Write Your Design Brief Logggggoooo

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Cause-related marketing has exploded in recent years even though it is a relatively young concept. It
began, on a national scale, in the early 1980s in the USA when American Express joined with the nonprofit group that was raising funds to restore the Statue of Liberty.
Because of the massive popularity of cause related marketing and merchandising, the challenge for
organisations, is to be able to design a logo that grabs the attention of consumers and inspires them to
support the cause by buying the product.
Therefore the aim of cause related marketing is to;

create shareholder and social value

connect with a range of constituents (be they consumers, employees, or suppliers)

communicate the shared values of both organizations

Your job is to research a cause that matters to you and design a logo for a t-shirt or bag that is aimed at
helping to raise awareness and/or funds for that cause.
The design of the logo needs to considered carefully for the following reasons;
It is the primary symbol for your cause and organisation
Therefore it represents the cause and the values you stand for
It should be something that has meaning and value for those who see it and it should inspire
consumers interest in the cause
It should be something that makes you proud, so it should be striking and unique
Now use the design problem provided above, as well as the class notes provided, to write your design brief
for your logo.
I am going to design and create a cause related logo
So I can place my cause related logo on a t-shirt.
Who is going to use it? How?
I will use it on my t-shirt design.
What will it achieve? What purposes will it serve?
It will make my t-shirt look good and it will hopefully promote the organisation I chose.

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