 65; 2m. 7 Th201 TBA goose, Mah 27,3; dah. 15;2; coke in ohape og, hy; incense ine Babe og. 1h . at atmach 002, 257800208 Desfoehany, 9, ITT nc (ay) ond limi lak 91:2,3; 1304, 591 a rep. ead, mean, 4p. Se8] mg ihessiae lh: 12,42, 15; 1 n-e‘Uike, 124 2,0, rosin the presence of Lacy aca. ay maf at hv place ofrpsordag Kenai 8 PTH -cuny Aarne, Maher, tf h 17 99,1; alle XIE, bo; BE Wy, 2; 10, ae A TION Cominen, Lt frag. Hl.32, 0 FEE gale, cr som 0 Eis TS 1. PPL A ache combat, Maman 13, 5-6; 537s aa iweaponsof wows, Mak 144 55 28 54h : St acc8 enliyinls famd: nn rau of the fraign amd’ 0-9 nay ml Bef Aout and North, nts tas 4d Maphamting, ZAS 19 4% TONE ast heath, way, P58 35, 266, [ToS afr cj. sty ron 9S sua, ro ; 1; 3h 18;ef: e024, i apa Memblechapel, M1095, 7; vam C3492, 195 CO 69h 18: ef e824 PES tlie foedgnerydin 65,000 1 1 861; 1 Wie es EA 729 FS a-Aat sinea-mouth amine, Li Prag p.b3,07;00m 12 W ES (ph) Wh. 142113, SPV eq. GF. nor Ht _ Raa dng maar chief lnk sn5iy ran 6 a0 yg Wess Gf JEA MC. PST he acpi, fa 2,4 Te an ander aasy. PSST ace unev na PEN e aay fd laminas Bi. ty ro 13 TRAD SZ a-ots aarp, Jenn 10% | ani sbsw necrepolls cop of Gye, JER 17, 28S 59,164. ey Skt ak TADS Beads pablay van USK TAM it FAVS, soup, 41 rar of m9 “ime! Fad one pant, de amcor af. Meme ant in underage, 4 [4a ate aide, dk 472,10 SSP xc uu dak. ti; de boldat 3), 23 ‘day, Ade 3,09; ba four bach daily, om by > llk 7 201; aun-god is bin B06 <3 OM) asy (2128) 58309) Alo a, 5,9 8) 56D het un goddeny of yor a4 ue lien, 13,2. SESH Bucy mdi. eable Vion god £13, 3; of 6895 0 JRE aly Lads do, manne 3,210 SA auet gate, Op 600. 1113; din, Rq-=8 8 dial) 8285; lick, 5b, SPT Des, 60 SAS sualy subside, 806414; dnk a, 105,622 TD); rw maby. aon ont ay ule ade oo oo; Ray ary, ‘nut darkness! dhymonen, be (deb C2, Sim Pasty oulider, shang, damn. 95; an Mf a, [Sima in ane judge’ x [PRIN ne crue ding thing with infin Bah ik 8) [SB awd of inf. indiana. dames, ak, 59,4; palpated of Lean, 22,0112 (SA) bane, clay hands, Ber. 2004 APL, Oe a de Ap. sh st) palpitation of kaart, 04 (det. I) MA aut oh sin inboane ge et, dopa lt; ras uy, indo 26; Eau 2, adeanee, ‘again a land, Sin. 801(=S); seme, dng, Lares; Bougny( SALA, Lana chal din of nomove sine A faset- pct ns thing wil, Re La) 305,T8 4,25 manna, 5.4.5; lease a pla, din 6152 (99-4. 247 soa harm din Bb; dbs, [SMA awit infomation Jean plese JHSSerh aut deporting, Ba. 81255. [Ah ae 0, feos. 8102. SPN nyt cot a 3.4; dak 49; al ob Tow, 0g) ian Stee to " SY ada alien ba leo SD) lak 24 (PL, Leal shaft, din. 8304-5 (=S BA); of. 5s 1h, der alse ade, HS ed ond fp is blll 3) Law ang, Bbiah.5(HS Rin 1 inet, Mok 1543 =S RH), TS sued and, Jen, p40; kak. nb (2S Bo doskm, e197 DDifinm, Magy hy 15; elo htm, dd 05 andning permanont, sk x (08 5S); nip aar (2; 3096; effec, 1,1; penlnt, hee aw. 54 AS by; frereus,foospr, din Bb (cer), 06( BAD; dan syogy SSD) 0104 05; acca cece, fot 11-10 SS) Moka, 1019 us decent ‘oes, Bye gt (PS); din.8106; rnd Ue lout hearted! dh.d 1835 Makx, 128151; taviduons, foheré, 3. ASR od alength frrneny 18 6 4jrmn. Se Whe, n28,0 SSB ad cra dk 205% 50 RON toa 78 2004.20, BS modt hand aline, andalene Lethe Maing rmx borsh.5, 4m. BP ud contiol, adionidtin, Mik. X, 504. SS nr agent, e094 25; 10. PO Sh ddr, BS Maka, mn, 20, TP far rat Aye iasystAahsiren TR Ll ne), WeDo ec diect a i aiding ell lag S05 st.) ven, Ma Enel heeding noble: (3) ein, van 8 28; fora 0 anja St 2 ato ui en “fa Te afb Jaf ancl. fur, ms, somelinessranialle fr prion, FS, ee, bps 60. NS fk, dhe Fay 616.207; 06S NT Caines Lag. fo. [nd vb snp sey, fan 8:25; fob 1; den sda); lk 36, 89 (abr. TR): Aras hesepeBpths; Thay, 9. NS True steeping, at, ple 20 AS ann Lary T2545. R= He dak ay, ys: AD TT noe woofer, Bowby sejron. TKS des 80,0, ees dvewn shoulder, Ul, tie; 2461; Mowe K. lo31y5 Vs jdm dnb ole arg ef balance eae Bi Unb, £55 upights of adder, BD 213,16; side saver lm the wclira a Lok. 25018; nH af beat Meola. 4.2; a moun A, Mak, 988,11. Vaan ——S ait Thon ageeeren 13,0 2 tab x, 50,13. 5 A sen aide, ath of sheet of woler, Mase, 4, ES Dn aide gang of Powers, Welt 5, 16;hm SSS aren an amy bey dad tak of sach tise and gl) sks 3059 ms rm hall of od and nour fo § 262.3 [eS Ramnd ah inf shoulder, cary suport Ua, inh 1055; 8045614; Pe tanis male equal, 5 jef ig Sud 834); ame, wand teste! ‘be iendly wilh, opucit. 62h): m. beater, cupporlir, Ayr. 2122; Uk. 10,68. Varn, Te fy-gsa; Dre 25,78 2 EF ann fuocetsonal sin, la, 92,5 SSW inmely conpanign hip spb B'S Sit sje. did. 2 (0, AMS: mnt deparlinent; demain, PMllboun, 10. PT eect mney be bana, lnk, 067 3990f BO, 2-8 RAR: tne heatve ak a rope => hamt man, Gomasna,¥, 15; mon, anid Mab, 64,(dela #2), dint, Hb bb Sayan, cas 21,p005 105 Ta. A 109, BP Mak we, [en Amat 150 1059) Pena; i 1415; BEF bo abnormal olga Han. _ Moka gsa;he Hroany een EH snd oll men, mankind dil pb, 225; sansa 20305 (dol #2); ofln wile = 9 denial hen gpalified by fom, Nah. fe i Beste, yh (det Bi) 2am. Prater tis Baie ose ar mane ie Bs Pa dl B Uk, 6,2; He bing 1295 y; dead ea recetded hous mon May By day bh, 6dr teh it ef names tee 1g = sv young one, of animals, Op 806; B15, 0.36 is amy calf Ls, rian ay T anplyas, $f 203; shir rnb the five epagemenal daysbe. cil; a anpust "make years‘ Lf; ‘spond, past yoo, JEA 25 54; 2d ppt n ‘poe geared be, 1S (Ue foaled the Spent y. ond the Lille a5; 90-15 NT Udesti the Bas of he, Lu p35 AAP New Year Bag, er above aly: Bamba adj amd vb hinge young, L hahs2,6;Sh Libs; din B16, fzok, pve de 44,0; 192,18. Tam. = OY er as4; = BE Bly 055; tBu, 5 LG bgan; IM shay, bie, Lol B 15. PSL npr youthful vison, ok 435 =A Pimp young. man, bn. 219, A np 0 lake 6651, $59 apt ded cyl dak 120. ST Raqun; 2AM gisy ESD sie; Tad dial pl.2,r29. ERS tavey nejetee, mover; exci, CWS, SRD amt joy, exaltation, ENS 38. at ann cates Uva, 224, 5 rn ing ih nunatak 17, 209119; 2041; 305 debe Bolus Aidensa, (0 annl (uct-)nurse, Ake 26, 506,3;10o, 0. 6 1,26; JER 20,1595 Varn. 1m; name of noah th, hy SL time, fp 550.163; 00 L— bap; Carina, Lil. frag fp. 88-b. SVS ou Jean 2aas 9 anit puiggiahmese 2), doa. $1,5-6 BLN abe defo tt; a, bia sith Bo, fob (dt); ands, 5; Ake se, ny (dli 2); 18211, EL thr wade, Ap ssba; 80.284 3 dels); 251519 deli). ASA abe comraden malas, Nope, 5 lle, 2271;18h5; 285 bo yt HRY DB ahuy the ten Compamizns~ Rétamd hath, fp. 24; lhe So Lona = tnd 9305304 an conan, w>4 ER NN ID My the Son Somale lompanions Sis amd Mephthy 22.355 SA rel. knows, din 80.205; Bat tn8; eas 6,207; sath fall, al Bo Sein fll. nin. “bn ous. . he able bad. Be moans of, in. 883; rk. 30, 9,15; earn, fens, 8210; dha ub; in imperative, Snquivel 2s 51405; nh rm ‘rca of cry Ae, 34,0 2 ny ‘haze prom, in .255-6 Uk ae, ryt; nbd nh 'inforr, din, es 8121; arth reflec 4% ahinch wl had my lode fing oul pour seracs! Lhd SET aie, Learned man’, fa ‘wiatat of bl men fea 81 8 3 (2) Arua, Bry Unk, 519 38:94; chien, Bali, 6; i Mak. 1610919. (© Pap, wise omar, Pr 5 1241925 Make, 301.470, 6 sh dtp regain wisdom, 71333; @ ea ‘erttdern, BM bun, 1 158 aur Ah SC inhlt im Gury nh ‘the onda of the cathy dbdka, 5,7. Naa onch fark, fy.§.252, JM s(ntey wae, foas.b1,.85;Unk.w, nya (F2);29 (ee BS 170 65h ah vigilenl, fl ya; lk 1551.00 (ot 2; sth, ty ain th na Suna’ 58 (D9; 130,33 aim. shig; 16, ib; able ‘he wale ful vigifame ay 7 854g5; beh a; EPS freman’s2.46; van, LEST 534. YS nae wali, yuaad of enlris le, bob g; 7 wiglames, 205 10 PVRS); em naire walch over'sone,T6.21,1; lh oul for dihing, RBM; neo) th, ‘eipilamee dle, 124,19; 132. PE Tat awakening, dyrnen,22;5-8S%), PPM a Sat the negulan soalek, by 02am, Sin b2258(S P=); Ans; Aes, at MS sacrificial vekinyC, Lowere Cty 1; vor Fea 0 rt dk, 12414 ES © paws the douth Land, Mok 1,82, pee ans 158 . Ss abt hetedge, dle b,23; an. “BU dk 3, 985 123 (2) amount murmber, ESP ase douth-wind, 18 22,04 Pah, 21,3031, Mab: 38, bhi 19; 243, 1 5 aya. southern, TR 16 A. 4; 145 Seah a; Mak 28; Sab inbians. copulate, a-c with RMah. 3,32: bans. hnous swoman, Ake, 1 dosh, 125; dak. 16,5 bj; mv Ua the cf thom 2610. Yan. 04 lig, 0 (dab, 3). Mak xe, 12095 & sha, Ov PE ‘the Louth’ cf Jen 3, FEB ah nae hing acquaunlanes ile in R3; 00 S 12.8 dobial 23,| JES) Parr loutheanens dvh-a,'2ge,s;ramESS, 5 mj int 198, YO ans B hears fem. nBl-nawy, Mein; BH 4 CB JEAd, 2b, * EK sf calch of fou on fis, dab go; dad, to 1 Sr); affluence, SMa MCPS abyt subjelo hing; commenfoth; mankind, 020.596 ffs BB, 0,05. aaphvane SD Pherg agen het teh, 6-00 Pade, WB nany quit, online, ak al von TE fy sao, 3- lk, nea. ys Ade 035, S008: mig ‘ eG as joyful din 070; Ahad. 20; deat, $l .04 Joe abby, cxlebaated, dug SYS Madi joy, Mok, 10245 4h mj RB0ag; vam. 2S fk ae, 18059 SVT nha saughton oh), Lea 8115 100. BS fee Pe FR stern “ Sa wht washy clothes, BH 1,24; Unk, bay SS Raid pajaice, ak at, 4a R612, BAP ably washer, eae 81h; B24; dit 231 SAAT aaaSt fo, Uok-x, yoy . Dah oh inlina y Ald fo gai rf. dely Nef, 26 TNE shy fire (sens SS Phar lll of alec, aby (80 0h.308 3); gry, nk w, (380; dl. ot [FS Bike toh aly,u(det. B);20i 1; vam dt S856 16; TMP the ease pls 1 I dak gonna aS Pap tt disaffected man, lak, 912 TAP ake-ob it-wilt, din Bub. Si ab onch.pant, ann Aer, fp $252, 2. Ok ime of hing, ameionla ot, dest 5; Mo 3, ute 929,05 1p he ‘inv these binned, Adm.2,.6; an. =, 001} tect So 3 Kuen. be. tertetdyie peor, wif van. S Ralaks, oops, in din 8 alanys — VR? withrut 2, 4.891 Sid foot hin 816, L) daly; 0612015; a nd Nomoving the fet print sep aa aivcini ay ls Wrdusy nein allindamee nse p25; b 1S ‘noweran ‘of offing ate fy hea nambe ‘otal ave ender ab; 2S inal. tion negetalinsseeunden bo WEES SSIES Aso | Mts your Hiv Sah 8; SS NSE Yaatch your oly mae! Uk, 209, LIS A ar nay ses by 0-0 co 3,20(e2)) Ake (SP), epee three bp.9h( SSS); Camtneg dag gae (co 4S); bombs shall kes 696 om) Laat, 908 SoD. Gus. ub, ale] ‘atecrwny, B02 hee alte puedes Sad shart of Bice, ham. 25,014 Sad guar A Aah. Amen, 20) Ud, 12. (Sad, sb aw hve = perso nith wed, 20279; Sor Su UM Yourish fuoeper se under awd 02796; dial Ah 270, 280; self neva bath aed, addition ts, Jen2484 (0) ful, pace, thd 24.06; don. neuqs| Js ald orn gi, Bbnyis,adl he 156 ak nnoint 24; din. 806; oak. 2,35, 2's, OH, a5 nb doh, ous 81 206; Aad tier, e031. Cause homie gra, with fll bso}. fp fp 519- Oban fol. snfosssions:— dd wv Ub Yplacerin oe east! delorvine, du 58h 33; puomps done, fas 1; Uk-n, 1202 5 ‘ust in the Se 39,7, fi. 2h epee). top att command, Lal 3,4735204,3; appoint, mag; tablthe attertion of buy 1; cal ci attontin. la, 1290,1 di ha gp ay m'saide!# Habs, ‘Gnchine to one nide'= be patil bs ed, faa bl, g 1, ng; Mok 3, 1; foll'enenng, $6; 308. adi ev £4 Shuang’, GAS 30. Adin 8 astonthe ground; thd 89; ‘lad’ from shits, lok, 4; uve both) $b nso Aeave abot, 8u-x,y; neglect fl 19, of lp Stud. rm; ‘sob aside; wu for, Lat, phy, aga didn ks ‘casbashore' Aofe,; east fou, exepel toa q 5; PKah.n, fe ancciousabout, fe nd Ub fue allontion li, fe Mab. 3,37, Ue 10932. add <(uy) 1 'qive a-ha: te, ‘help; dlesle.2,2; BM but MELD), 6. Dd ch ine life pant of nyal nsriplion 5398 ade. Youlsam, onde les Ayr 318. dé 2.7% 2 pu the imple f'n place lseasesdasy Wee 12,m;pary alton inl, feat Bi 32 adi T speak Gasiote; nov unk») aditn TS fag Without neglecting moped in the malo, Ua. 530; i=» calle’ fas 8160 Codi hat n qal'a place, Nesdoman, 21. dé hsurha Yo mere than’ ‘rrceed., tes. 1b, 14.20, adi ade ade! ~ At 156 add a 1 ive commnamda le} Balen ob (ke a(n) Mir the tac) as rd ata fu ali aml GAS 03 dé 5S rae a wweapsn, din Biak, 2d ad nt fn fos tm -n, 1 tp nf ae ergot teginming’ fa. 59, Ton. FA, 4, 0, of. $e hs1g ahs donb a plant, Cas 29, BOT ven, of ace mathe fn, V9 DM aden ofl of by, St. bo 1; bon gry ttjdeb, nt BD 134, 2. o Sk peolipead 2 hysssj rear yy Ma. Hey ef 993, 00 Sb oan. of fe “husbamdl 23, STD aca of hige portal! ONS be indy Ala! Alo! van. det. Js, 4a. $54 Ail ob sin inbians, come descend, B16 0; yp faa. £28) 309 eb rey Abt fall Bhd ne; Mak 9; By, lak 390 Lefell, of age, din. 8160; Br tr 3; tif drapy Ck. drith, 04; accede, al offcn Basal group the meaning sith mor laminas £54. Mise 45 2-4 ON scentamdeascond, Ap ey; me and din B44;
); Micng, 20,9; Bid ra lone; hk n't. la place; fn, ti byiff 57. TRY wor.of Eb teat’. ALK hate dace dos 0. SLAMS) + bsbye Geading underfoot?) M.A D1 Ps van. of AEE eat GRAV se sender hima, Ree heady ogee, Wok. by 6 1 aj Soho i festival, Jef, 26,11; 26)61; 900, Moe gitton = D Mb, 27,5; BS laine 20040. BRD haz dando jn oon 2 a YD &: huatand Mak. ¢72,3;10756; v0. oS, 2; So b03, 8. YQ hay ink. Mail! gase:re shoul, kB.i(dat 2,000 20S Fabia, ode, tet ON amr. of hayt ‘perlal’ OU an Mali apo vn CONE, eee i 159 est holy N08 hahy make acclamation se0 phat BY" DPS ce ade hour tae Wes fuchae Sin, 8229, D4 het eb, dal, pl.2,0, OS Lo plough (ms, 4; abba, do Sheikh, dei, 31R Al oh oinf Bed oul rain fos. 61, 12; lead a flac, Unk. B, 305, 3; 190,71 D1); Kanel, ‘be 0 OAR); andor, ry 'inisone, of Anives, Wh, 14,1; of poison, 82372,15-16 KEE pornanging of desire 0), toh.x, 221,20 UD Ab humiliate (Boyt ef c08 6,6, DAKE ee 48 and and Rb thend lS bby ihe, Lgny; oan. US Jona plays. TUN TT Alay borg dinar, a, 6; wn. a om ngs; Sa bean, cinys OLS Aba aan, dak, niyo 223); 10517 meaaned chal, $21. DY) LEAe Coss counly, Lng, lake 05,5 dai 44. 19], AIL dies pn, 151 DS A Seat up bitinale tea 246 mdr.) £b.24n Pe adic an. ayy, a alain of Li dings he orca ef £3, 00 fb he cong ak el LL 9.2 ORY hon be. Mase K. v5.2.3 Der dont , fea. 81,112. ae et ee fen PINON" Mal wen aboul Uk ehh nior, side Self aang | vil. fl, Carminos Lit rag. pl. sios. Ver. NPN Uk. 242, 2 = fe, che, 801,95, nak, 30 Ge: EY) 11d. 2, A hos halt Une, 1202, 12; cease, 286 312. JS hea fon Mele 21; be. 23,5; menue of but Li fpsaty fala \ BW be pain oto hing Ae 23205 3259355024 pblatrn!n n. 20 Ye dons APB das aaociale, # Ram, Bj. Ball) 56 bast’ 3; family, Ad 7, 296; Uae, nga, a APP FR? Pawar wmsieg amine dit tay, iar EA hem dees Und 1 opdat. PAE 5,0, FB han alt, cnaien, B15] ldatony Udy; Lee (dl PD lust re 6855, gaonl wl Lure Chy tlle TY) ohne? doe ment Mah 13,19; 5 cafele () Make, 167, 13; ham Un te swell disposed Ao} 2508 16 ph foll.fgh Ee milk (by Jen 4,29, AW hase otf phen lak 954352: oe sinf fe find, snlont, fea ith; Seu, $06,296;;# dak, ns dade. 9934; hn ith’ 10952; entender 2 Bb; dr ra lef sshon you fear a speech cays; Be quia at peace, ul, $1531; 15;23; Bork 1,udet By = hour “lahecare! fess 811-853; fv Ub bontinlad fo, rab Alka, rau; he Wm ‘cay of gait fa t2, 1; lak 3561, J Sha fc, be flat 92;n ab afl Ua t bp le hour Fin, 8 m2; Meals. 12,4; R656 (abbr. 2); 13,05 Arr af Rafe ds lida fa 810-5 ed 39-1 Uk bn; Ax rar Mail, in. 656; Unk, tn1jgh( BER); 40 Lo Ant tree mt: nent 58,0( Re) fur alder uid ightfell ©) Sea dem aml dg tour frtheday! din Ris. JEM faayl journal, dork, 63,1 2566. OE sl ink be mont: lt hy ty, lb c0nanff of heat atl 4b 104150 defeated fraclines Jo.213 sep displaced, vertebrae, 1,4: Suhaneag0'| ea he, be L 7 Eh] eines, B16 14; Mahe u,196,123 Wi, bi y(n). 9% 5 fs mdi Che desert god, 80 1463,15,va0n LISI fp. 1019; She Bel 6 no; Shamir? poublay fon, dake 1,75, fede Aig ws,n8. AA Rat of fie, dak, 35,8 805175 V. 558; 4f heat of. sum, 68 1 10; .2ayre PBL, ces, diy; back of cx, 821 fe Sehind, around, users; Li dete, htt. an B43. | ‘ho Yehind! ppbiin NEA hah wade (2), dade, 1203.1, WIS 8 fs quad fra octyl ys WIND 6053 me yp nts RNS hs steal, Leas. 105.251 ade WH hy) whois behind im attenlance on, faba ang llrb, 24,17, 3416 DA AL call nub 2,08 200. YIM D hoy pactetn, crs; an VM £68 x, 2,0 | VIMO foi outer panli (tof Aose,67, 16, VSS four-nbu (Aegean) ialanders on leg see whee. nba alesis altck, din, Bgldet. 0); RB.5Y,8; 59.7; pandoh, Labs 41 | WD Sa 4s goashowe, dleadons. 1 um agrovend, ef ship, feat 8158 Appellant, 1090, 130; ofsbiack sme, JA 38,50; prs nen, with mm, din. 6256: UN Pay ob sinf. emaked, Halil 250. gaautt, di. Bio 8866 VINS" Phat makednens faa, 6,2.43-1; war. VIN Sin 8150 BR dar foto Mok.m, hy WIS PY faany naked ma, £814,3; 00 0 WEP Uk se, ws EWC habe filam, Hou S.hs, hog J IWR bacotty) naked man, 285 45,132, | Aa, change of omy, dk 0 PONS Faye fondage 0), doh Sin YIM 2 fogt flood. wali, sepia Lt MISE | Lager caden- fide, dod. 0, A wer g sh ‘head! % PINS fave scalth inerease, fa bo,20 8Y Sit); exeeas unblas Sh ds; RCT, at ford dan vgs ‘yg Moke ba; dal haar ft ‘balamce ef owlalimding,airentd ah, YB aon. of 4sly heart’ im binis, sur moot 1; maha ‘on excessef 4p. sry, hre-by INT ful oesinp oun Pyr-rgn sual, Ser, ys(det. Sh ht 3; ‘mone than'in, (ide aur he ‘do more Lhanl, enced’ fs t,14.20;llak.22, 02,9; seal, ru SISM); serech, of falern en hile or2, SRT IDE, feu-be mp suapassng in Realy, Jen sq p.2,23;ahundance of good fo- ND, dance at funeral, Je0 my 0, “ Gia, Sid bff ba; sarha Be a. of offerings, Mrke x n2, 17; 2 hour Ve hayt mening, £80 1. $shur'domore than the Nahant; sim, fes'fa,20;m-hsuo-ha on, NMS Si haar mounens C15 272 addikion fe caeepl' fn. 5148; nefsue ‘ceessive, Unk, 2.1048 YIN 4 non onl:ksoul tht} wan EB, of fp coe MIAH for wing, arya; of Salat, WRG Ast Lomb, feb 53; dam. 2,7; 900. 09° BD L659. 5 INSTT BP farms the Lower orders Uke ar 10 0; 804.93; mdb nb-fsur- saw ht fce 1 sry bow class Lath dlnk 3,100, 3; 50457. VRS fw ht o apecal fing, Urbs ron VS Blob. 24 6 WS a, yoo. 89 hat fread, 160 24.4(00) feepanl ef animal, prebs 22S ‘mente he Frets in diner of aif, sk, 45345 5; wamguand of army, 695; deginning foegion by of oc, Sin 020; Med th; froraat chieh, BHhry 3 Bout 25; Hobiud 23, Unk 36,256, 19; the desl of, Bosh. in fretef "tere sr Zemg hal ha iin rl ate gob " ‘Mfr psy okaing ahi the ont anu. 126; fu-hst on frome’ “Ae fu 78; eprint, din. Br atadeformey. fp §205;2> fst ‘etd font of Mk, 196.3 dE hat 90 Le, lar. 2 nolan swith, Sas. 29 seo under rit ininer mouth! yy tashy hate bo he Shaw rail afviwhat swasdionembored rte de wm crus Ail Berbuc Aust-sent forthe fo time sires the lates were in varia of BA 1832, 86-7, ny n.. 2 fly c cpemarche Flak 2415; 23 A 2B bal < th nas dG PT fst $) herdoman, BH 1,30. 18 hat-of negnal year, Spf. 20% discusion er nd INES, 36th BR fsly heart, Aor, 220%; LDS dr. ig5 VS ak. 10h Aili theughtd gga. Lf fol shi dha Mad. er93;1y,12; warn 2R y09 9. Piha. AEA, 56\ran.7F, Mk 334,10, VR~MMD Asc yt sbife, din. 01; Adon y6;.2-tdet 85, Wa lade, 26. NIN face doc of shy hala fas 1,56 = ag st a i Bd-be SINT I hack boat quality, dak, 65519 DYNA hay the framesl, dak. 15, 195351963, 3, 200, E244 ola DSF 2009 VRP P Lf at secret mylrin, fey AVI lak nbsjaybs oe ade 19915; F fa Baap silente boat by 54048; nugy, soalea hops Ae fe, Gasi0m WAG Loh secret place (1, de 1983 1. VAR Bie fom calch fsh ee, 20334, 910;,2518; 24h, 5,1; fish waling, oats; Leags. Ble. Bs Caminas dit. Soap. Hh PRR FB dame fokemnen, ibgn Bev he Mand of ine, 8155 Sah plss9;2107,0. FF SWE gs VREER fine ach: (2) bitin gentral amines ay 0 VIVA fob cngoaating: (2 amble, ran TVS WRGX LU deith a YS 1454 planer goody dn. 8 aisle, 6549; cabline lung nojbes; 1,10; cago. epi fea ra ITN); 0 bor: 425 Wits zany fry! Moh, 438440 WA hak plamdon ms dk. bebo; byo,ny; 205.5 WAT Ashe plenty lek. 1; 40,05; 1302 VAs Bt hah copie, Ue, yong [WSN Shr Mandonr, Adm. 29340. IND sg be glad, bint, p.19,10;4,36. VINA hig bach, of ship $e lad, fons Riol= hee 61,50 VISORS taping amt pnt ONO Ff ste eloah, von INF fp. yy. MIND poly fine br don. 2.96 ran ¥ ROPE dak 57 PRY mud YT 4st doudinesse shy, 09 80,0: 3892, i [SOM daar op tddychom YB 2 ta kt a [eee oe MS fh od fk taf W996; 000 AYINTE 9s ob at fk, 20 283, NOS fe fast ob for daha, 209 6; p00 IA be lah, By aim; phen buy in, St); hb; Mah 3,220.4 WD; self with safficer by. 506; curb al ple fas 65,20; Ketone ef te god hinge parser, din. ky, lnk, 24,2 T3), LER Ac palace, 1, 1eby,s, 25, S28 heel, RMah, 31:0 inf pajize, ek, 1, yp; Modem 54,9 She LK se; 296,5 12S), ob! over din Yoh, boo,15( Ks); Carnie, Lt: rag. pl 242,13 120 Tal! fa 8), 290 NS deat joy dour ley 3;t0n bE NSN BF here chron dk shy; 0 MD Aibs; 2046 ART oes, Mok, 264 9,972,150 Na K foe bay. Mok op NASSP eo sity BercesmnA92 ad nb Lag as ft)? pee umdowhbe, | “aE ep Mile Les by dan. 2,; ge ea 8a 4 high 2 dard abe ee wa, By —— Tous, eg 1k he KEE Din LET pb eens RTD 8 ais mays SAE dear oes ft bl ln lag as HENS BW hedrut autho, 72,202 ISS do m dic Quthorlaise Mlranee P80 95455 sqnsjear PZ Dunky LDV shar soya patina, Ark; 04 me LDS ane fonlainy fp.283; van 19 00,9029 az 0 AST fod dy an6;2mn ESOT ab AVE aby AIT 006 SM 15264 [SF fea bag ca ees] 19 fu vt Sint. heal bike, rile, aad 81 24; Abate. 2, 10; i Rn; 8929) £bohss, Wiha, ogy ings; defeat in argument, fa drive off cate Sea.t10 SSD dace in mooi peal, thd; Lape songs, Ayp.ub3 (IR); chat, ‘with hand, Bnvyyta; gather eroha Oe. bsy; Bebe Tb; Cx, 296; Hassle com, bsoh. 3, 31; acura agaimat all, Ada. 5b; Bead road, ole, Jen 22,26; seam the eanth, te. cit Snplantan| beacle, Un dare 24,227; 28 b3,y5;b1 196; fut ‘ ths ave! i tedizaling Hering, the, 870, 6 N20) jengas— Gf. 2is a4 06 NCo heat sioke o foto, dak. 3, hb. IPAS Heck swage us oneflnt of Mle dm 2,» Ab. 516 UD, Omar 31, 25,0(1°R), 80 140.6 ESD; hain (ob Bream eth 4 YUE fey nan let lak 209 YS 2 barge coed Ua, 129910929 Ul 22 MYST Bday, 124%, NSOFR fare aul Pe als Beshaho dino ue LY; Bu m9; Saltle in general, meis, 2,0 LUSH), Cy ere ett acd A hS, $os6 ug.e;208 1S Aut B26 au; 6 18; ef JER.26 tap funtrany chapel, Unk, ran Onbags er eat, PRES tepals, Wk: admin. cont de, saa Sonar oan US LEI Ll ed af be ay santa hg Dutt Mansel te hed Gye lone 43.1; 6 OEE ZN3 of. Qo a Mend lh ein thy abo roa ey ee fern Ae sb ~ vw diane nome, Matin, 4-1(det.tes): Otculpdlte wrishapy tds, 34-1 waoy,b; Aa, arp Sfles Eerie Koa, 0195 baa sep Tid. hn EL, [ORS AR fea jude, 0m or; lar, ber. TEAL D oq, 9, EL, ES tthy madi othr din 8201. 257; 20 dak. 3,245:7; name of Doggy; VS Sing, ang Al callraléw biumph, ver.) Gus 55.154; dle. 2k ay Ed fut hy chapck im Limb, 0m, 21% i Lemp, dk. 305,2( l= 24), \ 14S Koby 6 GVEA “temphis eo 6, 14% wor. KD fs by tow LIND iy fe fetil ae fetal doh, 47, ran. LDN dat, 29,2; [HES wa of het mine! DN beh 27,139 IAS for adj foul dine Sq: ob.ntpubaly re ah Sha5sjamalt | LU Bb morn, din, Bina; oh Guess. id. 15; aa engoymenc Maken LSS Ae tual bork p20; 200, De. r04,55 NO) bay fle Yeon’ neo, sox, HAE Mh fuer pulifaclion, Thesiger, sou;ven LUND cy ibid. 1M-D 4 4k, 5b, DMN} e35,0( Se), Babee ASS fre short, Mec. lime 24101; fore 2b sppvohensine CT 1,167, fas 6h. Tan. LAD; tds LN 6) ht Aig balk his 2900; tg ISS fees Bit, NSD SF fe alah of fo and fl 3,49; Mok. sg; nana. LIS~S Bet L989 Aesoeur short mon, Uk. 075 bi, Rah auc] dade, gnc NLP fur hie Mok 2,2; am $¢Piargg $24 onss9; 1 PURINA slits wud ta of 534, 1b); urna mas recruile 34,2444. { LIMA bbe ay taught, with nor direet of kv, 2,95, ht] s);, NEDA hunt maiden Moko, 21519; 24h6, 00 IA ZOD TR ory. 85,1; ans, [DA fm of be , Be 0, Us. 5175 15,3;439,m 425 64 LIS O plas angel, 00600; m, 300 2Cdeb rm LTBI say x youthtal eigour nq s0 SEL PD NES ete waben, 68-719; a 42,9;2:3-7; medals SS dake, 1824, 06. NEE for nibenvaat, Cd. mith 298. SAIS Rtocyah, cathe, hyn; og fe cached, Big ei McK 58 ASS eae pom humble man, fas 8.30.23; f.b dealle forge, (det-9); dam gaarment, ab. tos; fia, hose, 1.1, bt; Ride, coverstp ous fea sins,fuourn nbly ranaleh df ecunshormar, fas by hues nar spur 55; Covered cnfidonliah (1) of documenta Unk. 3,14, 1953 Klara aff ‘the meaneat of the bide, ry5-b(det 2), Sela. BS Suk a 122,06; BS oubs. evn = ith ammehicidon ing (th faa NED 9 fore: fr fare il ane 60h 6; Lichuras reproach din. tut - ke la pleas be.44,1%-145 8022; ha tet. the head: Uke gph, Ade F8), 227; furw Ub poor ef undoolinding’ B3 i bs BE hep sideee, 388 94,000) {By: Ended ouagi a am. poe pp chy di oer fina Uae AVL fall nab plnder, vor. det 80, GUS ais, 5513; £8.m a (ols Bin); elath for abiaining leu 6hatyaa; Pha 3, Wa; VAD fe fil 11 1 LI , Ae dak soy; bt Db eng, fas B16 | Le ae BOA bp casbing pering 82,3; 07 5,10 (db), fe mum 105.009 $of259; geatquanlity, Inka, NSP Af limb Ap.ysn 1S Ady at aorine SD ht sermon, din 8122; beat 510; lnk 1,3; 23 vera! Ander. 35 Blast Bont rm . NMS flat obath, Woks, nay 5; wn. PS) nas, be wie Lhd 1m; Leas R2; bleak.» ¢; NL FR A Baws flabllam, ak. 201m; of JER ay 1 aus quten| din, Rojvaon.4 2 SDP SAIS 0 hear handle (2, Mab. 4,14 tithe of cen dob a, 316192, 0. Aswan of detry ‘nib! ite LBM Apt oon vom. 85 L2A, & crsqu: AUR Bim, Obarcess, pl OD, fon ench fat cap nerd, vr. 3, OBA, 5259; mlb ab Ww faayng; it Apt ake the 0! Liaweh by boat, A. 97.1406; 05 95 dan _ LED I rtm schon i Poems he nanan SR Ae ‘ply oy neve’, 285 b2, ned; JA a2 162, BUD toy n div nec the Maks 345; rem LA Miss; SB ODS do selina lc on 26 Usk, 75; 4m ONE Suntech! 8099, LOS ASR tur a call nhn, 2167520 LOSS, GIP fp age ORS hn At auleat, fa tha. BSD Apualy munner Mol 6455 1b8hy ib OI fon leon, hr ver al, BD 1,10 Bhat wleahing dames, BAI, bs RED he linings di fn 89; far ie the hl es 8 REA bt Lonel, 813 me; Boa 2 i (shits; B05) 16 foe haba Tar ORY 1027300, 12EF bit coue of suns and more, 844% din 815; 0bb.¥s tay, 22. NSD Spt embrace (ob omd my, bb. 6 deli); din 8:03; Uk, 224,451, - ORME Amy helrarnany, fess a6 2a §; srnafal, Sin. B15; 2 ng Kpt-aty! ho doubt aile she cats herself (lt Wht stad, ofa angel, Mok: 1220, 12911 ‘emacs om your dreasl lok, ub. LB fom sera, lade, 2,3; 646,40. LIS is: LO eat 10. NESTIT baie ovations of don Leones, 80265 6 ef ChB Yaal 1, my LoD hint fomalesomant, lok. 2,3; bgp; 000.19 Diy, Aiba) of Bout, 80 2005, L290), TN om-mbs fuophel, AO, sof ay Nx Ad shen, mouth, 810% 19; vor. U DR Sa 8.14.7. ht fms soul-frizst din, 8305; dial ph hayek a psg;r0n. be piss, ND Af rorage fills, of Lien, Mode, 362,210 1 5th Sundar, 1s20,1 LORY fsa snahe Ad by; LES > 0:00, WET fms soul service, & Mubbown, 1:2, LS Yont inlistinal worm, Fh, 2}259. 1 ow aio hing, es A 1B ft of god laigasAk ,15.95 - Honuc d'or leh of goa rchensed men, Ys sng LB, Form test the of che lnc cuss. Nedbank Maja, oquson tuts; goddes, kx, 2 Sent 9 cathe fe fosege, won fig. fr firmer of character, dirk i, 10%, 105 van fi Je npg, on DD taonge Pee under Reading unkenonr [Be Ar : 7% | m kek Fg permit no, 6%, Shot shite, Be 5 qa; nal of sellin, ee, Ler 86 35 ld, $94 bray te ohiled shill fn 1,ab0;dm ib ingurieas ok, £93 Prurw rafloman £59; Lowers ein, at, 43246; expert, ft, 10; +5114; ind. 4g. compen, 2603, 60° Tay, £38 fn Bago; tS eeu LSE fut colt aflimtn Lave inh fine 8,249; fs bgivan. £7 Suk, 1, oaky; Set Sav brhhonud) maatn-craflian 2475 3s; alta digh- fina of Hihat Memphis, ncoz, 9% 1,24 PSR humour ratory, lok 43 SIS famay sel: fey fs Wthe ewes ate my mr heel Anka 8. SO Tf =n ipmnagiz pel, Kev 1; dime 3) oleleray andes foich, £12,6(£5); Alp; ir 5 of.J04 326m. [ST bas fal, 2406 100; 10.17 INS dons A ABSD i Soest soll leas Bytom. {Zi Slr RZ bmagt casmedin, Mun Kv. 2,6; 000 1S! LSS Sma fuller, vor LF, fp, pp. 520,036 NOW honest fonale coumlnpaaty the, soba RIP! nme surgeons (2),£b 10, NPA Somat vv inf. sil sedou, fos yogis. 202A dh x, 103,19 (det: IBy, hes tm.23.2 (abba Bs in esl, 4 Born fe Yeaing! Loum, Mak 2s, 3,y; 18% 195 pea lad IE, 99,05 ¢f 60331. calif a 2-1. OLN Hy 2h bbe ond eel, Uae 1,0, Bn secaleg 0 lace, Ay. ea; Unke004,2 AR“), eal done, fk ob Che heed] Ap rgs [ESE Amst sesacen, ls 249,00; 1103, 1. fe Blmut seat im arcs of nb! pesilion! fos Yo, JP in honse sath, din 059; of 8 36. [ISAT ft sears crf A Pfmay guest, Bn) 2,9; amp ON EEE A LINE cone bmigd carmalian’ NSE fn encumberstslinel, fay fy; Uke se, 16 IS do dai equi Mak sn; 9; Command nk, 359; gery, bins conic obelh fr, 2 (delat mouth, 16 2(deli. NS); hand, # kam 1h; Sormondls oem} Pah 219] 1, n19, (dot. 44 onky), Aerwiens Je 9 pl. 2, 25) 0b frat craftoman, fone 611; mb auc ff ‘Behold, dt shat sowe it due punpose’ dee.qy12. Vaan. 4Or ilk g05 JSS pes2 SS8S aS foe milling comanders Mok. 9,1 = RS ely ser Uk 99,29. Ne gospel 95 of sen seays (RE fot surmapig dae, var SE LAT Je ag v8 NT nt el, 2037, 00. 23,46 AE ft ohace f hime dak sag; Mtns or 5. NSB nly dual of as the siden ede yop spe fc sidenote river, na 963,0EHEDA b the ultrmast parlof the aby! 80 6 mK MBS), (a)efime, dwn fe stemily withnat ond) dn. Bara UA), &, area ‘ans avi of ps Mok, 290,355 9 (9) Bho broweat ermal hts ASI osm na fw f holebadals hii con Ainuatly Satral 21) SPW), the sume fall Feingy rw him the enerbeabing fun Abn 2, sbini2; ah Suo m 16-8." whothinks bout time ands ater agin A= 3 *);0 hh Bde for ever and. et 80154; aim. 20% 0-5 Sfesaucit an ages ago fer nos lak H, wile, dogethon with Cherm, var AT, of fp. ps4 JESS © yn a lb pbs q(A=9S, Wi a1ey (ASSY): (a chaltol pease ty ih gods chal, Pas 3, Bas tah. 11; heale, 12,6, SU ae rts: bf ism, kh; 1 mf the an Gvs62; fract nb At nae mf the King soon, lak. 6034, in rapa 16 (deb). damn. Nea SP os. 2013, sb. NAS faut here, Ap. 270; 0 AEN dae aotis. NSS Bh haus hak dba, aps vor SS EMR be 0g 0 TS four ile, doit 9 NDEs fo covey lands lnk, 2 {Xs but confines of distal, Un 3,834 IX Ried rom othe sun folk of debiol: 0) mandeind,raNn. RRA REE Ri, CARO, . NRUR* heen srs, Made Non hoe, Ap 29ip;20r. LSP f tak 29 NEA own phallus, Oo. 07; lok. 15hhy073, laldels(), YSIS fab inden dali le ob XS Adam gh IS Ae dak abs HEISE AY hv dasudlon nipple 2) Comins Et drag. rb. YEAS fo aacting, 810519; of. 2b, 1809. tg Rabat 7 : ” Eek Sena ny Majed shat Lh af fn abla fr a ovine of aro JD fw ae Baus la ol; ema AE yg month £8 5,3-9; mse mst hd in meurovesading wok lak 12,16 3) ah; hath meaning igh. 6; frac mann ungenercut, WEG dnt. 622,63, 900, ASW dk, se Gain» 20025,10( 4%), $2 Mob fragt shear, Meds 74,400 STEP 724. TLS fle fe abe) ake, 3,03. 1S fac pes gether with anda tonne var.Y: (ade hoe. ESS fle oat aida eke ai ane rags te 5 Be WSS IND fukin wens the ade Lick fp. bora SMT D: Geb. Bus. SECU fay anata bi, sary tel of ayn Seba dy oll 954 — RGR fk focaont sone, ith; Ap yhy Liat Wi #95 0m( 22); 1760)1( SE) athout: directo mabe m aN; tana; 1S ID) ghiyu Et) fe bandon hy ‘wih ip has. Or ecty Wi ef. bibl, 2 Bat hnk. feringe, List, ph. 2b, FSF faking trian Mako Bi ab 6. w fokur NRTA bye dd din oagu, mith 2AM 2, 84x 6 SSP, Sie, Lob 51; TANS eh here the suns, Moko, g55;2. NESS 2 Mond scale pe blame, 05 (25 1b-tayt;dat, FA 6) 923. NSE olin ect int 5am LSS Ay iSa4 196; LEDs Unley, 18. WES fot ged, Pat 0,247; maak % 437 SBA hne) hence E Bdadrith yr;rma, ASS EE gay IRB fnbsaehgend AL Ubit¢5 0 Acalls li hing te CT forks diplemalic gif Unk, 209,18, fon sommander frign), nk. 203, 131g NES); equcrny foray frie, Ma 16,694, MING) Bardi eras, din bac 239 hing St; f Ne quo day 36 (Od fa wv ine command le, dn. frieb; We me fo Cn) lage change tren; “command done, Mes 4,14; Unk.m, qy.8;204,3; appoint one, mM offiee, 897,145 ‘eull the abtantion bu, 1; hy Thay haa commanded adit m fx. that anv er dav hegien353.3; fond ny m fa w'tobuchins nfned upon, Hea.yh16; = ha othe fle smn. ngightes mee nthe tf tes 120; ial pba 25m Mk, 2b 5, See hack with yeh eae 209-8; Rider me had from their. 41B13,13; fa $a ‘under the combi, aupersiaion of Unk 1,01,16 dal fae Beha hg 204 2. Keane oer. with suffine TS Fea 81, 200 So aby ‘uj aleve’ ee under hres “agp pl fon fe geande te Phe cf, ath suffinee ©, ater, dn al fro ov acount cnn, Brough, and, hawing ovik, 41. 5541165} 04 con Heat $65; #5165, 20m) 39-205 993; ellysically for od 221; nl $223; form ‘uag?, 9 496 Pa aah igh b12;1580,1 (C2) din. Bani uthenity er, «9 ing sls 'maatrof crcl fos b4y18 (2; hong foil ‘coplnin of ails lok, 10; fog n'a ore deal. 36; eb 6,018, sadomar 405 5 (LZ). si the mide a of, yp 085 5,18 & uty chick sim tha middle, ida, Ayn 239 369; grt ae'thein idle siged ened ipso, Mr-Ut hng-ib Ye the middlé doh x, 151 wheal of gue ig, fi 8204; Unk a, 16; mide ‘Bray haus 'in the of the da 14,1; ef. aleo fp ryt; immeat- an of ~ ane, Bp 53; 8B 4 15 |e enh hong th The ns fateh Be [Bs datas Yolen fod oye ite, fs; f° Mak us ST nat Madea, 95 Pham din 82; Sh Li. of nina bry a nb very f.4103; Phe in defeat, fee tt mee TTT han ameang, BH T,3,21; Aemainder, Unk, 112,14 (SF), JX oF falc amears, fi tah. 8 PPS hac da cury immediately, van. 9 $2053. 29 fhe ere ik asim Safe 2es. oe = S hy: sf arbi le lsh 4221. ya and of cate, By isrv; van P61 lok, 13 95 22a Senet td guid ak bog 104. oe LEEW doy 1 dis Ansophes fat 81195; 0an EEA AM. 34,3. £95 VR agar Scy Badan, kn, 14,5; deteD 2900 1M deo. 63,1 TiS hay to guna, fa Gob, 2. bo Ald tb TP ath ew deal tse 20 yt ack iste, ek. 29 1100, 55 (3) hing acho, my ss ajhag hilt dnyth thief lect, dele thi hada, Hbn6 Mad 555; 8D 54,10; maaker of serene, BB 1b,13( 2°99); fore. hal ‘hifliines Uke ,225,6; 21,13; 80360 1 23 hur ubborgant ity, Habs by9; brs, 22); se0 15 pl 2b mR); mehr ufuenrd rt 3; 10,21; nr efvabe! upurnnd: Lob, 59; fans 644; -4m,. 3410; by hour praised of arena Uk. mi SM dag: rachayt ‘ahove| din. 0; imadbmamce df ICarm.ii( 2), poet yee Mak se, 3b5,2.5365,2; 1961, 00. 22 29 Wn. 22 fit Lam, dk 2,1, geass ea); 918; esac, in, po da Hj), SL Toml-ganden, din B30 Phe rope aboard ahify Mak, 192,15; 93,2. AS hs al distant, Pate sq: vb befor, n'from: Bp s06;Uak1,23349;5, 64,1, bees 1, busting lone fe. 7% Arwen apart from besides ea nse at, ver. Z, fp. 61g; without a, Mahe 1, 615 907, 9 bs aly Lil, Oden.29; dak, ery vb init mse, D0, 9. SEO fy lowor, dread, din, 8280;B. 610 LMA fragt livre, dread, Unk. 03,2; 1y 15; 507,13; Aespect At 5(ab.s 2 of Mla, 12. Van 1259 dint He yas 1: bys, arg OM a5 6; LUN yl dn 218 Es fe fushane, mabe radu, dike 1, 10493225, (25 Aecwodly, for, 8 £h re; Ao 'in eadinesa fer); amined, Lt. tag. $2). ADB, T oun of dep ile. > 20 fall fmf of lis legal nk. 668,19; 12m 20 ag LA hal ab inf Liaw by lama, fleste,12; .n. ZF, fea th 20. PAL cy mdi fp ogy 2) mill peat number, f259.262,2; 6h my many 544. LA Alay oh inf de, earch, fr Adee 2547 Unk. 38125 2595 25,9; Silay rik with tngonious mind, (pf. 2011). 99 fobs deere, Usk, § 1 ALES fot bain of read, don 7,1 TS ak send an 1 Blaha ba; Usk hy A haf haf gordo pts Harbor, 26a LEE) at 0.264. ANDi fom nation fa 8p lde.3; dak, USSD hom age Od. 00. 2 danas, 33 HIS hone menstiwealion, bm. 2613; vb 7 thay 2. Heit hmm fond afore hind, hay, 16: ANS ab cut off head, of, feos 0229; Wedeiyy; 804.9 7; cut ut Reant, -é, Bb31,2; lake, bos, 16; oheaal manver anima, fin. b25. ub; 88661 LISS fake shoppon, a0 39h A2 0 seounder frat ‘feen’ $2 Sm db dir the fg goddess burn. dent niraar hS Dre 5, 123% Weste.10,5,TE V dirk at, 389,5. 1 That eae wom TA ALT, beso, 536 TERS fle gue, din 099; ven TS bind of gir Chana debs Bsn 814, fea bn 2,5 dak. 3; PLD dill grcane! Pe sb e120 PASS Abs sale oer, gover din. 0; Ak. thy. 14); hy. BE Adat mulevohi ok. 36, 299.2; 2-7/6; Merckens $5 18D war.of A ‘fag -goddent. TAP ARE come measure of b-5i halios war flay 1, Sis ahh NES fhe ob fe hag dey 5,06 to (det Dn fam Sin 651; fos 8,240. HA SSMbr hemp many, BH7.¢,20; dels Se Pa 2h, RUNG Sse magic, magic etl, do 6 rom {UI dase 66; 18 IWS boy magisiany 540 94, 2.189 Ba RMD dr nie ge ef magie, Mate vr. °Y, PSBA34289;34 134; JEM Ih 128, NEE the be joyfuh, Mok a, 16) $63; accbaimy cue, 208, (LBD. N29 re poaie(n 6 ge, di ini ling Uke, oyusqerny hE; Jeh4, 18. PFU Alrwr oaacred it, 03, ren NZECS thd NRA Aesme enlanged, of hain, Meats 15 SES Aut mine, Sinai, 55, Mokere 25.9) 20m 150 Jen 9, pl.g, 6; bersht fra; Le dake 3, ne; il. ED inns ABN fey ail my Leas 6; dak subd: baum, JER bs NBINS A shally creadbare, uninkled, Caminey bb Mise.290. LBINSRM hesur wrinbles £6 54 6, of ofp ct. 241 1 lg smete, ; Comin, fi Phat bln, vor. ef 501, Rie; SA Unde, bby, FE Aah offerings, po, 13; wr. SS, TBE gold 0, Abul. 9,27; van. 28188 ad x, 15549; PEAR Yrecowl a! ais, SEI Ae effing lide, 21; yx 80952, hth foam in fumerany formula Waal flf-dé-nas'a. 8 which the Bing, punk pf; 36825 3; ideographic aty A Unk a ht FB sh vinta, Le ilansed, ba 'with lnk, 505; 661050 ke Rab, tb; Seguacious nl Sin. 8 ins. 1b5.273; pandeny, mse, foe. 9517.9 head sence Ua 29515 epeacefel of yore ag; Lemecaley of aby offer [ea Bie 750 1a Moro, Foe 8120; seal mei Ma, 9196 60 19, at, Marr gad eal del, of su, £8 13,1516; 85, 1m; flv coy ‘at of sor; gol nesn die, of tensor, Je 4,50(f> ih tb he utll-dispioed lend Unk. 3.2939. (3yGiana saliely, make colon, fr. 20t; her, 5; pac, lab; occubey Arent, Msh-xe, 83,2; hestage, 13%2,6; nokin link Beroh 2,12; hall, lk 32, Sab easame idlany, 19h 9. — Toon 158 2 arty Aad 593 SEDI Alpe face, dk. 27917; 1096 golinlvant, ip 504; 08.1; gon ‘Besant, 180 34,17); ahlh make peace, use, yowb Ade due make submission ey Je0.34,9(6h) aw. 36 bin. 6205; 2S, thd n; Yok. 392,95 7 koV3,% Be Aipe gpacaanen, Apne, Ah UAb ts; many din. Bb. SBR Alpe han of nls, lake 91 my; 42.6 det Ua, sya. 28 hep bow for read -efforings, Wak, 2°. Jat NA Lepr the peacofubenes= the Llessed dead, Bal. 8 ni PRN S Ail acon nm 2E Uys TT bbs. MIS Ltn chain, Sp.f.s00 2. LENS fle dene, mutha 370129015; van Ne daa, ney, KS Rein of inline forshy fo ass, 8,223; Uo, 2,6 pee RSS) 5,05 15); 10g r6 ADP), 80140004 Se) lrana -eremieg Bp.293 LES), dake, 2; quanch thirst e-7, 9o( Sms * Yee oy. NL Bla yoke of com, Mth te; ran NS O9H Ua, 34 SEA Ala shoo fas ars honed ob 10 toh NS LEI") 00; honce ania Ink. 245g ‘hey sled Sr Blur be inthe chaniolé; R654,5; aim, Unk. 10,1220, 15; sue Hi ‘he tame soko Bes (Ge managomontef a span 129,09; t-nt-Ao thaniotiy, REO x, 13% ibe. LES As. ty bind Logethen: (2) (med.) Le eonlsactod, F284. mith, 12, LS slr Lashinge, fys.2.000 No 40 string tian ond, comple fasied of lime, Qp.1485; 075,173; 80226 65 sxlobrate festival ak xa, 40 L114), ND i ayaa, Bech.g; 100.12 FR deka, 1G van of lt mine N25 es end of read, 84,1 NEPA com under the orm, Caminay fit daap.f1s;nt NEES, het anit vendetta cit. heel bait; seat otf half a esq. NUTS ub merthrur, do frcobiate; aboodet&s lc.tran SNP cr, 0, {hd mace, Sef 50,73; omn. Unk a, 2,5. BS) fat hil, i. 896; $8.1; Uke, yr, 13 10); bright: a ts'the Land Aecomes bx dauon din 820.249; dh 105 link, sb; bm, ideo on “ef face's cheerful, nia; Sea, ple (ALR; fq u(t RV); 692061), tO hat sot forth attdaum, van. tn), GS 1 Poe a a al yoy; alo asasLovm for meno Sad pila. Var. P fas, 5. PONT fa while lather, din. Bs. . tofu white nan Aske. 229u;y43,15; 100 AB raga; 10 den my. 1 hat the tit Como, So 154; vom tO lake 2565,L fang p Pein TM fal sahite sandals, C8 122,0. WO Ay chapel ht Te ind ch. Canning Lit Yong. ptm 2,4 eR ha acide of he ee, dymntn, 2, 2. 8 fond deen op of ing aH; 01 8a [fie fe i a ie Ek IMR filer ery Aah 67; mn 1S ke, 2193; 2h.1d 2 2, toys. Old van AS Ay. 2036; Latin OFF Uvex 199 6 PI al ob sin ian inn, Fay by Maw. K.3 2.5/6.4 dealiog Qe F $200 mum, 100, $55 254. 262.2; @F SS" thousanda' 1622, 66 Fir gost, es 1 ee 81 2yu; Mh, 1055230, 53; diaay B,496,9;716,0; ma a Opherd in 225 endian, NE ruerseoref herd, BH 1,30. onset, Si pl; abt concer actiny ley rma ime, fg ES fae pal dak, saga det sequel FITC nag, sebbag: bn nfo} Wo ile Realy the fuyl Ue 0231; 4d 1ygoie ERS p0baio Hi), Fates 7 loti thas; cim.ting pack 2), ammeged ll) to we. EET fats land mensene fo onrnaagats dp. s 2b; lates Asn of Own (aNlnians. te desloge, perished, eas 8, 7307 Bd 93; Le dashing, Land, B Mitbour, Sndox,4 Gdn. 38.055; fal, Mn 2, 9546; 99 3 ENB Ss fo degen ite Ab ye (ym damage, destiny, 80 46 the land fi we has decome } DIN fp fies beau, lak 5612500. F155; FS Bl ng Lacy socal; Adin prt. — Vaan. LX dk. 540; SVS Meal bug 30 EO ies 6; SNE dr 9,9; sem 210. G PSO 22,99. TAR dade Aighlncag Make 2150 28:0m4; 0 HDA ay 550. ERG dst onanoh, din. 8 226. dee alse fst IETS but conse, din. yy.a59, dew alae ht ° 3 fagt Lespbjma TIF ryt dee aloo fayls 2A bm tacoma, fpf 504 daly child van. NB sen3, 207396 ha ul. TITY hye disease £6 s6unjrom EN Pi dele yy; ©T RS B.rn2.. dee shite, Ab 09 f leo hat 24 Ae fire, Sd 55; Alase. 4,10; fees 826. ER gi wh sing. ease Len 3. Mah, 394552675; of S683, 96 exam Java Alt ion (fom), Drymen ys na fationt, £84. Drath 1m. Yeas. °F Nano 20500; E44 3 Uk. 19; SBE chingla: om he tl nls, na oe thin ologathas hb § Al. 32,193 FS bins; attra Ahsy0 ghagi hee meat ‘the th. isin jilaceoll welband ged JER | TIM fger measurements JeA 4 ms;n.2- aaa Wend this le, 398; 4041; ade Be Wve gf 08 ops, TMM hoy plamla fine, as 9.42 E NW) dk elf of Mak mab hho; Be hang themigh— 0 ee bray; possessions facherty, omduc, fh. 4)5. Si rns; fea. 61,232; Mah. 120; Unde w,1303,9; 3D Si‘ comaee’adoninabia- EIN hoy allan fesse Pehape rising of the eet lols forge 25; alr ofaiy Mo: 3,53) 05133319 emthing, rg + OLAS P fot atten ist fils anv; Bos (dat. CP), Meg 26; ang Ap $9310; Bk a) ecrching anything sm ony espe, fh EM Paden aya) 8B tay A essa; Te Rel Bo. Aes; mB mymonpr of nit th lke, (us bojoadj ofa: LE io thinge, Per Asal allan chamber 1 7, bw. Ak Aft rck:in accordance with! WA, 109,3:1093,10, 285 80 BP PING hoc hase ese. debs. £0; Bort9 allots; abiche da with doe sage, 6035604), saatolt tanks hp.azce (8 X~9 abandon pooper, [ox fee bor ab, dhe bs4,3, 0540, sn00( 23) ual Aah, 335; Aarferony Aifpeplarnus, tT ne, Aaware € ty dabeAt); slag (fish, Jeg ths 0; drips sae Aka ra 6 (lt abn ‘ject from, 1912,9-105 fre mssay my ir os allenion by; W63,16;-536-hs enwe Mehind' dai TMA dc untatin, Har TDS 7 haw a ah. 5m 24 FY° haw boul lakes, gosioyn. FP ust; FRY re 2076 ae ut hide of animal, Fas 5 maae-inb, K, Wok. YT: night, din. Ra Big ht-hasey there Na featival, BD snopdhier ye rns eyq2- Tan. TBST din, ere 4f2| EAST 3 hose, Aight Gaal M5 me FSR et kittens Lune conn [OPN A> Gs he bent of arta 112. Gab iced’ TOI fol he ye 245.3500. ELIA, ane PAS bat eckadneas, Feng 6.107. dec abso hilt TH sone She ypaap. OPA de inate get aby cD, Besmpanbing ERD), dow, gaya EA~% of sear 5100) tock, 2,073 T SIA) bowrdow, 83,9 lbk a, 546, cee aloo ham. Lome msn} mint annie op dal-pabm, Mok 399. ENT SB fant widen fas 6465; ren END bul ph. dee alan he ENN fang fe safle re Bh EA fo Bote of Kae, 0611, ENS homo (ym Le Kher im blaine Apin, 807,254 vn. F SE ak 1B, bbs. ESSN pine Moria, Yale 7435; 900 F238 H bg, 1s Bb how FINS Ash fe peer, seit, Mant 2.2; loka, renyi0(F 2), felon, hus fs 82,10; 18.22.25, $b UE patient Phas. 61,2120 E D9) bah w quick of spueck, 81,208; hab hn ‘impabionee! fos 0914( SEA) FINA £24 apron fish, Fone 64229. Brlally omen for foe. PRT fob) inne dae ay n-ne. A028 EINK fos seramble(, dak. bos, EWG fe crack 2, Lb gr; nunmel(?) Aka, 49,460). EIN fs cabo ru of hed awe, Carmina Bi Ing fp 90 A fat Hild-counig, Sin. 219, lnk, ab, 0:30; orsign Land, Sin. 28.00] Waksx, 334; desert, Sin.8.209.242;28 786; Tt ‘de ropio, Unk 2, St da game, din. 6 59; H2.2dz 9. Vann. ese loka, sp,u; 40 ee aang; OFF sap0 31198 slau foreigners desrtdasllng Adm. 88 s40;6) $3,002), Akew, 936; ANS ME yuys, TEI fragt bayonyt? oS OMY, Jen 255 FIN MOG Comings | At Fray, pln. ECD boty office, dake, 129.0 OFM fh howe ity ‘os dak 96 [PRD dus deg, wey 18 by achat ff 1637, fuy Ad Aaron ya 803,365 fo fae at. aes [ONE ft hotly, for 131 The hill, 1023; 0f. Up. fey, Na A at ob in. ig of u, 30 652; de haf on nal of gon ig cea of hing acceso) JER 9,265 34,23;o rou bye ini. dk w,29171 bosthining, of beng, lyvostoh 3 Rane var 67 Cr 4, ub PAD earapheanenceingling J et; S80 (eo bt ia 7 fet te ‘the reigning bing, JEM 3m3%; fh n'a of pot Meher gb, EAST fr for 22°08 uc folilion, loka 6 02S Hoe fan aan. 4 in title ky fs f-fearen, Hath aE hut bork. [Ss SSR fume faseness, wrengdatng lade, 7958 uh2;van. oS Pan OSA fon ak ning. fom. infin) urd, Lat uy Mk my 12;103,2(08°-); Leak fla ground, £955; ald ae brick, ns2,¢ (DAMA fg. de, gzarvo (dot on); fail, conabrucl, din. 896 £1 22); 8300; fob. by PNB), dake hg (abba LTA); 162345 alts avons 5,5; heont, Teferti, 20. RSA hurd nich, wealthy, fees. 1, 125;S-2b. 6.16; 100.< PE feak 62,100; CRE Maliul, 113; SF Liat 5,204, SS food nih ary, fag. 8,59;var. Bo Say SP fd. 8,2, BF freer crow, 0 4 pl2,9, 1am LD ieee; ecddbe, sts; 9. ASST hued wealth of Linker, 806,056). Sie Tifearvyweapena: 9 funcral siting, kink tyifmant:(akled | SSS Pfr lame Ferman, fe 837500. 89S Bah pa this: w)aansle, implemen in gpneral, GN ite n.3. Yann. Sb 91% din lS 4 a, inf dame, Meat, 12,1; Une, »6bb; wor. °F nts 6. 6136; Safi dere 652; S701 1,6; Fh 13032, 00. OL AM dance (ns, faker, 5. EA won.of fe ‘approach O18 heb dance (my din. Bip. 260 #s femur threat wor. LIE, 2 ba, Smith, a ~ ASF ple dancers Lach. 92; fom SBRUSAR, dakar, 2030 6, ST fen ange oh) Moke, 5; 29017 Od x hee oh snp. deduct, ubbact, Jom'2, 121; neduee lesen, fq; 8913 le. Shur: wee fuaf unigue’y navn fy fucf ther ianene Aesisle hin; nae sane 1) 2841 els); sana Lime Je 2,46 (dot. 2) damage lib, lok. svivek ‘ceap ms, fp. fr ‘ ugh Lak day 624, 50; lechusked, of aise Bowe 3: paaclior, [2s SM fat os lc, fn bi ( 023) lak. 236,10; soy 2 (NETS) bs 71D L, _ en ayys(e). dee also 46s Wetiog’ Leclade o'elf furmgpanele, 0 122,5 eccompl fm dicey lb a4 2815; : O18 Abt deduobion, lik x, nen, eataetien, ty 13; Lasening of meen, 2i899.35 2134S); fur mbt aimilealy Jen sb; ac aside property ole, fava fun Bins. mul, 513% fove, Ua, 1555-16, 1540,2; aid, dm, 204; rower with full.dmf, By 32.8 Olen txaculian, CT 1,40; BD 16,1; 255,5. (Das ibsrjcrz,soyees SA DAVID the bright Polteled One ~ CNB SS A desiog lay ural, ravage, eas 81,3.230; fade 2,131 lok, 69,5; gucbvent Lut Reve. 61,24; 4bs-b1 doumcadt’ 1,216 (deli. Sz), Yarn 12 | Lb, 1S easy a; OX lake gay,. WM fit camage, dake 1 218 Alte jan, adn. 5 OUR flint spac, fry, Sedilred of character at, isda. 48); | fine be send lly, Op 10s 2) >) ae Ab enngfal eck Unk, 1383.2 debs Se), CNSR FS nt erie PUL) 1; Bo2to; aeeusaltin fp. aba (21>), 013,93. OL. F hn sina dnd ardels Se gb4u; Se 820996 OT lst bhety ait, nor, ase*; 42. INT tab Ol F flat fan, ncox, ase, SUNSET! Molar Leanded ones Makes, 055: CLE fs hack up earth, lnk 7,2); 80250; QL fa. [= he a 14 Sen bps UPS: law ploughland 1621, aks, 2;v0m. OLS 50,5, x ST tog 05043 X 10 OI) hd oh inane fe aloful ty. 296; Qa cha ia Pr igsri bs Gran Bo dishlnted ith, l,i; 16000 215%): dnhleaane, dis: fore, ry a Mr 41, (deli, $e) BA Ape oh snp inliana loach arbi; Boibsa; Ahm Arf Gol his d's,” Whe, 22.95 rf Apt m had love of him coursed Chacugh her Aedy, 32, 220,1: Gams. encounler aime, din: 610; endam. 23. rss Bhi dig bom. BM Bt dh deny; BF BS, roses ny ber journey ver. BSc, 104 SS bh aiamge, pl. FMD", casey Sud t4e siete gas 47. SSW Ait linge things, Gasay. |B bp ch yinlians, come info fring, thd. sa; 21 946% B09 15 mfipuer fur m GYorhak ‘na zoccesis posible la (lit. foiithe norm, fas 832-5; of ene, rc finn gr ne ‘pr cama attack her, lags; trae tein Aearta came ib’ their with unagerd, Gorsh., tS; Lecome, with m,th.dn) Aas 814757815); change, mv nla Mak 1; Abed sm; B16, 15; queer a, Siig 8108-2225 hdeal. 2,23; fes.yo,21; saith dot. B Jen 24 4.Jr; pecan hapher, some li pass, din. Rig; 835.97.160; thd 22.128. 196 Lake place of fealcial, Moh, offen, hb hin goby east mang ‘leet, gps hance gone by, Main 6,23; thy n'a rnoln which is fast; fees 81279; Bhi; ahnar hr bygone affairs, 215 bo73; (40) mb hoe bp [Mose] afln the ams dae had fasted Wale; ene of line, Jin. eine, fection: btw TPacmh the slime culling Crank en. eveng dag ak. 2, 38,17 sexist he, Sire. Bins; Mle, by; 6; Mesa. 4,16; ibe malt me nk dma ‘coho anursa, ud in accordance with chat isin it ackatiamenntby it, fos, I 3;00 passive of am, 29. din. 831; fens 81,240; of GS 23. (7 fia, hig about, MA. 5, 104153, 260/6/E, dy (del). ()idiorolie uate: Bn acon f5; Uke 2,1, 2062,6; Sr pm el fret Mees dee! at felt 65; Hom. ‘mm RBH rove2;rbq=Jon u, flrs; AB int bp etitedere! sea 12 bn br cere 5,5; al cred dee of sec esi tan 2B dak 2o5rj 220 8H reves BI defense come int lingo Rival, oof. ged WB. 5,0 ©) fermentation (9, 66385; 715: BMA: bp children, en 24 3,n4j van BR, dit, p04 BST saa fv, shah fale (BS); bom ii6 BM ES), lek 10 (T9159 1 BB) bean By, 1015;1216 6 BR), om Apo sume at! so1tys6; 00233(B © V1); C0us,2; be kprur ow iamaformielfinls,ldse,273| Rept SES) dk we; aD1035"have ca upbringing n'a lace, dm 3,9; uadecof img, ot: amsim$ oat mds ‘he uvilad. Ll omg mcf by 16: ‘Stowe ho bf 'chargen lke place’ ldo ky fase! ry heart smelt egos fo fab |Btdjm. tounge beatle, fa bay; 8.0513; senna [BSP sm ms ti a gry tpl i SB—U8 rergm, 2D oo BS fp the Blue Can, alte. fp Som 51. eo foley 8023 1330632857 Bl Bog 1) thagh ke 1019. ‘AEOT,. 2st, peed conlitlalion Yrent Bean lk ¥ 13,3310 28 FO op sy. G60 340%) 8D alge, Fin 852.105 ok 8h 575 sang, pow Halil ayjcrnbldali. © Taba bb, ar hl tcqire bys wera, S08, 196 sential e 003; 2am ER fen. rysy; 4 iE ° 19 LE 2S Hp de ofgctv 2s boys BD bpd setman, pf 7 fale, Unk tad) SEY bpar hallocks ah 25; Maks. a,c SEs Af pander ob), 18034, 4 fi 24. PL IROT Afot ford, day he, 24 ASAIN toa bans of sate, Meal, 5h. LP Ae fot, Ap. pot EE hfe grasp vba mo dle rb 8070; make clin in sm 317 (ENT) 6942; 292.200bhe yen. derlp, e907 22 He weake, Wok nahin, SNE tlt Herd oy dt ISS Ae fof. in fama in accordance with, asssetlas erascending lassen. chr, ase 19; with infin. athe lira fn, ror 2, fu. sib no Bf in fit 75 ent SEY bff in ft of inthe fossenerof, 20 lan a-btt-he, bse vreen Sborog ry; MK 98.4.3) 400. ene 42,13; dete ow 1.8/0; B Leb 5; lok x, uber ’ ONY for wild ©) of animals lnk 8, 1308,6, OI fe sa Le t21m OI fw ded, hin 825; SE ibys. OND fore daa 1 5905 Uae, Soa tong. SN foe of fr na, fe ignorant Sn 8; Bob; Ade ahs ph iT 955) eich rfl oly. 'mat nave dal’ steven, din. 8259; th 4; fom aN ‘ure, HB. tect, sqm. 2 ; Le unemnacious of caine, @Ad.drnith, 32:5; det. leas 82, sy pasive ponies YS © Ua 29995 ORS a4; den pe Sgporamce, din 8205, Brys; Ab V959. Yor Umar-ard, tte se 24. —_——_!— —~ —4 nl as, Sb fom igen many dak. tab 9 qga;ph Be 7; SMS +P gn nama Beas 8h 219; By 51% Bf te. feos) eon. © Pdf agh(omy 5036022) JSD se abaine dake yyrrem. 2 DES g5 0; 2 Nw, SNES oaks, we F800; © eon a, MoD fw sucadsimage, nk 59h RSs hom domotch building Jen; hav ine, 8012 et. LH), 30,5; dele, om ‘for, 292,19; clade, C1 3,212 (det. 9). oa SH fmt cous foyer, 59; © SF Caine 2002075 C2NMA fren shank, fh yt qs a5 a8 INT besiege ms dt, 0736; nell mln laff ay alll of pees inkians 20; bina. br; ict off ei, iy rdek 3) aby ON cl altri of ons, detest 18 Simm. te. ermepulia(£t-Aahmninin), abor.r9® WS domme Qpdond, Ut, 309. 2; oh dfn Chil line § 242; elle noverats dk, "P01 shehar made horn fcasina had [1 3h-£ AO dour un Chand, vad 8, fo 260 [TT fot nar( 0 mune 2, He $ abs. Mh inn, plan, dir bs; 860.2.23; lake thought fr Uk. 280185 0 fos 2917, 2D 25,25; ‘Sepectaaniite, sb. Ya. 2. din 86; PE. taka, 2640; 20 304,15 Pee font: mtn tebe fata a P= Bye |S fo dive sand, x eguinat 2 e714 dane O enlite, Bewh 2,426. JAM fv sehing he fate, Mat 2 SK hs note omy Unk gb 2. b. [fat = frome ~ qe 4 43 ‘bom nd Tt: Phot at fp ratlli dara, 2. She chat of hada ies NO ging the c= healing tive Berek. 1, lt. SH fo ot fay cai Ese eaen SYR fue uaiinns fa 69,28 28H fuel female musizian, Mads, 7; rn 2°R nil, 229 fag HAF, deat 1,21; 6 dks, 054, :af. oh sinf. abeght from fight, 1941; 80146,u(dele. RA); Uk. 15263 (LW); ae hall, din. Bar; Uke, 12 1547 5; nese om, Pea. R50; Maks 1515; of rst hend, 45,5 (29%), AK Abn speech, ulteranee, Fae 8290; ldre hgh Mk 093,13; matter, fain, 9515; 0093; snagged, chew of should) 102 (lela, B); “exaggpsalie ant cong, Hchors be ie sede ouping focved fs 849;tomplaint, 81,375 ena JER 115; fo. £0192); (ny nh Snorage, Bel. 6 125; MakeW, 1095; 7; 2062, 1.100 nen~enel, hank, Mele. 12, 24. SIT ft foativol cull (2, cus bey PNG tee sander hr. 2S nus nasing place abede Mohr, ay b;phyldela. R™);ra02,25 10832 PDA rae child, tux, 24 107, SSID fras grat, 8hg5 cob snatch dlnk-x em; caleh ball, #8. rwo(det:V;, 125; Uke, 136,06; foun avoler, 98,17; $nesent offering, hah. 2. op necene seed =) ef roman, R80 15. SOB Prats hinf> arogace (2) Bersh.x21 dower, 1 BA D0 for weale, 9013515. SANOD for Sreatheain, bin.82%%j dull odours feas 81.15; lrk.3,156 7,2) 5, mae wok omebling hg; 04 (del Blab wit as Qn 2; fe ft + 1 SHEA Gomer heoapully da. cit; fp. $05. sis Year oe 8 ea NB sos FSAI Fi few ed hen Ging ly rise SAIN A nth de filth, moderate BY, onasy ra: ms Piendeiy Pag; fae 61 3p. SUMAN be fiend Sh d 4; Pah, 2; fea B26; dela AS huggs for 24M Cain 205 LN heme hind fd, bu; 2A Rel 8 v0 SINS Pfrmtt manse (n),T8a,se;r0n.2,$oDai7,2.d Nest 3155 SE nian tg hyeom 2 NS uidan raya; Wanye 2A apy 5s fo fn ele Uk a 5 625g fot aly fx e387 nancl chao lod. 39 965 Bers 21 basen al ®. 2); of. cAs by LEB eiminal priser Fae8,23; 10.24 B 0125; 2 AS doe ARDS hbss Sow harem Bork. 2b dia h3.24;00m. 22, BO gs ny ‘PSD fot ome the baton, Keli 24.0r.2— Wor links ays, 2.2 han ning tok. 795;s00. Fae Bldgs Fi Biss. foc nll corspinaay (Unk w, 1043 £. Cha) ve Anan. fart rear 1, 2349528524 5;bryts:dnlsama Basel, 80 22415; 46h; tpneod, of neh 21. in. 2. SE los yor, SIE fons more in le directions Jee bt with s Mei frog cou) 368 e201 ER INUG ven of huge pong LPS Aaa m. dae goat Khris fob. 2; lb 32,y(del. 2); 80 181,; mame (flan marth, ok, iy 15 eee find sink (why, Ab 6, ¢.00 t= Batts "ge 45 Bales Baw (NS TH dnt nach fo ang py neayven MD dela aidebred see LD fut face, bm 38-1; Pe ak. 5599 (medi. ALD Sut fap in fr fame sro of var Sd. sia; mf s he fore cf within’ owe 195; ana. filme, 151500 mfr ‘come forth, hes t2,21-3; any fat chamboain, see p1g; m-flo in font of ens UID of lee, whch nin fr, Lu 20 (HN = southern, ‘Helo hy aout of, sof rambo pon whe sak the head, fovea, Berth 8,u( an; BM bi Aaa 229 0( ll) epi fry Sm Ee he the Mesonnnd, ef Osiris asim; re eninant én, Kepligg Uk 2, 252; 363,100 deree,fusmcipal f offices, 48> w (dole); qb (ACh); togk, 1 of ln shih a th aiming 0 wT See shah, eliuding + Ange (0p hat f rin front; sy lth fntn felon, mint, kag, oul tothe fart, km se goctyaan AW IN 0513; rl aucharandl bp S199 ALWAYS ST fro: nf ‘mt dp. GINS SA frie ade, Lefora canis, na. BIND, fp. 2051 NSS 4nd rutin chamber, E01, 206% mfrbiy)'indend, eas Byi24 VAM, ID 3 3 Wak, 7000; 2. 805,12; 5 dob UD. ~~ dy mdi grorcadile god, db. g; fe 6109. DT 4 ib fo gtad of help sqa. 21; euitandinge mind, lok. as% 6 PLS bnl-mmr nloc. Lbhmim, BOX, wo ALTE Se nt fone mf bre Nabi, author, Yt oye, 182. (UMN I> dg Aly dir dah, 2;name of eloench rmnth, Uk 4 6 ID fut 2 gender ith zs Unk. 53; name fr elanan hyde 22) 1g5,1. Gas ws,12q, Se find ‘orchard. (2 see dele. HDD ST nf Lona 2) dk, ya; 0:2,y, Of 2 asyr09. (AID SS = dnt 1 lo the Boutlad, e861 ibibo. ANI frye Southerner, dns, ND ft nin. oni ai lita ae southunnd m bly ‘upabream, southwards! 060, 60%; eul—donth cofredecssong fey. 13,22. Tar, She ous, 25 lS ss in gu ID'="B i fie ecturnd yay ak 24; infin. fal, §5 mmc) full orchard), dnb. 2,2046;96b 00d. ore 1379 2S fal have fea yp; de glad, hg maha glad Mok. 2,490; fri Um ‘delight on, res, roby JeA 9 pla, 2, 4 iis 45,12q, SS fl wall abet fect, idk, (SRE fu ded end fi lah flower ole Ao bh pL Lover pant calf of ly, lnkv, 6 0; eoaossldels £0), e256, PS nde Ba way le, lak 2123305161 lls, Stony s(; fe Teas flan B; Lah. 2,26 fined dae fos, sk 5,3; offend (0, ay ASF fdr tone Op 513,200 2S ako, sory Soe) asus. 2h bred timel eof, 100. 25S, no z, 7. + felch, with nen, undeve bing; spook Ly yb, Sond 9 Ae) Beenie (forme fron the ing s1551 foee decry = 7s men-onch has, and, further, ramon NON of bys eT nl sale, endili Abe 9 42245 Alm hbo nd bol net, ears; fain concn Ou; Lu bash Mok 655; 12,7; no aging oa 8 fda place, 7103.95 807, sdk ho ark afd, Jon SPiN Pat wi dei din 15h 20 fas 3% bb 9; fron 5 Moke 4ury2j45m.2 SPs fal din. 8 3.05.05, aaa 8241; 2B 04 5;4n milan soma des 83i0flbs 9) 2S eS fur enemy lnk. 885, 10-uldels Fy) vam 2° Unk ab; bbs, fen Sete 196 2 fe Lil necropolis, J 22, 1h 10; Ribas, 315 LSE" fra bu hyn Land, B12 ah ne; seane EU 36 2 Ob. 286i damm, te EMF haut bulchony 15, 169, fe bb 002%. SSD fue voice, Gin8 25, foes 81, 2b; Qn, 5; noise din B20; dese 1, Ada) 51. Ver, LIS G Slog US fu: fu. on tase hay van, N92 Nornga;of esas, [Fa fae ee ae we re ‘He ASCH fray enemy, fat 0210; bin by; vam.5CUUAYY eng UB Se 0h 296; ISO a ye; USP Uae, soy SSE Prceqer wo, 0 4511; 90, 8M, Je gue BSN hamgt oan, 802007; 1m0, 2 MAM Cainentone bab Sat of oie, dak 1016 Jo foto gorere colleen, 03,25 fry att) sk, 7, 160 5; ackag conlietler, Caine 20563, 14; Abb. 1, 56,0; 316; ject dene, of od ‘esol, din bang; Moka, 51;950b; dave cal, abr, §, 1825 0, Unk. , (ae; Mead, got ahead. with unk, 4, putts, underlate wry fos, thy(al. jefe 20;rb tb horng auth) fe 5 (2) briny om, 312754209 fai, Cairo 20006 als. 19; tary, | 1, 1446; make ffring of dedicale 5593 45,3;48 6,936, 2S bob coutitler, ably Anh wy four era; Beeh 1931) jn liege g. VES of aks Ua, 0g $B ech falace’ Jena, #3; THB gachidanario FB ef the hilt! ne02,n0% FAFSA! bse 00s LIN ef ard‘ thei of tis bape Geen 12, aT fap dace, Lictog dk, u9,3:1004 fife ahi, elie 2, ok. 05,0; 3025 40.2; 100.5 Los y6 t "1 Ste BE 2! © fsjur mallet lake 20m 9; vardetinr th da 2° had bale, Mele 21; debs “Mak 0j > 225 r7;alee fom, frit; tac, Aire 5,54. 41082343. $9 he an of foe beohO! 3% Sie, tb. wri. 2 SEMAN vanof hosyl ‘hyorey(, DLE) hal opi Leo re hry oplanra 2 Seba an OL \ fall Ma Ap sy dat hig w SL), ary; lac blak of hair, bin PY ht siya 835 [4A bf ot etiam dine came mr oee, din B17 (M$); fan 64,75 (B50; Ruy 5; Aker qb nepal by bad conduct, Bb; sohnets cme, Peg 81193; deb tus; rcbela Lake, 95, adres unong, fea 81,102.14; nepuore wns, en 1 dee calle ip ode Ba, dvr alin, yh nie ange, Bam fonsonl ips fab bf Mw ike act apind lak 5 014 inline with fl pap: ho ris; fone 8 24 Mn 20 dea 49h sear blegaldot\); Lo hi clone Lf-f mf df that fu-may cnful kine elf eh; hn tmtond again a 29h a fled eb ae; Bog. (on. punishment, dn. 8260, dvaphoaral, B' [97 fe, dn. 84; ok, 4 cig db ONE att punishment, Pas Bier; var $ A 63,40 OT haf daaur near Lip. 203 ES fale far the approash nmin fuse mba f naan Hive) Poin a= he ments, din. 8250, OO haf chin, sahepicamy yas; infin. PTS ob 10,05 [Ste ee — OPS 3 21505 PEM Sas 3,0; Vaya SRE L NG se alee an bom ONS on dahl drive daakeas cil le, Barry oris;246.u:01 3,59, Bah 35 Maki 20 5; clan aren, 802100; emneve dik Mh. 35,3; Fan-2IE5 $2105) 214 Woh ahgy, 219, baa ane J Raed, al 52568 Linky fp son lah 15 lw Bt ach din 8395; wrodland, ney din. hd 156; hae any; ime Sue ‘Lf Ufo embodimantef foot, bp. t216; 00, Bare sok Wake, STFS laff ble plan ea cn fe bichon Moke 2182,2; lick f Mah ack Hy Gy fp $198) 908. SoA Uk a, 12yh hele, fa 81,2.58; ne of 06 eal move AFIS i fends 52442; asl ast, St Mk is; SPST maul 8020515; 7 Rolie Abn, 3. SASSI ft lt ming ak 0550 ZH dik gas Sa MOTT Leber SoA fel ot sinf tele nebival, feos 6,121; Thilt a (dat ny; NGa® heb! bathe. [55 kt trp Chal, aghoutpomding, $5 recht accompanying, \afes whan oflnwands ofp. 506; in consuonsed the fact Chat"aam. calf 1689, 7; 4 alo ang B chee, fo.g; bbe n fale’ psa pbs hth eee cemeeaas een he BES pte menial, £19 57009 ET eto dee sonal, vs ro AT SPL be non ay S25 BC oh snp, carne, zrgiat GMS; 20s. Se a I, 95,4, Phe wwe Galt landed the Alt, 603, n6, " SON fer ep apts ha 1, 55 fig aching Plan ein, da: Ue eyo. ee! 4} vf Se 5 BS je plato dain alr. py 04; kid in Bie mph Lovacea tagcat Lena, Woh 5; Bly nar bof todas the Eee 2, p54 Hie coger of mark eal 2515 2; chm me ‘Mier neal codan of the hillsides; 96, ws 157 I fb-cs am adie hind, Weal 6.26; in general Mak. 12931, SING fl ym seal Mak 112599); Zh 18 0,620) fh ble ith, tender, he a. of; Mestre); ka, 09, ra, (9) Gf. (3) vb deal, dake, 65; 135, 6b. 24) mons, 862,64; ut a seal fr ‘es, Mole. 2,6; Borah. 1 a ip, 16 cordial, me ‘with ale, ia, lb 264.29, ee, dens be, dina dni, 9; Mase. 10,1; 146( 9%) didkan, 659.5; 0082; 801421; imelude a-landin dedomionions bk. 1, 206 2; mix ingralienls, L462 PIA ft fa dtm, 5( SIN), aloehonae Unk nes. a; fr b,1(2 NE), 9) buy hlm'Iaperindondent of oases eR 946, LNG Alin conf (ro) Neforholo 35; Lah. 0,21. SIND flint cmliaol ny il 396; 308.313; 00m, SE dak, hs; 20.2, tea bsn; 92 9b. OIG lie suluables 2, Ah set G08 flo © cate, hind. SMG ting salah, se0n 6 SIMU Gling scaled: chamber. 0 03 10 ae, through, Mp. $198. pee * 6h ura hl Meckurands, Mkt, mally, Aesere a colin, dint, pl, 290.2807, Same, of ain JER 20,165 (0). jenn wan Alt pluck’ planta |SaT nan. of fur nich! Seth fl of. in. Miavel dounsbieam, nerthioards; wd. dovanstizam, nove swnnds R02, 60%; flap wal dk. uy 13:m aah, 0 hae Ram 00 is ht Land seit Uo 0,6, a EF fade wing, mine, Lan hs SUT hy (hari) sicher fang 20.29. a TM hl hb ng am ase 20; ey nb 4.255 Atle fo, dodo ‘hough dak: 2; arb “Cheagh fea. 20g. Van. 9 R0.U5,3; ES po, dak, 2. VTA fate of pode ev men, Sst ph 11(Sa); Lat 890; goneraien aS ta; beetle, toa b4,5(20). Shot sxphanchua mamas hans) la. I nb ef. Barns Rams foie Joe fat conte des byt, dele oll, 07; PY beh; vane SK OW ways Mei age apo conse dads; an RM | la a NG hat marsh, din tio cus0y PAD fos cothes-hog (0, Jean, 94(0). P= hss acslade dg dtd. PIMA day casant dee, vn det Byer 100 RAE hall sat on dye a(ieen 18 Ua 056 A Pht clavicle ver.deli.C, Bhd. Amith ru2. PRI fob sickle, ak, are HONK fol op rthed sm crbadnas adv anrbally en gams;as 9d ‘na densa PAR ISIT Litt crechednesy kenge RLS fob crotadneny tong nit PPR IN Lda Bdoun the amma Asp, 83,51 PROT farnl ind offer Ln, 15; 81542; del Cadre neue. fe hohe Los pibver Aomt-RE Caine 20005 SF han aah usally atl 6b), v00, SoA Maley; SS Mia ‘aya93;Aeathos bg (amines Ly mine bor . ND haat widens a, 6,24; van, Sy Na Plated tio; HD hei i Busy 5; dah 612; 2°62; 613), SSS hecws measure( allowance (1) of mith, c17,1b6 TSM her aptnoach with dbectelj mnnyven “NZ, SIMA cus 35.5. TS Ae chase, 8H m0 TSE hcher faster, 201, by%; van, FD sabe, toby 6. "DSM Aur fquves inlaid in motal, lb. 306,2; 4221508 Fas, STIR E fie nant ain navel, van." WE Ss, P28 fc cha Bh e504. MT Atm fat Cady, Babi, 17652514) 24,3. PIT Aime mop fem spree IMs fons fend the lack in asapec, Sabian gy; 50184 hee fe Linlored, Loe.1b,e. Fh tenk, Mak, 191; aio 2; hn dora tami) dlatval 20,3. FER let hide chin lnk-1212,5, aus R oy; $142; ase of uss -smblone, am nay fig. 0 FC tt lanial cheer (2 ll lok, 25,6 Fes apivoac, mde din 81 ih gs; Akt ger. 2 su sin ns Mes (dal. 82); nk, wy (dab) coy by goth, b,14; 615; 392, Se int wan treceasin Mahe 251 lok 2497; van. Sh yo, Mogg OT TIN mt all cil dn. 813; tose dee y15, 1855 TEE pobeg TIP me dic Maas, Ae 3 Wats 4a OF 8057 GS esl; eli Fa Mok 2, gu, g Bg 55 aa in,s. 2 fa om, dnl indore wih roy command, LY, ae Eby Eyl fre 202 ~~ L , 546; Qe. fen deli Ant), Minth rb de, [=H dog ott, ails lake, 695 3049; dle soo, Behan weast tian oD alan eke, OM 56. falamed,,drnitalod red Lb shh; Soot vit me Sain. age etl brim S SUE ST hom fersull, uproar Bask 504; dls. Sel Tap et POS bile Ah 5 ae, hy 9) he abode dh. 2 fee fm et ver 1); oh! is 118123, ‘hg, s5 01 1 (FED); Sn hao, Has ‘i aca Ate SAIS hone milla faa eg ee en tin - VA nly statue bt, pina; an SO Bay; SV dak. 05,89 Fede go a ogpicadlg ES ffs lip antde nid thes - on tel by oan a forus (within eran; Uo: uh; nla 7946; Ba yi. | any Sh Coin semblance, 2147; ab Amd fo enn FE Gre cany sree (ns lke 25,12 rnchrae Sop unthin’ 24,0. = qmeeh enaitat aa en ate RPDS har fork, kit, 6551 et te bs ees PDN alge ancl bs re BS hg shih w Heh, 116, lear at ph soul ison, Sharing CIM foo os bane join, end ih ayn the ded, Ukr, 16 ah 20s) = saan ‘ tatoo hetgf lapoe satlese,enfoll fares; bin ‘6206; lohrtubs,s; protect, din. B21; Cake oa eee 9, th suffering fren ‘Mace, dak, enbir flash 95153, 152% 5 nll oun 2813; 266 a tee hts decay sh di 550,15, wren cna, 13; 2 neni faworndele, ow), bn; enrich enalie, - ir eerrenec crite oe “ lel caf it ae inl, Uy amen di 305A hy; due from done, hd isg diy Ak. 1642; 8D (2) bobrans. be umitid a ialed, ‘with; din, Ry; 8194; RBu56; Fah. 3,1 eisai kee fa a fo, ne cat : Ae puovided, endorsed, ‘oath; Unks2, 240 3662.— tea. 254 1. sia oe cnt cipmies pape ta tat fn 2yh ac ab, 8:24; b,c B fr ve GPE fom sins nn dat lm 2a ZA), 20a C2, ed az forty tygtovadeday tate fla 2 eet ihn dean lammontthageene et tiatinl TE font) (ny run, Ua, 8 fee 6103; tes INET bom Latin for inigaion cof fit ail, 0. _ i ddd ct 1 for Surther Jan 2ofetlous, 199.1». SSA hy desley Unk 52,6; B38 uy, SETS cased) Agua. SM cocundize, fe tiger full, Ad. PEN hay cowed, Oi. M85. ing, Uke, $02. Ths Leumansinlad, doth ,13;104,° SY fe 410. we Eee ae —~ - SAU dy inde spice 6530 NE dh das, oT dks, 37 fe ander the hand inthe change ef, fy.ersver 2s lok, 25,0. pM ett JOP hag) ms eppontie Jena alr ean) ahs | ie wep hin: JB's fripre habliand (2, Te ay x. Risen tee thane Bg besdt ctton Th bbe hw injured bye of Heraa, 208 59,7" Si he sling mali, Nf, = ‘ aut ecg lika ae SB fatty necropolis Mle yar; van. thes Ye.5 aa lak, 054 — eG ches ty afore Mc Bucnananga Bdidsas L683 a Pan enn lee ne PA cd eect A ng TNH tek mB, Vi hing con 6 likey of se ga Pakegys TENS lk ai cai ae Helga ter om AIS li Ballas Pad e0fD dane nel nga tikebrsy Sh ayuaC Was SE ah eben wnat of by racy earner thy n( xe 0) Jenn lego IAD hea Sogo ap hihi pale finder, 13h Faaciapidtarn Stes pecyygy der toy. 9 hae unde the ead beside VB hay-tp ms tharserlar, vn 48, ant ae a tnyncpimond 268.24 the-6; (the spinil) B° he altond. Mic! pao. a = yu ae oan SBS had nchill fb, Heal, 1% in 879; sn. BE lola, Ce aoa 2 trplan cg lets tle scl Ape ee SI dab i din th; di, nat 2. ST had call hildron, dana. 1 BS egntenn SB adr chiltheed, abe 99416 acct Ae sascael nuns SR had coll of pyle, rer. TAS Ade fen discomfort hay Able 0b frank, fy aa Le conde rs; Be) oben ia enonig gah Se) , Hy puss dab ge dabon) Baie apech fj; hain ei cba fo Unompulon Uak x3 Maa ff. ten anh fp sanjsse fon, sey blo Nis pmamentk vessel of gotd, dak, 63,1115 [Oe sheaf of ameres, Unk 80,7. | hoe 810; Baga 836; de. 4,2; ercons, anyone, nayene, fp $103 _ ah . Ar everyone cachone ack; §103;fregnanily mnanefran, thy2} 4 4 [mae 208 307 aa elt boun ms, G08 30; 18022, 100; 4.1 ch Tiseonley Sit 3; think dn. eft tata amanhond fy pan nk, 1 Rev. dat 996) We nob; Tia. woman, Mei; tas; Beh gy; BLD ema eal 59 Poke fab 962 23); maar srs ab hom omale children of fone! Usk. x, 1305 Bat ab nla dk fy 634; BE Bat vag ain ds Mork 2,992, Fe see amyt desert! FE venef a heap! ES woof ser jg ab soak tame, 26 2, fe yy lak. 5248; #92,5; ab-unt throne, 6Hs96; Fdibloun, 2,7.1; $00.31, 210.45; plate, Lhd 13;din, 8232. 295; feag. 61,96; dad Bons; grater Kee, din 8155; of lly La ba; deantnent office lnk 25110)1068; Cony uta; irchouse Broker y lpi BH, 49 dmg aver 10h &, Pah 25 23;fusiion af official 61 bi Uae 2.8. (3)én acprsosiona ab wear Pring Coumeit-chamb, Unk-w,ny9,3; ab mrct ‘Clace sf uth’. Velen necreplis S08 412643; sb mre-Kose Pf fus- Aifizalion's (a limb: Ep. of dinine kiitumal, ribs; at mb-amdon dusebl- dng; Mahe abd hiding din Bie an ing reat a yh (fueind [ ether andl frm abl naunalef 24 ¥99):= avs Hern fled hf a? Wana! Mick of malian diay Sh 530 for tonya half EIN ater the ola dying Weal DEW akena Sopecch! Unde 4956. GET stn ‘ulteramec! nhs 96,6. Ean ah lation 4,7 ala, 9,00r LEAS SS a, 95, DE ab aapeicain in ha ‘under che af BH bi; nh. 169, 204,2. DETR Ti st-sms-b inbermenl; Weal. DALES t-AM onlerlaimment) eal 425-51 EEE tabs he sal of eng coffin et MEAS alhonl oil case, al, f.10h- War. 8, du.fs04, Qa LD a? succeson Ber 5; Unk 251 7, form ES seo Sf arce0 sen din bea Rg: Ales 9, inion expoemionsnl fliakion fe 505) RB a oe who oe rilalimporsenalin of Arua, fess; lag roy] YS ings son, i. hs Abate 2%; Usk 0,15; sense of 'oeasog i ue ¥89; a efarcatia FOB ft £05 05; Bean ftecdnn BS Dart daughter, in. 89; 4h. 4.129; lnk. bet, FEBS tanga del ay Seth WrPaty bey ‘Che rrgl hing har and, Sfnat ah 7,15; of 2s SNL a $b sree Bab Uk, 0 B Bas Land -mecsuve of beroura, 52863 Bh tm o maggol, She. Ss mao slr pound oe, PEIN way feta tel 05 HE royisjrma. 0K FEDS, Apne. 232 calle hobble, fp. 523, Vi. et hye ok. 1516;67 5,96) 10m. CI ahil Ges dak, 23,6. of, deo 297° Bet amulet, Bars Rams fy QU as peliclions Mu. H23 Ave, 494951305 9; 000. 9B 13 A Unk ora re, SE a palo frat Ha. 16 Boh. 2, 3(H0'), Soop ol, $08 39,h1.05; Loop cf animals, 085505; FQ F ‘alfondaml; deep, deeper, 88 Foreman SEN34, wl PSS sur magician, va. Hh, P58 24,33. in, PSA, war (ata vhs inf quand, Mills; dl. a,17 30 Aypoq ne} (aur 208 fas 831520 FSC, 802051; esa, Uo 323570; hed inn, 865; as art, sik “eurare Let, fps $1313.39 3; 7000. MESA fap.291; NS. [ADS er guardian, worden, Udk.aus0,r0(p, SMS jug iss. HONS Ft st wntshand nnd Ukr $91 warding off vil, AB hj duct Hi yuo agent ERY 19 ADINS ES sly quand, 207,90, 53 back, th. 9; Fea. 3p aca ethe ef Yelling of A$ 115; having change ef dn 8234; ‘wearing’ samdale, lens B ‘ffen, Besiys haces ‘uper ulate, ‘afl ibid. adn. 10 ath behest in ln Mok. 309 !9;00 ade: ofl, afin, Bg; lk bby; 43-2.4'lel it be camcalled’ Hah.11,20; whom 23 ‘sound the rolieat(?), Sin. 8124; 4343 frcsumnplicoud, GUS 86,2 23'linn the hack ne; GNS365 rel 2 taal fala tif, 60 103; fovg 0 ‘ew ibis 0m, da aly, F fe asa, Fo dng hind of calle’ se 196 DENS. 2s hrife, oan. SINS cr, 35 del, a,c chi QD Th ait ana, hil 5 ase; Qin 56k borso; var. Nee SDB hind gor, in 10a 83,12y( RDA), of cus or qonid 003,12 (DUD); excep, ra 51,24 (FB) ef. gsr SAAS ‘one chase coming is eailad fakin BS M2 bina DED Mat whinf.fe uit prudent yon DTD 4, Oho. defeg iarbedatfied, Ap. 55,152; Unk.x, mqqq( BOWE 9), fe sled, Peas Bi, 124; Bd 4, Mok: 12,0. NER Gare poudeonce wisdom, din but; But ph3,re;e0n. 8 Dosey, NBS Ba wiodem (2 leh. DISA saur ality, Bas by.2m2, 10; 15? 209 Pees the uefa mar’ Nefer, 54; mere (075 4 079,5; an. Phe Mags. Moat, PED ol oh sinf. aft flo oli 5; 0m LETC Ma X30 Dh Abs of. Ke, mo. — lea) ara. of shay | man. leMeden jaimeny Na iy pupae hn fb so ERS foam, Losth, Wer; fea 81,41; 0 BS So 6,92; pl. EUS neiys : ERC? dhe mle, Fat ti Mak. ng. Baad caus inf Leather, building dh is19186% 15 | nen brea Sega Bano; tod. ang WARS ey heron geen, with Ukr, rey PS say gel tan thie [tang gol fins lak a,b 49; 2758; 0f dathe Jablon, gs NS hae Lop moe gat poet i pL gape, 293 a f5.257 0. MSS Ap. bso. of Ao 1, yo". Dllat rt dip, fe asym reset RI abd jackal yom PELLN cesta nn Up ssa; 9 hal p39. —_ Sak dint of en hona rad, WA 295083053; en denien 24 FX Pc senda tober, lk:s oa; PMN cele! 1462) POON aed deat 1250; SEE pe rite, Bese 185 mi dey din. tu Fox YS de gsm | a=), ho ‘Chief Justice?) ubgysinyatjuyn,tiqeve. FI ub cons.omae flan, in, are a0 2 the ay NEL aut cxoss waler, Canines, ht Fray. plain ipeh 2h aed depen, 2 Brn; Pay colonih phoma ro als oma on. PEIB FE ba fs NFS ee dan cous dh pls, Maw, 2940 . DRI alt panltolooed seate raja KLE e730. DEIN D aap Lageut 2 pandow, 2, ahaeh Roe spt Lotus Leaf, Tea8,3. Mh uoreufe Wh x, n93; Let. 8 16;000) 7 SI4 dob a RAR ISR sront Locket hain, Neer, 2; 80123, 12, NODS a be wine, lok, 20, WENO Mal sinlomundrslinding. ven POSE, (0895 150,604) NBR he need (mj fan B01; x0s.deti.® 4 a5 136, PINT sind mead, Bo tnt [ARMs ately man, bing don, vend INSP ond. 6 IIB 3: ster gutter (P, Bais th ook dhe, Te 2377; £6 78 6;00 I IES ee ars, NIA sah erick, sonra ns:(ayreach anise, with directly Ay yas; with n, bin. 1a; ah £3 (@)'tand' fram tip, Dh A dy 489.103 8) dak, stipi(b) acad. the canth; 1823, 3; ylacouth'= le buried, fob 52. Mbt maiphlouhee ron. P ERAS, in st Yn te e's, 2 sth dependamt (2) Maher: 6, ae the nent belo ISIS PP clue wishes dependants, CAS bt PBA 8 endows me's 75; Ukr, 2,45 544A), tt, oh, Uke, 10, MN L2G Af coolllalian Orie, coun, MER Dake, orb PSS oh ena oferta tie de fo ba i p31 ak Bh ghrify got, mame, 441,13} anaes, eye, 15 Mery Lom la yu; 2,20. PSST he atu seating it b4;ran ISO so. PRS. wb foil die, mint en PNR SAC amar saree fab te vp, PRM Asa! daine tack epi vor. FF Gusaere1JeM3 05; fence ship Se bt nay 5,9 els. 2); Aa) la ogee bashed, eg Ht ahead, R81 apply ot, ad = wt a cake ov loof var.oa a> AEom,aagt NID ak full euhey dn 62-4 la yc tr 2As 666; arn fogi ah aslf possessed, amen. abba Shed ov fg; fe wong 0c tl, B. mode only) fos 15 (ab). Lbayis4 SIOVE lr cli pon dht a, din 8 2vocidakin, ab; earth opp. 2b) Adon 21; Ua. beg; sol, 065,08; we Yau SD dakar, 5405; SN sya, FS—P95, © 6 1013.dee below: SNS ke fr toeds ling, Uke yo. 08. 2S 112,15: 2303106 3 cls neverence (Mel Ain RA Lit esbinlions mabe Libalin, Appi; 801, 02544): Liane spomrout water, dit p21, 26(2> ), PR a0 Llalinstine lk, x02; 7h (without deta), UNM do patio, fr 13, mn. IBIS Jen DO shale, dren... othe nde, ‘hay sealer aa, Pay. do. fr... ah, ha vn, DS. fu t843.210 ond; femom cone ‘pounds the, fram 7 Way acho? what? vom, PSN psa hay il tal coo Wt for then worda anilton ith this sign see under 24 an abe 1% sews 2a PT ank frngad cloth, oer. MBS Apso, Sa. RM als of pesognige din ho; Lh dish; Unk ag; heresies din B21; eas 296 Aa ecard, Lot Ui, gh a an s if 'per- copie, Maka Ast wary ad ty fear bevel, AS 5 C0533} 04 go, BSBA st asas;spon (lon with dt), als Kb eisdom! Make, 2415 Yen, © BI, Lit; bn 625) NG hy 2056 Ii aid obiment Jeng 05. MONS ats cous gem dese Da patient, hg. MNS al cane weak fen land, 802513; cheat, faa tro :elh$). BSS cy mulain aki 3; lial shack, fab 9( $e 2), heater, 6,250 SS) ahaa, VU aiey annsunce dine Br 316; ‘6/Ap.sno( NEO; maken enganl gain sre ft 2; fa about, lok 3, yr. PBs cantmake regnant, tr igre B20 f doh, 6. SNS EB alae cae Prundal, ld, 1014,1%. PER Hack nob) Mader 20,5. MNS if cane duspecl examine, fo: Mode, ogy 5 294 2; 101 Aoiag 8 35 te; laa 0a toa 92,7; Mh Sint 13,5; allt aasigna mle bu2a5 eh; efor ho. Ak, 95 deine la, abn. agamie heuachald lk. 05,127. émapenion lok, yn, y41, Vann. BS, Aok.s, 30,19; Bade pos PM, sip cana inant Ae 5156(042); 1 ietinalion feyhaa;9s a iplig mae ila Wha 05,0; cali rach'the norm called. Le usar ie Odie AES Sv sthlpun dmenling, Neferhat 3. 9A serascana make wel 7 345,16; 70n. LTD BQ ae Bet oj R09 peda» 5,3; IP dak x, 301,05 ms Buk nan Thy 2,42-brm. 23,51 Me dealadeuich, ea, ake, !D018- agacaly ie atd-aint 's-lreaker ritual indamten, los, 20h. of, Uns 16. TT ain celal, Any; ely NESS) 4 ra ou oblate Fa 6204 TS alata f pin $0.3) Ss abe seven neck, £7 2,72. an for var. dala. Fo, Gs 053. _ NO nv fe bet 17335 80005, 3 (EA); pass oury = din hullard| ‘haalenes of Lamport. 216:7. curio, py is99j03 216 MEd att camse, Uk. ar, 1,9; ¢f Cain, Ll ray, fy. NEAR sine cous, rake miserable dob, sy-1. MOS A sil coun fal deacly GME £0, NAF warnof ach ‘notte! _ MOR ais ain weane’dinen, TR 20,41; ven. T 20,92. . NAD atoy cana fightin Aunden, bk na; Lwer, Fae 8,201 (04S), DAA sibs casa seach sone, Unk. 952; 0b 992,15; 1,2, 0; make herfeck the deci, 3, abnry; 60210; make splendid a building, Merihants 127, AE if cama, dome, mo, fea. 81,20. co meine JeAbrplaganfassina. Wyman PSU soy caus sf. male itl, of aie, dee ss 4( Mone spatnrh aes 8.06; magi ged, lak x, thy lal, es, pby;incaane Lonel, Made 926-7 lnk 1, 2,6; stm 7; bm glorify de aveanth, PSEA 35, UB sry Bombe ak 0 ISB ac perapale, Cominan fby. Mise PFET cass cas. cause ta go ba, of dnink, $4.82,1. P21 an. of scl lean fect acd. ry Hcl fe euiped, m ‘with wafers lok 10.6546; 1302,0; 306 (det), faa AL saswouti ty timbers of ship, tokeT 1615 PART sco ccwa seach dees melcig mith din, yu; tlle sith me, RB ub 6; 141; Ql Belay a materia, tok. $615, N= sem cama: , Merihant 122, MS. ip bi Pa 8,231,640; eve dead, 2h, cou make lie, evive Pep bin. tb 8h; maurish, feed, Pah. 55; dial ph 226; 15,9004) pete name, BH, 2h hy Mak 6 2,1; 128 1a PR och souls, a0 ,% IAS and, cous hte B51; ase diminish Wh. 26428 2.5. Seca caus, See lisdtend, 60203); make laride in rank, lsh 19, saute ls abfueach, of death, 1 1,72; bing loan end. dada ap df x,150; feted Hane oda Mr. 1b,o¢ VA | FS jaffainadoty 10359 ing, poset Ba 15 lak sy te0s,9r hen mack n'foesent “uth le'agede Wyridisal act, 154.0,15: (3), “COiiledends act righthy 29% 5 tert) eed 2 et unfuly15915; ubbsh Orehor n,n eblaua) aged bunk arr, PW Bacay Bee sland, Abdk3, b26,0, Wiad sgt areas lok, kb ayen, PS soak eau atid 3k 3 1033, 0T), pa Ai Le Syn; $ll (debe 33), £8 bare, Nasheed, ig je ietas re Fs mM kay (te; 602804 (a 1B.); dot SY, p Moke 2054.15; pl dignitic, Aeroun, By ui, bisahn dae at Dak rable digoiliny kx 99 5;x00 3 AU 3 ug, Ki teay, M34 24,5; wae of th Sead dead, £810,15;19,6; Boase(—a LD), BNA tach ok intans tomes dake nye Ei), 15 (Za LB of scope, 25 Thig, 1: diame. enmoble, 14,143; hx, t62(FAM); 257, 9. [eh Bch mummy, 801965104 de $k, 917,975 dey BOS sch eae mabe lie, a with’ Je 23,ph.45, PY sche cous nae up rome ensn, by; Ul 82; cause fs sand, Ukr, 1541; eba, oreol Fuitdinga oe, 23,05 3555; 3416; bis 2; nal 4g 59 en; absense 93 on, Tan HR Hod. b2, 15, ME Ys a a Sea deface?) Merihand 1226 Mosceurands Gotg tt PSN cts cans make mumerous mubtly Fi, 86g; va NFS Bae. NS dob a, equ. Dt ob folie a dicts poliamany, 20 93-94 BPA sca eet ei. VPA sh cans ute nk ine; 5; nk ing ln re, fa 81:45 yoy ink iahet Ak, ne document, fea 83, 130(4 restd,); dine animals 2 15'8),2Nax LEATE 23,9. NS ach anbiy of god. in jrceeasion, lak. B, $0115 1658. Pal Bache head family Mvibnts oy illic enh ay ns. WS sce cous. gmake hale, Mad. wt byi2. FT sot soaps need) allem cf lb 8, Me. fo ES ser rdope fron. tp. ei it, sid; used im anchaidle leks lifore rf fo bb, dale § wnt, 12 (2 fren. comp 344. -he,she, it, §124:(3)-men- ancl particle, $260. te WS eFaat force wind, var. ¥9, ten 26 28 MIISW Se dais, dyin dels oll. 0) fa. f.2s;eam. pl ISP, dk, hens, Shi aeby NS, esac aa fay 81501 S9 1493; ¢ul Coal, sy autelf Binks ele, Wak 1.10% 15 00 rf; uk dou liens, 3,3; Ole. 3,5 22). [ae Aer a6 a7 dala AIST a cas, fas: inia, fy; liane ssh ith m ‘ninoed, 80 bo, (A); fa road, aa 6,8 ILE; ‘oven‘a tase, 8),315; over ‘aime, f.135; “bya place, din Bn By by ae 18; ea thas UR, escape ha ‘prom Sp 1206, gurfete soe, eah so with havo aa By; fens fend, Meal asf ime, 14; dn, 8290; roman, by; anager ith fa, Babs; ‘near swore tink ses sahich huve-nok od-fepor’ Uday ik hal ia past; ld.; Ukr, y50,15. MISS aosur ilps DANA sre eae fender, do re. MU sesh cout make londang fat hg hk. 30,0 0%) xn, ‘ote mathe alg fete, tu longthen life lab. 2043 9y1)5 (PFA): iinlinns, Last long, endure 2h, MA sword cana ay honour Li sensq mn NRT faut, $5,236; 0S Mok 10,309 00; ABA 5, PA aod caus, make yrcn erbage, ele, fsa B11; fs bb; 802366; make lp Heavier, Seth. 3 15 Uy, dt, hg, soe DATS office, Wak x 30921 rake orf yoy 34 hichly provide allay ee, Meal 4,2; nepish Atle lk. 243, bo fers hand n'y full, 48 4,20. aur cans cleanse, ify, fot. h lode, 263,-(NCF), y5095 235; teemnale building, with, 12); conaecrale limps Aevwenli, 2030, PETIA obs cons cho: ub baw athe sightef inl Unt x.2,6;4ushs th ‘othe heat louder, 13056 08H) orcad elf iby y( EIEN), NSTPA seem caus mabe Mish bon 22 lnk 45, p;maheslout the earl, 899,13 (deb-(1), PES sum caus cron sta fo thesight'sinatiuel, Garo 20712, 34. 3ST sunt amour Jen 46. NESS nn zw fini dn 53;-00. BEY fy as 1s Ph aon tiny et Bn pagicinn Lig; 2439610; 40» amar masa ph Usk 2426 Tire FS sn hiade (m.andiob) 280; $80 3p 3,13; 40 PIT aul nig ea, 9,2 sank hathe uf en onchange fr tp. Sr a dunt doliade' fey, 23;d0031 pb, 12 Varn TS, foes; 2S RS sama, fps lH iba; OTTO VES EES Sonne fond (amines ditcag ly; var, ls ee eee AEAD Ln AVE Badr s,nsablr, GB dob, 4331, Shen 2, ia. Gab, ph. 123,31(0). onnpinerease herds, ari. tend ime, A Moh. shy(deta BS), WS cke vs inf Boast, sean ith mm on dre GAS a8; van, PSPS eas5o: ERB adm yn DU, vr oReES agi. PINS shen fread ef ship abn ESE sae eases haow down, building, c1 3h; Uae, yay (dela S's), WSL Pasch Loineloth, fy $3(oloe det 7); 80.4ir gy! IS ih rind cus sh FSH sek egg ding; aka, 2095; db dl 0, Qi imager sok ‘hose an inthe eg’ 77,16 PSN sucht coffin, JER 24 3. ISP 18 a hao ci Re, oo flatlinay ha mo sun Yporouace by fa, 1,1, 26m fe, 6,21 FS Pac cons spend the might; (5 24 ze FIRES ase ca, make sbiog, peal Unk, 2y2/;80 16 1.15;00m IT Sa Mok, 265,12. NSPE lh cous, wider, rake aide, mal spain, al by; dar; lok 1357 bas; sectend bownsdanag din. 6 dial phy; lok, 166,1; make. Eatensing of movements, 6020,5. Yam. 4 SIE, fs ny22; 9S Uda rey Bes yy. Pee suk ue dng inne) $8 ng Wind fen. 349. fe, rasoly she br. sby ith hy :arenel. pant dub, $250, (aut) wheat, vor. VSs, neo 229% VCD eno Sth deth: DSSS sealct wath about, lnk. nh,2;520,1:70646( LSA) :doey Liavel, 245940 PSR 412 F SYR) IE ae sone fromanade’ A £0% 20 FSSC edd oan snp plan oth Lees Uk 956. FSS ade demdage (h) 288 7,7%. Nee suf caus, mae linger, Fs 8146 TN ood case fos tearnanen offite, ol, din. 8.224.239, an HY*| gms HtS Borer lt Loyd ves lB dak s60/8 Hugs sears, S23. eds caus mabe healthy Mateo nila. s( UPN; haa safe, BD tayo amines Lo by. Mie, nnb cadre fear, BH 5, p7 sas fa nforon, ney eae 267s di ib infvrayuraclf! 910; urd fo nbd ‘Wise communization tsmmy Lad! PLN sual caus ana cone, HAIN suo coun dig, domi cf G08 45: fachs- surdt 218 JE EIN srs caus hefoot dre, fea 8, 202. Rf euralee force, din 816 comaplden cf snk ?) PSE sahiy decay des, LIS aan of a3 jackal! het Mal taus. wind nope, hr 'anaumnd, Carine dit Hoag. p13 vb, sf. indiana: ge trawsel, feas 8) 203; 841, ¥.7( I); alain, "gus 6. tho, wath oer, arith bs, ts 8, Baa. sel bin Rid 1 323,r4; 8060 6; conduel, noo cone, Mleate.y.22; n'le'a place, Jin 6.141.245} thend, pase gltain gordi nepuale, Unk, 2,222,105, 148,16. Peale wh sing. he faint, dina; parsh, 00556 nade tharnt-offring’ BA shins; ohn ts caumble te dust; lnk, 06,0 Ch. Beatty 143A), | PELAU wt huaden, in. aq crags dhad ha Fler), WASTE At rong, cil my 288436, wa, Ss Moke 204 15 IID. hy saneus 28 5, DP aee aden gure ‘lee NT abe ale f camry, £8bi Pde tur squalor der 3 | ZY sb te inguat of esi Ue ae Maton jar Wha, 166,15; 070! DINGS abs lin, dh ng; van. Edie 8a X 81101 BTN as coon, fear 8 35; wm. Telok, 59,225 Aaah; Piags6,12 1453; XN 28 120513. LISA abs of, ch sre, a'eencenning’, Bt Hea 81,287; 0th double op. ef person amd thing Lasght, fou 012.0: enching, fc; 193; 302 abs ‘achoot, Siat, p.m by. an. lS 2 Sou. 0,5; 3S, ies a Mods, 995.1 (x abs guid x01 MAD shigt anit tinching, Milt 1; cmatiuelions Ak 1, 503,13. es. inane AIMS faigt; MTT den, 00. 5S absteg dpi Lo, 21 LAA abs sersering cntivmnent dint 6,245; ahh fer dikan 6. moira 6, enn. a a ek ae ia 0st cane cama, psy EAD rang, N30 stk coma give a ean chanaclin nl commend sime,n'b! Jen24, 4(l), Feb tiny coasting. make icany, pte rn # oo4ss15 MAS ob edd oad) again fb Bray uso atu dl Ly goin BMaferbetsp 22, M4 set cot nae dk 1415. De ate robe -cenpot a demon, akon 2643, 1.1 [9k drink, Ukr, 02,9. YS: tr ltd Al FASS atin abionale nebating, Pt Si fvepenly, LBo gor dub pba LISS), | UNS wma of ab laugh aught, ol sh ab) glide ace na fi. 236, 28 ale une, ivr, fot 8191 UR), nb 2ar(Hee), Lise <4 sbmus fis, dob. LDA D at woman whois auth, fas 83120. Loa- YS sha eosin el, pny MOA ths cont make ls fee £ Hah. 2. U9 bh oh cng, din 834; Pa 6,30: oy dn. Babs. Te th jan, dow. 205 32.8 Med Lath close may Ashlee, Ap 545 63; aul au, ‘fon, lak 1,04, (dat, us DARL petal, Dele. Bd. 20; dle, dak yng Pa. ayalls, © nys0.% LSB Ae polen stated chest bdo b24,n bine Nek cous, make Lo vol, AL 8661372. WAS sh com sath ag, Asn yd lend dik tf J) fe sy, 37h g GY fe hg (EZ) enna na. - aa ae aD Lh dis: doth, dlymntn, rj ver. LS se Mok, 51,2. Mallya ake am 6 h2;04, cwumyal lation’ Moke 3, 6,4; yy. (abs TE USS ably enclosure £814 5 DE Gabe chlo Laugh, Apia SF) Aa iq n't LBL ng (11S 9), a8 ha riemally, ial ey; Moker 18:. Laan minh, Pa.igg (det); do 3,35 se, 212,14 LOSS), DE A shld cana. make weak, dem. § a0, ) Hhaeshing Hor, Ings, 050. Facepiece ke oa pn a dere | arm afew mad the fourth tf affreahing layers Lana 2rnjn fed apf in Shisha menor failed fs came; Bina ie gaphie s of Aepoli- Aion, Sp §a0y; of reduphizaion, 04.3% = aba, 9.2; of aimidanity, cession ev necifmocil, JEA 22, 101183; ma logethe, ‘ak once Sp. §205, 3; ofy wre ‘with one accord, £8 b5,1; open dunt ‘im vain, din. B 136-7. (2) mall, affair case: Forbearance sin sp hi destroys a.m achich da post fea, 81,273; of Bir a bade B12; parm haf dew nD. fr ‘ikon foro punishing Chis. Baby spf nf eam mses dae caus, wena e aieay beceipiq ce which hehade decreed lnk. 1, 33,5; am af htc deal with sone, bm. pdeed, ack: shor fe ‘the d..rmudt de effected Rena 81,9932 nfr'a geod Bo 5 ae ha a meas fe. 8,325, Unk 125,15; opp din ‘hi eid conduct fob, 0; spur fnbar menbur all hisenectlontt decd, lnk 3, 10%5, 2; Aims Bib nj aff nea hind. of roucledge'= plang of ait Atal. 25; dior Moh st, 54,19, mca apis aucrcasfub of 4; 860,5. piladeed fall str fef hin in usher fad leon found BHT, 15) nelartfe ‘no fof mine came oat Mok.r,151,2(det: Pe)jaim.yya; aforg sord Foe ater aa Err aha aed SAB hia mis have ot beyond youl?) terihand’ 2b (Moocow, det. $), (9) eeeaaion,chamea: ty Muy ‘the Hat 0 = the ereakiiory, 84,1; far ape nf ‘halo hoping a ke, 0758; pro ait vf ‘these hare beer theee 4M cause him back, feos 6, 55-6 8%); urd naar thadap nme ‘Jam igi dank foram chef grounding nk, ron; ance mahal: én ah we orercame om, lainey bi Irag. 22,1115 ¢ alse Ball 3136.3. (Orang nf diyl med sa naver haa sng daing Brag fe Gopnt fs (sent Sa cont Lar} fy fr or sef the ropaciasa man, Packt, (aha aa aim falar, as By agi-n 4. Pega: ed pos Lge fe ‘im aceandamee with ila former lah, itr. 30 thi ae aft nave, full by abd, Ye. s.56 6 fey adie, dove, Syn 19:25 > porlen of fool al, Apes ibyn; 8 ams; bmn. af vb nf soma oy Lh dro lak 954d 24 rade); fe fe leacluded, lk srs; helt ran abandoned, n't fob 23; dds ns Bo ge nant in; on. cM 25 weap Banos ing scala Loft ovr om accounts of Onmopehnis $2, 18 Beri spur fragment Phd. bmith, 153; 00cr umclesc ved lbh. aby. 12. BSS ot Ly fe 6 Mok, Ga" h9n 2 staal if gina, ‘Bhegsing; fore, dew 59; of fas, Gb lank of wala Lb by, Uke, bss a(n" Vhs by (0S), gumaole T5935 edge of hoon Th PB ye il ject, da, 24 TRY, (2h contpnde 28s #5,02, FIC ap fade made ly flashed fron eve Camine, fit dug pa Rad Spat distil nome, rare BTS Ge fnctnah; pcm Nad. JST spxlpue nemezmen, bersh 519 Se fe caus wer fe 812; near ain, 8 gb, Cape nit on IE, fo. pansesenn Saf aanice,a'at din, 86; dad by Peau; 46h 3(D);reach ame, with a| ie bigs 9; fp ihe commie ffonae ssp fad: his den scott upper hi’ 21; Sema tm Lefer sine royce, ok, 20810; sprain lade thing, fe th Sea 9¢ SER) sy ome ori e334 12: lant each ah IS Neto apreal 6, pilin aine,aith n, fas 81¢5; bain an ant fodgemenl, 1004 13; moe pelilion, bi 24, ue LEG)y unk, 23) aera ba 83 25 lok ay 5 1834h mn ILD Ag SYS se petitions lak oy 950040. SPB af liner ea 8, dd, 1452202 Sng SMD feas,t1254jI2SSBF th gue SS Bap ultimo, ky 1,9; sen 822M da, play ER ofl caua ding mate mia of riailes bin.b195; eeu rebel Udk-w ber. (det, it, POLS ph, dasso(vby dk w,ot0,15; dat. Sa toys PRS spburdaane ny Mok. $80. Fo}-246 caus atin, Make, 109113 NON phe sido Aeop mein a, 25; Reb. 6.10. SEIN sph cae aug che boy, thie; fiz ch hen Lies @ FAX), Yaka 6613); make sleok(?) the shin, Pld 516. Sepa cas saute lciculah Beha ly dt.) trandih aap Mil 2,1 PA acs gin, sy 2m ci 0b ph efi 8026-0 Aer khind lille DA be lomaled 1, 78549 Pa oped. shee Bp ayo lS);00:219 04224; lad ym; fbcig [ahd os 2a Bas fo- a Abie, of ress 8018095298 lak py handy 2515 9 fing ST B01 of linge, fate 25; Une, sory; of speech 2), fea 049; lk, $55 ah) So alent i, 0; allies dak 1am 5906 8 odiplany ABML deg 0,3; eb ford, Mil, 2; nealre ls orden, JER 4, 200 A fade effectiveness hb 5 of Zl, we, AE Se tan Lining goddens doth fy furesjron D9, Nae Bers, ses. PSeh spat , JEAI2, 123, USS er hag nga 9 Seay et No hd sup, Gs aor. Sat dak, EN af ef out fy Md, 3 al. fabs. ub hg. ISN age nie, lk; MK. 80 99,10. OS 2p yale) lea 80780 52,5 af Yolindny ode) ip 2053, SE Wah 15,40 Bas. Naa amie, 1 ith’ Aka, st 9; faith! $8.14 OSA afr rude me Uke, 01,4 OB ef ok fe mild marl faa 2.06 ym roy, gontonas, 107; fs hN(P), fsa Gage , Bot 12 Ay. PBS of slagriohnzas ty amines Lil ap ph acpi ris VS 28 fe tein merci a 1501510 94 kn, 701649175 dole, ess fea 8018; § 861. G Barne, Ram. P20 cous afflict, din. R18; Saul, ph.s6,; den. fr.100( dels. 2x), DDI hagas he crowy ty mois y-t0 WS ef ca fa 15; ds, di Ba; oleh olde); 9 19h; puailg, Ap. ts (det. 5; 07 1,130 (dak); aamove evil ole, yn toe, (etn) 60175, tag aside gamment, Bo ans. pa fighlingamimaly 93,3 psa dle ears Rtg nfo Leb ge re of Bry; 8D 366, te eS Cfo), COA Tt, fr.202,2.3. DS obe geada ee PS Tyas P56 spur exertion, 10.23.91 eS fhe senen, Ark. 1h.5; fom sph Bp sin SSB Spec dine or brad oe chal daa, DBMS fof freak () Knise Mue dh OS fe fb slaughter animal, dagy Mast 1,1, had na ode, Hsia without off, make aacnifice din 8.195; hes. yo,2. BS fo anesifice (Ao. 3 SSS fle butcher, Mu. Kh. 33;00.SS3 dake, 022,10. PSS tape ot, wa SG, ns, IN (aml, fon) a fries, MEOr, 39%, DIN ant Remmaoel, dle, 2,16, ESN aor ob ele, succouy fa 13.25 0 FARIS) 1 (ONS 85 (49), swith so, 8B 4,5 Ss); dene nent afin, 8 ub pation dn 63,9 AMR); 512, 6 (0M), PADS sonar pales Beh. 15 lak. 9,07 3 eu. ding) din 8102 CTS lanl eabage, dakar 7515 M4 RO, 2614616 ONE), sen pry PR Ge gables, Lok 1; 149 6 PME); wsoe AMMA, heh feos. 81,133 FING, TM os Com mile, Ctl, 3,2; din 8.5; Ma. 2.0016; fina com- pang, fs 16; Ut 45 1; Reanen x i eth, vib 5 associa, my ‘with, on Braye, lla 025; hue ith; Be bey, esis min in; 9 fons. ab 2ay rd ame Seale, ‘of dk. nhs, 3.0551516 0,2" ef 101 3; 007, scaihout fe sy r UAW sms seal yb alee dat 0) 2055; 44.0416 TINY, side, fp aes. Pabiriry mabe aad anal, pis 182,36; T dard am pad fal! q122, Mb 11,2, 008, donde) m. 338; dad ones 2, BH, 26, 100-4 dons abana, BSG on. oar ror up Abe, 16609. Vann. 5 Chap.3te; IIS Foe din. 6101, F041 AT PSI vere abs ‘make well disposed’ fios.81,309; FE Mak. W0 658. Fou sms-ty sec below. FB ams fait whe clothed lhe get, vas. TV, fy. sn, da 25. Vik ast union Unk, ya; To B 13,5. Le OSA ase cows put im orden, comrect, cx, rah det A); $a, r;ra, 178 (2) Forth snary companion, confalenae, Sin Bun; 78,9; ddr. TM data snot The, consol Mok. 2th; on. TON 2.52 TIM Ran yt assoccalian, , feas.81,i; vom. & Mast tobe, 1081 3; cs ADPucrr, gx FIT sms rape 2) Maren. 1 ao TS aaron lange, fy ij 8 © bid; Thy TNS snsur Sramcher of lee, 80%95;10, TS Tce become alight vy Albu ‘danhnesd, Foo smit=c an p Moe, 15531051452, tm VS smst-ot ptontile fabric lnk, 1256; 1267. TNS sonst enile the Lad, Pp4s3:(2) bad, ‘ak; 84614, y(dets3}) asta; ams. ‘hing ld Unk 5,122,4(det sae) 99 3, comes - ple’ fap. 07) fe inlomed, min dh. 6, 1,0;10 (dat: amas inf the cath envelope, fas 04 sim Ua 3, 10355: () Sakerrment, Sin. 8193 Unk. 1, 1203,1; ab amd-£3 he slate of i; Ades 4: ©) TR DSA as niswraide path! fas ur-5. 19. WINS ams Ait de 0,5 Wea, 8b, 4. Ure LI Laka si, (6AIS3 agsim; DNS toga BONG nslya26, “5 HB.2520. P77 sms widd bull, Unk er, 36; 8 64,0; an BS SAH fens 8,207; fom mst B046s,3, ese a. 1555, 046 145 £80322) ug (ragion EB, any 2, Ven 25 Uk, rnb 9, 718 ssh july he den, 7 the hving, lk 44, 6 0B MARYS. ssnerale,s2neus forth fy.1y0; 100. Sho Lathan; Nae S Surman isbes #66; LAS rhy5 leha ras aii 152.2 ith wo Hab 049,05 won VR beet; AR 1004, 45 RIS ggg. gl Coma dl a Letom doe 159; 883 1600 RMSE, Caine 2001; St den p24," Be NER 8 fay Aes saps [Seah ytd, Bint, phes, 323. RAPA somylger mere ofa. a desert Comb, £.e%. 1, 5(n.) PAD st hain deberl, make nnd Mads, bin B51 dele 395105 explain, 'egaina JE 25 ha; anesgunteheclan, Svc. 2, tralty tedaustnre qui. aahont, ierat fs 3, 16,85, Mak. 3,1; acme Ledgumantof lett, Lin.820¥; amd m mde uarent nti) don. Whe tar. HE dike, 112,70. ami hag accusation, fess Bl,25%7; ef JER 4, 17,22. (N08 and adi Best m4 P8404 snd chasline, nk mF, 51s P84 seni curds, £6.25,20. INC snc sounding fle (2, 1822.99; 23.08. *¥ [ence cetir nae PR temcn caus, moe frlimale,c71, 192; cleanae JER b19)dels 2. ISVS Bomuoe or-onel- faa. probably, snely, Sosa, OH sear came, make fn, ip gn 208e; lk: 36,32; sri foy the eant Pri6; aonn cha ‘rv.f, ohana, en's give cuthaniby over, tyr.gby; oma few 'contiol 'alama, Abr, 96,2; salablish, orale ls smdure, 14 20,06; Moh 15,9065 19,3; 26,5; 1,10, 105 arpolicale mame, 2. 288, 132.; fasting make fast, din. 6122; Unk 1,156 4; et ine place part of bed, fp, 30.2006; We 51945; ek kfe abla inserifabi, 88 5,6; Ms, 42%15jaecond. eco gil bbb, 510,15; nfo effec, fort fag Une, bi; 95 gaffe adormmmenla, fea; make ts dary oc ‘with, Uli dt side, leane ba land, of melisarmenla, ds 24 (deli b#); 22,2; eidhout ol La alain, lok, manag of and Ak to fi atin of Land-holding, 1095.20 P20), sar sue of sy, Wok. 21g ladder, fy, nol dela SE), NS Asm cous, notine, withdrau, £o4.4b, te. (see goo, Wese. 5,121 ERA seams cant, sift boundary, Wx i, PERLE sh cans, odeareee,ormolle s'me, in 6s; ts ermame, £B12,'2; ondou Liat, 4,241; BH 2,25; 3b; lk a, 64,3; settle meen 300); 156 enfin in ailing, Bull 22,93 orabellsh Lornples ee, fea, bx, nj 14175 82,25,8; Mode 1, 102,27, nealone achat i ofe,B 42,26, (3a; Uke, s0110;eppciontly execute orden tes yy2; Mak. 16315; 7045; feallish decree, lnk: t,a9b2; annals 1,343, 13; make epfockine sores, 3,6; 3, 426,53 wbo,i; fall Light conc, Yel 6.107; without oj. ack (affairs) ba order, Uk.3x,u8, 45 00) nlp fur army 3 Uhere da ma ding amy ger. ere’ ddeste1,23. Varn. (19° fes.s2,20j 0.2, Makese, ube in REINS cal age dae, ner ~V 234 a PENS sen caus, cose fing, RB Hb, 9. PENH se fain of bing) coun ill Sin. 8240; lok, dm saclay dele $n 0, 20% amr ly Ginat $ Bin. 0307.Tampl. ER, dad, a6 PEF ogee PTF amy cana tinf. food Land, 8034539; noun enone 2041 ak Ais ship, 2010 A Sts). Loe senbay canoe, Corminos Lit $reg p22; v0. Sf “dorama PSA snd cae fougt ignore, Leb ttt g; Mok tn Lat Bet $)} ar IAS. 20 204,3. DINEQA sry ce inf, dliserarrman, eae g 23-1; 20-MP asm DISA smr den, eldest dj. Lah. deote2,10(P); Bu3,24 203 Arnsasn dew than, f.s0b TNS) not DIM: Byrsab; Abele gy ull. Dpllke yg amserdat Eder g the lace, ip. sho; owhe 7 aman hyte haf the Rental Wak, 1oys,5(eal J; all. PB Cain 2009s; WO 2, bot. 02st hoy, lata, 266; a. LINE? Ape. FE 2 Pomtint eassdne, 80 25m DLV son casa Lean aitneas lo bss, 28 99; Cxamine, (IPMN); male engin fos bg 2302), DIN TPE smd cot. sects, suborddnais, Mil 5; Unk way 4 UNS; se) sega. Gf Canines £8, ize 25. -— Wald ant (ant) a board -garme, JER 4/65 : oS stam ohm, Malin 250 200m 2S Riz03 roa 18 20S A Moh 36,068; FBS 353,6 TS a Apveal, dirk. 19816. Raed wh snl aptly arpa Basyeny oN fle van, ds, 120; Mk sang os a 8 Wr, eee a aucyerby TR SoMa mt dilieay clam, 508109, [fxd smth 230 L 231 Dae oof ES aad ab ain, fe Aik necemble with 2, Ade. gy Cea 81,ny NS); cb FSEON sce cone. make amnoth julie, 011%, 5; Leb feb x n( HYZS), ance Ue daria, with a Conform, alas, 08 8, dane er, Pg, BB 20,3 ace pind fine Hah; 45 |e ants meant nn the kensane tn acon ith asin dea ak, JOS Tr sear offerings lak. 24,15;20-n S39; VORA oo farsa wb inf cof Renda lnk, 25,5; sovn necks Boi. .2s 97, m3 We cay 1,26. FV se uff ond dep fm. they ther, hdr ean Fi jrasranely BB, Gana wine of Felusizony 2A ng, t1;SEA5 26 Sp$83p usin erchacile lia folly dni dela $0) le VS Vane jan, dear, 165%, 16: Cama deal fren, they lion thom lise, Yr 5$2ben3,n.58 FOSS nur overly, ha rpb W Ban, brother, ase 1,15.30; Fas 8,63; kah, 2h; rod mals ‘her maternal VRS Si srry come make ts lamle, var.det: Dy C1 1,04 120 4, dal sm Ode 50a ee, ene rephreatfolbagJEA ; BEML oe such cous, impaasin, Joa gg 36 10(6 4 fesse sharing in famenang offerings, ga, 11 f;n0nF3, ay WPVM spur coms, oil, £0415, VS Dam ailon, £.l6%-1,1; Bdlah, 4,5; rar V9 ake, b14,5. 7 RSW sruott bindareed (7) JER 20, 166. VE SOFR anual cal. Arethron, 12,2. "EST anand coun thrust aside, 80194512 amar um. doe 4, § 260-10» VEE" fasa, 8,215 TATA sn cn) era bundy, dat pags; din wt dela YD; 3 runus onda, decent; fr» snnutay ‘again’ $2632 L swrathoaur landmark, fp. 236( det.) Vo SMa i Boab 0; deb, 10h; Modes 15,6 ae); equal, m9 B abt Conde rampant, Apgsstdatt.ryss; 901293 (dots xHB), Sin 8 uy (V5E PB); a 4); counlérpant, Jenn, phg6(¥8 0); dual com AS AOA suber amber fattlementa By ryy. Golante in cour ef La, fens, 1,285 Uk, 63,1 mdf andl (amb jon, Ayers 80 50 ule (Dro. T Tak, em, 0. sradkty) dual sare, fot, 1 PTA sad anf, felch 68 144; den, 42; Meant ng; bat dnb Vient Pagal lok 30055; Mb sha Vga g Vo Sem Rosy ing medicine, Holaus, 29/0; a yeanis snbt armel in alle WISE aut shrine, oft dal, var deli. LU, sor ay, nds of vk hen 3 inlsaa he aabthy wll Fas 16 Blake PY S nt faainef ative, Bers1,00,2;00n. Se Mak, 1094 1. Maher $4; Secome well, reeener, fob 120; U.31035 0;enbtic Tareuell!’ db Arse, f Pave dn fatal ch dn of Laman rmonthy Ap, 7h; VSM rR 6 7, dak rogt de that goin const mary fe clear, fas. 81130; mus anb the rain FD ok a 2y,5;58 © lh - ‘insecure, lh. 15, bln Rin Gace under cub lin’ Liana oh eal, IVE se pelt penfrs, ale 32,5; reathe air 801555 hig dh. 0; Ke, ASS Unk; Ye bays n health, kx, buys daw bs A thecarthin heisamee, din, 8 126; 0619,0.Ten. 5 Ddbd ri: Voo NTIS snl banish Craleep vor. PTA Meferi au. Maden, 2343, 40 2036, V B20; FBir,4, TTA ots cochange reclings Ayr 1215; Anka, 5911. YSU anth angler 842,24; va.0.K. ITARS> Kegomad,t i 11 "Saf Leute, Gasion. ' x [eg aoa a 233 wana F9AES sn cohy of document, € Kak. tn,5; 00. 22 whim, FEES SA somal, fe dilate, 17,31, van. PEA PS ad 1; 8D 05,6; of. GAS Ao. thon chariet saldiny, Neo, 28%) vem 6S Usk at 12h mn 7 ann case fake care of, Usk. 282,11 RISE Fang cons make Ls reathe Mu. §v42,3; succour, bul, p9,25; Balu, PES srw cou, wilh, me, Moka, 345, 12 (neste) (mio; aden. ships lnk 36,323, emply out cvnton ena 6299 (dot.*¥ '), ON Gamay oe nn. neg Kah 5; Mike, 100 suis (nA); wan, mn FPL Habs ) muster bcp Piambbin VED) drive (Finda in fosling,Camines it EEC snferCamfy Mod, fy iash det. (Mab, ,24, Lb; an Sfeoegu Saag. foie. ISA nds cas mae Leculifal ombelto, lk, 5159915119515 Wa NC: suka shelter, refuge, dail 242. Lang shoiadefectine bos 6(1D);carnaoat busines 8M bine, anf il yd _ Miao °suhfe cans rise carly, £8. den Make 1,52,15; 82/4 NisGAanby caus. sek in motion, MaiMtqbhs. SS anh cams. Larson, release, Lol Bh 80144 12 OND anhy caus ausehen, Onvarne, Ti, 15,5. ARK Gane cane feed dime; conurmt for, 6b sunphy recast, PES tk cass find lek. 305 6; 6, 9a saline lyme, Mon 352 (dat $0; qu, ERD, 141 dal), ZV Mink cous fusliale (Gas be PAN Cannas ford up, lak 0m 9; 60 ub (dats BA), ASS andi (nr) deca Ep; von. 2 OR 15101 INOS ame gre fa 8282540 dai, KB 43,01 BOR cough IK Sm Sean GAs.2s. FSIS salir cous proven movement, var.l'S BA e17,s2. PTA IAA sam frag, i; Mae, 71920; 1005; fe mfr, 13304; vith, EA abr came, marae child, C7, 167; aka, 2318; 59,6 direct of, suppbizale Aone, tea del. K Bm Anger, bo sos (del $A), - nbsrs cae, cantik people, Mak. en, Shh, [ANSE sy squall of main la, 0, 4; uc sre rae arly cae rejurenale onset, 00 1b; nonesr breath, rhe, y¥ anda, 2th tcf JER 34, 51(-0). YD sot caus, mae song, stenathon, ok. brsbeyg uty; onnich, FIRM same eran ated at 8165 Bas(m) UM Sl cans fry mae auppcalin, 08 544; Make 10g; 180b; SH lie lly, alae of link, Bb am 18. dela, Bi 1903.3; ‘So 20ayi6. SC aah thu K.2,9 PA Bn lhaneny lk m,o1083, image ins pabe;van ¥7 Rosa ' RII shh coun distin (2) Th 422. AA mt Leemesy Unde, 2 aR Bsa oh inf sors, 802 lak. 151; 100. 2 obs me [PSE sr woah dak 5 agian. MS 1066 HH ans: inline batho, ae yr bus. 201 (HI), raternine Unk mary ‘ashy; of. Caines Sit tag; sasciale am wilh Unk a, 109-4 With 04,6: Tiana i idk 21st; fowel dissed. aad fo be gle, (We agus fe acion, lal 2, 6LSM)n. batholy effect nk 0552. fended — sod Ea 25 sede anak aod er, 104 Barat fan ch with nt oj im Bu.zahab; Faas 94a i+ infin fo $tbs 0; rd be 'fomanemne Oden Cecnel gandng Ua 145:m a 8A 215 i 95-yard tah nad sero sith of 15 db ogin-b; sea syegen, Botig. ter. TRE LGD 2,3. JPY sede cou shanfony TE 25 bt JSP Rane farcry lk 7 bath 540m \ Hens 6 amanda RS ak suck, As. s8i.qis;cr7, mpawekle Unkx, y16;60.25 (dels. PV); marae, sfleros, agit IEA mpl. ad a (debs), SSDS seer lid, frightened many ir 6261 lhe, 492m; ld (95 400, 8 ake dauinens Mak 7 1; ebscuily sen pls ISR). BHI 47. an heugtiness() Mok a, 01% ADA snd ens make Rap, lk. 102); make pleesant, Barsht, 8,16 Tank Longue dks 36,2. - Aa ye; bg NF Se; 80195 0; 2a suffering, 802397 fe 3; la [Se dele wh fe greedy, PELL, 512: m greed, Mesihand’ 21, doe alee shay, 2 0) male content please Uke ,n; 8095615; give flasune,n'b'fy. SP amt Longing (2 Comin, Lt. Brag te 52.1836; don 1b make lad ‘please’ Albis 3;46 45 80439, dado caus, nure damage, JERS YS ‘ (2) gil, fe sealed, teat aa; #2, ode Dy yb real 2042, NOAY TP enbbur darkeess or! SF crn,s (det. 9}; 1843,10; ab mt and Waeltong plane, Bh 47-2 (det A, BSD D anche gasif(?, Unk. a, 5054. V4 andndee coun dncite JM 35, 9h n:. 2 nay alee. Babylnin, ren. Pros a FEA, R60, 209% SF salen shee der de te; Mae 1 (del. $9); rene ecifllye FA nly Lomas, Mok sy 514); verre 9 Ss Mey ae Tio( NFB). Cf Suel, 5 08 NS & snk measure oul Land, Opin foumal houat, ofA s0n2;7, hs _ OF Ade wee, avabann. }UmannarY, 2,5 (PY; Mau. k, viens as); form Limb Ma K , Nth 1 motloman, p2-3,210; 16.0, ps, 7; din. Bite( dala D3); magia, Defic, ogee ded, fp baasrun snk n'Fombywithalend 3 Mar { Merk. 103,16;10,n, uss. RE™ sel foundation, doyle; play Unkese seg ESM). | Uke, 5u5;12,9;000-P 2A Bw, 30, FSANT nly cabin on veel, des tyr. UO yy i Ray Mian foretell dh J0; dm. s0( EX Sh; de, 06.05 male Aoi, 2, V1Se nti cae conse Ayuinys 8ba45 7 ITS) sateen, 9 0( 114 | a(S Tyas de ‘challenge fe tat, Jon 222, terdeciabe, dik, 287,12, “y DaS° fal saat tuephecits Abvk a, 500,1. AVES ands meer ake 7.245;v0n. VES Sndyy, WS Pgas, 05 La | 1 yah sting orang at in le a 9 DY Case goose treat, 23; vor SE aya. Far eas: wig, hide famimal, Jen 22,192 FE ant horn apine UE s53421; dew tne. NoMe Fat standard, alle F in toy angl bearer! JER, 21. Wed cg cagh en tts eons PHS4 + set casa aomeve,; ver EAS £4516. 200,00; ack night serena, Make, 24,15; fulfil conbsac, Refonkalof, 35; acer slur poor (05102. NOB af dale ones sane, foe 8110 WIA nf neat nebing, Uk. ae, venti ety teas, (del WD. VA caf eoarre adj Bp. 170; lama ve $b. 5914; nde). grymlh, 3, 19; emperaln, Shin o;2nB ob.) inflamma een 44. dnith 286 ‘mand, Od. ton; anf te liberate, m2, rst 06s; As nf omega 21 ng of cable, td Ink. FER aft fon, than. SLM smd cous. 3inf. couse Lo atop, 816 DDS ant w ford ante heerage 200. NE, Aor, 200% VBA au cxna, Lean Deut futine ooo lake, 15 NS Sh caus. complain i fk 5; lay informal again accuse et 6.3) ea 6195s (dats. 9) dink. 949,9;515; ad avh ‘expose came, # Berl, t1bq,5 "Jen as, 7 net), fesbug. Moker, room tbe FSV Garher azaaer compladncr C7, 15/015 (ON My, eibapinie, thus (HHO. SONS hy aseusalion, rfnench fess. 823; 6. yo l@ 4); £L6% Ta Wk pear fede dani Henig mane of hing Ath oe ‘ante the aye liled ley A he vy ring La nbie, 1917. [amb ah 236 —_ 237 bay 38s ssh vb fren, chaish; leak medically: bsalnnant, bd. smith es; NSD memorial, Lea ys.a1 an DSP lode, 1 athe bo (Ob ageernmant department, JEA375. FEY sad, caue yy 10; maintain perlite, Op. 1408); a] : (PA sn cana, gunn, £168. 9(0, alaodet. 2); fake commandep 35,54 0S 3); fe t10(S SB) tte (PS goy i es, co, Mak 29 16( 0). ro( PEAS baey Maas gg PDS) mabe te flats, dey Bia Ake mdi the scorpion-goddens an} PSB 36,2 0, Are 3; peslone bling, GS ts; male secure, Op. 2014-208; fra 8D a NG ake snhale, ps 5; pot la breathe, of hroals,P Hah, 3, bidet), FSA ad en, make Lagan Beng; $n 20:97 dt, ®) Moke, ub (FB) Armanna, Tr, y1( YR); plant Leos din. 8.24y( VS); doko, 32%; 3nbi6(det.D); ercot monuments, 1y 86,191 S_*); a Lemple Lathe is 2d, re roma Yrovided, sith, mamumontd) 6s 1(det.B), NOT ab Leonie, ef POS shes inliamaceh bein. Sonpaacan; ms sonfusten, casas; ions, vb eaxfound 0) done, Jen a2. DNA she hactibiy, hat, his, 23; Bett POS shad caua Sing Bring down, Opn guy lok. Abul, 4,15 make fe fall, Unk. 30, 207,10; 88 singin. OMA). VONK shat dischange (meds) drm. 20 12S hte caus. gosenry 8.06,7. VPA shad cass Sin} make content Symmons 4; Unk, 505759); make peace, 14 8b 19; ead ang, Snfins WS Se Pe, ry m5 POMS, laa ach aS Mahal shit, 2A 9,44. TM ah (hy broth, Ap. 20. 2100;dbek ae, mang MEd fall fp. sbo(lT; Wake, s3f; Ti sh-ne adh Oma, op, Us, 120916, Irtd, 305 aa ombobmers irkstapy, Jei3,nj; whrine’ Unk, aghb; n2ij0; 42,18. PEM sh council ven ply; din. bites.1g.nldle, 32); counsel, die. 33, (=). INNS shy aman of goed counsel, cxs%»/ Ls. reer ae I Bee WWI akatcauesing bi dng ef eran; Ade 6,3; novenl ere, alm. 6,5; dk ae, won,0 IW TP), 5015. IYNOP shy cous cecal, 80952. TMZ shyt oat (with cabin’, 8m bri PONS: sth gatinate 885mm DMRS: eon 82; NAS sens pl a=feis. N20 Kacy can sing acclaim, dea, DoS stay collect, assemble, din. 61s0( M&S ld. buy 218,35 05,9) Join ufy Foundariey dakar, tra dela. B.), NSSF suey collection, adm. fg urna, Hohe 24,26 KONE; £8664 FASS); Lor, bo, 15,970; adserblage ef recruils,182041%) 34 “aerbe ofa, Scho casts, shakin, Kee. 9,108-1. | ASS shar can iby, Mode 902; 0 MSOF aa Mek enue make festive, dok.x, gr bj cp sjadern,2myte;309,0;0--D gesoj 7 VIZ 703.0; MEd goa DDS shew cout pat alee ls, 6.11; 80 20h1;r0n PR dak-w,bes,10 DORI ~taion vb, cwwshs found: nlivnaion, won -h, 340; PASAY dada, ep, O80 sf case tomamae (ob) 0,2; lk qin; mS vga, pf sh decorate (9, loka 670 NE rsh cau fly uy ar, del. gus rte PLU sfazcaus Sin roreve, coors ill soshrss,s 4); dem, ang P29} uy; B03y 6 CLS); aint face, ren din. 6372 MSA). mm done CTF, 10% PAY Kafad causing 9S. abl coms, couse fi nate, ims aa muler Unk, 115%, 31018 NES she caus make hung, 24 uh PBA cau pei lee, BL ys Ah e( pai ak 4,13 0(dekij amy m;arTy; ality amplogece, 239; frovide fo lomples Sal ub, na INS8), Bersha, 92b male gracious nti, Mau. Hob; ape tb (0) ‘pleas, ln, 91,4; BD1A4 1; s0aloo sth £m, Bol Bin ISG mat she conser lide 661 MPR Ss shin ca, dati, ae, tu24ajaman HID ado r3.25 Bye toda og MoS RS Shon dealioge, NYS) shel caus, Aina, luming fou, sarnmel EO} e0,6; glade bun 5 sh Ure make glad’ 80 200-20also sh Bp ball make cla, a Made ina, sscdnlions ahi, Unk 3 2449351. BDag tamination, a, 3675755153; mae elaine de, Bd. foe; Leo pal reno; ed ral Aight meso sng ak gue (ab A) M phat inapctin Org, the, rms 'éof rolciers’ doa 13.1; som.of fuse Ark. son Fone gn ais gag PY Ser aha chal dasa; 2930; 03, 0;e0m ALSO Mk ve 52 ab io nf Neda, a 8.1 dc oan ah hl i pba fo.035; Sea les, rh PD. ‘ae Leaking, Da 38 Rab shetedf ine or, SS abt an eening lef, Mx 9 YS AR emanalband, Ut. 56 fold, Sin, beak, 126193; gourdig Fede er BDIMgIG a abe canny ofl spr fle, rear Ml, WU? 8lpe di, theSon-goddeng Boa 1,26, 14, ak qr ryjvaa gn, 31, [oer hem ane Bir Bena BOS A aby peascunl feo, B15. 125 Jeroanjurler, GH MULE heger clan of cattle Akt 959,01. (ED Asks caus somemben, call lamin, in. 3222; fas 81,1305 5145; Mad 29 16 inde aiding; Ur 24 5 8b 17, tien, 12'C6; Sd a; Fas 8,109; fx 9, (@F SM). (EQS F fear remombrance, memory, Aik, p51 bo; marion, Mohs, p41; memorial, 10 33,6; Bs ,2-5-Van. IF ReM Gh den, 2156; NEMS Wkae, 1305, FE NG aera; hE Peg PES 25.06, PEW she caus spendthe night, J. Carn. 13;ef. J6A 8 oS R shsh cous haston liane) Medes; var1TR Bel By BM shy auesinf cae loan god Aevg, fs ban) 150-011), Uok.xe, 20p5; ashhinjasy 9; diaplay beet syste NS = Mi sher caus emnage, feb10. POS shar breadth hd 2-7; feos Rabldela..). DOD shy alaughlin hese lnk 3,505. eB Sofa caus diepule lnk.xt, 2,195 8 26513;deb.1-F 265 4 oS. sespmae. Jen ppg; deh out domd Uk 3208 2)) Nes afar cue ana akan PAT bw float bis, lOS VS Seat, pga NEA ship cous. conduct one, dee, Ayr. 2081; n'tsasplace, 373.2085; ag offing, 80,195 Bea ml, 1 lng dere, 128,10 BE spn cama, bringin crsal make, fos bt, 20; feos 6) 282.214, Sh. d 56; Wake sn; B10) mabe megane fas. 81 be; ing ae chill lnk, 112, edcale, blend haan lah 18215; bing abe ner, ine Babs effect dent fas i fstr Bath 86 li, Hanan, nko! Pits SINE sw fame, Cominas dit Yrag. lite she o> aeeplie, ht, 25,80 2075; ron SS fp se, s wa (3) dala cH 2 1B igh re, Fae, 2065; fs 9; BOabr gong EROS gh ESAS py fs dye, ERA od. rowcrfl 0.205, 28 1,2: we awe fer, Unk. 98 7 82 $08 (bin es. 3; 84-49 dma; BBA, 16; manne 1b; Ha fe vt 295. pees, Lak 6, 5 cide oer 91913; & en, bahay ngs ei ofc, 0 it a Reaad 69129 5m RBsbs; ‘wiolemt! Ado. 2,55 13; Uokear,qbs, 16; valores, bbe nfm 161,35 pinay yt BOS a0 hg LS lasers, Wht Leona HSA shen rower, Al, 2164 BSR Lat madi delbbma, Lin 045; sam. 98 Te Beh. 2,26, 228 dak a5 ESF apayan; IRR Leith YEE she inf polit, Uk 10 PRIS Len gh BSL aby che Boule Cary aka, sg; AEB 25015, 228 32645 $B 20,15, FA08 23,97; Basho. ES sh founder (2 of shift, feos 81, $¢. Neth coms. forge, Una, 111 19 BOI sh caus make amr, lke 19. eet shah tb distact the heartef sore, lnk. 5,1; BMb1 2; fae necrea,— i Mok 304952652075 enfant, BM 5 en bs; Ub, 2056. BOs (eh embrace fyp.s75 Unb. 2145; seh out Ap. .ot.20645 mae, TR25 (8) cezupeg a place, Ay. 216,80 a%.4 3 Usb hidaoy fat (0, 10m, B.S neon 250% SW sh sacbling 2, gathering (1) ver. VE9, de. cit. SN she bind logother , 100 SD Lalynt (ht) post, pe 554i ‘the four) ofthe ey, 88 57/0; so usey; ws. MYT dake, bt a= as Bea ae PD Rafnicanading, abight; Pyr.rass svs7ha( LR); eal, Aen pris; rk, By, shed. ny; 1289, 8(deli, GA); dsell, 239, a; mv int abe my itt without esting proms meovement; 1240, EK sb pain law, do 8,20. BE 20D shnar noleateinconlatisY, 685 26. SS Se shad caus make laslink, 80946. MINS shuld case inf ademmce, promt eae, Mkt»; 4933 8b, 15 dole, 2 dese, ,24; Sts lati, 23,2. MINS st sfinte cosa timp, ake southward, Uk. 2.9, 13. |S 5 sh eau nero fay 9, 8665 Ah, 3.7; Chur dey, 4355, fas inl lae diaet de, d sepqans ig. Vaan. © are Bedin, 819-10; fe £8.56 5 1,3; (infin lak, 6,5. PESTS sys merplowing beets? dan. To se unser shor ‘uieopy NEA Abeer plan, counsel determination: dar mé shy nb wes Like the feof fed din. Bu; shy te ce fomery ib, 3124125, Bo thes the abil B;, Yam plecedumder hisg, din. 8 15, 23-4) Adak. gb,u; a aha wipor sim 1, 103,95 sade shy w control the dealing of, Be by @tonduct: Drecodan ain tack wa SS % inf ll yo thas moanrongdainay init} yes; thf Aft od bf his cca acend- dong ha the earamarnd. of is with, ba; at Et Ev dian ypu to bnow the 0. (suitale) ta eternity, fo. 6¢, 12; maby rv uhiiany manner, JER 3,24 (19 gandition showed the eof the Lama lon 2 ad a Rcd. Be conse get late inthe same cas when RéCunebin it} Ro bse, feline: romain ah, shows there iamane uote hone his f, FEARS | affair: shour bs bygone ad 28560. Cn fachiony maine: hape ata thous Bucs they are more myplirieut Haan he of the Netherannl; Mok. 99,6; 4 Alon i barn ty Aika the fot, Roa i mt cbf a am donating didn 1; th tha tes di 2415 (a ewaliom: 'yow shall eat your bread. at will mi ahve r sank tp [3 ae cording i our cuchen yourseere on earch Uk, 52.5 Adm. i$ 16, NB Shisurrdiseftec, writin aaa. plural when the sense in English, dermamnda the sin . DES aha lh of apr lake, 2103 4 PN lyst yan O09 ag tha uh yoo Usk 31,959; ven SSMS Los, 22,5. |S A she ahr nu Apr.sby 5; ial, w.24;14, ho (det); Ma, 29,16 (RST); fay Akt, 05; fee, Lm 62. lab, 50,2; he rants pursue, persecute, Gus 8y. ele shar nummer, Odea. 57, WEG shuf case, creale opacity, 1 against Gif bye 80h. 208, POPE shah ame, nk e, 54h, t;7 ahah Aa at Righ spread, 202,16 FS abt weave, A rso(eeol 2S); BH, 24; dm. y-12 (AOA); meld bricks, Moker, £3433; 1053,10. NS. bse Zieh, amare) £8 nf feos 207 kab; clase nal, dom. 30,1) ANS as ‘lasing the wok, 81,7; aeguire ®caleh, fs bu. [ake ap Bh Das anand ASS aft shone for paling (2) dba, shi 1762- PE $8 Ahr ambushing Lamm mac ma ‘Strained the anany in af 82,7, FEA shy many Ua, 2000, 2. PSK shel eupide devo, TR at deb 8) Ak ot; BD:.0h te; 215 Le di, dened, of dreny Meat ,3; eth ‘head: downarands Unk:0,4.5;:29% 5 805%) WS Sa shal indians Leupaide dav c7 1578 ba (det sS)-hamy dawn, of Areasls Aap 2191; m thd de ead, dosoraroadd, rt 2%; dni Mans. fang hsushond, Bp 16 x ah bs inp. Le deaf, Baas. 62,00 shé habe mg leetal lak 8:6 2 04 i 1079.5 PRIA stk ainin, squseze oul, 60544; dob 8 Bh arial $ 2,10. Wi@ Set ahct fave, 84,419; Unk, 0h. Decl Shape surablow, $530. dee abso chp. WelOE saber draught of medisine, bd. mith, rev UF Aah ssalles, 66 nb; 40-1 eo shen be heat impeliony Feat dia, ply; des rset), EIN sf toa flan fri RS shee domalish, Meribeart’ 9.122. PET she srech, bush over; terlag, mith; cu 17; abr (ob) Mock 23} vam, MT ibid; HE e6 02,15; Bhd br. Jam Whe mull (vb, Dn 4; Unk, 46703, r5(deb 40), [Se] shal midksing, Anger, 53. OF chee a Linon fabric, Uke, yn2,1. Uf Abc Linen! belo: D520 shhr caus. adorn, feabeg ti ymnonsant debs 3 )s ar iishe, im. 8198. Fao NEY fea. 08; dab Ue NDE swf, Boom, Mk. a ws: me gahes She dra (4), DI Ago anny, TR 2217; 000. 7 22, 20; NANG > of cit bb, Bs. Me 9 aad coma inf sali, lak. 2,17 (25 Shads; Fas. 8190: 2) mae, ae Unde, sho 6 DNC sass raion salons (amin h.bag ps; omr. MSS Uk. 3, 0345. Me asa atinfaciny, v2.8. MPS amet armetable inka (0, Mok by, 1. 4 sae cauadesroy, dake, 15; 0b, 15,45 (deli): m dale, Van. MES dod... Fel sa cana 3inf-deshatih er Usk, P12, sable cau honour dove, dt 71; RBY65. PS. Bate asl) mabe laugh fb 10, PPS coped ow make ncaa ede rg; 20; Unk.rt 656.2 MAM) essiey, Balu bg 9 ifcfiane ford, m2 (MS), pao the owncadt, fea. 8,246; homelike (?) mar inks averets Maka, 1820,13. TF Saf cau ste, fh SS Rafer geomet) Maka, by. NS sem forse, Unio, 10,1 Aee che nat lelow, MRe aA aml generically horse Unk, 045614 5et. B); 1243; apeci- fealty mare, t4n 5S Re F8); dmg vase Maan ofthe More’ 00 4 13, M2 sam cama. freathe, fr 5,2; 883,45 Mokeat yb 8(det. <=); small, Cah. 5, Ake, qs, eggs HN 2), WTA samt cous. pretense IRAdx 1. u.K.xt 5g ha; Arka, 266; heal, Lex a5n0 PRI 9 so. « ctl eed, Meal dom 35;-am lt Be ns; FING dak. 26,8 Su aond cous, flan garden, Uk. yn torhape a isniding of and, fast abe [ashy — abst 2b Ey a aime PRA aoke destiny enemigos #210(dat Se); U5 2; shalt heads R851 (dt). TIES seb caus sbongthor, fos. th, N= Last calf ef ly, 9019,2; Munk. 51 925, FRE nfo soe “heathermel e.g. Mek x 475402, 4; 0's SAO (40) oper, aonb same. J 11,959 4,9: OP-GMS 12. EBA ade toa, fy) 8 a,» cfc y2; tad, open alias S| yesh; det. s-a Matin, 2; de R (f sposadig dayd dle, 39h; ak son | is bh 42 SE aps, aif a Lau acai SS, Gus [eS af cut Linen, JEA37, £1( 0) eal thneshold, Mess, wr- 5A ap wat. 223% 63 marsh, leat 5,5; Bershe x, rotdel, ca); lk at bss. SR ay neat lak, s9 2846 deb 28 j ram. 2 Ee spi CEB shay SBE Se cra 9,28 47. EMA 5 tas) vb site, Unk, a530m( 2s De) 12,4; dks 25, 3( RHA); | dnacse,t,tynilt, fran 1, Laure C155; das, din La; ennet dierpa, Uaksx, os, 3;100b,33-msoiing din. 21), E24; depielion, Mak. 45 neces 5 v0 ul ink 16 1015;:24 dn mv ab record se, 226, Sarge alr bff Dnoscen of ube ar) Gogo, 2; efpust-nott, Maske. ¢,n; toldon JER i276 (Ca); f Hah 36, 31-31; document, Mok 3, 04 10; 110,64 8 Berl. gous. Pal sorb, £6. d 04 Mase ry lk a 09,15, AGA pain, Hraughi- mai ee Rut; ie ‘youn am 'gou!in dllens 30.314.. Tan, 5 (oie) thd, 50,0 SIM De, ae andor Sf uite. NPE GMO, ee ander nihil Po Bait die esha kes, 1opny 000. POR hy, SETA mate poapens) eas 2,9. PRET, ad fescchy fora ay15;943 6 BS.) dy Moraga 3M) soayi7( NAD. BEDS ess prayer dh ding XS Caer disk of mall, dake yoy 2;varn ca boy PR ME, [EBS Oaler cosa. doy dthing, £861; 10,9, 1061. (BS Sade can Lise by theft, lok, 2.05, [ROP S* sie coma impasenish, Aa 6; defame 2. SPR ab ob inline to whit, ph; be dright Unk x, ry b(t. Bans | make igh c7 515 lightn darken with nx, 511% light imam aby n ighlin lee. cit, ee alao WOR Lf, DSR abe had, guide Bae 8254 ln 09)( SBN); 0099), byldete); 2639.2; nule,grvcnry feos 816; Hak. 015; 16h; howe Che amg, sw Ling, egy ith a infin, sessed ching En endluat swan, urov ele, fa. £2, 8-4;llvk a, 49,1; we4y15;53hi6 5); dnaliacle ferple, 023 DOT she guidance, Sit by 27 PNM 8 t(D IB), dk aos, 1D) gyn O 4) frocedune, 06122, 16; Adm. condact fr 0 ie as, amy OS); business, fess, 5( 22); 6ebimn; dak 113,14; Cxhondilive , Mabe 1503; tp fate Baul; obfrny in. Rit; ale cond ian, din. 81; alias, JER Wa, 15; mam ftir the mamncnef din.8325; é ee fp asabeve, DSP add Leading f procenien, Bel Abs; quidames Unk, 6 07); 1505; cota, 63, 6idet);aronking eat ed] (math 368 2, 2b; 200 SS ian of omslourmeml, Mak TE, 995,07. IDeA A SPabe sul lender, Peat, 8, Sh.b5-1n.ih; rom. Slam, 5,3; Dae shar, hag ie AU haay, PUP As, 2A ; yeh bea. 2639 PONS Babu ih pe eet ten ran 99 sgh, 23509 Res dakar gy 95 Us, of gts oh 2, DING adorn caus. wn der, fee 8205; 6.2.5 (fom infin) | eal ing, tse 1.20 ES ale (zn fag van. 1, Pap nang dete Lah ss. 15S Wie loin shaped cu dk. 24.0 the cass. sseawse, Comino, Lit nag... oR ae of, sale ie YS FPbrolinen, von la TIS ST TT YE P yal line, yaad Bll r.| SSE. ab anon Sage, Bul, 20,95. OEP sur comma, 16%, 8 BE, Bull 39 179 ee Ba BAST, bull. sorrrfpe IE Gade utter, express Bull. 30,199. Older Lar, give DS e abn (< ance cau dng, deputy $L bs; 2,21; det. R doo SES won of Sar amour! ST and whe tae [ESS Sale, cous ago fessor, fas 8.26% SPATS, sts raat wie, din. 020, D8 slips make Arightnans, 00140; Lightin danleneas, 179. BE Mader caus. diseusal®), Uns, 140,17. SSP a sabe, (usa; Senko; wm 23 Pde go; pl SUB yeh NBM sali coast, mabe secret: myslirious tyr. 596; Unb 99,125 015%) 8D onl 25 BS) make inaccessible Ryp.29, B14 18124), done 8024,a (So De sympa re seca Mad 1546; 0096 ly confidonbiak 2 Bhs ally oligos sin, fx 60m 544; ok, 2.08 05 Wok, ‘in decal, 1008; 20TDY meat of.the acer ot big. SABI 5, epic cope. Say, HBA, fp fvsg, 15h; ath das et Mak, 62,10; Mair, fear, 5; of. 4asthicn Posannel, 27. BRS silier secretly, ak m,93.00 DRS thunderbolt, lk, 615,7. PERS add Pash, (ob) 8:57,2; Mak, e515 1723.0. BB ald fo RE ahd fasta filleton ane, Unk, 19,6. seindous Neon, 212% te UR Thelen snp mabe high a building, Uns xing 046 (V4 2) taf ight a pero BDI) 387/10; exabt aged, fs 5 16; Aoing, Md, 2-;- gx LL beauly agp aldol K%) vicerian bgt; lng lline J 3p. ‘hid 2b MeSS Ess heats for shrine, dak. 65 9b PAR oksk caus vf. flaalir, cas 76, PARIS hse coun bine, ten It, 3049; check, Caminet Lt tag. 2,3, 12; sing ae fosing- dace, p31. PAs Cake cass. mache ka voit, £89, 419 shb inal of wood, dteate. 9. Ds) afb (kt cass double spplicn Mlk, 189,14. lA S AM cau make covl, Pah. 5:1; 44.347; 1897 10; Calm, diatenbed, Land, Ugh 30, 1312,6; aefaeohs oneself, 13,2, 165,16; boohoo abt ib 09,06. NALS abbey father, van IESE ME, cus no. Mel Soke acer, dh d 27; dhanclley Salis g.n MS 25 (4S), DM OUDA sh enue, cause labile, lok 1999. DACA, shar fuiblry fel. ed of those sche commissioned thse, ebep the raftemen thee). oa sa atop of pyran 015198 MSMahdeutt® ctl. Company Loc, lk. 3, 54,10 <> war. of oct. part ish PT wis Ap sx babble dy wipe ral dr. 5 18 nse toy 605 [oka — ak 250 ~— 251 ah aha, PALI sth cana ama ro inna ge ease ine cay incur hie aro. the btlys pour out os haan, Pry (IVS). Minces JE oe OT ake obs sek acond 35615859 nth; Shak “in NA And come, ernage, dit, lrg, a1. desliuctible slan’ sex p.2q;s0 also “Se K tlak w, ab6,1: Hane. FS she atthe head, Bp. ang lak ae bis b DEN?) Aull Lary Bel B.ce-har, Sin, 656; fas: a, ty (deb.s-8); dm. t2,2( PRM): m,acouue~ Y, boc; drun, Heine all, v; lice doton fete din. Rw REZ); Mak. Lian, ok. 30, ho b;b1515; 10H. (Sakasi a (DAN) glee banal Bp gra gua hand, rr; ipo, of fel in ais PTR BR ster tr,companiey Leas 61,208; 08 (da-f) dak. b5, 95 damee 141 13bb; worrk mela, dat heb s,ne( Wz), dak 4,09, aol age, Ai ghur marshal the ranks! (03.20; him. am has, Je 24,222; 140% eon Merrarey, bp rope nt; 1hn5daddor, finn HOA) encod dough, Bun gebaid, cenbiller Los st,2. Yam PIES Aes, 25,6; PIAS dink, thing bad, Seu sions offer presen, fp. qy6 UZ) jel Bg, 41a FRO SAT gong, TE be oss, DES she wna, agp -6 DG 80294 de if PEL bith 20, Wo S tit ahe fate wal BU casa. (SP Stsbr co captive loka 95;5,r0m L203 VER Gh) din. 16, STF ake oll Ain Ade BAF 6 Yaka nu; <7 tog 9 Se y207,.2°R Seto D152 ahi rh inf. pss ine, bs; Rafe as. DISS hon caus make miserable nea, 42,1 ARN ha cubtvate, Bb lk. uh, n(F 424s) quyg; more precisely, IHS sity cos Sng indians, sail roa oat, dha ue( M888) Ua, non lg (M2) 6 56,2 NEA); sail, Gwe of perens fens 855; 82,10; Unde ahy Ds TA2 a ah plough ore Adm gu. (Ms) 524, uM Bi); Rene Se): Liena now By ae (deb. Pia abst ploughlond,, Unk 2,494, Yeon by boa, 2b 2s, ones aly, 130. Bur sho nop gd MSS shat siting, vk, 222,600. SOME 80. B 1s FE" shape cous, corrvupy, $8.9, 16 MISSA unkia, by, 2 Sa hh sain medicament, a9. POR sho caus male comple 289446 Uke, uh; marke ae lo with me, Wind, 22 MINS, shen be Aecome qaey haired Ab b;s.1ig;tha, det, Si bste; ahme na “Reng Languad wit JER 3, 1.6 >be de greedy fens 878-45 Bryg; La br oft dy v0 553 Bathe embeil in quamaly Arye; of dike, 2. SS Sk a hy mi doa, ls, 80 43:20 S Dd wn; STR bleh 2H 6 [aha att, 25a 28 — ten [0 Pahe adore) 3h. 2 Lt, 0-se 06.299. SEAMS shat caus inf mae rs bur dow, Je 33,612, PSII ahah desing, to 15 fboa 8s rydat Sr) Ue, 5b 5;ran SR PHN s1,2. PR S2uss abit ramef mutt night bab’ ses (aibind of Loa, 285 64,1 DSS 3 hr nd bat, dak 102 BA og command ship, Leb 26. DF vem seg uberige! RR caus cused eg fons 8,23; ahlmpse ame, lk. PA gr cad caf rm 2,665 weary din 8 ancind Eh lle), (3 sgn lalew, Jen 22,18 NS Bhs cane dilonce (whan m} len ty det at dia, pl 2.24; din. lr. | 1, by, 2m (PSA D) jp EMoh. 55 Moh. 2116 (att only); 1315; alii, iat ls, 531d: B); 3% syhg cena, inl offringti07 126 PST ager yeaa tf ship, Aas 8154; ef 5044, 0-6 at do. on. 2. db Chere rd of Ir fu s42- Bisa frencomf. hey, fp. $1240 WP ad obing. shaat arn; Hah. ur; dit 51933; foun, een Bra; fa 01,207, Sh Asal; RB bm (dela. 5); Aba, 1211,4;15w1 10; Lhrowr feos, By; boul, inks Kah. scan fish, fens. 81228; Uda, ab, inde ight, Si, ls,20 ff Mk, wsdl; a fre, 316; so ben map 10g 9 FEM); reubyu( FSD); orth g@-Ay inspect Duorh, Wiha, rey; glitton of aby, tba). EFM aby alan (ol) Pah. 2; stare of Unb. wo.e( Ps); fr bidet), DISA il nays, feb von ESR dha bs FSP Ri wav, POR wade. R84 ai annnesdanl,Caminey, fi trag. Paki impoagrale female, BH Boy ha Feo), PMP st geod tlt, Ad 2 FSS ab ground, gas 90 FR vamof sks rag, ee. FOF Baty on midday meal, ace o iy odo, Seca diy (ey) i EE Sol Maia, wor. det. >, he f-si2 (ha.22. SENNE, Ler Mahima dak 21,9317; 88604;Sanlyar Blips Nubian memade, Moke x, 5 40m6(E 2012); ing. aane) 4,3; 4,5 duh 3g Sorl ner Lj). Sia lia ohne Ch A Stn 51a i bum. FIN F Beyer tacalieg bin ti,8ry.26.205(P FINA), aden DRED et mdi, Lai see under, LU, (BWA ats comvt heal, Hah, 55; Rindle leper Unk 7,059); 49914 NB e4 stat ycorsen: (2) Lamb JE0 1,6 2. “R: for words unidtem with this oign see under 46). 1) snrof frantiole tat. NAD shies cama hate ay, Let. tm18-6. BBs slr caus eofe clean, RB 1415. PSA wen. of actiol babout! BSP PH atc caus podernble ihn, dk, 19, 5{ dee on) ith 2, hg thbs,4:(2) smeeth over, make este, Fras 81,2149; J884,04,m.2; dbiut mduet oonoath} dig of eworda'- exkemascalions(?) Uk. 3,473,120) praise haflimanehife, 1219.0. Del sl call cana haaliny. sth— ath as% NOS th eubafeanimad, at 11 VEE, 2) cube limbs ibis.) ‘ick out choou, din. yg; Unk-n, 36,0 8065. PSS stfu the choicest pick, bin.080; th day; sam. > din 8262-54 BHz3,2. VAIN stp colt. choice ting of food, Lab ny;vom. 28s Rug haaSoT tea p35; 28 Mak 7599; C2 iat; dee Bel 6.07, Ex all chen (m), fas 61,210. 4D Se ths vb, be uinad : m. ruin, JEAs2, 6 (£), Poa ayo lath, nay ha ith, 00; an S02 PIF Rae, A23; 2F8 iw. K. 5,3. Nae alfa frolic, wilh a, Ay; wth by Ukon 222,06, 225 (058); bor; do eocont daly, Brgy ke, 922%; Aim. > Als, 100,9, ie al falc, deny 883, 25,100; Al. ram GM des Yr eM ety. Nt 8) stp chabel?, £34. dmith, aie. Ne af Maqui con m6 NSE athe in Pe alfer shoal capper lade sith nga Unk 9062, TE Vishny come chown thing, dake 6s6 6k dential with sf ah PEIN sli eo. Faas Bit; Confuse, JER 22,194. Sone fusion, id. THN ABSA wp au, 5-6. Nia S~wthi caus sing. hamble about, Canines Lt 30g. 44. DLT ath < abn) cane make. eodiant, 84 559; Unk.2t, 516, Me (det, 1795, 16; vam TR 215 BRE big ATP arb. | Sado. di ele, rrr: BD, YS A,9, old BE, dr. fate 20; 409,07. RET athe caus, Seuse laappnoach Neferti, 30; 8020, 3;190,6; indunl, m inl BD20)10; 2 Unb, aka, 66,9; cul: hart Lime ovaclivlieg Carine kt; frag ‘Hh; Laingen dom, dnkem, 517; exccule juadgemenl, 2410. 255 Aas = wan. of pantie dat z= Fanof ke ampregrna, Pat bsp. abies, scaler fs. shy, dhacbh ai, ran De tik 65, 15S slr wey Bou NSE at jan for ler, Aaherd 1; nk. t2,5. EBs ht nto sia: ilar of ekit war 2 Sf, ps0, 822 FES INN: yr abi lak 345; 100n. FW" bash; VA co. Soo ca. ef anf Jrowreut ty) odo aati. 20(08) dak, 2141 39,6 D), WOT mid-day meal) p.aohms. PANN ab mensane of cxpecty, fy g2tt FE a> eae, Ap. ison; ain you, on 5,29( N29) a 4 NBD), SNA: ayo things daag, 01,24 Absha 985 h033.0ch mals rll, ‘bagi, 6391; full, pe brite; soe on! Aoryo; pudhouk, Bb 172 neds aselling, Am. 5125620; daaur of fu, $b 4,12. (ref persons, drag dorag auraey, dob 12; din.8230; lnk T1107); 08,83 8 Meal 61 Unk 2, tt 1th fring, Poa, 202. 61,239; Mk 12 oad NE eoraynild Sey SDM soc doko, qa, ath 5516, B rryisil ONES 20h 5 MPN Bae 81,259, R 46.9412; 0K IDES bso NER 45; NS 645 whence, by mi. wndernding, MALES SI doe 225 ME sob yo. [Sabena of ond vom. TP, ful lay Ida gy de." £8071: a) shook of matal, Unk. 53,6; 429 Saabs antler fav maving ahi, 286 6,1 BSNS -€ tsar dragging x9, Uk 4 2,16 DBRS AT atau inlay Mil 2 5 Ak gba vam. MERE ti, Sa bye 256 aa] Tiboejae 23,7. Gsent, 201,10, RRB SNTeataan caus Aime ap ingiany, £h 64.235 7025106.2- ti dai anon DF 29019 nos of hy PER he wb line a yg Aa lati) ane deny fp 93 WSO, anf dischaage oo, of yes tha ,36 ELH sing cau. snp disinguish, kenga, Bt 54 Uk sm, 2,11.uachout of, make, Leslnclions Satiul, 2,30 g here aben fined geld dour cs Toma ad 479.28 18yaj 21K sen gs PSH lad ena inf ig Lp, 12, BD any dels nn Cdk Bol; pemove Laude, 81115; dil Pauly ns Saal lea, Ardohain, tay, ude LE) ie th of the appa 221 19 Ua. 625) Fig ea sie for aus thac.wohich come forth. ak dusk, €D ti 13 BE SA alr slang ob, an BBW" ra hee SE SAM aw praines 5 Bobi, 5; ar Se AD se IFS Yala fo stitched out, uooale Abby. dmet2y si (lace Dyna (DIM So ae aly frost dod. a, b9,a Be 8) 00 PAR st Aindle Light, 70 20,65; det. 2064 Sa La dy; Uo, eqns Biss tol BID ee fac. iPad, clothe, din. aga; rand SOR Maw k by Comics dat taag| pablo er sie. PS renof a “tend Nea! ads aguebD, Safer, G33 lS dt olan eal 9d bib eS) abr el, Spe): fanaa lavmble lah 322%; shale fp. 0 ayrplom, tah. 5,25: INST ada ablng, 0219,9; er oe SRE PSS diol stale, var S'S gases aaa fangs lat, ena noi agement 80 438 fsd Madd chou Del B.cxn mt, q, Ob; $2. 2% 9 | Nese A dh aco bolowracn. adh: Desh ann the oes fp. sv.ssiRran (NS) tym the bo, Dea adee sgopainl fa gh 0; 0 ON hb 29; 20 NS dk, 162413. Nb add cana aloo; 1 a bog of foil atachmant ath m,tes aioli, DUE add ca, fumish, Unk ar, 264,10. | ELSE dh eas bang lg the eof th ci doe en eka, 2 eh Aras, cae Pymiaeny, db FS" ah cars conceal me from Jen hing; debe 28 78%. NSO addy yuell (0, Maka, 064810 | ‘bd cau, padda, Uren, 1, 2.5)0f- JER 35/120 | [BSPN sadrer neddening, Ayman, 2s | PEM agen sin. cca 2 fo RBkngoen PERS Uk sns 3. | PSS ager Aide tings, Uke, 50. | Ba ad Sidon place Mad 1019 \ WS cdg weoblinge (9 don yi ax. | WS ad, 9b sole p20 95 TAL Py Aba arena tel), | Akg (0 29) dah nein, 45,0 N29 each ara, | 9551; Preah cher rary, Bs 6 cok wp Baitalino Pye soo; fight, Jens, | Lh, bristh, 157 inf wrod, be 111616 165 [SAAB arden ofits craven da 8h ™ 282. Ani, 67 \20 ad fine, fae, do ‘m1 1202; Unk 1,1, 10> Po fp amy; Bm 2 “fun ping, Bal st; Si Ae food, ade, DB ds adwisen(?, Unk wy, 2.0906. [ab ad ast 254 ab singe ODA sds Ahawely ayer 1,04; Borsh. 113,580 21016; defiant A?-Kat yi (detX); dn sense of ‘die’, 814 bie, 12. LS sday take recreation (?) Unk. 1, 1322,¢. dee the nenk below. WBF sda he amuse alee neerzabion, Mad. 1, 67'10; RBbM, 1; AA 9; sdsy he my please! dle, Unk 12,562; mduat nelont mb Aely fe pleasant amd enfegalle serde, 122,16; ma MF asi6 ML Pyes 6; TRU by. PSINING sgt sal, afl s.7; rar lb > 8 fa 7515; 0K ARG dak. 3 6,0, OP WEKM Seip OS aan 2) img Make, 23,5. DVS sdsur seab. 510; BOD ab. of the Heng op van. OR 72,3) 98 93; TD b of the god's 0) rfnctentabe of ing 2) shih embabmen; (De friast at Uys Bull spry(Chereread, flrue). $V sdsee 2) fseious, NS. QI adsuct (9 precious thigh bieasures GNS Nt USIP sduuctive? hexsrreng fo yy13; v0. 9 Miaka, PU thief easuner, fr 87 20,09. ok 20,187) 005 MUI SNPadi cases he, mith wwernan, 285 Hy,95 SD sdommt file (no, dink wr 7,95 16215. PLINS anof adh shank | ads: fn — Png gk al, BM by a ih, 2e; wr PENA NOS Se sung caus. sama (vb: ome no 8 9; 159,15; 16.28, 3 Bs pela SS) OT sdb smpadiment, stelacte,rarsalAl), MPS ne dere. 2y, 2295 woah, 2017 el Unt aby 6 VNTE); guaed gps og; 49 DT) al. esti aap 0 2e7,nl a) aching ska mmer, 244. +4<———_——+ DUAR ad ponelale of injury, fa Amit, 260. XIU RI af coms-vh, ondour allan Atle 4 at; Neforbati a; fran, me feral, fos br qi. foumdalion, endasrnont, Witheun, job. Var. PRIS Borah, 15,1 INE dake, 1g hgh 69, ayn BOT hn RS 0 VENI GL ML IG sdf tl cath f allegiance 6 575; 0n VS ML dod, ora 2B, adm ear voice, oe, din. R268), thd 56; hear of cing, dein. 832; ln 1 kon, ded Ba 8210 Ua 50 5 be, with 1 ths 81010; wndenalrnd, SEA 6 b4; jadge, fost Unk, 10926; 1,3, Aallfy candiliens (math, gisanys Tam, 2 fs.11 3; Maks acy, 14; Onn, 5 Pease PGS adm judge, Peto Made, a,c. df aye aaably pl e.g, ome ie fase; ONS! ns ah sb; SESE] Wd. 009,03 ane inn lit. stra, fo 5h PRES Made ncd sowarnt, lnk 425 61015 (2 2); fom Lea Dsus, PIE can of sd‘! the eyes OF ade camy child oem YS, BEV NBO pdr spol the might, 841590; Odom Wad, 2,16; 95042; Me Mase. 118.19; Mabe; le dou go lies, din. 8.243; Mill. 1a; ders 9, arr aay Mie proslale, Mh. 64, (det. S); Loin wal inaslive, GES 2%; aden, isd ‘expece all might: he des of madicanenla) Zis 3, 51(alls. 9); awn vb. doin.the might, fp. $ 23,1. ES CH sd secpn, foes 8214; van, FEF 61,285. DBE adet sleeping draught, 8 25,1, WBE sma fbinbef Largng Cais) te Rest sone, phy; dp to SNES adage sheng place fa yn 260 Ey B-bbt BE ade dplinent sg the Residence, lnk 4, M2We*E, Maughan, lok-2, 10g 5 ran dels. FUN, 1242413 BS adh ahr pling VES MIRAAS 0,30 UV adh sing lover, J80 96 reich pled. MLA aden caus consecrate, hall, sancify, s00 2,51 ay sey, Mok. 9,6 Van Bg 5,u PNA ade ibe cr, ob ua.iy; esi tilbe hing, Lt 1245 883,26 1045 Woh yay; ma ead ys. BS) ad cous nba, scour, fea 233 fhe. 2, a Mae, 240 Math ‘ff Mae 65,9, SIA 2g be fh Fe adde deseripin, Une u3y.y lle, 2813 BSG addr tales da 344, 10. PEM sda causa formanont, Unk, 1533,6, PNY ad) cous fatto, Maint 4. SINS addon cous nae trios") Lob ns. nb ef Jeane 24(H0). Td Labeheet fos 645; se 2; lnk. 35,5; gander, ews a9( doh, T, nay1310 3; abel onde, ae fury sabe; Lok Limb -ganlon E5165 asin fv iil Ab 9; Lab B SHE ( Soul 8, ibid. 8.10; 1hrg; ma Ue ca derne’ a9; Zea, ay, suck imanth “placsech mle ba at dl the rads ore pasa, din, 2 | enjoyment) 255 aim lle, 1923S fra mfr “have ago ine, PRG Sir bnelley, din, 4, ok by dra al auf fi sea Mil 21 Van PH Ait, ga FRC Sara lat of. dncanfalnal) (athe us fess ahast feslgmers, Caines it oa. plas Abh 3905 IS Pinar tines, SoA din 3; 8 180; Peas Ry; Bi 26tdets, | (55,10 (dels. $4}); ven, 7-84 He, discaedomong dati. i, PEA. DD); Sacre of Ara a righteous person, Boy fp te of ges, Smith, 365, £395 foionaevol hinge Uthee Gf-den 24,264 SY TY Sus dicen fos b,23; Uesease, Pd. Amath, s00( 9 Nore, MEE Sonu ie, lee 29; 2006 AN Mok, 6H sb RMS. Sgt notice (fe Hahe 14,45} 20,43. WS Saud colt. fllnsing sui, 11,-5 Una 1024 5, 70 IS 2.7 SY se Joa Loe. pber Bap ran. zs wn 54a. pracy mats WSs terg SK sn oder dees raagralah the Sarat Upter § yarn Beh, Se IDA dase worship, JER re, pba BE, SWIG Lee ds dj Uphn Spin, 2218 9 MASE ders tog m funeral proceagin, (NS byl follourthe faroal, [BS Soc along of 8, Aaa, 55 82,129; Make, 321, mae Wad ar 1064516. WD rms crown of WS, ZAS 44, 20;vam. CM din 627; Mik. 2513, SPOR Smut hemputs, Barmy ame fig FENG oc mathe mui, Meat 4; um. Bie 801247; 8? Bak jobs. AD dn Lee, Re eI SD bencer mute, din. igh; fem Rll Cai 2o1er,d; a Mak 2 do ning, SDT 19 |S Saabnd wh inf. ancinle 8 012 6;Bin. 213 (dt. Mk. 2y)17282 bc asewry abe 2b ak yi enelese 15616; sunound, 1303.0; cover diseased oye, ka su(de) [2° du, be infest ich rwendiles, 285 44 bu; 1804, me Ee sheriff see av. Bn. RGR W due hain, die 84h Borderie; verre 2% a 4516; Bs $h.b3,n5 R coiffeun’, Bel 8.109; grass, Bork, 1 Mohs, 62,5(0), AS TINETC dang bs foneagiech (van. TNR hi, Jen 2,240. JAN Sad dispel drife, dtr, 2b9, 1%. [AM dngt slo, 80014; van Sb Psi; RUT dak x, s45 [2-7 de fi bac epaies repel, Rn; A, uhh 9; Ba police dear, 00 22,4 dee Sen 9,245 RD ny tideatabout, of fish, dae 6,61 Tow BY 075,19; 8G & toro 3 Sele 926.2009, Pri. AC Sine cable Jenaaypt; BASES © creep atl police, 244 ACM Sect dali, Bt AAD Hincr policing, 0 2.0 8.04 AR Src Arenal, Bol 8.16; api, 13, uy ASST Sac slow cloud, Neferi BP Sncurslorchouse:(2) labour establishment, Acor,r0q*, va, Sauk hog 290; 32S faa. 890-0; SE lak, 12,15 SCs Sct alorohouse, nk. t0, 50,10 Bane Labouner(2) hoger 615; Cairo 20442. RE Da dnt gramany, vane, Ly bo f.n96 054 REM, 214% AAS db Benalla 615519100008 SDS bp; SS suye; SAT fontsa; la Snbt ‘pectoral ate asabme. Gf Cae Amith, 30h =F dnp geomet sore Ay igien, JER 31,15; Al dng a calen feaf lel. 153620; Unk pyran AD sy, i; 8 BD Angry tS ae al for ffening asa {0 ba F5PH8 Sd Lean aye papers Unk 190,12 ASB nip herr, Unk, of 2886106 22 nk aevile Hed, dati, 05; 88.195" AE), ase me 2.9 (Amy dakar, 1019; fuunia ove, Loyd t0e Lok UE te angry fea 370; ‘womb anger, meen, C1, 192 1 'on, deal 12,954 bn, 4.25; 8 iat anger, 8H 48. XE Lot sheriff, Naga eb rf 34; ran AR Uke uh; °P 1050, ah. 2611, 4609 150.2. [Sete — da 270 a ee ASEM Snlt sife, quarnal, Bgytubs;in, mia Bibi; SER Nagarad~ Boy p34; ASS eB 129,5 ASS Mdnir safe, quand cr p3; 100, SZ ibid; 8M B90; A Mere dik at by10 AWA dnty quameloome cman, trios; Rarm 61,9 (22 SB) pl. foes of rag, a1 13, $131; 966 13. ACA dndl tile acacia, Aral: sunt, RBb0, 4; var1. = \ PR ham-Ts; AED Son tb. Te MA dndut itl, hp sabyvan.— V\Rikd; 2M fess 6165) FR die 6308. ARS indly meaner efe hilt, ul phiyaqhjre. 5S le it able bs SS Db mou moabiil, £ Hab, 6,a2 Mak, 4 nn, sity spdote 2s. K, 2,95 20444, 6. SoP it hind of grain dk, 167,509 ST bp deprup Meck, f Aart, m1» Barn fe given. SAT tek | 845,195, 208 20106, DR an adhuend b2qom till, lela (let: Ary Merikand® oy; rmeague, Sia, ply, 295;in 8256; younger, junior, A Berl. 90,» efi abt, 3509.18 8 dohage they Mah rx, sha 36919; 180hCominos Bit tray. p23, ry Sey h acy man, 861393; all, 24110. ZA% 3 Ade 4 Bibb Lad, lok. xe, 2,5; seen ten, PBa. soma 6D ly SUS Dit daughtey 288 e505 SF Sad hegre (7 Mein m5; bole (of Horace, lnk.x, bay ih [8.59.5 fie (dade 012, NG So nope, ablr.t, Gull 90,161, NS Soghabaalen,veuelsdfa, wm Sack, & N=, Balls byf. it ababaslin lok. 0414; 16 tobe, PL BP seo ah, Pony oh hessise, Mh. 444 6 7SA), 10806; de eonsereants ‘with a log 9S I) Ark 9775406); 1g 10S DY, hae? 1h194 1515; deahilled, en 1.23, Ravan, Oder futob ER; ay fe ile, Uk 1 010,23029 124859 informe Ane Lhd, (29M) n, gladom, din (PETS *); dada, 45 oil, rana(S #9, PRE Tint nightfall, am lB 3, SMe Poses 100,302. REINS 3 dae falas antelope, 1%, njvan BVP doko, a6 SENS T dase langue ip iny; flor Lar, t0e blow. ASST tar medical fcrip lion Mab 5 2200 PENCS A H shy 2 Ea Ll (def) hale, hd 3; de 151; bi; ace, Lean 192 Bi Fi, 225; peering, R854; lod a, Yh 32 mh ml Sema ke mys Mswrme crow, Lag 7 BB na15; cach fish, fob 34 purehaas JER 2,13 Ae in expressions Safe sect i ‘commencementof hapfuinesd, Sh 33,26; 24 ‘mae haste, Ll. 2,35 isu‘ old JE 3,25; ch alah Mk, 993, sn ade ha nad 1544905 33,26; nf make a gerd fourm, lnk. 333,7,¢JEASS, 24.0.3 eral rk mby-Ub take a Rosy of recreation, Mill 1-12; sonact eat ‘haweo had tine, tabs 32, 11-195 Hist exfonma-minacl wsba 15116; —fp bse tt out and sail, Sin. 8246-7; sume 'af- forove actions} £e4.955; hh attain olay’ S00 33,26; eau ‘crouch down din 819-18; dE: cemmmeneoment 5 JE8%,25; u heane dear, TR 2,3, Vaan, tit fy. 29; 2 dil, nh 4225, 2 nk. 4h FED iat fab of had, lod 80220225 b(t 0) megane of ae ede JES Bo fr spine, hogan by; vor. Ps as tt PIOR Le ody while, Bong, 1; bight h7.4ldeb.o s0413:m- den, Pah. Fea 0 201; Meaty; ght, Mk. a, 14,2, der ap 4% i Aapit cweumber,cacumies malo vandeb 1S, aston, 1180 FBC dat chapel, dvk.c, ns dam heat a9 flo, amarna Bem 2, apt dh chara, laa 496 123 ef. S01 176 |S R= deo Le Slesdehet of syey f 8 bmich, a. SNE sim Leather noth) dake, 10%, 7 ef JEAN us. SENS AMID amet. arsed gindle, Sed. Spf 316 SRA A Sond amt) malachite smn THT, ENS, epcib a9 BIS do ur lah din. Bayh; ld yj. 5 Ak, 55,0, [Eda Lingus, Bull 50,100 JB, ops, Ball sory; vn. HE Areva Seee vane aby ‘nest! SALE vb sing. nopine Ogeld, oka, 1g 37,4. SUP seo under aidt isbn. BL FR Hb hineceneg RB bin 1b Sli wea. Bhaaspaneply. S=4 dye eiffoun (2, JER m6 SRM aucstment of Laces, ldtboun, 1, 3 e-master; lnk, gba, s; ef lat. ct. RAEI colt, Lie Pillow, 57. BM seule rm 55105 RB U0, 2.5; decrcl fen yoy; 75 12; lymman| 915 Ake, 969d ph fs hy illic 820 Bossi 12 Narn a8 fey 17; Se PE, 60 34,5; SB UA ayy, Sagas a ult alba. mc, ba sabha BINT Ait eels Rf 9a Sd 1am 0; SM Yr. 8 yaa, dena vam. ideos.ovdat. as PH, cu san. ahi steel be nas al Bahu (signee Beiay Mode 46, BINS) ay, 26 BAY ts cope, sow, Edith, 24,105;32; rushuorrd () ds, SB NUE wen of dye ‘sametiaarey of deh, SUH see chamber, ba, bmith, 24%. ‘SWB yt Laden sbiohe eh banke of tand-women, Leste 63 NT jer Lioke -00n 0, ddole. 55 DY blips intoise, 5b 54,6; var, 19h 12, SS die an eesing loop Unk gs. Sis. ale 2, B Louvre 3226, 29,2, [RVD so fe quali Makes wy Baryia See NB): n. Aaptibity, bin.45 (det. 4), Rew. yea. Swipe (0, 67 2, 210, telehel var. SP ora SNS yt sanctuary of lobar Vel By v0, BS Slokre508 MS 44345 SR 506; ery, Bawa Sinf- dake away remeve, Leb 5t, Adon b59; yh 15; ia, fl, 2933 8h299; sul eal, ti 086 loko 254, Del Mohr, 2835815, 9144; Maa. 4 5.7; rescue din. Baiy; loa S135; Arab, acy line OO eaon, 81154; fll ho’ pe, 6, bie; zack dase Seay 6.3; lanaack a oun, P prrde R862. apelin field plot, Uke, m2. Isa wh. sinf. read, fa. 46% 9) dak x ase fread aloud reit 2b; decd; din 8200 (dek > nk. deb ay, dae wh sing. duckde, 28 uy bllk.w, 75,0; $8017, daca, 3,513 2, 34,16; Siu pb.15,23; am dd whem ‘ack guardinn ta'amuinor, PKoh. su (debt ea aale ae mounish sife, Milt 2, (det 3); FITS, © fattened. goose, Mak I$, 4; Biome 55, 459196, SAYS Pld mds distin, ort, 155.061 PAT dn public prsclamaline, doh 2,12. PEAVY dd Ae dislinbanee, it, pl 224; Emin 2,5 Mod. a, 87. TB Le mele, b.95517.22 ( 9h. dd monlan for fualng day $b 25 105776 Rar, 84. TEN pulls, 6h 52,5. RSS ar walifou (ll 3,199 TSS, tae de dough, 4-53 1014, don aybj22,2(deb.) of EL dma, 9 war. OK. 4D Sehebhé, 20D. SONY Hd extficcl fae, Unk, TANS Laut oy pool, Beroher, f 23; 8B land, Ave helour av. Sd ‘plat’ PUY sy ditch, be, 660,155 19071251934, TEMAS, Saye aul, dnk-a, #35. 288 Le woe. Gocodilopiti, A Wilbur, BLN Adey n.d: de of Crocodile, oof oth, Ree thar; Edidtoun, chi, 16; well, ne or, «%:(3) pat of 9G uk 2 an,5 Bi bean — eds ESR ta ohin ex mal ole, Adm lik tot 2/6( CRY salir -ohin, feo biar.yi9. [a Sd anf, ate. by rolaloedet >); 110. PERS Lda plot of lana, Made ng; a. 81,3005 Ll; Une, ua SY). SESS Lda flat of Land, feos 61,303,200. SNOB dak. 21 9 ST Se efoued, of egos, 804,12. BA tak, ete 0AM, fib. PBR iad frotadenance rm standand 1.2.85 4 90. 2¥8 fede 4 ASST fai aad oh inf Lal high Lhd loa 6, a. sat, y 109313; de As ‘a, urinal Leas 61,245; ecabled, Bory; 73,15 Se rained en high, uplflid, 80317 3,262,234 Hb hanghley Bi stow Ipaathy dreaded’ dake, 1382,1(EA); hs hor igh, laud of voi, Poa 82h iam 24j lok, 0314 (42; fos Ee infny fn ing in. 823 iat mang; foanf high £, BM bre, g. AIS Tat height, dri; Bd. 02,16; Toy. AB Nh itt igh grand, fsb 52; lar (det, dlc del. Te} yom N94 1 yne; ANUS vba sins M4 Bp sey AUS age wy high ground: 2) arable Land, iblear ayy det. dn. simaase able dak, 207.7. AM 2+ bgt high throne dd, 2006 to aca amor 3,20 162,16 N TS) 20515; abba ds me Ayue a ‘he crsa rat ob the hope of her voice, BD 35m hs ARS hat ott foreign fory nk. eb ARDS: waref ant donbolt! ARI i das praine vam Mi ANS, Ti, Gass; fapunes, voi. ABD fac vomit (ob) £ tah.s,36 NIT dt nesting, Shins, 10; Ask msc puny clo, $b 3,0; Soyer Ashe ory ‘ho ane on their Sellied,C 2, 166; inberie, middle of land, abe, ML», (deta 3); Laka, 155, 19(4) 25% 6519; BD 109,02; me ka ‘inthe midat of dp. sey. Ale hot ford over double over dria, sn; double quantity, loka sry ALS): 15,1; 615, 5; JER 15, plasm, dela, 5); SNS doubled! Chind, bs 43) 1mm aber cols anake, Pps ub; ver det TR. 1 Ah -th Bila aye let fate, oferty Bp 206100 20.1 7b; IS by 0, Be hste frzzat, neo 2ur% RIN Ah fimde faroral ration Milly JANE han fle, Camimes, Li tong ANS Aant done falt, 20150 ynynirem ADS by, 32 dsr he INT deh mad tlaste, 03 76 INI S Sus Fonds 9.08 8 ry obao ANS); 01s, del, ©) rigging tp JAIN faa nope fodder, p.2018 o JANIS hse sing bur; tind vii lie noe -ladder cusng;v0r-A0 Ss dust, ANID has vomit, £6 10,15, dee alee es lelowr Vee ARAN? ffs. vainglorious ) dam. NARS wis fs Asar fwelling Pang, feaw 8135; Wale. 63. ARIUS Ader (Lely plaalin, manna, V, 364% forks Lb som bc nhes malt milton aspect, fh 8-3; i a ‘ona fp 5; according tke, 1015 1; malian: ry AN} ~9 vos. of bh ened” AUD bis womit, & dah 6. UN in. fe Capen (41-disiyah yom. Sid, SF *SHIS, ty psnh aso. |e sami, $4 20 fac abe Aah pch blows Ar 65; 13,12; anary Mk, 15,15; 80 308, 5 (dole, ); shed 455, dna. of Seep, deat, jl 6, 322. ormer, Rahs, 1; il, lela; 89150; na of lien dod | 313; bight of net, Jen 28,1. 2k fond amc) Ake 153, on) 11; hard et 2; 4815) 14; Sm Sich me de 13113(dati. 74), pple i earl, Meyceante, 37 Var. AN dakar, 24 95 Ab—¥ seach ys |AakeR, Mika, 10,2. Ahem: ‘Poh panda, Nafots, 20; of. JE 103,45. 43 Ofer «trope cake, lek 2, 3917 4S Ta hae gold-minen 2) war AS, JER 267;0.3. AS ee ander Arb. AID pat eed head, 2,25, 10 UNO fey jm for brn, dint ey, 299; lat, $35 4 LSA i a anad vb ago. coo, 63h Hay; R10 ly Mahe y,no-i(dets tea Ue, ryldet. =) cooling of remedy, £635/6;colm, quiet, ead dt 53, AEB ele, ln 96; Hb fai Ampered) BM bun; Usk 1, 970,15; at- BEE recreation, date. te25-5,1, HA 20 H5Sinte. aeq= iar wel rege, amines, fit Soap. ANE Ht cold (my, CMake yb. oh inion foun a Aibalian, nti Aemanme, 2, 34,2.4( WE): Mand. fpovir oul: uralen, wr, 22; wine T.22. AUD alien: Ak KEL my bien ty aber) uich slang Ue hp ASSES bbb col wan 723, ALAM 26 (1 Qa, 23,100.20» har?) AML BM, fort (2, 80m, 256% EAC fonts i le Mth Me of Sosa lnk 20,2; 8m. ath 4 ANNO, oh tinna puoi, p.igg 5: indrana present Llabiongy 1 esp th, B=); be cabrn(!),dipmmen, 10,2. Ts aye a1 EEE AIS Attu coli eraler, Mein 26,74; BD Str (dels. TE), var. AIT mane 1, 35; theobln. 124. BH, 7 enw, 1,33, m10.2, mary aban for then ‘hs ov forte agreoryms Bled abet ANCE Atlee ont Qadom. ty, BS Mur 2) bibaion vase, Unk 22,4. Ye -hie (ty Mation mse, Lk. 22,4. NEST ES Ai Ath wild feu, feaa 61113578 22, ANS hth ey lita jrom. IME dake 2395, DASE apg DE MO death dha 512,10 VS Set Meh ame dic ga the foun sense og Thay; r0or WE Maker igs, EVES 15516 AR bpd fame, sense, pls. 29 hf hake, 20200,15; ole, of Mord, £ 8d. dmith, 251 WAS ie aLend, Ait, pb. 8, 314-320. 22S da faker foureciby; mah Ml Cain 20052 Wha (thaws, 18.22; fea bq; Ade, 19: (2) engl, din, 82.653 Make, 223,4 (dala TR); £89 5; eget 6054 8 Mak. 6,8; reduce dak, Sie RO THR cy out leaching, ob, 2739; maar mu thy myeanidtal, 173,15: (3) armen oul, x0 from’ mated, Unk ,,16322,10; 069; ae dt sheen alae hammered siber 16,1; 06m. 180%% £86In€. Tam ISR di. 6265; 0% db; 4701345 47% lk, 150995, 50g Y 51h5 13353 AD RNYK ns forms opheanance, 80306); bn; Ma. rye ale Li) ative, 26h; 0555 (47 0). ARIS P dom sus winery 0, Cave ent: AIV3S hos mourn, GN 06. 47 NSB Amsur classof boldiens, %.0b 8 105, ABM Aa quommeds(®): amis apg. dip nelinent Mode. 6, 6H ABN Art gum, ak, 04229, ADM BA RMS AKI fomk aloof, B13,4; Rob uo. ARB bond devine, inuonl’ (2y-moure, (Hs #6 AS An fat (ad. amdens, £55, (let 95,2157, 10 -AO2S br qotdoenas 1 ese, es nn ef it Aelous AS Aniadj.omd vl: 3inp. (y rane, AhA 02; din.810y; lke, 2539, 15; Meng, 251,629) a 93; il plist, 28); Alde nim ry irda, of child, fe100; able, capable, doa yg,; 2810min; dulifel, of amvand. hain, fag 4, Maha, 5; erg of apcch, Mriharat 2; oul of dean, Aish, ph. 30; Od fp.1014; aeine, Camines fax By. Mise, us: (2) tongaten, Merihards 92:()amouns hls; of measurement, feat Rib cf.Caminac, resi Uy eases rfrpuaion, Camino cit LN he faa mar, Mill. 2; dey 00 mila ile, la, 2 (Aa yin 95,2. AMT hail he Brarey milla compa dite J00.24, Aca hk salou, Mode, 5.15495 ds. 8. [2 frm superar, eA 2, flab. A. re oferce, 28.12,; fas. 61, 12(detx); Cnmines Lit, Prag. Kat 2(delad Mok. 09. fe mh ‘aaah: Ls prfetiire 2) fat, Sw fo mal dak, unt, 1; dob PP Mak, 20,108; wor AM Sor aia. 2.4 bed cerwmonial garment sora. JAAP bt shea Ande JA >. [sat Eater 300 LAND: Be embrace (vb amd), Sad 133.165; Mek, 931( Lu; 165 dese of mothe, McK 84 LA Ne A nda Jalan gqu, Mase tym AAO” Ak a, bh, ANS T fate funtatle abana ft 14. ANF date ello gment, 827%, 1 314.45 e0- AME & dab 20 2. ANS Aud apllnase Yeo th b2,23 AQQ hy fe bln? of ryeg Ptah bo ANS bt Send; beimcline ell; subjugate var [CT h, Sid. pip ra A Iie Anht commen, angle, neo x, 21m WASP HF bet court of magistials ob citar. 2 Unk.x 100; Stay SoS lly magia Maks 235 lk. 013. SFR ns bay Mek gn JAAS he dea people; found apy medisamenls; eto fatty matslsdeat, maith; Gash, A AMA bnblnyt mallet, Boh. 20,31 [AFP fed Leong, furlouy L815; doh, ah.g; 08, SF war.of fant doorbell 55 fat deprecation hello place, Cu cbmith, aso; the bie sources} the ‘ile, 80 80,. Gf. Ame ‘carove L245 sd dnaw mean, allond, done, JA 24,16(9) |Z fal alow, aliron- cloud, neo 7, s¥;deti Bal "h Lhd 57,04 Bpr.2by, Sofas. SF bef fag”, Bers 2,04 |4 Taf combat daaurlngether van dela 44 fb drnithsray; det 674,86 SS Pape: Bag, faba; he 53,105 dob ¥ 15 AS Bedale conliactions (mad £8. dei, 2. LAS bafr facial uninblen $6 296 |S Dif vag fine felting, bud fry mou ef rene mt) 2 Stahl cower, BD 253.2; a7%/2; det.o 2y4. JSke ke debt arent a guandina of aca rine anion famaly, ran. date.0 9 gas 55; 16.832,4hm.17 pl deshant figuoee in gold, Moke 292816 SNE baht vessel Anh, sr, 3; 95; 4248; det.a 20m, LSPS das of, fay, Lea, 1, 205; Sc the dela); fy, 21; Ake wore 17 (dat. PA); 1936, (abl. ):m.hurial, £4621, hin. bqi(dels. 14), fobns dot), HE hao (the shake ef Hing arid, oat 16 | 218 ft unl Unk 9,0 1;parecspaon Ana, Bes JAS far oof, 80 437; vam ADTs ale 6;- PH Aka, 2h ANSE frat tomb equipement, lok. gs; s02. 0S 6437 ART VR fade ze lar, bqys; of. s00 5,209 (2). 4h von. of ech end ANA vase 0 jan,, 184,70. ALAS Abba molil workons, R816. 218 an of faa ind’ Whe fone, ddeole. 1,10; 80100,m; vor. APY Be 5,1 VSS Aan painful Mate 4,233 04; fainfally, Cm, 4; beens, Heh 3 (ANS) feeubled, Caine 20001; dificult, tr; fas. 6h; damgernuy link, 1985135199, 15 BD 24,6 L136; 133 ak amt “ora. diffieult: ‘place’ Bmiot; dus. 84,21; caus, dn. t0H;'Un a bad alale (med) Pade, ANY nt ule misfrbuns fe 2; eb nojan 2 9 itt.” Ps how dn ses 0 Ailing Ay fo 6 4 Der. of wam ‘ent! tun Shag. TBA ha wwe the potters aheel n007, *; we AT Bn 7,25. pnerry Hz aes TRG NS OE he potin (ace Mhnurm) Unk 2334; 225,45 236, 2. IPA hui, in gy; Nese ,36 Mak, 5; shin ma, 23333, Bom 54 Taw. VES Leb. bo; SATS it ps 936 1S dod, 13,20 1ST si2, AT Sha baler, Laks 20,000. TA 129,25 dol AP Od. 56. AE Le fore: m def ry inl culinary fd 523; nal By ty; dl, 206 3 defualalion, B15 4; Make, 09035066; a> feb nchinwcet goed’, 4,332, 10; chanaclen,dispreditian, BHb1h 8; im. 632; Usk, 5; Ae oan, of vise, (0.5 2; dard 2 M-dinaed Earl, JE 20,18 (1); goldnb SES. 101; mi Bd ‘in aeng respect; Usk, 1000; mi $l online, Brg 104.2; ha 4d ‘onbinely, Slain 20,921 uty, ‘allagether; fe Hah.3.3% ‘wttaly, Buss mw fe we ‘alh lagether, th. 16258. Vest Uda, bg Aer Make 0,6. VBA ka goanund:: mar ff er thal cinching untin's A Aupbrates, ke W851; 1m Adan wk ol round Chem, 1307, (VE), sim, Pdlamiot, 4,2. He at secf(oh amd ns, By; Mill» Abe 363.0; 884.4 NG hat fits, weight of ible, dot26h 1S dr men Kodi Mk, b14,10. ToS hat Leassingy Uk, 1082 4; 3 dud: thaughConan, REO, y1*; wen TOT eb 9h, LI hes yh. VET Ae gather flowers sayings 0547 A529 fatto conifer ® from Api, lk 642.5; Ree. bine 4 2 ASSO fader charactors Def pening, 192. AES hae sap (mj Mah, 5108545915 512,04); pl ddr lame fend, f.Hlahsi10. ‘achiove success Je Ary bol), 37, £1(#); 2) ha fa ttain edged rset ak 2
4okit shoutef acclaim, Ap.ig7 rman ide yor, AS.2 crs, Sl by other another, f TD SLER, we SPE, then Insge. NT y Adib iS ele tle an sate ws yncor sof YA. dik, r3a4,5. [SAIS at lt seagsing ahi, dk, 9m 15; lament; an Dm SES Unk, 3352) T'S AB yoyo, SPAY amcmer umelathe; daft ebthes;sbip defied ns abi, ail feos 8,56; ean, of sky, to. 19, dit, p30 ‘ fhe na tech F ei eho SB ak 1309,16; 2H reo: ES Me gash, £44. bmith, 5 [Sot cAfiat ?) Laualrorchinesn?, fas 60,26 IN Ms Low forth, thaw. dk. 343551; va 5 72. SETA ~9 bp undone of Bd, aX Salted at Abs; le of abcess. ENA SOR caus. of Hf uncove NSS bp fediscrect, Meriherss b4; uc, Pa 5b 52); de 29; Hp ib Ae nual in) rns, . 23 Aout: m — indeed’ Unk, 409. Se oh, male caplanay lak 26,17 1912 (dela Si); 3 det); mabe quisition, 217,12; 2181, (dole. Sa)in. eek copies, 14 4-105895,% Se He Meat re da SEIS fr weunder, Mek, 957,200 28TH e4 EF ame ffs Plc forth: Sie n be, Gale. 2S peor, 203% [Apite— Aks 24h PDS Apter spring sib, ak 0.2 Nb bach, 2iis 54.0% Bosh nldelsat);2831; 0 15 Gapmase, 4500, Be Maha, ey; 2 1094, ING kml n be. the Black Land, Soupl din 1826.32.36; 2 ab; 28 eB DHA Hk att Sayplians, Mobo 3.8. ee BAS 0 hon wy toe. Bion Lakes region, Gauthier Bist ghogn 202. HEP dm fan Uk, bot PM dew oh tal ply amount lth diay; Chind, 2, Merikars comple, Phd us, 80315; Akt, 5,0; anend Ldn; Boab fay Maho ty 2 8; 23,,0.0( S2):n. completion: lin the dinichbing of ane te' tin the cof a mement:) br, natin ta apace of aanchowt 1,5; fuof Jen n2, 304); di Mode 19319 PRE Aral completion, MuK 1.335 final acccunt t, Chak syi(E0 MT Bony conebuaior of ber, ChB Set, fi-n3,1. ZU homgl form colt head of cae Nk. 12933 FE aP hak dilibe of Ame Bas UD And vt do sullen (2, 802%, 3; Unkae, 132, 6(deb, 0): sublenmesd), Borah 2, SVP Mn tner Comaanites, Ask 1, 1305.4 “wasaeD, Sn soapy oni hang; ef- 288 59,157 ZURe Tbnmt darkness, 80.267 . PUI bale thy ce dentin datbecad mec a torpoad people, Makes, 096,14; sing, rth a daily, 802544 SAT te desk, lnk 20972 LAST baker darkness BBusby|; 0t5 SAM oes pushin neg (0, Barns, Cae fo. 26. Sei bape scrape ou inscription, maya ah. TEINS Ma aise tho voice 11,23 bllaadel aan); ultire ellos, Th, 89 (de); 7 ory hw. 946 5; fe-violont; roar, howl, J€8 20,14 iy 1 Aa AAME, alain oldage’ 38,26 able Abbe hacking of cough, JE8 3, 184-5. I ha ose (2): Har she wchiy the foo sbiking dour arcapice) Laure City 0 SPUD Aad ab. sinf Led dou, Meals! lle, fr i0uldeli Ah 9); brurdowen, Lys, 7; Aeuaoboale, of foe, Aiba. PSA haar bowrings, Ayr-s7; mv hue ‘Bec, des s2,2 (de: BY) ga 1b); Makar c04,s(); 1095 15; Spe Baer Comuch dave, $US SPINTS bom defy, lnowkeal, 2s bo by; Medd 2y,n.2; JER 24,9,0.2; dell, 52 Comines, dit. tray. 3,36; fusfane Lampe, Jon, dace ATL Ledank, 80 455,45 efehild about di he bran, Maate.t0,23. BS Tbh darhnsas Maw 14; 8811,¢(AF) Bory 15; bh) TPF hot hight; Mok.x, 248,17; 07-5, 11 (deca; 803535. DSS A (Ait pettiness UR, 1,13; var, TSS 1815 15 SST bli couldrong lsh 7, 40 PSM the quict sw hehe "quietly! 29 123,415 SS KARE quiver (ob), Amann ME, 1,6; Unk, 20131. SPA small, Mifling a bifle: suk Bit a sdauphle, diag; st Att'a li, sement; Laine Ait wma il; to et peatond-small gs re. Mn, 104,15; hs Ae the davis akon) 1, 52) dat act, West, 12,22. VRB Lhe shonin, eo. VAL neos at 8 MS. goer oh sinf inline, le namour celia, Sh snan;TR2s sels, bron Langue faa 0, fac, be laching Mako, ft [jae gle ae 28 sete gesges opuine, of dak, bi, 1 det. ©); 964208). SINS Egy Lack: wtp laf fst ela 7 Oden. BGS 3s gut Lack wank (ny gas sh; v04. BLOM fry. TIO gst duc hha nk, 334.9500. BD 1346 BR 12 aor, of 96s ‘om! SIS gfe auc (han infest, dak Pah be er. BM gh be weany, 80108, er IH 2155, Ashe a cachle, ddele.,23, se aeig Lal hae ote haf ‘monkey’ DRE ger Laat of full, G5 BSN, see gaut ‘duce abere sARS gee lb, ahead 15; MAN, 76,5; Se choked, 7 2,25 gu erige tly, E84. mith, 260, BAe. a tanh tl Maks 5; 00. BUMS 54,6 BANS gost chest fdtah. 14,17 Penel Saetiecae BYS quod eeame askew Lent, Gio anvay,abandn,vardals.25-$e, AS, JER Mgr (in); 1. . B88 gang shoud not Aad. 0, 12, Bd gb goose, $y. ens qa LB b mi the lh on SLB Blo gh deficioney dion. 24.93, meal; defy lion, Unk. (ela Se). BYR ay AL both mn SR Ie hy, abo BIR ING gh side rer, deli. 16.9, WLI gl cant, at, 100, WAS glgl Le Lame, Sry; Meek, 5d): Sans fll enemy, fy. byo('8J 8); Hogar Readleny, of flight, dk.x, 1,1 BYLIN Se gllyt: m ual of fg ht, skill 0054.45 Askar bge, 0( 1%). WR plop nti elas wn 1D ‘bull, 20,181; Beox,28 ihants 5 Eiamehsg2. Ch lp 5 Ha 120,01; 94,6 of Casinos, fy, re, van, Tioebekte BS Sad ibs; ON ad gag, BS BM ofe rebuff, P12) 4, Ark 119,65 BINS gonl Back ibis, fo p.170,6 28; 001. ppl. FEM ddr. ay6 aS gent ab 3 inf find, in Rig; Lhd ny, eas R%, Meats, uae cahamd, 6b 13; fealle te dod thing, Fre.i25;»14; Canloot and, Je31,33,n.5 GYR inwate BH x, abiba; ran. FW $b. of JER 39,20; 0 5 10, vip eens (24. dosh, ah FRET garmin, din Re; ef GS 1183 PADS raat” dre 309; Moh. 1 rg RSs Wwealenass, 80.9 11-12 OM Nm pk lh p Bin 825; Rd 103 8,5; lock 10 FM, 3b 153 'ab; Pa ald mv arch, ts ‘force done) with much, lasing’ A. bung grksed (fox sighted porspicacenus, Bernd, Ram. fu: TMP ymbt candle, candle, ist 20 wr. GNE Be yayhs aS gel tai ‘plailad hain, U6, 200 BALY 05 vam. IPR Pk. Me Spree tack foaee 4 H9h335 Conca re caus Arce, dn, dels rnp Forks, 76 4,3 SNENX); freak, of Mees, thd 4 v a9 a4e ra mee |B grr sland for Ait Aout, dk, 1296,6: | TT gras Pramehes of die, ly Soy"! Hom. gut neerdyanal, ak £43; 70m 2 DPSS 143; 2248 500,15, Bedi 35515; 120 4p. pesmeTe TD gly sutpln, neo 1,08; mn 1 by ete LS JSD gure fouign parle rom Paint, ba 6 SE Goon of gu nb [Eth qn vk gem fe wok, dm. dba so; ena; dealt Sh ms bm bison, 0 Anka, 40,4. ees A yet seb An EPCs gaa duct) on, pqs, 2; amen Oet 235; Sail tie ig pel nad pls 8 Ee pe at, Makan, 3,15, £72,262. 5 ark deme, sme, nk sh4. Cece py folickred! BA gat oncl. pant. moreover, ne adv.cither mn hZ EGS fy sass. JE Siguet bean Benn feguiet, toa 72,12; deatill, Meals. 6,17.185 Oa. by); fe thy 2.3: dil Lr. lok 143,16, feos, 315,44 1 as gen BA a 8 negaliocs re wn SGI Sasson JSG god vt complete fniahef wr, sei, tsy; hedalinfied sith ashargain, 2ASbo 72:7. nd, eeusalinn, Adon. 514+ BAT ph nigh, one 209; lb, 7g RON EES yg vb: dnane willfot, Comanny Lit ap phi; %8; bum, sxSH2: sw hank, dee cit, E guge cate of fish, ses. BE Shgug falachoed lie feas8182. 16.24); dle By by, 2 Moke 6513; vn Ss br usu; 2 OLS fares, BMS F pngy Lian, fame 3,5 lk, 91514; 07% |S gag vt lama found-a land, Mkt, 95,16; elablihs « house, household, Jen 16.195; LGR, mow U5; people a place, bk. 2,5; 2B 57,75 fannie sraate Landa with vegetation, faa 13; ste crsion ew hinge head, ak 29, W(det. 0); oovide for Lamernene; fens 81189; del in orden JéA 39, pli2,23.26; Merihanss ig; Aden 543 inlhamna, Be ready, Aden 2,3; uy bands do! Mthing, Borst, 12,20; alk sng hx Hit) nop amy Kean Le salon what Ke batedninad: Bese0s 0g fa alot 1 il, lg 50; fu le, “it, dom 07, ube eet bi Van Loge Vee. obeteh hile BUNA gfe geyelle Bel b no; Bg peli SR) van SNA ded, 113; fom, ght, 81-4. I gu gide 1 aps; Shh 5 lke har; fonder fad, din 89, 9, “ose tha paemcn fp, ivguny ‘fds bry guage Peso the pants of 5098; ha-quvoy Pride 2B 52,10; ed ha gaat Caclhy nn (adeide; B0100,8-4; (6 lay four an.onem lk. y6; thy; (nelle boone side} an ethnic 8148 (‘show pail, of jodge, 81 269; Usk, 1082,13: (ayhall, r.5265;$-anoura, Plibbour, 60. Van BI fay. se PU gay neighbour, in. Bis1-2 5 gon adinislaive dente 2 And. 19, 6:0, (dt. 8) Lead Lomplat®, th dint. They hy lepton pant, lider sb 12; 56 Y945 448 SrA genie ‘eoith vit; area prvsenguront var, B®, $09.12. Se OA gut sinliment, h.35,1 ff globin don gapphak hastin amd ac court) bth ray we 3a Char tage SEA ub aie ak by (2) png oun ut hearer os cwurae, yuh SV) Ak, 43; ab Bo BPD go tlt fang a9; fac Ae ai, (deb. 8); ps rhs dv of AL doth 20 BRED Pas feu (oy Adak mn, 5414) 63 DPE Gorn de Mpetlonepoli (400m. IE RES ON3, Bult.» i01; neo ay*. <= gage regulate, RB 3,05: ha ale lat 21h sna,Ra9;a 1 ak. BR ggt Bide Safe, 2%; Con a fey se Eee a rg, BS en; ifn iy BAL th he lied sre dr gth m cbs “Rt sham tid | Asher (dad agile. a van suff fn 34. ag. . 8c boca fa 6; Bch 28192; Lo ee rear, Eke ‘bile Arad conical bof aed offring ish pags war deco 277 Wks. in mameneh other ritual lant, 9. R= be dmy)-ty all end, ate, BHI 7. Tam. O71 din, Bist; BETH, bs. 8 BD sao Bay Seth. ee ipo fp. Chinthe, 102; foro sheaf 0b WD ag oss fg. dapch Lope sins Fs cont lohpoued ke shy othensvorld) bh 15,13;bhes by; Laud (fe- fase os fan Bf ok, bm gengtaphital sont hd ns di enqueue, LA 3 Meaty dua then Land Sagyp possi fla Ladi posed le frst hilh-counbhie lke 36j en 8303 thr m be Fanaa, feathion, Rik. eg Di faaboand, dk, 322,457,515; a0, SA EY, eh sn SE yn rub the Paint nome lnk. ; 000. on bin ws PO Lb bran. SSA Brad mle fg ans NS, TUS cus, ASH Sma m le. daser faypty wr, 2 bay. EAN © Simbel) Loe Napoli, Un, 8894968 TEES taenls Loe, els lana, offen of Paine, e.g Ab. 223 1 224,23 99% 6; ak alo ofthe regent, 04. 88 5% bra SSA tend sawn, Aor, 30% wh Baaly m loc Nabi, see ty rR iS am Ss Jmewr m Loe Upper lay van, Bull 1; JER 21,24 0-4 ENS F965. lina all rer M.wK. ve 51,20 aloe Pe he DD} dod ws} DSM soypey, FF ace PA 95:15 tn dae ba bee Nand See eeu sn aecestive ca oO exif ditnc he one fon the other. Cf. SBT 34 FENDA 2 fh mle suthorn dibye, 607 uff wn IAL ein SE WD Irfan mel: Momphile canth ged ar 5°38 WAG ele, sor| e (he dared Landa nenaplis 0 05h gata ron TAB by kiln, ¥en; van. BSS ¢ Ram, 87. el BI het, tbat; Cah hat Lomared, Rd 59, 80 a,2; E26, Gm for, Be 12,3 (del); soalee 4b, 11,5. BCAA Low heat, $b 32,6; shy; Adon. aod 935i) yor, BING Mo Kt BM Fagt facade. BMT anc CP ane BINS fayly Ae shrewd oe op fins, Bdoa2,2; ldo vii, thet, my R82); aK. BS Bao. blak 228. BIN HRe Sige n.d godess weaning in. tga; dela aa. f gush. JESS wan. of £3-ur Lantoard [Goma Bae ays BINS tron sore’), at 81,131 (fg-aue); ef J604, 12,12. BRK DLA mischief maker, Merihani‘ay dala ¥" P23 (H.-Leat) BUMel tobe es dagy, 60 58 BITS 611 foundany, in. 8.45 817,25 41,4 Oh, wan.28> Unde, 9,2; Be any ahi pees. A Lad fiz the Lindl, 90276 UPS Met pestle (9, 4p. f529, 023. tar amula, ale ver. 8, Spf. sohi¥o9). VW. men-emed. frat, mr. ], $y. $5ug,b5 213) 2635326, Sod vanneef pants bie aU te image dake ome ath date A); £072; form, aha, 15,0; SHA 265 Eigen Mode, 5507; eign, oyna gn Bu, ab bu(dele Spill); a» ek co collalad, Lt)» Hd ' A, Souiga, pls 20 ten AR Make, 54,0; sap AR t0ig ir aA Souige bcc AU Bacula hai dr 5.9.15; CHAR. 5b dB ti hak, AAU cron of Li ‘sovereign 16 eye Stace. US se ander thy LYS er quanlnstalf, Hor arms, 14; 0, RY 9 dha, hn WR Wp alice anc ila spice (8 ak, save WEL 95161 BB dh att Lt fale fie 08h dls Me by PR Sige SLi wrver ode. fren La (ay inde. fr one: (S)demonats. this, bp QDI Led prmom. comp. JS ole fish, ee. Yr.sia. = SUR ig oh ins. Les ao Ago eb: Hurt atin 126, 152g; £.l6.1, 120m); oldup dial, pha, scone 2(det. 59); dayq aol rou, te “en aad, Uke at 2446 PAD. JUBA Sh isa fut claim, nme, fb; clei from cone, fons 81,2993 Yheab de aime, 82,106 deb): mca, B96; dos 03.26(delia HB). of. Jenga, th tan Moke 18 2,12. PINS fever man of Lo slain infor, cust rm PINE Merikorze, 2%. AS fi laosul orzo the sever sacren aly dist ps2; van A an, ASM bay 09 Mia that, tp. ssu10-2.. 2B bam (< fam) rise, Anite, JER 2, 3, 2 Din wed 556; 00n SUM db gn © Be ab. inlions, be clean, Usk, 546; alia, 23,25 fed. 4): Hana, cteamae, 605.46, varn Se feayyu;* 224 Shs 15; 2 S241 loka, ys, 1; debs TD apis. SST lire show: a with dine j,i pty 2206 Aldea, 162,15 (2BSO9 My; with ha, fea bs,2a( 12S); Moka, 20,13 (BS A), dee alse, ST lal alls, in, 0309; Mah. 2952; 1625; image figure, bing Le ‘nag T, 5 84yt OU 102,13, Aarioue dele one Uf gga; sy2,2; Peay. JOSH Lat ihe, mle; din. 353; feaa 66; lok a, sbe6: (2)guilable, filing, Borkin Leather, 2.47 GES51,n.; TH 29 82(2 9); lk.m gus; nalinal, me “fons 81123302) fain lemaanag, C1 ¥ 7622) Une, ty10(2 3), fe bead, Prtht: (i) aasembled, umiltsd sams liat mv rm honk foined andounited in ‘Mafeatys person, din.8273;a.maw Lid m reall ‘whohas heeple ercund hirn’ LOKBA, vt.3,7 = CBB Seek 50). mbt laa wake iow prise entrada fore gos, Pian eng; ni § ta yw they‘hie bn ses wholly in acolamaltin Unk tubs 7, sim, 12002; fein accord, bnc'th Hab n0: (0 fall, online, comple: bg the put half f drs, 05 ;2iesy7' fest qa-the age an BS bt] Cosas eat tha full eapinaltal of Ay, laoch, abst ash Ayr hw Aas (hi yruane intact, loser amc torplale, fase i, bof let chy cho went forth complete amd equipped” Ik z, 6h0, 1 B29 lll Lkonaas, fos. 81261 SPA ade mn. ilf fon2 0 fe, SEF fick none fren. ap you fr. tis Obs. alo von. it ‘sandal! HAM ty shag, P Br. x23, 15 = Zig 6°? ede he pment nearmad, 160 95, nt 216th bre omamaur?) Barns, Ran fi. alalS ste hoi Uakar psn; va. SPI bse fe ead, Mes; din Bye 20, Wea. $16; Redman) ohiol lk 1,64; Saha toy» Gpgbf, 3; the of Lae, dee, of flagslaft, lak x, 5b 5; 20d of ane, Srey; exaaisle (matte) hind, cba; the testo: of Mur hasuce the ‘bo the Landa lak, 262,03; 021, 15055; aim. 3359; m2; mete ab he ead. anvenmy, 9B); af inka the fresence of var. the), 4. $178; Mr lin frank fn the direction of ‘bfire ef hime) £1193 Lim \poovinualy’ §205,2; me. tpcry um... li, 28 ba 75, or hag th sce fy. Plt person, in thr mumerol ef! fs. ty, fons. 82, 106;Uok. 3,616; Shue shou ove sees 992 PL finameial principal () fKahs322,0f.Srfp. Kaha pry. dee also thr, lb whee, fp. py, 72S aly, eb BG ait wasn dake, 27407; bons Baty fein i ind, van fps 10. 2h3.2be, FUNG te cst due time fo dos'thing, Unk, u-361 20 Ye Ha mle vedios (Atfi4), nox ug? PA thc Lefore, of ie, fp. sini, A tree nla the presence $f 25S ah-cwry adj adanlly i ro place, wha ae in frente tele nth oflime, sche had eon lefre, former lk: 5 222, 19}8, 28,15 EST Bile) of rank, soho tahes pracedena of JER 315 (ding): mfredecesind omcesiy 242%, 99-9) dak 1, ub,0(8D 20); 5, 7h.0, Px tpl former otal, oh. 1253, ae, i icant journey 1884, a 5g of aig, havin iy $8 so 922 Bre aman covering JER 21 6 5 temp a gerd heginng des 3,9, thi» lp-nf successfully, 7a; ah in PT then: bn ‘read fovithe mouth Ba. BT thugh-n utterance lat 959,5:47n4(S!)serfrnancial principal (0,6 Habe 320.3422): (9) fae of riangle, if Mah, 3y;padiaa of crele, math. Mason, 1,3. Pa Tiepten utterance, fs.y095 0,627) Akt, 5,05 322,10. PR Goorcomd Lim-day week lnk x, 41,0 thant: flea f our mac —‘hirgreat annual festivals Uk I,75 185 Amt nt — ‘his annual voyage, 20%,2. Vstinct from tft teboss. Pe tpenay the douth, 160 436. PS fend tnabiclions rebel nt, Hohe, 581, 97 b(de te) 8; 103, 2; Ade a PST); daly Moke 250; governance, 256,12. PLO, tht nd Lake (2) Maat, rhs; of Mer, 24086- PI tp hut roof, Aon, a6" QZ beh boy mastin, in. Bia1. AUIS. th Rab reckoning, ke, 22,5); conzck mathed Mhind, litle; tnnshandand of aruach conduct, 5; 65 fae 8148. 20.325; asciide, eas 8), 1:1-£.24- PET th An wet of lipannay des 82,2. PULSE thor: ts —— dacred aah fr the rine, Je 36,24,0.3. 244 ‘nem tr STD apuy-ts suneiver, £1.91, 1(1); von, 22 St lk. wn He tert ‘whe ane on earth, £62, 2,6,11,3. BS afte Boginming.of thease festionl, e035, ps »5f fon. 2; bar Ly abana festivals, 160 26,21 with waa; yt nb tliat colemdrical festival offers {Mk 195 8 SS 19); 5,02), Pam SIMI ES spedurryt darn, see vind, durrgt morning. PILE, tht fine ek, din. 63g; Unt, 251 B42 an of Yo renthe. BUR tie ox da gg ro BO by, DET dare 2,2; won. HVVEan 5 of Sank ait OE tn breathe, feos aon 0 AEs Mak. 82,6; 742 Nefrhaley, 2h BIG vanof Gilt hole! JE. dorsi fap. at (ymden ems BIN, 0-2, Pavan, of ib) father’ JEN of sea van AIDS, se a JL LAI oh inp. ee Lab ein MS 2. X'S R Yo n.d Jofimet Unk 5.5; 869, coldet) vase 20 ao 5s. ER ae phan, fp silk sn, 34. [ee NS fk sledge, 9035, wenc BH 210,12 SIN se ag. oe, vader es, As of. fa frbon jee SNS Lin fori yr. ash(var™ DN); Asi cease, Aye gy AD in, cle the mouth, Pyr.230; fans. 61,246 time see umder ‘Stine lim $e IA fie fo comple, iol erp \Complleombire abl Ga.§371:n enenything, Give Bob -— bow at . Tema ET ehem-sbmbac shecifietion, Uke 96/7. the une bin ond. of al, 2 S45; nti ls me helena thew Sue} OBS 5 cpr deatilaion (P, JER 2, pleb,ah Ho Li ‘an of al (lat), 8 1 a lard emi indy sk SR Gabe nend ns thera, 4% i ages peter ein hk He el | | mek! SP nue 80 2,1; Wah. big ar, 2 ABD! by Fou NSPE SRR al men see fo 393 SEV Lown cbecune tle 29a" T ran. DIF, 209,96. TNF bs mat, cam 27MM TBS SN dup sanitig tothe similarly unin, sd frs'adaslia see under fs SAIN B dat mat, Lees ven 2b lakh 6; SDR Caminos, Lit Prag. UIP ses andor Se Libyan eH bina line, the face,‘ oe, lake 32,41 4 VAM see conden Lina UB NTE Lams fuamebbing, ris 6512. Sy map ian, aan fife df Ta be mn of fon 2 pil fr VLE STVA, seo under Lee, Laws AAD tnd of, quo ob, din. 81g; Ark ar; dry dls ER): oleae din 251; Aleal 17542; Moh. bing, Vor, BB 4 Ha 14 AAS tnd ecternal signa rf old-age, don. 23.4 E24 ad dd ma, bdr, Unk, LAK tall, Linmvaaide sense, shrink, 2am, 6RSby.102-W;qumvak sande, of cattle, Adm.g,2. $n. feos Bi, 9.16 the det. ia anrwnidentified quadraped. aside, 363,13; go catia, din B9b(det.); ey Pena. elec of bala, Bin (at 99) Be confused, of ands E82, 1649. Van, AINA Uk a sensi ID ARS Flava darkens gloom, ver deta, C73, u- een= Hone oo JBC 8 Liem feo, Je 9,059 JA AEC an. of Lovato Momphile samclicary. alk arming plover, 160.36 pond fib 210 bs dime, in 20; B13; 3649; aa es 2.9; 8625010; ob ‘ab abt £4 Unk st, 243,13; 206% 6; so abso 2 ise aa) ban Mk, 031; wv la snlh re rus ob coer in ita! ug tb; Lier bef froma tea, gs Vana] elebaen "0M iacateS (aug teh deg, 24998 nr; HALLS 83m 294R Reed ILE by FAAS eetenelaarrk' zee 25;for SS fotinl ase 24 21 Bo onet pant. forseoth puay, vom. S$ drsash ELIA respect ane Unk gy 9 gut erecta in 8 (5); sai ge, Merihonis a; eitheut oj. shows nespec dul pl asd. JDM ge sean emo, lr, a0n. AOL sy JSMMLA RS see sdf bigh rath of ableiame. VQ won. of Lit willows! SAL eno i ed! LA che oh vinf, inbinns. go anti, Mesihands (note), of sarging ping Mano) Lhanagrens Merihard’ y.ya; Brass (GS); fsiaas 2 “n'a place, JER pls, Bi attack, with Nbk3, 002,10 BS); 204,1021/05 AU risque Laas B19 th the heantsedony, aaoymplin, Gh 02,5. trams. Lead. ation, mislead, din Buet-202; Lob; onerelof ath, Prt, ‘Mavibandt, 52; disobey, fo. b,22; a5; 19; lle nn; imfecgs v Raroc- Gon say falaidl? account, Betbung OS) reglcl appoinld das, BBY y jac: petliens, Bg 5; vlads epse, JER 2 fib 6 SLA Sur lianagreason, Foss B1,237;770%. BS Fk. x, 001%. BRL dom punforalt, pone, £54, Smith, 12st init ($00 94,5; Ber hen the 14jhewcke en door, #ch.8.2,ab.rp. FIL0 Ae perforation tuumetine, abr. £0, 26. bmith, 105-6, GIST She « derian warden sk. b,5 US ichary fee, oma IS, Jeni oe 50h pummel of Falance, fe; fos byg, anys; det 1 de srg SOC wh sing. Se dunk, feos 61125; Unk 6,5; 91615; dela 9% ddm.r3133 rire dct, Uke, 154118 (det. OF dunbenness faheni, BS hfe daumrhand, b.44 SS thy the second omanth, loka, ny BIE Bk smearsgal, 8 Ye S22 thm m infanay &aye, Usb (dat 4) 59,9; ob: inguneege, 64,0 288 te oh Mrvbypusnruasigath Lege SSN, disorder hain, Unk 6Y; Hendorn 25 (de: ); raonfle fap 7 73 det.&). 7. E vb sinf. fe absent, 2 ‘from: Mok. 1, 23,105 992,95 2-94 fromthe presence fi bo3 16; ecmiaing, 484 (E> BDiqiam from 1bab(ES Aja rem fas Bing (LA), desi Al 1,152, fa Pr aelion, fe. $313( Ea); abso én foe Ld fix the bimils of 80.27, 16. SP eer desenlin, Und, 24,1. i vamp sd Foundany. SPH spit out (2) Ak, wrote Sos El smcshy heads; rind, comm, ns 9; dle arerd, 2867; 1249 Van BX bin.6 55. |S 4 6b smash, dim. 60, Aasibly comuplimn af Wd above. ISS Bel cuash, $b 4,00 9 thew tnch taper, Sil phs305;c1s,212;lokin 12,25; flame bah. dealing?) Udo, bbi i (det-2); undertake wore, 62, un; drive colt, d'bbingy) Toe Yat Mok. ngs bse, (lumin, aro Ane, 4 Tar IN cr le. SINS che nite of lnch-Lighling, alu, 2,4; Beeb 3125. ET th, Se mean lh. leon Bap wl Hace dk x, 015; ahdrench, aur ean sithout of, feb fae ns ith diet of, in yo; fay Mele, bibt013, ale olf, Bagg; le 2h; Mok, ee; tach, & “doe, Ad ws, 6; bender, men of ailualte, dae; Cink Sonairvonment (0) Bratt 3-H. [58-48 thar neighbours Meh) 97° thy ist 230. \SP A the fioren, Unk am, 913; of. 2S 1,131. [SSo hk vb ager. nal fri, nk, hata dine, do. el aug, [Sa 8 erates lnk bm 2S, 2 waa lat full; rire, > 2b suff poonsa fy. th, thee lay, orc, fr Bin FR ble, ver. AF, ven 2m, 10. RO boaad swredunke, E8204! ERA colt jam. FAS, SP} Jean, net B60 bs flaling, a Mt .3; Aman, 244 ON fig for hil 3, hp; Caminos, Lit, rag fb 15,2 (det). Bods fatle,bige, 09; KEES dakar oem Been gs:— Jb ‘abl ok m0, . RIN Leo ang lake ues, smal 26 danger as yela 3), obo, by, 15f81%42; thane, 5; arouse, La 96. Tor BNA Avon, BW Calak x 214 05 B08, 9. NS fut theft, eae 82; kad 5, agothoing pop hinge, Bit. 6° haus feanwy: MF aamdard bn BF 00.2913 3945 PSY for -b manna, 1,10; RAT copier 8, Me 90,7; 35 apn’ an. 259) neon yt BOP bay maak many din. sn; faba; Meer. Hb Mok 5985 var. 24 0019 Jen #20. DSH Lay (0 ball calf nk mp 13. Onahould: by Le read? BS he bork, Moc. 1009,7; 02. BINS. br. 2, DS Laur wind, din.02.26, dobry; BB U2 nlalle gin, aby ve(deti); RB Yoke, 1230 3, realy, ind 236.25; Pane 6,232; Uke 662,10; am of fb bn dun ‘the weather ia windy, Unkv,isbie. to fai rer ace under fri: FREE On. of Sur he Shinile nome TPES Your-uun Ane. an distsiot of Sgupt , £469.72, %. PAIS Laut sail (0) (0), Uhht, 5605- BIg o a, 22,,13;636 1,928 5. RIE Lbe Loan ror Bile, BRO Loew foreskin, 02, 2b105; 78554. BOM Liew cloak aK hy; seaddbing cliches bi faadage Comings, Lit trap. pa BOINP Lim peih ob): — he the fod «thes indudgence, Ahad; Rug, (0; Beat, plan, te (det), # Ranme ,¥618;2,6. BOM Thar moke feat, 608 sin 6; felon, hu 'on prey, Ua 1,80 (del INA, fake fsacssin of hit lah oly ying atcha cocci, dad 195,10 IR), PAINTS baat cabin zis bens; onbionehed carmpy YG BST Lsly vipizy vom BR, 292, abo, uhs wyiorship, (504 U2] ft daig Uke, 2064 ue; 10. PL] 20859,12. [p— ane 30% 305 I i DS anf seu! Yd ke fot, dda, 82,1; Camis do'y.tiae. f.bo2. Sr dep og, thea hte, Jalen “S, 4p. ss SA wn of ht RA on. of Lis support: EEN fon gore itch horn; tick, ry inlisrardet 5-4, 288 56 26; 43, th Ace abso him rise’. = fl inde. fren. 2.1.04. Khare lain SS°5A, fp. sbi ith Oh IEE ovale, mein, pain S10 At vase, Mok I, 666,1. paeibea tester 2 SAR dad. 1952, 5(dual) Relat somal fy fe.507 535; dale ye Taonog- 2] °M% Ald ty dan BSC ihre as,26, 22188 dake wo 2A 515,88 216 2} oh sin fe shed, 223,19 lak, 52,5 Cl) fuovide th sandal 2038, pg fap ignte LE Lar sandal -rmaker, dp. fh607.$33} NEO THe VR Gn be quick, ep 83/6 =J2 57 bh leah Avranee of amimals mana Tyger. C1713 4.0 a Sim same hp ba; M1, 5459 (0 LE) gig, (deb. B), 1,6 Wet: =a) hele of arate, 78 9,2 dm; Maw. H3, YAP brns cadaalen(? var. =TOA, Pda. fsa ih IR Pbk, 03,0. =37~# Ls (ump abiong came, Nsw; Lins ch youre in Ak: SAAS doh Lyon t603 0% 000. AIO INN fa net nly gi sith, gr le vile OM Bee dm. 3,20; MP BT 1,20; LAP 3,10. UD OA Zins fe hepmeaned, 23 boyy; able. OH Mike at, $19. b JER 35,98: Vaan. UNS OT Loa injury, awe, 594 1 a dep pron af ap than thee Lal On, Ap. fin suff end def rena ph yu, your, talén 3, fo $6343 5 fing suff fv, dua you iv, you, aay da, heim, YK be intineg. whore whoneet, fy hither! pa, — VK, STR, INK, fe ses. eye “of Hat dee te i Eat 2 Prana 7 dr) WR, ye pre fechas fry dela TRB) spcch, Meda, 040 of Sch, 2B i1n,7; den ‘mare Ham) JER 33,06. Varn.) Sem dlordone.if; A Ark, 1B, 222,16) aK Rongy. EYE mer nbn y else xond lab eh nae 8 2328 KS fo distinolene: tse ie thi fs Baas; 192; fog ab hi ‘Kid. ja yourd. da yourrde, BD 4, 13-1 (28ST A), [AR bd amar te arb 24 fed basin loka, 29/4196,5; wm ANT 1046 6, 21d © Jrd lee, Phinis RE OI, 38%; waar 5? BM be FN Sua sry YI CTA fo rumba 098,053, 795 00( PS ta Maley 6 ai) 3); tropl, Mak. 183, oe FS ),IE gba n (2 200 innumaralle, 2Biinb; counting mumbering, fr. bot, fe fim dod eeng Li tha, fle yale soli oh, S18; Mak, or Sein, Stet Moke, 24,2; by ona oat Be 5 oh, 1351 Bef oan Verena oN of the dead (a nolgious festival 20 41, EVRA; Jee spl i (deb. <2), mhit-n Lagan. Wis bank samoliany at Morphe, lth 00 FEAR, 1995 SANS Mgmnt) PRT fo dagen dk, 15594 JE Se like haul, fees 1,75 \EB BY batt aaered cabtte, Moin T,p-2- 2B -Abatst dais, Unk. mgs; 00m. Fn SMA eg er 2B ht wibte, Bult syery, van IZA ok. 06 ae SUNT Lat complaint (0, €1 2,77. | 288 Lif am elbledind (gone?) Apr. qntjmano PK deny ENS fs hay da TAD Ha. Fe te hun, Basch, USD lhe of, pice, dk 50,4; RBn,9 (lS) mfg 810.9; Dk, supa (debs Ph). NA the mest 0hi9; engage nc ith’ an enemy, Cara. £B Gh hehe ' hatlle with’, Maker 54, 3-1. 1S Lon Lameet*) infect place, $ 1b 6. 1 Hl gleam, Pp byqjabh Ml £6.13, . ANE Aint, an I ATE BP Ss. .s06,8 05; Va dla seb, | Tie yw be ign wn We, ES, Va aso at [ee we 306 307 onus [ETRE T ten nominder, wom. RET Lhe td = £603,20n) 60 RS CVPR Howe dibgan, din eh thins. VR O Aru ene of the sevens sacred oils, REO. uy®. BD Lf enjoyment (9 fahori,7. FM Ak erubl, 80 175,10 Ls Pilaf fay, Qomavna 1,30. NST hut oxubtiliny lnk, ¢44,15; van. Kei 20953, FEE ON gt sail Eycomy Moder, 16 Tk Li gil, data, 3. UNM nan. Liv are aide! Chere merle drm. 802,15); nay TD): (a) spine Pym, 2atn0s(S 7); aoags et $), Ler hes sine, Ey. 2a4.seg. PS he mock, £02 nn. eS Lit Loot, tue K. 3,0 2 tc dat, Mu. 5;>; Bo ayieldet:&) fig Abak. x, 127, (2) vortélaw, BD bey, 3; var debs 369. Fe dena aig; Wee 9.16 the land aes mf in drought Lapis gC Vim Mela, 8-952 4; put nk yeaah, 2,0 EP Set adge, nage, Ukr, om 1b; 1, $91,3(2c). SS Leng Anat, cond, Mau Kv bey, Mak 9,195; 10; igo fll An 1, 12 (om) aentath a, 216; ascent lth, BH, 8; fof wong! fro- Auk, bout'Bing Mok, bye Lalor sshab alien nanel: complications, fay; Mok, ay,2- (20 join rejoin, Rea. 1,257. 204; Mele; Ait agethen, be, do 4m Alak0927; form umborev Bodice 76 1,4, dokeat ny 5,5; 80247, 4;unile the Seon ands, lak 30, 1m 6; build monuments, Morihene [pda 08 ay ieee ITS. coll Gry battadion Ulex, 24y S875 ar Mah ny, i STR; gerg of wosbmen, Uk. pele ef nomarch dst 23 SPA Laur commander, 549i; protielon of par, data, 12 eSB pucch utterance, Bohs 2; din. 816 (deb, 2s) lh 1, 1090, 16; uhrage, denbonce, fous lbh, 1,436); 819; mai, feos 82075 565 Make 1054; Li phe wie vers, 5745 ba FE Gas pope blink ws fa SNP gh dk, hg A22S Slaepuoaah gus; fin Be ‘erime( 1), fr. gy 12 FR AL lady vb nin. anise Lift uf £6091 g din bach; Te halle yu), WaRr, 04.05 82230); Fig of the earl, din 6331dals A) of emer goneraion, ipa, el ay Pe wl, Shy, os Lado ace FP). auphonk (ny, 23: FEV at alien tm hfe, ie paisa Y)jrsi0, FA ft vhsinf. gop, 2'l'a place, lnk, 983552 ERS andere joorneys aps 0 leks, msi le a SS ele hing Reng, with fea radge, rv again sale fo am vow DAS, Fe DS gasses [rR Oe compladnd, mill. 7 ane 81299. Ee SS Obuent an offering Loaf, lnk.x, 1553/1. INS fon hound ir Bgo.220(del. 0), ded os Loar, rag; f Lame, B Kah 16,24, 4465.21. vA Lond tian a tioopaloniginally of Rounds?) fad 20, PF if Lonedour, Mok. 1, 502,55 gorflous, Fea 61,244 B78. = Jo" hand, see under dat. J la ob at nf gine lace eso 10; mblan oc, dn 220 Bike Meow; bap 42; cout, ith full, Ad f Mat.2t,2b0,13; del eal os Sean’ ito ds futon the ground, Bers 1; ‘putin fe are ‘lan Made 309,55 32251? anf). NS verof teat ‘netheuworld’ Neds shake Ciemble, Shugajef. 2.8 54,06. NSA dat chabing. bombing, cr z)ydet-S H.nes. NPS copulate, a0 0,1 of. 2s sub AA dt fecome Looe, woltle of decaying dims 8910, NA dad sublue Lama, ne, dovery, 228. fdr. [TP Fdscir boi cbt Meat. 10,2; vane. NM ys rae (Oia de loth’, SMF haar 6 RSP Lbs de, 5 SIPS Maken, gga of zis sng robf, JER 2 93. JTL i dating din 801, thd ny, voor. H] ST Ald a at; Sree si; wh nk dob fig hve bk 16 LK dan conbiol lomper, dail, yn; deat, pl.gare (able); Unk 1 636; ile in. bg3( INN I) osaishey Fo 8,210; dan Ub elf cdl 5 ‘elf con 5 12; subdue fos, taht, din. B50 8A -supheas tail, dak, 15:5, a alone ‘of goed, 3; ak pred, Pt RANT Ads copulate, e80ry; of 2s synk BA8 de, see ander Ade ‘git ol, AE di frvisiens, a. 533. 8 ae dye papa aml din bra. fl popped dt march Wy here thee, 25 50,99. BRS aan of dar ‘loin -clath eS dit fine pant nk 1098; ¢f fs sho Jats SE dit garg ops, 843,59, cf. 488 73; yan, Yian Da. ak dist (9 shriek, £8.15; din,B2bb KM Si, fellow, 78y3q(o2= Y°% an da dhbes RS dors nse conly, 64.1850 det feb, ARPO dow dase merniing, 28 13,18; i,t; Sod 1h CRO} ddv, 6 (S217, 10474 EDD) Lemamone the marr Head 8183; Mdk 10's (AAUNS 2); rm dercu Lenore fn ses deat a tol eds 23; F 0S ls ders morning al ip. a7 van PMD a2.) MRS X morning ster, Ap e7c . HIMNNG desyl mowing, bn 550; Unk, aby, Eb nye GNG) th -dursyt ‘daa morning’ 20193134; f-deost Row} the = ebing rs, see go olan as dt, sx pa Dom MARNEE nen, WG Maka, wnt6; 20657,3. NS dart wether A257, vm NG 5, NC dak, 690,058 thoy; OE wy ajpethovchanmber in lim, Bd x, hy, RSM) dante ddl inthe nthowsold 80319600. 22 8 320). 1 es fain sorahi oy fsb; 8056200 m1 YS dl a. 154,15; 10a, VEU 1Bhryg XS? 28 10,0; SD gs Ae bao dad-nfs Flo 2S sont pain ans (mia p13 po NSA rare, da mnig-2eyoen. SSA Uk, br Ke daie deified anal dean, om ctyrn. Bp REAR son, 1425, Cf se byte de RT dars-uor age for Opening the Mouth; Hd. of Mein 25).2. AEDES Sass ructf re dis ora ofthe four song fan, 552000, INE D lab yay ANURADR ap seg TED duca-mby raine hod, iat, bes, 2985 41 (V4), with w, fy. for’ alne= thank Rare, Bed hy VS) 196; ls 913. Fore door manning alan’ see abr 2.x. daa sus ‘dauen’ [Ab dirs mb 30 — — Sn ml Ga mg db hi A EA dur fans aratoh out lege, Shad; fa (del. 8) atc, bo, = add ‘ain! ‘ydace’ Pp.bys FA); siaighlon hnaes, 073, 56; body, bah 5 B's A): ‘Sts infin. of ha ‘gine laze. ‘nlsana, te abalobed.out, laut, R$d.Amith, 3; be prestiate, dim. B23; sm dao cmaien, Wsaight on of lime, ram then or, hoaceforunad; of action, habitually, ‘continually artysf;he alard mduonf aiaight ups, | SE mn of dee in of grain’ = Ga dl eas.61,206;00n. 4 JS Shed d 0; f. dbl Get) Comin, Lit rag. pls US ab hor ofamimal var. ef. ding of ey, Uk 30.4 6 | JUSS oem, ofa “fis! ° [8b ob inf laf uy Peau 81,233. al dle thick, inget! JSS RAM see lls SE Adln vb. bans goround a place in. 8201; Mesle.z,3itiauel Asuna a Aegie JEME, pleg ADS B); Mak gn3.2( 2); bin 81) oncinle, am with nde 6,1: indiana, necro lata inn aeasar, JER, lary, M. Sh abe, [9S dbrur cheumference d shy, Unk.n, 55,16; deb. © 432,15, Sdn weight ofobrtes grammcs,rasn.o=9, = MS fg bn; ero leven fora. of dabamee, fea 8:66 lk 2,2 2 doe helrmet, Ards pir ef. Ree liar 24,164. dint an UAB aah ah fn tog, dab oa km, 99815 969,19 iio me | tein ls mon, Nar aye, 24 ngs DAD 34 alitnen SAS har ncyuiromanls necousaniog ok 5 1b 0; 100. AS Rony det. 8 dns ia a lanka NLS athe necesserieg Mok x 2,09;000. Meir dil, psig, 53. ake eT Mek ef funerary mast, din. 145; vamn SS tlk, 26g, BU gan Sat. bh lin, obs, 22,0. ANS H dhee measure fr oferinga Maks, 35,0200 2 IES buoy UNS tcl tha, of heart, B42, 10 BS pen: ae Bef, abl. cp, Yo py. PVG dp dale (vby a8, 2153 4m. 21,21; expenionee, hd. 124,021; fens 61,59) a2 VS Apt faa Br 51; din 823; Adm... oa edit shape, the das; feoa 8,57. 10b; Mok. 0,80; fg Ship of. slate, Gaszq; dpe nlp ‘sacred, ark: (nS 95; dat rans ‘hing ahi, 63,3 8), /Gia8 dt Laing, Reo 243% TM dhy le Ab $12 b gj wan. Lore 6. Say an offen, kat, 952,20 SEIN wea. of dfser provisions! SET dfs th sahil (, L002, 73/m.0; 36mg; sy. dah dip hyp. t33; wer EN? Bo uhh INS deat brie, dmg Ab, thos, var. i Le 196 Sdn Le sharp Uk-st, 2081 6 T); phason, Pay gh (det NA); pice haf exert od 81, flay, sith, dk, 312). RSD dn pronounce proclaim name, Faas bin; dak 0, 919;h40,15; ‘trent, me 'by nase, 542; fe nonowned of office, fed fib. Tr. SZ hecits SERS p55 De a py NL ay Bakes RD os, RS ds stietoh, hb. tout, 0,n.16; estrolshed out, Sh. diry Ye dm ab wing, Uk, by TPs deus ind gether ak. 12,5513, JER37, 31; var. 7B 26 573;abl, RT dies gut off heade lap, 05200 AD Ways RIF densus groupe lowes) lnkar,1233,2. Bt ded of. Fama Louch, din.b20r; Abd 9.137; 00h fulace din. 1 dek > Ry:dnbinna be fined, 2 le Gn siu(dae $8 am Ares), aconue, le’ Bin, 5; clea, n't, Bh 5; dbs 50(dela 02%), sitar, fee 858-5 4 dine, Akar, 192,10. gl drm Lien, B60 1,5 quanter of Je. 32,25; abode, tans. 824 tl meal, fo 1,21 (deb ), SWIM dur the Sail One,, 1209, 4 3 ng stb eer AD; 1, 505 far dn ‘ilo, at pb. eRe: cat opr yd, ok a ayo ary ran, 0205 I1bb, O44 dat saab (2) dani S22 Uda jan, il Hg 0; yar. wae le ses 20, 07S dare — BS we bik, ut, Wha 0; 975 1296.3; gal sal el of mall atte Mata SSoay WE rns. pziseyne by xchay, Uden, 162,16; 862,u; mate b A Hoh-r 2, Seales ser, es x24q PWD atch (2) clothe, odo, fa b41, Te abt) Moka aby; novide,£7 3,163; dak | int L165 6 fad, ds 3. 24. | 1 db desman, 6; lad, ann oF refange dw 7 ti TET, 94h 15; nara, hs, = Sen at bite ym lk 5 046 oman, 2 imetiade off, flew IST holes: lole; ROS had. 308. ALL dh grea andy, Bel tas det.) BPS Mie wasing hayr adhe eraobing amr, CTT, by; Bob 8 0y.956(AS; darcop haps don; JER 0,234, 2. REED : AISA Laer bling lk a ing, 2. REE eh Meck, Uk 3252 BB RI Bhim be. afr nce —— A ds mat of daves 28 bh AIS dbo foals ofa, 390, 1 H dhcw finger, Ptah 5b; bbocd ip, 186; thud Lit mith, sons risy3,ng, dali alee e003, ny: digit = cube by nay, M.D Grate, ME Bots ftom neji. Y*2 dhe point the 2 aly im reproach Puts sen 22,43, dbus Te b113;—f9 douneng} 16 ty. Levee, Ab rosin; ios SE dheut signet eal, Mode, ow, jist fr dbcust undone af 405 045 ina duc, abn 5. Tam YB tect; 99 dl, nn AOS toys: VSB 2a, TIS de fle (of chanic, Mlk, bo; bbq by. ADR de: auslenace, Mote, 21-3; v0.00 Os. 13,10; PA Moka, 515, STH ab ATU 5 AAT 513; DAF asa gD aay Erg Pe ggg DT Bm; deified a Mbumdante, JER 34 Ub. TONG dp kepornided, fat, 3; abound, r'in'aupplics, 2 Carn 2. SIMO dfey a ell-provided man, Halak 234. TA diy penebial, A 6d. dich, 33, CNUYK dot penetration, bm. ma. TUS df pupil of eye, Hhesy 3; ver TO) 80212, Ne wan. of dpe “rip. JAE, dpa < dlp dap Aid, Se 3. URE dant costed, JER 35, fils tiamd froth TIZ dn deflect, # kde dmith, 250. TL deh cracked, vor.del~t,dac. cit. Add thle BH x, 32. TJ de offering Loaf, Unk 9, 99,15. SB dae: —— roger southern demitrien vars, Kee, bie. 31,65} Ue doh sang TRS: ran, A Rhos, 13; abl 5 RB ih up. AM deo; — ‘wing-aibQ), C00, p.r93,4(f). TAN Ldoh uphocpente ied fag ham e 5ep 8e0 5 208" NB dnd vk intians, Le angny, hyper, dnd. te te anpurialed, 22s 690: Bar| 338 betes Bubduw, C1 5,50 del"): m.unath, dint, pil. 2245 80219 (3B. TSC R EP dad angry rma dd p06, NS 4h dae a: indice Leargn, (amines Lt tray $h.2324(—— 5 ite ela, 20: m goal e118 poss Ft da and, die 850; Malin; Baa leat, lk. 91 ame of fans 782h; Ser dat grou en t026 Tan, Sy dia, eb. 35 Sak, 915 Rosip GF Gt above |S oe fash in (archarc) SDT 24; ginee lefore, until fo. sib: ade aan ea, 205,15 da nth ‘aimee! $223. BW de -cunp) mend lini, Ave why BPP Yjro yr; 12084516700 cade Log 090 Ip $205,% dn-c-r ight down dt $9, |B da ond hunger lt, fad 203,204,240; ond efreas Ubol.bu; aug. ob, 4p 88 3b, 489,12 (2) hander, olsiael, Pp. bas NS. EBS obstacle, Jen 2qi60. ES dal fl?) Me BATE da enclosing antl) dk. 05 095 5 v0. ETE din 2rp, BAS gait walt (%, gas 23 Bh da lion of laff dk, 14,15 aa od. ong ia bebe dod sh a “praesent Ue coping Lit, aplane yo, 4) bb0.9; gg dudes make the- im’ 21812, U3 o- dad be hand, abolid (2), Gas 06, SUE dag hate Bp ooo IDM a0 shy, daly the Sue d= utand Mepihys, By 230.308; B05, uy; soalse dab unt dab na the Spaat He, andthe Lesser, nefnesenléd. at funerals by womens Sh UAL, fun 2 ant BX), Aah 6 CZ. Somme ths SS hur foundany dk 1,185; ond, fomil,ausiry, B74; 2054 012) 45 9)mn dructly without by din Rib;8 14 280) a13;n dap) online! [ene oak ae awe] 1 bande Rode oof ok ing sina df pron Lace; dd cd> ut 2 dv noir nb Sac this le ol ands unary, lk, 186, BST daw wale Borah. 1,25 bolton, 1, ESE dt aonctaguy (08 28 Ss dung inl), deat; lk, by. BSD dune aide, lank fnalime ROT, 280% RSS Cds wal @, Jeare, 224, n.2. EN vas, ibn’ Be a dbo snsgag gen sey Pod, eof ale wer. B°D), fy. nbs, 2 4 EE Ain, , din, 8202; Neferl 29 (det “L), Battadl aoe nan cee BES I Buy deb ir ASE dee delowrair dhs, BB Bhat mdi ath, ram TSS, 8.2, 2B ale of. bla, hl SS Must fesivabol Shoth, sense p12; vam AVE lak 09, BUD 246, WSS Ti due lather lacing Uohr 1817; vox WDE ioy03cf dhe eather’ TTS von of thy lad! “Hi of un il. yal in Dim flee TES Bada call, wb! Aypyss; 1, 2y2(oho 1S FSH), TNE a vredy ely, seared, bat, p.5 249; Ud b5; bin 3); ans ny 1,10; aflondid, boy; costly, g12,2:(0) vb lace a s00d, dae, tn Seat sepals, a ran, Bry; sith double off, 7 823,23 Vea); Aaiae subbur, 288 5120547 ith upper, eof men RE Mba, 800,133 dos Your Bi ket, allirmalive pelea, Koga 21 So, TALSS Bat Beep Hoke ah 19 SLT); donee ‘in poate Bosohst i lopy (NS); Aamelly lk 1,155,736, 0D), SSP daa aly place, la, 1563;6xb 10m Saag tar dart Gf elit limp of Br ob. Bane 204, (84); nog WL WL) BOE gant iment ‘he Aeotinn dit face Medinet Sabu, Use, 4 SS Flat sheng ale Comins, hy, nise 25; dat A © mllby abe Sid pa, 105, 00.5 VE SPR dot lable dongs BH, ry OS ey din. Ra; 2,008 2h1.206; abt, sheak, thd ay ana 8 be; Uh, Aceh of, Jen, 01,1. wll speech, fens 8, 72; ecile apoll 8123, el afc wit ‘Ado. Eide alge es the saying, faa 8; d's Leyinning of lls, J8016158-h; dur nf ab na tolled) tnliedacing seernd jorsenal name, rts; by dd these said i Ri dd the hed column, bys 1285; Unk a, 106,15 80,2 SA da lab, crdatng ft, an Bony Bik 3a. 655A B orgs BTS © Barn, be. busin, hw hin hans, NEOX, 151% 96%, wnrdkSS fp, JIN%es fated, ns, 62; 49 5; Aaa yd Dina. Dim st, £8 Yob-y;28§64,4,n.3; 20020, ha. — Gf seh 32,51 Aeclain Bok Beli uy a); of. 0 39,51 ate * dea ya.0; 12 8 euaiy -Brveye sthae wilh fl infin din 8 Sid, din 83305 ‘fp faa; a gl ig 7419312; "08; Vb le parnounced, we DTV ait fe sod z Moke, 3366; 2654; usuatly war 4 thn; 3965 295.0 F904, 5209 ANS Oden 4, 1 fp top. ade: Mendes Lelh er Rubos mune fa 36, neon, sot [eat Mr 336 327 SIS dab oy aling: inci deb 5) dats mar od, Gs Fo. far, ld. 4; cry ef flo, din Bane dak ef, SS lft snake fe fb inland ser M2, 9-4 SANS dh shut appr, 8 59 5m, hy 6 780,85076 2. AYE Whar comalt?y channel, lez. READINGS UNKNOWN OR DOUBTFUL. PM Loy ake a yo,15 id, dod £07). ayes din Buby; Ahaha; ib ene Spf 50 Dh ESS howl with handle?) dlsk.m, b> lic). OFF full -colf Mk i719 (L0y%, 42). ST uromb, rubra, se ander ide. Fz, see under ft ru: Trego farlicle,scesnder i PS bul: hail aloe itis fr imple decide belive. the dean, tho hs. [SAX nallle (t), sce under Jbn ‘oi SPH iain (2 birf, ace under Lam, 1A seubpin, see under gmerti. B chink Maks, 15 Chapt orn see under 433 ame cbr. R full of tha half month, van Rs ©, fp feb 0 +4 samdbamk(?) Jenna, 4 (en £42); for 58 ae under dstt ulate DL coffin, are under bid end honk LD} taongety, distinct fremtoat abeve, Unk. 1194 BY Landle, bak. 2016 mst 7) Barna, ane stoned aad. L} aye. QE ty dit) Mak, 172 1 TP feashy, Meoke.15; 8,26. be \ npiao,s. Net art there see under ads ele. the sth ofthe marth, ok. 24.5. P fall othe theo the math, see wader do SUNS fade tee te rh amin Sg psf Bpirj uk —_— dddondae BalePaders pm sor ‘avoindg rah, Comin, Ail faag 6 AE the ila fs ges det er3,agej ven LJA-+ abi. AIS Tats. sr (mds 20s) einer CT 2°45 aan SS hp 15605 Ther S gag TR nbe ‘peed measuncof 2 cub, Ch. Yank, 25 INI nfs fs creepy (0,60 2,216. 1 BN fos de irmeed (0, 80 2h oe Tas mr iy 886019390 td 11g2,795 OKEE Se, 1048 TS aan, cams, come la finds, CT L,H0! do aist (< aist) crowash up odd the sponte 1500S).

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