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MATH 135 Final Exam

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[6] 1. (a) Determine the complete solution to the linear Diophantine equation
391x + 253y = 2760.


(b) Suppose that the complete solution to a linear Diophantine equation is given by
j = 23 3n
k = 521 + 50n
n Z.
List all positive solutions.

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[4] 2. (a) Prove that if a, b, c Z with c|ab and gcd(a, c) = 1 then c|b.


(b) If z = x + iy is a complex number in standard form and z 6= 0, give an expression for z 1

and prove that
z z 1 = 1.

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[6] 3. Prove that 1 3 + 5 7 + ... + (1)n1 (2n 1) = (1)n1 n

for all n P.

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[3] 4. (a) State Fermats Little Theorem.


(b) Find all solutions to 14x11 + 33x8 + 32 0 (mod 77).

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5. Alice wishes to set up an RSA scheme, and she chooses p = 29 and q = 31.

(a) Show that e = 21 would not be a suitable choice.


(b) If Alice chooses e = 17, determine Alices public and private keys.


(c) With the public and private keys in part (b), let M be any message such that 0 < M < n
and gcd(M, n) = 1. Prove that RSA encryption and decryption undo each other - that
is if M is encrypted and the resulting ciphertext is decrypted, the result is the original
message M.)


(d) Suppose that an opponent discovers a non-zero message M that is not relatively prime
to n. Show that the opponent can factor n.

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[2] 6. (a) For z1 = 2 6 + 2 2i and z2 = 5 + 5 3i,

compute z1 z2 using multiplication in standard
Give the exact result in standard form (e.g 5 not 2.237).


(b) Express z1 and z2 in polar form.


(c) Calculate z1 z2 using multiplication in polar form. Convert your result to standard form
and show that it matches your result in (a).

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[5] 7. (a) Prove that for R and n P,

(cos + i sin )n = cos n + i sin n.


(b) Find all complex 8th roots of 81i. Plot and label them on the axes provided.

polar axis

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[4] 8. Find the quotient q(x) and remainder r(x) when f (x) = 6x4 + 5x3 + x2 + x + 5 is divided by
g(x) = 5x2 + 4x + 3 in Z7 [x].

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[3] 9. (a) Show that h(x) = x2 + 7 is irreducible in R[x].


(b) Prove that

7 is irrational.


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[3] 10. (a) State the Conjugate Roots Theorem.


(b) Given that 3 i is a complex root of the polynomial j(x) = x4 + 4x3 21x2 74x + 290,
find all of the complex roots of j(x).


(c) Determine all z C such that iz 2 + (2 12i)z + 12 + 35i = 0.

Give you answers in standard form.


(d) Explain why your answer to (c) does not contradict the Conjugate Roots Theorem.

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11. Mark each statement as TRUE or FALSE.

No explanation is necessary.

(a) If z = 2(cos 2 + i sin 2 ) then z 6 = 8(cos + i sin ).


(b) The value of gcd(10!, 2100 ) is 25 .


(c) 4938494000000605 0 (mod 11).


(d) The statement (xy, x2 = y) is equivalent to NOT (xy, x2 6= y) with universe of

discourse as the real numbers.


(e) The statement (P AND NOT Q) is equivalent to NOT (Q AND NOT P )).


(f) The function f : Z5 Z5 defined by f (x) = x2 (mod 5) is bijective.


(g) When z is graphed in the complex plane, it is a reflection of z in the real axis.


(h) If 6x 8 (mod 10) then 3x 4 (mod 10).


(i) A function has an inverse if and only if it is bijective.


(j) If p is a prime and p|(a b) then p|a and p|b.

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