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Individual Difference Student Profile

Darci Adams
Kae Jensen
EDUC 205: Development/Individual Differences



Albert Einstein said Every child is born a genius and I find this to be true; every child
has something great to offer. Whether that child has a learning disability or is gifted and
talented, a valuable learning experience can be had. While each of these children will need to be
taught differently, they are equally at the same disadvantage if proper care and thought isnt
given to their education. The purpose of this essay is to provide an educational background on a
third grade student that is gifted and talented. By observing his educational experience and
cognitive ability, I hope to provide an insight on the importance of teaching to the child.
General Information
Gavin is eight years and two months old and in the third grade at Eliza Hart-Spalding
Elementary. Spalding Elementary is a magnet school that specializes in engineering, math and
science. He is of Caucasian race and lives with both his mother and father in Meridian, Idaho. He
is the second oldest out of four children. He has an older sister in the sixth grade and two
younger sisters; one is in preschool and the other is a toddler. Gavins bus typically arrives at
school just after nine oclock A.M. where he continues to his classroom at nine fifteen A.M.; he
leaves school at three thirty P.M. Gavin does not attend daycare as his mother is a stay at home
Mom. Afterschool Gavin is given a thirty minutes of downtime before he starts on homework or
chores that must be finished before dinner at six thirty. After dinner Gavin spends time with his
family, playing or reading. His bedtime is at eight thirty P.M., which is usually more like nine
according to him. It is clear that Gavin has predictable routines and clear expectations.


Physical Development
Gavin has blonde hair, bluish-gray eyes and olive skin. He is of average height within his
class and doesnt show any signs of health conditions or impairments. He is right handed and is
able to use all of his small muscles accordingly. He is of a thin stature and eats cold lunch on a
regular basis. At recess Gavin enjoys playing tag, hide and seek, and basketball. He shows
coordination and stamina when playing and is able to use all of his large muscles groups.
Cognitive Development
Gavin is in the third grade and receives the most educational placement in the gifted
and talented program every Tuesday. The gifted and talented program (G/T) is located at his
school and he spends the entire day receiving differentiated curriculum and instructional
grouping with other students of similar abilities. Spalding Elementary supports inclusion of
gifted and talented students; therefore Gavin remains within the regular education classroom
during the remainder of the week. He shows excellent ability in divergent thinking skills and is
a superior student that strives for recognition within his work. Depending on the lesson, Gavin is
an active participant in the classroom and is eager to answer questions or raise his hand. He has
the highest achievement scores within his class and reads at a ninth grade level. While Gavin
shows no signs of weakness in his academic area, the lack of differentiated curriculum or
enrichment within the regular education classroom, often leaves him disengaged. Aside from
the G/T program on Tuesdays, Gavin receives little to no advanced academics throughout the
week. If Gavin doesnt find the lesson of interest he loses focus. He is often the first finished
with his work and enjoys spending the extra time reading.

According to Jean Piaget stages of development Gavin is at the concrete operations
stage. Gavins superior mathematical skills, reasoning of the subject and understanding of
negative numbers clarifies his ability in this stage. Gavins academic abilities are also displayed
in Howard Gardners multiple intelligences. Gavin shows strengths in verbal-linguistic and
logical-mathematical areas. While he shows advancement in other areas, he responds to these
categories most often.
Socio-emotional Development
Gavin is well adjusted and displays few signs of social or emotional needs. His
interaction with his peers is appropriate but does seem immature at times. His responses in
classroom discussions are often more detailed and abstract than his peers. At times he will
purposefully embellish his response to get a reaction from his peers. He is often silly inside the
classroom and enjoys receiving laughter from his classmates. Gavins behavior around adults is
more reserved but always respectful and well mannered. He makes good eye contact and shows
advanced communication skills within a conversation.
Gavin does not display any negative signs of self-concept or self-esteem. He is well
adjusted in both classrooms and is confident in his approach in both settings. He shows no
indications of an adverse reaction to his peers knowing his talents and demonstrates great
leadership skills in the gifted and talented program.
According to Erik Eriksons stage of development Gavin is experiencing industry VS
inferiority which is noted through his strive for perfection within his work. Gavin puts in every
effort to succeed in order to avoid failure. Gavin is also in level one, stage two of Lawrence
Kohlbergs stages of moral development. Individualism and exchange explain Gavins


behavior in risking disapproval from his teacher in order to get a few laughs from his peers. He
understands the avoidance of punishment but is willing to take the risk.
Summary, Conclusions and Implications
In summary of my observations, I found that Gavin is an inquisitive student that is not
being challenged academically. The lack of advanced instructional content in the regular
education classroom leaves Gavin disengaged and bored, leading to avoidable behavior.
Gavin is at a typical level of development physically. His social-emotional level often
appears immature because he tries to get a response from his peers by acting silly. However,
Gavin shows excellent signs of leadership and often demonstrates the appropriate instructional
behavior when necessary. Cognitively Gavin is ahead of his peers and demonstrates advanced
problem solving skills along with creativity and high academic achievement.
Gavin excels in math, language, fluency and comprehension. He shows strong leadership
qualities and portrays advance skills in most academic areas. He is in need of an environment
that teaches to his ability and encourages growth and success in his educational career. It is
important that Gavins needs be met early to support his eagerness to learn and continue to reach
his goals. If Gavin is not engage inside the classroom, behaviors will arise that may cause him
lose interest in learning.
Gavin is eager and willing to learn therefore I think there are several methods that he
would respond well too. Any form of differentiated instruction or curriculum would add value
to his growth. Acceleration in math and language would provide him with a challenge inside the
classroom and keep him engaged during the classroom lessons. Adding additional lessons will
provide Gavin with less down time between assignments which lessens the chance for disruptive

behavior. Also cooperative teaching with the G/T teacher would allow Gavin to explore
learning material from G/T program more than once a week.
Ultimately, I believe it is the responsibility of the teacher to meet the needs of their
student. By being prepared ahead of time and understanding the needs of your student, learning
can occur at any academic level.


Works Cited
Berns, Robera M.(2010) Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support (8th Ed.)
Belmont, CA. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Print; April 28th, 2013
Richards, Stephen B., Smiley, Lydia R., Taylor, Ronald L. (2009) Exceptional Students;
Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century. New York, NY; McGraw-Hill. Print; April 28th,


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