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Sales Managment

MKT 403 Project

Fall 2014
Project Description:
This project aims at applying the concepts of sales management in a real life situation. It
permits students to assume a product to be sold in a market and prepare a detailed plan
on how to manage the sales of this product into the target market.
In such project students are required to present
First Phase: descriptive part which includes a product they which to market and specify
this product whether customer product or business product and then go deeply to specify
1-the type of product
2- The target market and its profile (i.e their geographical distribution, their age, their
demographic characteristics, their economic status)
3- Competitors and how they position their products.
Phase two: Students are required to move to the analytical part which presents in a
logical manner
1- The forecasted demand (expected demand for the next 3 years) with justification of
the forecasting technique used
2- The number of sales force required to cover this demand
3- The way of organizing sales force to sales territories
4- The selection criteria for salesforce to fit the product
5-The way of recruiting such sales force
6- The training programs required should be specified and justified by related them to
the number and linking this to the target market, and type of the product.
Project Guidelines:
1- The project is an individual product
2- The project is marked out of 40/100.
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3- References cited and written at the end in an APA style is a must to secure 8
4- The final draft should include:
Cover page including student name and ID, course title and code number, the
Name of the instructor and the TA.
Table of contents at the beginning
List of references at the end
References should be written in the APA style.
5- Any attempt of plagiarism will be punished by discarding the whole project.
6- Late submission by one day will be punished by deducting 10% of the project
mark (40)
7- Marks will be allocated as follows:
Descriptive part---------------- 45% of the total project mark
Analytical part -----------------55% of the total project mark

Best Wishes,
Module Instructor: Dr Rasha ElNaggar
Module teaching assistant : Miss Dina ElAraby

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