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A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it

expresses a condition which is doubtful or not

factual. It is most often found in a clause
beginning with the word if. It is also found in
clauses following a verb that expresses a doubt, a
wish, regret, request, demand, or proposal.

Insert the correct form of the verbs on brackets:

1. I wish he __________ (be) able to type faster.
2. If I ________ (be) you, then I would not do that.
3. Mr. Black recommended that you ________ (join) the committee.
4. ________ (be) he alive, he would be proud of his son.
5. It is important that you ________ (try) to study often.
6. Dr. Jackson asked that Anthony _________ (submit) his
research paper before the end of the term.
7. Sarah requested Frank ________ (come) to the party.
8. It is important she ________ (attend) the meeting.
9. Judy asked that we _________ (attend) her graduation ceremony
next week.
10. The teacher insists that her students ________ (come) on time.
11. It's important that Janet _________ (remember) to take her
medicine twice a day.
12. William spends money as if he _________ (win) a lottery.

1. were
2. were
3. join
4. were
5. try
6. submit
7. come
8. attend
9. attend
10. come
11. remember
12. had won

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