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Independent Reading Project Quarter 2:

Literary Scrapbook
100 points

After you have finished your independent reading book, create a scrapbook that
represents a main character. You can also include yourself in the scrapbook as well.
Consider the personality, attitudes, beliefs, motivations and background of the character
you pick. Be creative!!! (and follow the “rules”)

The Rules:
1. The scrapbook must be at least 10 pages long
2. The scrapbook must demonstrate that the student has read the entire book
3. The scrapbook must include mostly writing
4. Create eggnog, not skim milk!
5. The book needs to be created with the idea that a scrapbook is usually a
hodgepodge, a mishmash, a mixture of multiple things. Therefore, one
type of material should not dominate the scrapbook
6. The scrapbook should have a front and back cover that artistically
represents the novel/character
7. A Table of Contents should appear at the beginning of the scrapbook.

Suggestions for Scrapbook items:

1. Poems about and “by” the character / poems your character might like
2. Letters to and from the character. Attach envelopes and slip the letters inside
3. Drawings of the character
4. Drawings by the character
5. Diary or journal entries by the character
6. Memories from the reader’s life that the novel tilts loose
7. Photos of the reader or the character / photos by the character
8. Magazine or newspaper articles that might interest the character
9. A newspaper article / profile about the character or an event in the story
10. Song lyrics that the character listens to or writes
11. The wrapper from the character’s favorite candy bar
12. An essay or story or speech the character wrote for English class
13. A birth certificate or some other type of official document (passport?) for the
14. A web page designed by the character or by the reader about the book
15. A facebook page for the character
16. A referral from a teacher
17. Awards, trophies, commendations awarded to the character
18. Job resume
19. Collages done by the character
20. Lists of favorites (favorite people, food, movies, books, etc.)

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