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The stream flows pleasantly during an early afternoon. The
trees slowly rustle.
An eye of a young man looks through a camera stationed on a
tripod, within the camoflage of the bushes. He watches
the ripples in the water. The leaves flow in the opposite
direction. He rotates the camera in a fluid motion, so it
records the ripples flow gently down the river. The young
man moves his head back slightly and smiles.
The young mans thumb prepares to touch the record button. A
face comes into view of his camera. The young man looks
startled. He tilts his head, and widens his eyes. He moves
his eye away from the camera. He peers at the person. He
breathes heavily.
The face was that of a young woman, with blonde hair. She is
sitting down on the ground, with her knees upright. She
looks at her shaking hands. She brings her hands in and rubs
her chest.
The young man stumbles, and a twig snaps. The young woman
turns her head. The young man shifts slightly. She turns her
head from side to side, then turns her head back to the
stream. She curls her arms over her knees, and rocks back
and forth.
The young man looks at the record button. He grimaces, and
looks through the camera lens. The young woman has a beer
bottle in her hand. She looks straight down into the bottle.
She puts the bottle down on the ground, and fumbles around
in her pocket. She takes out a set of pills. The young man
gapes. She stares at the pills. She opens the lid, and puts
a few pills in her mouth. She picks up the bottle, and
drinks from it. She swallows.
The young man puts his hand over his mouth. The young woman
puts the pills back into her pocket. She puts her hand on
the ground, and rises to a standing position. She looks up
at the sky, and then into the river. She walks forward, and
her feet connect with the water. The water covers her feet.
It rises to her socks.
The young man peers over the camera. He whips his head
around from side to side. He fumbles in his pocket, and
pulls out his phone. He looks at the screen.




He puts the phone back into his pocket. He ruffles his hair,
and looks up at the sky. He looks back at the young woman.
She stands still, and looks down at the water. She closes
her eyes, and raises her hands out by her side.
The young woman opens her eyes, and turns her head. He darts
to the side, and stumbles. He falls to the ground. He picks
himself up, behind the camera. He peers through the lens.
The young woman has a phone in her hand. She is filming the
young man. He peers out from over the camera, and stands up.
He begins to walk towards her. She raises her hand, and
points at his camera. He turns around presses the record
button. He unscrews the camera from the tripod. He takes the
camera in his hands, and walks towards the young woman. She
Show me.
The young man shows the footage of the trees and river to
her. She looks up at him, and then at the stream.
What do you think of the view?
The young man looks up at her.
Its beautiful.
She turns around to look at him. She smiles at him. She
presses the record button on her phone. He smiles at her.
She extends her arm out. He is startled. He takes her hand.
They both smile at each other.

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