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Michael Farrell

double page
spread analysis

Firstly a double page spread has 2 columns one with image and the other with text.
Also you will have a logo that will be on the bottom left hand side of the screen
which is telling you about the music magazine and what it is called. Also the
double page spread will contain a title which will be the largest and boldest text.
Also the double page spread will contain information about the magazine. Also on
a double page spread there will always be one main image so that the reader will
only focus on this one main image. Also a double page spread will always contain
feature content and regular content. Normally about 3 or 4 off each. Sometimes
double page spreads q magazines use drop cap typography to show the reader
where each section begins. On every double page spread there will be headlines
which are normally clearly displayed in the middle of the page. Sometimes
headlines are over emphasised and sometimes there not, it depends on the size of
the image.

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