End of Course Test Answer Key

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In Company Elementary


Total out of 60. 1 mark per question.
1 left
2 liked
3 wanted
4 was
5 asked
6 wrote
7 werent
8 got
9 ve had
10 m looking
11 m advertising
12 get up
13 answer
14 telephones
15 have
16 re wearing
17 isnt making
18 ve learnt
19 ve met
20 How many bags have you got?
21 Whats Dublin like this time of year?
22 What are you doing now?
23 How often do you play golf?
24 Have they increased their prices?
25 Do you think prices will go up?
26 Do you have any envelope?
27 Video conferences are cheapper than face-to-face meetings.
28 At five thirty I walk out off the office.
29 Im agree that Internet will replace television.
30 Id like some informations please
End of Course Test Answer Key

In Company Elementary

31 36: 0.5 marks per question. 6 marks in total.

Formal: 2b 3e 4i 5k 6m
Informal: 2l 3c 4g 5a 6f 7n 8p
37 Morocco
38 perfect
39 cool
40 delicious
41 beach
42 afternoons
43 T
44 T
45 T
46 F
47 F
48 F
49 F
50 F
5160: Grade the speakers presentation using the score of 0, 1 or 2. Give a final mark
out of 10.

End of Course Test Answer Key

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