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I have met with my mentor numerous times to look over the assignments each of us was

to complete in both of our courses. I have given him/her feedback on the meeting we
have had together to help him/her complete the assignments needed for his/her class. I
have also gone to him/her for further clarification on assignments and have asked for peer
editing to be done on my assignments for my own classes.
A mentor is one who can lad, guide and direct one that has less experience. They can
clarify uncertainty because they are a senior in the field. Mentors have the responsibility
of providing correction and understanding to the mentee. Mentors must be patient,
organized, patient and knowledgeable in their own field in which they are providing
mentorship. Barbro Ronsten stated in Confirming Mentorship, having a mentor made it a
bit easier to cope with all expectations.
My mentor does fit the descriptions I have listed above. I have gone to my mentee
with questions and concerns and he/she has responded promptly amongst the workload
he/she is dealing with in his/her own year. One example of my mentor taking the time to
educate me in this process is when he/she came to my internship. He/she watched and
observed my process during one treatment. Afterwards, feedback was given as to what I
did well and what I did not. For the areas that I struggled with, my mentor provided
advice and instructed me on how I can do it better next time. Another example of how my
mentor has helped me this year is responding to my emails. Each email is sent and
responded back to me within a couple days. This is greatly beneficial because if I have
trouble I can receive an answer at the appointed time in order to finish my own task that I
am assigned to.

A mentee is one who understands that they need to gain information and they
need guidance as to what the best possible decision is. A mentee is one who is nave
in the field and is willing to accept correction and criticism. A mentee should also be
clear as to what he/she needs help with or why he/she wants to be mentored (Mentee
Roles & Responsibilities , 2014).
I believe I fit this description in most ways, however, not all. I believe I am willing to
learn and accept that I know very little about the field compared to my mentee and am
eager to gain further knowledge from him/her. However, I am sometimes not confident
on what I need to learn to become better. Sometimes, I know so little about my situation
that I fail to recogonize what I need improvement on. This gives more work to my mentor
which is not disributing the roles of a mentor-mentee evenly.
Having a mentor this semester has helped me learn a lot of what I should be doing in
the program and to better equip me of how I should respond to my mentee when I receive
one next year. I learned that mentorship should not just be a project within a class but someone
who can be there to support and help one with the new experiences of internship. I have learned
that mentees will need my help more than just what the teacher instructs, but to put care and
commitment into the mentee that has been assigned to me. Below are some of the ways and
examples that my mentor has helped me during my first experiences in on campus internship.

Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:36:00
Hi Jocelyn,
I looked over your assignment and you did a good job on it. Just a few
- Review your grammar and sentence structure (spell check)
- Apa format needs: a running head capitalized on all pages with the page # in the
right top hand corner starting on the first page)
Make sure you include your in-text citations
- Reference page needs to be double spaced as well

and talk a little bit more about empathy for the second part of the assignment.
I will email Cinzia now and let her know that I reviewed your assignment.
Subject: Assessment In Clinic
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 13:56:38
Hey Andrea, I attached my assignment. Would you mind checking it over and get
back to my with any comments you have. Thanks so much!
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 17:22:00
Hi Jocelyn,
Everything looks good, just review your spelling.
The nature of my mentorship within the program is a beneficial system that can provide a
very positive and supportive learning experience.

Confirming Mentorship, 2005, Journal of Nursing Management 318

American Massage Therapy Association, (2014). Mentee Roles & Responsibilities.

Retrieved on November, 22, 2014 from

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