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2001 midterm

Time: 90 mins1

October 15, 2001

(a) Use the truth table to prove the Contrapositive Law:
P = Q is equivalent to NOT Q = NOT P.
(b) If the universe of discourse is the set of real numbers, what does the following
statement mean in English? Give reasons.
x y (x 1 > y).
2. Find the complete integer solution of the linear Diophantine equation
168x + 98y = 42.
(a) How many positive divisors, including 1 and 12600, does 12600 have?
(b) What is GCD(23!, 731 )?
(c) Convert the decimal number 1759 to base 12, using A for the digit 10 and B
for the digit 11.
(d) Determine the remainder when 2101 + 1327 is divided by 7.
(d) Determine which congruence class is represented by [3] [4]1 + [6] in Z7 , the
integer modulo 7.
(a) Define what it means for an integer p > 1 to be prime.
(b) State and prove Euclids Theorem about the number of primes.
5. Let a, b, c Z.
(a) Prove: if c|a + b, c|a b and c is odd, then c|a.
(b) Prove: If a3 |b3 , then a|b.
(c) Prove: If GCD(a + b, ab) = 1, then GCD(a, b) = 1.

For this term, you only need to do problem 2 to 5 in 70 mins

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