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A10: Appendix A10: List of China's Underground Gas Storages

Appendix A10: List of China's Underground Gas Storages

No. of Projects / : 27
Statistics Update Date / : 2012.12.28
Source / :

Natural gas project investment in China was relatively simple and easy just 10
years ago because of the brand new downstream market. It differs a lot since
then: LNG plants enjoyed seller market before, while a LNG plant investor today
will find himself soon fighting with other 200 LNG plants for buyers; West East
Gas Pipeline 1 enjoyed virgin markets alongside its paving route in 2002, while
today's Xin-Zhe-Yue Pipeline Network investor has to plan its route within territory
of a couple of competing pipelines; In the past, city gas investors could choose to
sign golden areas with best sales potential and easy access to PNG supply, while
today's investors have to turn their sights to areas where sales potential is limited ...
Obviously, today's investors have to consider more to ensure right decision making
in a much complicated gas market. China Natural Gas Map's associated project
directories provide readers a fundamental analysis tool to make their decisions.
With a completed idea about venders, buyers and competitive projects, analyst
would be able to shape a better market model when planning a new investment or
marketing program.

10 LNG
LNG 200


This list introduces in alphabetical order names of the 27 underground gas

storages recorded in CHINA NATURAL GAS MAP EDITION 5 for the nation's
12th 5-year-plan period.
5 27

Anning Underground Gas Storage Ban876 Underground Gas Storage
Daqing Oilfield Lamadian Underground Gas Storage Daqing Oilfield Sizhan
Underground Gas Storage Daqing Oilfield Zhao51 Underground Gas Storage
Dazhangtuo Underground Gas Storage Dingyuan Underground Gas Storage
Huai'an Underground Gas Storage Hutubi Underground Gas Storage Jing
58 Underground Gas Storages Jintan Underground Gas Storage Leiliang
Underground Gas Storage Liaohe Oilfield Shuang6 Underground Gas Storage
Liuzhuang Underground Gas Storage Nanchang Maqiu Underground Gas
Storage Pingdingshan Underground Gas Storage Qianjiang Underground
Gas Storage Shaan45 Block Underground Gas Storage Shengli Oilfield
Yong21 Underground Gas Storage Suqiao Underground Gas Storages
TCS Underground Gas Storage Wen23 Underground Gas Storage Wen96
Underground Gas Storage Xiangguosi Underground Gas Storage Yanling
Underground Gas Storage Yunying Underground Gas Storage


Appendix A01: List of China's Gasfields
Appendix A02: List of China's Natural Gas Process Plants
Appendix A03: List of China's CBM Fields and CBM Bearing Structures
Appendix A04: List of China's Shale Gasfields and Shale Mine Zones
Appendix A05: List of China's Coal -to-Gas Plants
Appendix A06: List of China's LNG Plants
Appendix A07: List of China's LNG Terminals
Appendix A08: List of China's Conventional Natural Gas Pipelines
Appendix A09: List of China's Unconventional Gas Pipelines
Appendix A11: List of China's LNG Satellite Stations

Appendix A12: List of China's CNG Mother Stations

Appendix A13: List of China's Natural Gas Chemical Bases
Appendix A14: List of China's Conventional Natural Gas Power Plants
Appendix A15: List of China's CBM Power Plants
Appendix A16: List of China's City Gas Franchisers


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