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Contract for Student Use of the Laptop

Read the rules that follow and sign and date the line at the bottom of the page. You will not be able to use the
laptops if you do not sign this contract which could possibly result in a failing grade for the assignment


You will receive a laptop identification number and use this same laptop for every use.
Carry the laptop with BOTH hands
Keep the laptop cover closed while not in use
Place the laptop securely on the desk; do not let it hang over the side
Make sure your hands are clean and dry before using them; NEVER touch the screen
with your hands or any other object
6. Ask your teacher permission before printing
7. Return laptop to the appropriate number in the cart when finished; make sure you are
completely logged off and plugged into the cart
8. Take turns if you are working with a partner (only one person should have their hands on
a computer at a time)
9. Follow the District Acceptable Use Procedure when using the laptop.
10. There is absolutely no eating or drinking while using the laptops
11. Never lift the laptop by the monitor
12. Save your documents often and in the appropriate location (H: drive)
13. Always use the laptop for the project you have been assigned
14. Notify your teacher if there is a problem with the laptop
15. Only go to the required program to be used. You should NOT be anywhere else but on
that program.

Failure to follow any of these rules will result in loss of use of

the laptops for you. I give no warnings for laptop rules; this
contract is your warning!!!
Student signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________

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