Assignment 2 Ethics Assignment sw316

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Assignment #2 SW316

Interview a social worker about an ethical situation (see guide questions below). Write a fivepage paper addressing the ethical issues and/or boundaries identified in the conversation. Papers
should include: a) identification of the ethical issue(s), b) why the issue is considered an ethical
issue, c) what does the NASW Code of Ethics say about this ethical issue, d) propose possible
solutions, e) what measures were put into place to resolve the ethical issue, and f) your personal
feelings and thoughts surrounding the ethical issue.
1. Give an example of the most common ethical dilemma youve experienced.
2. Did the conflict stem from agency policy or the NASW Code of Ethics? Personal values
vs. professional values? Other?
3. What was most challenging about this ethical dilemma? Why is this considered an
ethical dilemma?
4. How did you resolve it? (i.e. consult with supervisor and/or colleagues, use the NASW
Code of Ethics?)
5. Generally, how do you resolve ethical dilemmas?

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