Grading Rubric For Curriculum Planning11 1

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CHDV 200

Grading Rubric for Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Curriculum Plan

SLO. Critically assess the components of linguistically and culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate, anti-bias
approaches in promoting
optimum learning and development.
Exceed expectations (A/B)Meets Expectations (c)
Below expectations (D/F)
Theme/Rational/Environm -Student specifically explains Student explains the
Student does not explain the
the selected theme
selected theme but not
selected theme
The degree t o which the
- 5 or more rationales were specific.
-Less than 3 rationales were
student clearly stated theme, clearly discussed (basic
-at least 4 rationales were
discussed (basic concepts,
rational, enhancement to the concepts, benefit, prior
clearly discussed (basic
benefit, prior knowledge,
environment which
knowledge, extension to the concepts, benefit, prior
extension to the literature,
demonstrate knowledge of
literature , questions
knowledge, extension to the questions relating,
learning and development in relating, acknowledge and
literature, questions relating, acknowledge and integrate
diverse classroom.
integrate childs culture)
acknowledge and integrate childs culture).
Possible points: 10
-Student specifically
childs culture).
Points received: ___________ describes 5 enhancements -Student purposely describes
that the children and the
5 enhancements that the
teacher would set up to
children and the teacher
create the environment that would set up to create the
relevant to the theme and
environment that relevant to
the childrens culture.
the theme and the
childrens culture.
-Student includes 10
-Student includes 8 of 10
-Student includes less than 6
The degree to which the
literatures based on the
literatures based on the
literatures based on the
student chooses appropriate theme and each book is
theme and each book is
theme and each book is not
literatures for theme, which culturally and linguistically culturally and linguistically culturally and linguistically
demonstrate knowledge of
linguistically and culturally
- Student clearly provides 2- - Student provides 2-3
- Student does not provide
related books for the
3 sentences synopsis about sentences synopsis about
2-3 sentences synopsis
children. Possible points: all 10 literatures.
the literatures.
about all the literatures.
-Student categorizes the
-Student may categorize the -Student does not categorize
book by the Authors last
book by the Authors last
the book by the Authors last
Points received: __________ name in alphabetical
name in alphabetical
name in alphabetical
Demonstrate ability to clearly -Student distinctively names -Student distinctively names Student does not name the
explain the Methods Used the method(s) and
the method(s) and explains method(s) and briefly
in the planning
meaningfully explains the appropriate method(s) to
explains the method(s).

CHDV 200
Grading Rubric for Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Curriculum Plan
SLO. Critically assess the components of linguistically and culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate, anti-bias
approaches in promoting
optimum learning and development.
Possible points: 5
most appropriate method(s) incorporate in the theme and
Points received: ________ to incorporate in the theme is contingent upon the
and is contingent upon the childrens culture
childrens culture
Included Special dates;
-Student identifies specific -Student identifies specific -Student does not identify
special dates
special dates
specific special dates
- Based on the theme,
- Student lists and clearly
- Student lists but does not
Possible points: 5
student lists and clearly
explains places that the
clearly explains places that
Points received __________ explains places that the
children may visit, and or
the children may visit, and or
children may visit, and or
visitor(s) that may visit the visitor(s) that may visit the
visitor(s) that may visit the classroom, but not based on classroom
the theme.
Demonstrate ability to
-Student includes a
Student includes a parent
compose and communicate professional parent
newsletter with current
through Parent Newsletter newsletter with detailed on theme, multicultural
current theme, multicultural concepts and activities, and
Possible points: 5
concepts and daily activities, other pertinent request or
Points received: __________ and other pertinent request information, etc., but lack
or information, etc. No
detail. A few spelling and
grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.

Student include a parent

newsletter but not relevant
current theme, multicultural
concepts and daily activities,
and other pertinent request
or information, etc . Many
spelling and grammatical
Demonstrated ability to
- Student provides detail
- Student provides
- Student provides vague
implement appropriate
description of Bulletin Board: description of Bulletin Board description of Bulletin Board:
Visual Display/Bulletin
-Rationale for the selection. but lack detail in :
Does not include:
board relating to the theme -clearly explains the
-Rationale for the selection. -Rationale for the selection.
Possible points: 5
childrens involvement
-clearly explains the
-clearly explains the
Points received:
Include sample: Using
childrens involvement
childrens involvement
colors sketch of proposed
Include sample: Using
Does not Include sample:
bulletin board, Include three- colors sketch of proposed
Using colors sketch of
dimensional aspects.
bulletin board, Include three- proposed bulletin board,
dimensional aspects.

CHDV 200
Grading Rubric for Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Curriculum Plan
SLO. Critically assess the components of linguistically and culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate, anti-bias
approaches in promoting
optimum learning and development.
Week Long Block Plan
-Student provides a schedule -Student provides a schedule -Student provides a schedule
Student demonstrates the
form that is completely filled form that is completely filled form that is completely filled
ability to integrate culturally in for all 5 days and follows in for all 5 days and follows in for all 5 days and follows
relevant week long block
the state preschool example. the state preschool example. the state preschool example.
-Student includes the most -Student includes the
-Student includes the
Possible points: 18
appropriate DRDP measures, appropriate DRDP measures, appropriate DRDP measures,
Points received:
given the specific measure given the specific measure given the specific measure
and not just a number in 5 and not just a number in 3 and not just a number, in 1
activities for each day.
activities for each day.
activity for each day.
-Student integrates
-Student integrates
-Student integrates
appropriate anti-bias area(s) appropriate anti-bias area(s) appropriate anti-bias area(s)
for 5 activities for each day. for 3 activities for each day. for 1 activity for each day.
-Student provides a variety -Student provides a few
-Student does not provide a
of creative and engaging
creative and engaging
variety of creative and
transition activities.
transition activities.
engaging transition
- The block plan is presented - The block plan is presented activities.
in a way that is visually
in a way that reflects the
- The plan is very brief.
appealing, engaging and
reflects the theme
Changes to the
-student changes include all -student changes include
-student changes include all
the areas and appropriate. almost all the areas
the areas but not appropriate
Make changes to the
- student incorporates
- student incorporates
- student does incorporates
environment according to the culturally linguistically
culturally and linguistically culturally linguistically
theme and cultural relevancy relevant materials for each relevant materials for most relevant materials for each
Possible points: 8
of the areas
Points received: __________ - Student list anti-bias areas - Student does not list anti- - Student does not list antifor each area
bias areas for each areabut bias areas for each area
a few
Activity Lesson plan (9
-7 to 9 curriculum areas have - 6 curriculum areas have
-Less than 6 curriculum
curriculum areas)
clearly stated goal and
clearly stated objective.
areas have clearly stated
Clearly stated objectives,
-The DRDP measure(s) is
objective. The DRDP
DRDP, Anti-bias area and
-The DRDP measure(s) is
named, not just a number
measure(s) is named, not
anti-bias skills.
named, not just a number
just a number given.

CHDV 200
Grading Rubric for Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Curriculum Plan
SLO. Critically assess the components of linguistically and culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate, anti-bias
approaches in promoting
optimum learning and development.
Possible points: 36
-The Anti-Bias area(s) and
-The Anti-Bias area(s) and
Points received:
-The Anti-Bias area(s) and
anti-bias skill(s) is
anti-bias skill(s) is not
anti-bias skill(s) is
integrated, which
integrated, which
appropriately integrated,
demonstrate adequate
demonstrate little or lack of
which demonstrate complete knowledge of how antiknowledge on how antiknowledge of how antibias(s) and anti-bias can be bias(s) and anti-bias can be
bias(s) and anti-bias can be interweave in all curriculum interweave in all curriculum
interweave in all curriculum areas.
-Procedures are detailed and - Procedures are not clear
-Procedures are detailed and it is clear what specific steps and not specific to complete
it is clear what specific steps must be taken to complete the activity.
must be taken to complete the activity in at least 6 of
-Procedures does not include
all 7-9 activity plans.
the plans.
a creative and engaging
-Procedures show that the
transition activity and plans
-Procedures show that the
students has demonstrated for clean up.
students has demonstrated ability to extend activity
ability to extend activity
through presentation of
through presentation of
additional materials, and
additional materials, and
asking open-ended questions
asking open-ended questions in at least 6 of the plans.
-It is clear what steps the
-It is not clear what steps the
student will take to support student will take to support
the activity
the activity
-Procedures include a
-Procedures somewhat
creative and engaging
include a creative and
transition activity and plans engaging transition activity
for safety and clean up.
and plans for clean up.
Quality of Work and
-Using appropriate
- Using binder/folder but not - Does not use binder or
writing. Work is neat and
binder/folder/weebly and is professional looking.
organized. Writing is
well organized, neat, and
- Portfolio is neat but not well - Unorganized and
proofread and edited for
professional looking.
spelling, grammar, and
- It is easy to navigate.
-It is easy to navigate.
- Writing has many spelling
formatting. Correctly cite in- - Writing is free of spelling
- Writing has a few spelling and grammatical errors.
text citation as well as
and grammatical errors.
and grammatical errors.
- It is not easy to navigate.

CHDV 200
Grading Rubric for Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Curriculum Plan
SLO. Critically assess the components of linguistically and culturally relevant, inclusive, age-appropriate, anti-bias
approaches in promoting
optimum learning and development.
included work cited page.
-Correctly cited in-text
- In-text citation as well as
-Does not cite in-text and
Possible points: 8
citation as well as included work cited page is included does not include work cited
Points received: __________ work cited page.
but not correct.
Total Points Possible: 110 (10 points extra)
Total Points Received: _____________________

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