MyWay Training Manual

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Simply MyWay

A Step by Step Guide to Daily Processes

The information and drawings set forth in this document are the exclusive property of Allscripts-Misys
Healthcare Systems. This manual is furnished under a license agreement and may not be reproduced in any
form without the prior written consent of Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Systems. The information in this
document is furnished for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Neither the author
nor Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Systems assumes any responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies
that may appear in this document. All rights reserved. Audio taping and/or videotaping of class instruction is
prohibited. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is copyright 2003 American Medical Association. All
Rights Reserved. No fee schedules, basic units, relative values, or related listings are included in CPT. The
AMA assumes no liability for the data contained herein. Applicable FARS/DFARS restrictions apply to
government use. CPT® is a trademark of the American Medical Association. International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) is copyright 2003 World Health Organization
(WHO). Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Word are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 1

Table of Contents

I. Overview
a. Log In………………………………………………. 4
b. Navigation………………………………………… 4
c. Icons……………………………………………….. 5
d. Toolbars…………………………………………… 5

II. Appointment Scheduling

a. Schedule Appt……………………………………. 6
b. Cancel Appt………………………………………. 7
c. Overbook Appt…………………………………… 7
d. Reports…………………………………………….. 7
e. Checking in a Patient……………………………. 7

III. Patient Registration

a. Demographics…………………………………….. 8

IV. Document Management

a. Direct Image Import……………………………… 10
b. Document Linking……………………………….. 10

V. Full Note Composer

a. Starting a New Note……………………………… 11
b. One Page Summary……………………………... 12
c. Review Past Notes………………………………. 12
d. FNC Icons…………………………………………. 13
e. FNC Sliders……………………………………….. 14

VI. Patient Checkout

a. Printing Generated Documents……………….. 15
b. Entering Copayments…………………………… 16

VII. Batch Charges

a. Superbills and Superbill Statuses……………. 17
b. Add a Charge…………………………………….. 18
c. Change/Deleting a Charge…………………….. 19
d. Charge Totals……………………………………. 20

VIII. Batch Payments

a. Post a Payment………………………………….. 20
b. Correcting a Payment………………………….. 21
c. Delete a Payment……………………………….. 22
d. Unallocated Money……………………………… 23
e. Special Posting Scenarios…………………….. 24
f. Payment Totals…………………………………... 25

IX. Transmit Insurance

a. Process Claims…………………………………… 26
b. Print Claims……………………………………….. 26
c. Secondary Claims……………………………….. 26

X. Close of Day Processes

a. Batch Reports……………………………………. 27

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 2

b. Completion of Batches…………………………. 28
c. Close of Day……………………………………… 28

XI. Close of Month/Year Processes

a. Reports…………………………………………….. 28

XII. Patient Billing

a. Transmitting/ Printing Statements……………. 29
b. Printing a Statement on Demand……………… 29

XIII. Aging, Budgets, and Collections……………………30

XIV. Messaging
a. Create a Message………………………………… 31
b. Procedure Task Messages.................………… 32
c. Processing Messages…………………………… 32
d. Approve Attachments…………………………… 32
e. Task Messages…………………………………… 33
f. Refill Requests……………………………………. 33
g. eRx Messages…………………………………….. 33
h. Authorization Messages………………………… 34

XV. Logging Support Calls……………………………….. 35

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 3


MyWay is a “one click” application. This means you only have to click an icon once. Double clicking could cause
certain windows to be displayed in duplicate and will cause a slow down of your system.
MyWay uses basic navigation techniques that apply to most Microsoft Windows®-based applications.

Log In

Double click the MyWay Icon on your desktop. Once you click the icon the log in page will appear. Use the login
provided by your administrator. Click on the Advanced button to select the database you wish to access. For
most users this will be the Live database.


Once your log in is successful you will see your desktop. You can configure your desktop to have one to three
panes. Each Pane can be divided into three sections. You can also have a primary and secondary view of the
pane. The most common view is to have the calendar on the left pane and messages and incomplete notes on
the right pane. To modify your desktop go to Tools>Configure my Desktop

You must set filters for each section on the desktop in order to see the items for that pane. Example if you have
the calendar selected for the left sided pane you must search and select a calendar for the visits pane to
populate. See desktop and filters below:

Primary and Secondary View


Three Pane View

You can navigate to other areas within the software by clicking hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are underlined words that
appear blue in color (ex: hyperlinks). If you click on a patient’s name anywhere in the system it will hyperlink you
to the patient’s demographics. The date will always hyperlink you into the patient’s chart note. To open a

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 4

message you can click the hyperlink containing the date and time of the message. Clicking the time will always
open the modify appointment window. Hyperlinks take you to another section in the software without having to
navigate to the page using icons on the desktop.


There are also icons that will allow you to visit sections of the application very quickly without having to find the
item in a specific toolbar heading.

Function Keys are also quick ways to initiate functions within the software.
F1: Launches online help
F2: Launches the handwriting tool
F3: Executes search and find
F4: Inserts today’s date into any field
F10: In any field with a find button, it opens the dialog to create or modify the item entered
Alt + F4: Closes the current window
Alt+ Tab: Toggles between open windows
Shift +Tab: Goes back one field
Esc: Cancels the action
Ctrl+C: Copies text
Ctrl+X: Cuts text
Ctrl+V: Pastes text


Toolbars are also useful to move to various sections within the software. You can click on the toolbar header and
like items will appear below the toolbar. Simply click on the item in the list to access that portion of the
application. Example: all billing items are located under the billing header.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 5

Appointment Scheduling
To schedule an appointment either click on the hyperlink on the desktop or the scheduler icon . This
will open the scheduler view. There are three basic views to the scheduler (single day view, 5 day work week, 7
day week). You can go to another day by either arrowing to the left or right or by clicking the magnifying glass
next to the date and open the calendar link. To schedule an appointment simply click on the yellow box next to
the time you wish to schedule the appointment.

The modify appointment window will appear

1. Click on the appointment time

2. Schedule Type: Determine if the
appointment is a patient visit,
Event, or Blocking Event (a
blocking event means there are no
other items that can be overbooked
during this time.
3. Select the Appointment Type
which will automatically change
the appointment length and time
span based on the appointment type
4. Select the patient you wish to
schedule the appointment. To
search click on the magnifying
glass to open the find patient
5. Add any additional information
regarding the appointment
6. Click Ok

** The majority of items will populate based on

the schedule and the patient you select ex:
phone, service site, and provider**

Once the appointment is scheduled it will

appear in on the desktop.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 6

Cancelling an Appointment
Open the modify appointment window by either clicking
on the appointment time from the desktop or by clicking
on the appointment from the scheduler. Change the
appointment status from scheduled to cancelled.


To overbook an appointment, click either the time slot or the small yellow mark to the right of the scheduled

Appointment Reports

There are two appointment reports you can print one is directly from the desktop by clicking the print icon above
the visits.

The other appointment report can be ran from the reports menu by clicking the reports icon . Select the
General Reports Section, Appointment Report. Modify the parameters of the report and click Print.

Checking In a Patient

To check in a patient open the modify appointment window by selecting the appointment time from the desktop.
Change the appointment status from scheduled to checked in. At this time you may also select the Accounts tab
at the top of the screen and enter the patient’s copay. (See Entering Copays Section of this Document)

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 7

Patient Demographics

To access the patient’s demographics click on their name or click on the find patient icon .
The demographics window is divided into 6 tabs (Demographics, Accounts, Contacts, Employment, Pharmacy,
and Questionnaire). You can click on each tab to see a summary of the information located in that tab. To add
additional information you must click on the hyperlink to open the tab to modify this section.

Demographics: Click on the patient name to modify the demographics window.

1. Enter the information that you

generally collect from patients.
2. To automatically enter the Patient
picture, Patient Name, Gender,
Address, DOB, Driver’s License
Number, and DL State. This is only
accessible if you have an
insurance card scanner.
3. Click on the
hyperlink to open the OCR screen.
4. Scan the image and verify the
information is correct.
5. Click OK to save the scanned
information as the patient’s

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 8

Accounts: The Accounts tab is where you enter the person/company that is financially liable for the
patient’s account. The accounts tab is a way to separate a patient’s financial accounts. The Main account is the
patient’s medical insurance or main form of payment. To add another account you click on the “Add New
Account” button. Other accounts include Worker’s Comp or Motor Vehicle Accident. To Modify or add insurance
to a patient’s record, click on the hyperlink to open the modify the account tab.

1. Change the Account Type to be

the best fit based on insurance
2. Modify the Responsible Party to
be the person who is
responsible for the patient’s bill.
3. Modify the Relationship to the
Responsible Party
4. Add Insurance by clicking “Add
5. This will open the Primary
Insurance search window.
Search for the patient’s primary
insurance and enter the
member ID, group number,
Insurance Subscriber, and
Copay information.
6. To add a secondary insurance,
click on the “Add Insurance”
button again.
7. Click OK

Modify the Contacts, Employment, Pharmacy, and Questionnaire Tabs by Clicking Add at the bottom

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 9

Document Management
MyWay uses two different means of getting patient information scanned into the electronic patient record. You
can directly import the image from a scanner or you can scan images to a folder and use documents linking.

Direct Image Import

Open the patient’s demographics, Click on the Patient Name to Open the Modify Patient Window. Click
on the Attachment Slider to the left of the Modify window. If the slider is not visible then the slider must have been
Closed. To make the attachment slider reappear, Click on the View Tab> Make sure there is a check mark next
to the Select Attachment Slider Tab.
Once the tab appears click on the “New.” Button

1. Select the Direct Image Button

2. The Device should automatically select the scanner that is attached to the computer
3. Search for the best fit attachment type
4. Enter a file name to further define the attachment type
5. The Image format should be JPEG
6. Click Ok if you would like to verify the scanner preferences. If you would like to scan using the
current scanner preferences click “Default Scan.”
7. Once the image appears on the screen, Click Ok to save the scan.
8. Click Ok on the Modify Patient Demographic window and select Ok to save the image to the record

Document Linking

Scan images to a folder on the computer’s desktop. Click on the document linking icon . This will open the
document linking window.

1. Decide whether you want to manually

integrate the items or if you want to
automatically integrate the scanned images.
2. Browse to the folder that you saved the
3. Decide if you want to Copy, Link, or Move
the items.
a. Copy: Copy from the folder to the
database so the items are in both

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 10

b. Link: Will only link the image but not
move to the database.
c. Move: Will remove the image from
the folder and save it to the
4. Click Ok to open the Document Linking.
5. Drag and drop the image from the grid on
the left to the document images section on
the right.
6. Enter the patient name, Attachment Type,
etc. and then click Update at the top of the
7. Continue draging and droping the images
and selecting the appropriate place and
patient record to file the images
8. Click Ok once you have identified and sorted
each scanned image.

Full Note Composer

To start a patient’s chart note click the icon next to the patient appointment.

If you do not start the chart note from this location the note will not be linked to the appointment. There are times
you will not have an appointment for the patient but wish to start a note. You can open a new note from the
patient’s Demographics page by selecting the “New” drop down option from the toolbar. Click on “New Note.”

Once the FNC opens the appropriate personnel will enter the patient’s Vitals, Chief Complaint, HPI (History of
Present Illness), Hx (History), ROS (Review of Symptoms), PE (Physical Exam), RX (Prescriptions), DX
(Diagnosis), SP (Services Performed), SO (Services Ordered), and PL (Plan). Services Performed include any
items you wish to bill a patient for that date of service (include on the superbill). Services Ordered is a list of
services you wish to order for the patient but not bill for the patient (will not include on the superbill).

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 11

One Page Summary:
The one page summary is simply a page
in which the user can define the most
important information regarding a patient
for quick reference. This information is
changed by clicking the
Options>Viewing Options.

Review Past Notes: Review Past Notes Icon is the equivalent of looking at the patient’s entire medical record.
All information entered in the FNC as well as any scanned documents, messages, and results will display in this
window. You can also use this function to print previous medical records for a patient.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 12

Full Note Composer Icons:

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 13


Attachments: Attach scanned images, results, or voice notes to a patient chart.

Calendar: Enter dates into a patient chart. The Calendar slider is only active when you have focus on a field that
required a date.

Dictation: Dictate notes for one or more of the tabs on the patient chart.

Follow Up: Re-use patient information from a previous visit, and indicate status (e.g., improved, worsened)

Health Maintenance: Apply rules to alert for follow up visits, patient tests, etc.

HPI Category: Provides a checklist of categories for E&M calculations. This slider is only available when you are
using the HPI tab.

Number Pad: Provides an easy way to enter data into numeric fields. The Number Pad is only active when you
have focus on a numeric field.

Visit Information: Displays Provider and Site information for the patient visit. If a patient case is selected in this
slider, the case management tab will display in the FNC.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 14

Using Sliders

• Open a slider by selecting the slider: move the mouse over the slider, or select the tab with the stylus.
The slider will close if you move focus back to the FNC.
• Lock a slider in position by selecting the push pin. The pin changes from horizontal to vertical when the
slider is locked; the slider is locked in position, that is, the information on the FNC tab is moved to
accommodate the slider.
• Move (float) the slider to any position on the screen. First lock the slider, then select the title bar and drag
the slider to the required position. At this point it may float, i.e. it is not necessary for the slider to be attached
to the FNC tab. This allows you to review the slider while viewing different tabs on the FNC. You may find
this useful for dictating notes (using the Dictation slider) while reviewing other content in the FNC.
• Dock the slider on any side of the FNC by selecting the title bar and dragging the slider to the location

you require. To make it easy to dock the slider, move the title bar over one or the displayed arrows (

) that pops up as you move the slider. The slider will dock on the side indicated by the arrow.
• Unlock a slider by selecting the pushpin. The pin changes from vertical to horizontal. When the slider
retracts, it remains on the side of the FNC on which it was docked.

Patient Checkout

When the provider has completed the Plan for the Date of Service they can select the close note icon.

1. Decide whether the note is complete or incomplete

a. Complete Note: One that has been
documented completely and there is no
apparent reason to reopen the chart note.
b. Incomplete Note: The note is not complete
and will need to be reopened for further
2. The box marked set appointment status as ready to
discharge will send the plan to the check-out person.

**In order to send the items to the check-out desk

you must click the close note button**

3. Most items will already be selected based on the

exam. Example: If you have any Prescriptions
written the box will be selected for Mark
Prescriptions Ready to Prescribe. If you have
Ordered written and use an interface the box labeled
Mark Lab Orders Ready to be Sent will be selected.
If you have dictated portions of the note Voice
Dictation Ready to Transcribe will be selected.
4. If the chart note must be forwarded the area marked
forward note will be auto populated.
5. Click OK
6. A close door icon will now appear on the desktop.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 15

Click the icon to open the discharge patient window.

From this window you can Click Update Payment to

enter the patient’s copay. You can also update the patient’s
copay by selecting the “Accounts” tab in the Modify appointment
window. This is especially useful when posting copayments prior
to the patient’s visit. In any case the same window will appear to
enter the copay.

The Update Payment window is divided into two sections:

1. Visit Payment: This is for any copayment made for
that particular date of service
2. Account Payment: This is for any payment made on
the patient account and not directly related to the
date of service
Example: If the patient paid $50.00. $20.00 is for their copay
and $30.00 is for a prior balance the Update Payment window
would have been entered to display the values to the left.

Batches: The system keeps track of who has posted charges

or receipts by batches. Each user can create their own
batches or use any open batch with adequate permissions.

You can also print forms based on the patient visit. Forms that can be printed include: Prescription, Education
Form, Visit Note, and Visit Superbill.
Generated Documents could be printed from this area including Work Excuses and Outpatient Orders.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 16

Batch Charges

Superbill and Superbill Statuses

The superbill is equivalent to the billing record of the patient’s visit. It is created by the provider when using FNC.
The DX tab will enter the Diagnosis to the superbill and the SP tab will transfer all procedures to the superbill. The
superbill number is the number attached to that particular visit for the patient. It is not the account number. The
superbill number will be displayed on all correspondence from the carrier. The superbill has a set of statuses that
are either changed manually or by the system. These statuses are to track the progress of the superbill:

Basic Superbill Flow:

Chart Note is Incomplete

Ready to Review
The provider has completed
the chart note and it is ready
for billing review

Ready to Submit
The biller has reviewed the
superbill for accuracy

Queued Primary Pending Patient


Claim Sent to PP Correct Errors

Filed Primary Queued Rejected Complete


Claim Sent Correct Errors

to Carrier
Succeeded Rejected Primary

Insurance Pays

Complete Pending Patient Queued

Payment Secondary

Patient Pays


Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 17

Add Charges

Charges can be added by either manual entry or by the FNC. To manually enter a charge you must first open the
patient demographics, select the New menu, and click New Superbill.

Entering items in the SP (Services Performed) Section of the Chart note automatically add items to the superbill
for that Date of Service.

The service start date and end date

initially default to the day of the patient
visit. You can edit these if necessary.
Status is used to track the superbill
through the claims process. When
initially generated, the superbill has a
status of Preliminary. Patient
Information including: Patient Name,
Gender, Birth Date and SSN are taken
from patient demographics and are not
editable. Check the Release Signed
checkbox to authorize the release of
information to the Insurance Payer. By
default, patient's insurance account is
set to the main account that is defined
on the account tab of the patient
demographics screen. Change this if
required by selecting from the patient's
alternative accounts. By default, Use
Insured's Authorize Assignment is
checked. Check the Allow Only Paper
Claims checkbox if you wish to force the
superbill to be filed as a paper claim.
This may be a requirement for
some types of accounts (such as some
worker's compensation accounts), or it
may be used if you need to send extra
documentation with the claim or if you
have received errors from sending the
claim electronically.

Use Primary Payer's Accept Assignment is checked by default. This indicates that the accept assignments are
defaulted to those of the insurance payer. .

The default settings in this provider section are taken from information that was provided when the appointment
was scheduled, or from the Visit Information slider if the settings were updated in Full Note Composer. If
information was not provided, the field is blank. You can enter or edit all information in this section.

Correctly entering or not entering a referring provider is very important to ensuring that insurance claims are

When there is a patient case associated with the patient visit note, the authorization code is also automatically
populated in the superbill. The authorization code may also be populated from the patient visit note for
authorizations that are not related to a case. If the authorization code is not prepopulated, you may enter it.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 18

Change a Charge

Each superbill can be tracked by the superbill ID #. You can select the superbill hyperlink to open the superbill.
As long as the batch has not been completed you can change all the information in the superbill. If you have
completed the batch you can only change items that are not financial.

Track Superbill Window

To open the track superbill window click the Batch>Track Superbill option. Select the superbill hyperlink
to open the superbill to make changes. Make sure you use the filters in order to locate the superbill you are

Deleting a Charge

If the batch has not been completed you can delete the superbill by using the superbill hyperlink and clicking the
“Delete Superbill” button. If you have completed the batch the superbill can not be deleted.

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 19

Charge Totals

Go to Billing and Batches. From this screen you can view all the open batches. You can select the hyperlink in
the superbill column which will open all the superbills included in that batch. The total dollar amount is the total
charge(s). Once you are ready to complete the batch and run batch reports see the close of day process in this

Add Payments
Posting Payments Consists of 5 parts (Either Insurance or Personal)
1. Create the Deposit (Reference Number)
2. Select the Superbill to Post the Payment
3. Enter the Payment
4. Verify the New Balance is Correct
5. Verify the Superbill Status is Correct

Creating a Deposit

Go to Billing>Payment Entry. Click on the magnifying glass next to Reference Number and select “New” (or Click
F10 in the Reference Number box).

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 20

1. Enter the Payment Type
a. Cash, Check, Charge, etc
2. Enter a Reference Number
a. This can be the check
number or another form of
identifying the payment
3. Enter a batch
a. If you do not have a batch
you can create a new one
from this window
4. Select if this payment was received
by the insurance company or a
5. If payment received by the
insurance company search for the
company. If the payment was
received by a patient then search for
the patient.
6. Enter the amount Paid
7. Select the date you wish to post the
8. If the allocate window appears for a
patient payment you can select to
automatically post to the oldest
balance otherwise
9. Enter a comment if desired
10. Click OK
11. Click the reference hyperlink to add
it to the track payment window

Select the superbill you wish to post the payment. This superbill ID should be on the EOB if posting an insurance
payment, on the bill if posting a patient payment, or by simply searching by patient last name from the search
window. Once you have selected the superbill click ADD

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 21

The payment allocation screen will appear. Post the payment including any adjustments.

Verify the Superbill Status is Correct Verify the New Balance is correct

Verify the payment and adjustments are correct

The track payments widow should now show your payment added. If you wish to modify your payment simply
click on the Superbill ID from this window to open the allocate payment window to make changes.

Deleting a Payment

If you wish to delete a payment you have to

modify the reference number. Access Billing>Payment
Entry>Click the magnifying glass to search for the
reference number. Once you have found the reference
number, highlight the item (do not click the hyperlink as
you will be put back to the track payments window).
Click Modify. If your batch is not closed you can simply
Click Delete.

If your batch is closed the Delete button will be

VOID instead. You can void the payment but it will
display on your daily transactions balance report

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 22

Unallocated Money

In order to complete your batch you must have $0 Unallocated. Unallocated money and a patient credit are
separate. Unallocated funds are any funds not applied to a superbill. You can allocate a payment to a superbill
and leave it as a credit and still complete your batch. To allocate money

1. Click Billing>Batches>Click on the # of Payments for the batch with unallocated funds to open the batch
payments window.

From the Batch Payments window click on the reference number next to the payment with unallocated money

This opens the track payments window. From this window Search for a superbill and post the payment as shown

Understanding the effects of Payments vs. Adjustments

Account Balance Bank Examples

Patient Payment and Insurance
Payment   Payment

Negative Payment   Refunds and Recoupment

Adjustment  No Change Insurance Writeoffs

Negative NSF Check Fee, Interest from
Adjustment  No Change Insurance

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 23

Special Posting Scenarios

Interest Payment

1. Post a Deposit including the amount in interest. Ex: $50.00

payment and $.27 Interest = $50.27
2. Click Ok
3. Enter the superbill to post the payment from the EOB and open the
payment entry window.
4. Post the Payment
5. Change the adjustment type
6. Post a negative adjustment for the interest amount
7. Verify the New Balance, Payment amounts, and Superbill Status is
8. Click OK

Refund to Patient or Insurance

1.Create a Deposit entering the check number the credit

was written.
2.Select either Patient of Insurance Refund
3.Create a negative Payment for the amount refunded
4.Click Ok
5. Open the superbill you are posting the refund
6. Enter negative payment
7.Verify the New Balance, Payment amounts, and Superbill
Status is correct
8.Click OK

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 24

Insufficient Funds

Post exactly the same as a refund except add a negative adjustment to add the NSF fee to the patient account.

1. Create a Negative Deposit by the amount of the check

2. Post a negative payment to increase the patient balance back to
what it was prior to the payment
3. Post a negative Adjustment to increase the balance by the NSF
4. Verify the amounts are correct, verify the new balance is correct,
and verify the superbill status is correct
5. Click Ok


1. Create a negative deposit for the amount the insurance is taking

from the first patient
2. Post a negative payment to the patient
3. Create a insurance adjustment for the remainder
4. Verify the payment, new balance, and superbill statues are correct
5. Click OK
6. Create a regular payment for the EOB amount

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 25

Payment Totals

To view payment totals you can access Billing>Batches>Find your batch then view the Amount column to the
right of the payments. This is a quick way to make sure you have balanced. You will print reports during the
close of day process.

Transmitting Insurance

Processing Claims
1. Go to Billing>Process Claims>Click the check box next to each superbill you wish to transmit. (if you wish
to send all click the box at the top left with the check mark)>Click Process
2. The window should appear and display a submission status. Once that is complete scroll to the far right
to view any errors that might be linked to each superbill. Click the error hyperlink to view the errors.
3. Correct each error then update the errors by clicking on the box next to the error then hitting update.
4. Once all the errors are corrected reselect any superbills that have now been corrected (they will be in a
“queued rejected primary” status) and click Process
1. Once the claims have processed correctly, follow the payerpath steps to review your claims in payerpath.
2. To download and update superbill statues, Go to Billing>Filing History>Download (click okay when error
box appears stating “nothing was selected”)
3. Go to Billing> Superbill Reports to view and update errors
4. Repeat the refilling process under Billing>Filing History> until you receive a status of “Succeeded
Submitting Secondary, Tertiary, or Quaternary Claims
5. Repeat Steps 1-9.
6. In the Process Claims window, change the claim insurance to secondary, tertiary, or quaternary.
7. Repeat Steps 10-13
Printing Paper Claims
8. Repeat Steps 1-9
9. In the Process Claims window, change the Claim Format Type to Paper CMS 1500
10. Click Claim Layout
11. When prompted click search to find the type of claim you wish to print (example: 1500 w/ NPI or 1500w/o
NPI or Medicare, etc)
12. Click Okay

Close of Day Processes

There are three steps to closing your day.

1. Run Reports

a. Daily Charges Trial Balance

b. Daily Transactions Trial Balance
c. Deposit Slip

2. Close Batches

3. Update your closing date

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Running Reports

Go to the Desktop Click on the Reports button . Scroll down to PM Balancing Reports and click on
Daily Charges Trial Balance.

Change BOTH the Charge Date AND the Batch

Charge Date: Dates in which charges have been added to the selected
batch. If this date says today and you have charges
added to that batch yesterday then those charges will not
display and you may think you are out of balance.

Batch: The Batches you wish to run the report. This can be one
or more batches

**If the charge date and batch are blank the report will not produce any

Follow the same steps for the Daily Transactions Trial Balance

Change BOTH the Deposit Date AND the Batch

*If the deposit date and batch are blank the report will be blank*

The Deposit Slip is simply a list

of payments. This should be the total
taken to the bank. Anyone collecting
money can run this report on their batch
and turn it in with their total payments as
a way of balancing their cash drawer.

You must change the Timespan and

Batch in order to have the report display

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Completion of Batches

Billing>Batches>Click on the hyperlink for the batch you wish to close. Click the Complete Checkmark.

Updating the Closing Day

The final step in closing the day is to update the

closing date. Be sure all batches prior to the date are
complete before performing this process. To Update
the closing date go to Billing>Update Closing Date

1. Select the checkbox next to the financial

2. Click on the magnifying glass to select the
date you wish to close up to.
3. Click Update

Updating the Closing Date will finalize the

batches. You will not be able to “uncomplete” your

**This will also add the “reverse superbill” button to the

Superbill window. If the day is not closed and the batch
is completed, the superbill can not be modified.**

Close of Month/ Year Processes

There are no specific processes that have to be completed to close the month/ year. The month/year close is
only a list of reports that you find important. Below is a list of the reports and processes that are suggested but
not required. You may also add to this list based on your practice and the reports you wish to include.

1. Visits without Superbills: This verifies all visits have had superbills created.
2. Process Claims with the date filter cleared: Make sure no claims are in this file that should be transmitted.
3. Verify all batches are completed
4. Run Reports - See list of suggested reports below

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Total AR Aging: The Total AR Aging report details the accounts
receivable for insurance payers. The age of the accounts receivable
items are shown in five categories: 0 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90
days, 91 to 100 days, and 101 days and older. You can use this report to
identify items that need to be followed up on.

Monthly Transactions Trial Balance: Use the Monthly Transactions

Trial Balance report to verify that all payments and adjustments are
correctly allocated before changing the closed through date. It contains a
daily summary of payment items, payment allocations, and adjustments.
It does not include the details. Days that are not balanced are indicated
by an asterisk (*).You should review the days that are not balanced using
the Daily Transactions Trial Balance report. If there are any problems,
correct them before changing the closed through date (which closes the
associated batches).

Monthly Revenue Productivity: The Monthly Revenue Productivity

report lists the revenue received by each provider for various services.
The breakdown of services on this report is dependent on the procedure
groups defined for your practice. (There are no predefined procedure
groups.)This report includes only allocated payments and adjustments. It
does not include unallocated payments or patient account credits. The
report includes payments and adjustments that have been posted during
the selected dates. Practices that compensate providers based on
revenue generated by certain procedures can use this report to
determine provider payments. It is important to understand that the
report is based on when the revenue is received, not when the services
were provided.

Receipt Analysis: Use the Receipts Analysis report to track the types of
payments received by the practice. The report totals receipts for the
predefined and user-defined payment types. However, the report does
not include payment types identified as adjustments.

Patient Billing

To print statements go to Billing>Create Patient Statements

1. Click each patient that you wish to send a statement

2. Select Print or Submit radiobutton
3. Click “Submit/ Print Statements”

Printing a Statement on Demand

1. Find Patient on the desktop Click the Patient Tab

2. Click on Patient Statement

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A/R Follow Up and Collections

After you have been live for 60 days you will need to develop a plan for A/R follow-up. There are no exact
workflows as many practices operate differently. The basic steps need to occur:

1. Follow up of Unpaid Insurance Claims

a. Run Insurance Aging Report
i. Reports>PM Accounts Receivable>Insurance Aging
b. Create Insurance Promises
i. Billing>Create Insurance Promise
2. Follow up of Patient Account Balances
a. Run the Patient Aging Report
i. Reports>PM Accounts Receivable>Patient Aging
b. Set up Budgets
i. Open the Patient Demographics>Accounts Tab>Go to the Responsible Party and Click
F10 to Modify the Responsible Party
ii. Go to the Collection Tab
1. Enter the amount agreed
upon for monthly collection in
the Pmt Amount box
2. Enter the date the first
payment is due then select
the check box to the right for
Day of month to make this the
date the payment is expected.
3. If you want to exclude this
account from collections click
the box.
4. You can access the Patient
ledger by clicking account
iii. You can view the patients set up with collections by going to Billing>Responsible Party
c. Set up Collections
i. Three parts to setting up collections List Editor>Billing
1. Collection Global Settings
2. Collection Statuses
3. Collection Status Levels
ii. To run collection letters after setting up the collection module
1. Go to Billing>Create Collection Letters (further assistance is in the help menu)


Messages can be created as a result of a phone call in the office, a patient request for a prescription refill, or as a
task that needs to be completed. You can also create a procedure task message, which is a specific subtype of a
task message that can be created only from within Full Note Composer. When a procedure task message is
created, it pulls the procedure codes and descriptions for all services provided and ordered from the visit note.
Messages can be assigned and be forwarded. The handling and processing of both call, task, and refill
messages is similar.

There are five basic message types: Call, Task, RX Refill, Authorization Request, and Procedure Messages

Steps to create a message:

Copyright © 2008 AllscriptsMisys Healthcare, Inc. 30

1. Create the Message. You can initiate creating a Message from any of these sources:

• Desktop
• Quick access icon on tool bar
• Scheduler
• Full Note Composer
• A trigger from a Health Maintenance Rule

Select the type of message that you want to create. This can either be a Call Message, or a Task Message.

Note: Call Messages usually are used for information that relates to external events. Task Messages are usually
for internal communication

2. Enter the Message heading information

The first type of information is demographic. This includes the Patient's name. It can be entered manually, or
selected from the pre-configured Patient list.

Next, the Patient's phone number and phone type are entered. The number must be entered, but the phone type
can also be selected from the pre-set phone type list.

The next block of information deals with the message itself. The information entered in these fields is:

• The Urgency level appropriate for the messages action.

• The message Sub-Type. These are pre-defined for the Message Type to which they are subordinate.
• The Due Date. This is the date the message's action is to be completed.

The data for these fields can be entered manually, or selected from the pre-configured list accessed through the
pop-up pane.

The final step before the text of the Message is created is to Select or Enter the User, or the User Group which
the Message is to be assigned.

3. Enter the actual message.

The Reason for the message can be directly entered as free-form text into the message text field for Call
Messages. However, you also can select the Reason link. The Reason pop-up window enables you to select or
modify a reason from the pre-configured list accessed through the pop-up pane.

The Task to be performed can be directly entered as free-form text into the text field. However, you also can
select the Task link. The Task pop-up window allows you to select or modify a Task from the pre-configured list.

In the Reason and the Task pop-up panes you have two options. One for changing the format of the text, the
other for setting-up a line drawing function. Both text and line drawings are entered in the text field of the pane.

Select OK to transmit the message ** If you click Complete the message will not be sent. This will remove the
message from your inbox**

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Procedure Task Messages

All services performed or ordered entered in the visit note will appear in the text area. Enter additional text, if
desired. Delete any services you do not want to assign to the selected users or groups.

Refill Messages

• You can enter multiple medications in a single message. When you enter a medication, a new field will
appear enabling you to enter another medication.
• In the refill message, the pharmacy will default to the first pharmacy in the patient’s list, as it does in Full
Note Composer. You may select another pharmacy if desired. The selected pharmacy is used for all
medications listed in the refill message.

Select to Whom the message will be sent

Enter the person to whom the message needs to be sent in the Assign to box.

Send the Message

Click Ok to send the message to the user/user group in the assign to box. To finalize the message and
not transmit it to another employee click Complete.

Process Messages

To process a message click on the date and time stamp on the desktop

You can get a patient’s date of birth and phone numbers by hovering the cursor over the patient’s Name field in
any message.

You can forward a message to another recipient using the Forward icon ( ). When you select the Forward
icon, the Assign To field is changed to either blank or to your default recipient, if one is defined. The Reason field
also becomes editable so that you can add or change the text if desired.

You can reply to a message by selecting the Reply icon ( ). This inserts the sender’s name in the Assigned To
field. The Reason field also becomes editable so that you can add or change the text if desired.

The Recipient History tab in the Message screen displays the history of the message. It includes the date and
time sent, the sender’s name, the recipients, and any text entered in the Reason field.

Complete a Message

• Select the Complete button.

Approve an Attachment

• Select the Attachments tab, review, and select Approve or Reject.

• Select the Complete Note checkbox if you also want to mark the associated patient visit note as complete
once the attachments are approved.

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The application will not complete a patient visit note if there are outstanding transcription files or prescriptions.
The attachments will be approved, and the visit note will remain incomplete.

Task Messages

Task messages created from within Full Note Composer include the appointment status when they appear on the
recipient's desktop. If your appointment statuses include room numbers, then the person who will perform the task
can quickly identify the patient's location.

Prescription Refill Requests

Refill messages can be created when patients phone your office requesting prescription refills.

• The patient’s phone number appears in the refill request message entry on the Desktop.
• When processing the message, you are able to process each medication requested individually. You may
refill the prescription using the patient’s medication history, or you may select a drug and access the SIG
Writer screen to write a new prescription.
• You may enter comments regarding each requested medication.
• You can get the pharmacy address and phone numbers by hovering the cursor over the Pharmacy field.
• Drug screening is performed when refilling a prescription from a message, and warning messages will
appear as appropriate.
• Select the Print Prescription checkbox to automatically print the prescription when the message is
completed. This checkbox defaults to unchecked for electronic prescriptions, and to checked for standard
• A visit note for the prescription is created when the refill is entered and the message completed.
• No superbill is created for refills.

Electronic Refill Requests

Pharmacy-generated electronic refill request messages are sent to the provider (if possible) based on the
provider’s DEA number.

1. Verify that the correct patient is identified in the Map to Patient field.
2. In the Map to Medication field, select the medication to be prescribed. You will only be able to select from
medications that match the NDC number identified in the refill request.
3. Select the radio button for the action you want to take:

• Accept Request: Select to refill the prescription. You must also enter a Number of Refills Authorized.
• Deny with a New Prescription to Follow: Select to send a message to the pharmacy denying the
requested refill, and notifying them that another prescription will be sent. This is appropriate if you want to
prescribe a different medication.
• Deny Request: Select to send a message to the pharmacy denying the requested refill.

4. Select the "Send Response Upon Message Completion” checkbox in order to send a reply to the
5. Select the Complete button to complete the message, and send the appropriate message back to the

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Insurance Authorization Response Messages

When the authorization request message is received, the recipient then contacts the insurance payer or payers to
request authorization for the specified procedures. The authorization response is a record of whether or not the
insurance payer authorized the requested procedures. The information entered in the authorization response
becomes part of the authorization and the patient case that the authorization is associated with.

1. Select the date and time link for the Authorization message from the Desktop.
2. Review the information in the Authorization Request tab.
3. Select the Authorization Response tab.
4. Using the patient account and insurance information displayed, contact the appropriate insurance payer
to request authorization for the listed procedures.

If the patient has multiple account periods, you may select a different period to view the insurance

5. For the primary insurance payer, indicate whether the requested procedures are authorized.

• Authorization Number: Select this radio button and enter the authorization number if the insurance payer
authorized the procedures. This is the authorization number for the request as a whole.
• No Authorization Required: Select this radio button if the insurance payer does not require prior
authorization for the requested procedures. Skip to step 11.
• Authorization Denied: Select this radio button if the insurance payer declines to authorize the requested
procedures. Skip to step 11.
• Not Applicable. Select this radio button if authorization is unneeded or not given for any other reason.
Skip to step 11.

6. Repeat step 5 for any other insurance if needed.

Note: All remaining information is associated with the patient’s primary insurance payer.

7. Enter the Number of Visits Approved.

This is the number of visits authorized for this request. This number will be added to the available visits for
the patient case.

8. Enter the Expiration Date of the authorization.

This is the expiration date for the overall authorization request. If this date is further in the future than the
current expiration date for the patient case, then the patient case expiration date will be extended to this

9. If needed, enter an Authorization number, number of Units, or Expiration Date for individual procedures or
authorization code sets.
10. Indicate who is approved to perform the requested procedures.

• Select the All Providers radio button when any provider in the practice may perform the authorized
• Select the Specific Provider radio button when authorization is limited to a specified provider or providers.
Use the Find button to select the approved provider or providers.

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11. Enter any Remarks to explain the insurance payer’s response to the request.
12. Select the Complete button to complete the message and send the summary to the requesting provider.

Insurance Authorization Summary Messages

The authorization summary message is sent to the requesting provider when the authorization response message
is completed. The information is included with the patient case associated with the insurance authorization
request message.

1. Select the date and time link for the Authorization message from the Desktop.
2. The Message Thread tab displays the authorization information.
3. If desired, select the message date and time link to view the actual authorization request and response
4. Select the Complete button when you are ready

Logging support cases

After your implementation you will need to log cases to the support desk in one of two
ways. Support will be notifying your administrator of the login for internet support. In
either case, you will need to know your customer ID and a brief description of the issue
you are experiencing.

1. By Phone
~ 8:00am – 8:00pm EST Call 1.888.877.5678 and follow the prompts.
~ After 9:00pm EST and on weekends Call the main number and follow the after hour prompts.
There is a fee for using the after hours support.

2. By Internet

Customer Number:

User Name:


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