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St Peters

Church of England Primary School

Whats been happening in school this week?
Newsletter - 20th November 2014

Stars of the week

Its Thomas as Star of the Week! He has
been working really hard in class,
especially on his listening and
concentrating. Well done to you Thomas!

Worship Band
Theyve been practising hard all term and I was very
impressed with their performance in Collective Worship last
week. We were looking at talents and these pupils were
using theirs very well. Thank you and well done to Miss Smit
and well done to all the children.

Spotlight on Year 2
Year Two children have had an
exciting experience making
puppets for their Literacy unit
How to Wash a Woolly
Mammoth and using them in
class to re-tell a set of instructions. We will soon be
writing our own instructions to help the elves prepare
for Christmas as Santa has gone to Australia for a
holiday (lucky chap).
Ayla really pushed the boat out and made an
enormous mammoth whilst Oliver Crook spent ages
adding mammoth coloured wool to his puppet to
add to its texture.
Year Two have also combined their Science (Life
Cycles) and Maths by creating symmetrical
butterflies. They were all very proud of their colourful
creatures especially Shay & Evie.
We are currently preparing for our Christmas
Performance of Angel Express with children learning
their lines and songs with gusto. It should prove to be
a musical extravaganza!

Early Years Music with Jane Parker

The Early Years Music
session led by Jane
Parker today (Wed) from
3-3.30pm was a huge
success. Jane will be
running another fun
filled music making
session next week on
the Wednesday at the
same time we look
forward to seeing you

Super runners!
Well done to our super cross country runners who took part in
East Devon finals at Bicton coming in 4th, great effort!

Nursery Family Fun Day

This term we were excited to be going to Exmouth Forest
School for our Family Day Out. This was an invaluable time
for parents to meet each other and the children that their
child may have made friends with! Also, it was a great day
out in local nature! Click here for more photos and news.

Did you know about?

Christmas Fayre news!!
Grand Christmas Fayre, Friday (28th November), 5-7.30pm
All are welcome at our popular Christmas Fayre. Come and enjoy local craft stalls, the famous tombola,
raffle and games. This year the caf will be serving hot dogs and pulled pork baps, as well as mulled
wine and cider, so why not eat with us too? As usual, we are also expecting a very special visitor in his

Bake Sale Please could you, or someone you know, make a cake for us to sell at the Christmas
Fayre? We would love to sell your delicious home-made cakes for people to buy and take home. We will
be collecting your cakes on the stage in the playground at pick up time on Friday 28th November.

Class Photos

Whats going on soon?

Please keep checking this
section for upcoming dates
and events.

Next Messy Church at

St Peters hall:
Thurs 18th Dec bring and
share PARTY!!

Next Family Service at

St Peters Church:
Sunday 14th Dec 10am

Class Photos will be available to order, for only 2 each. Look out for them in your
child's class window!



Wed 26th Novbook fair


Thank you for all the amazing tombola donations last week. Year 3 were the triumphant
classso they earn an extra mufti day on Friday 5th Dec for the Talent Show.

Quick-links to important information last day to do it!

Last day to do the parental questionnaire
Nursery parents use this one:
Paper copies are available from the office if needed.
Please let us know if you can come to the Family Mince pie event (so we
can order the pies!)

28th NovXmas Fayre.

Cakes needed!

Fri 5thTalent Show and
Cake Sale to raise money
for Cancer charity.
Late night shopping and
carol service 5:45pm
meet at the Public Hall.
Wed 10th DecKS1 Xmas
Performance at 10am
and at 2:30pm in the hall to say you are going to the Late Night

Shopping event.

Thurs 11th DecKS2

Xmas concertSt Peters
Church at 7pm

Other notices

Friday 12th Dec PM

Mince pie family event.

Late night shopping event and carol service. Please do reply at the link above to let us know whether or
not you can attend. We would like all of the children to sing a hymn weve been practising in school.
Theatre club will also be performing under the awning at Staddons at around 7pm.
KS1 Nativity Refreshments
Refreshments will be available in the Year 6 classroom from 9.30am for all parents who will be attending
the morning performance of the KS1 nativity at 10am. Following the KS1 afternoon performance of
'Angel Express' refreshments will be available in Year 6 classroom from the end of the performance until
the end of the school day. Thank you to the SPSA for organising this.
Espresso Coding
Thank you to all the parents that attended the Espresso Coding and Computing workshop last week. To
log into Espresso Coding you need to go to
Our username is: student10367
Our password is: schoolisfun
Admissions into schoolReception class for September 2015
Parents wanting to enrol their child into St Peters can now do so. The closing dates for admissions is
15th Jan. Go to www.devon/ or phone 0345 155 1019
Social mediafind us on Facebook!!!
Were already on Twitter @BudleighStP - and now were starting out on Facebook! Search for us or
click here.
Due to the playground being used for setting up the SPSA Grand Christmas Fayre, there will be no
Netball club on Friday 28th November.

Thurs 18th Dev 10am

Christmas Service at St
Peters Church parents
Term starts again on Tuesday
6th January.

Contact details
Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock

Headteacher awards
Pictured below are all the cheeky winners from last
week that I couldnt photo, plus Jonathan, Archie,
Felix, Harvey Br, Conlan, Elizabeth and Harvey Ba (for
their verbs).
Also this week: Bengi, Jessica, Holly, Darcy, Ruby,
Samuel and Marni for getting all their spellings right
for the last 5 weeks wow!! Elizabeth and Lily for their
Woolly Mammoth questions; Joshua for his 10 verbs;
Amelia for her instructions; Jack G for his terrific
spellings; Lily, Effie, Luca, Ruby and Lucy for their
superb debate on Wordles; Lucy (again!) for her x13
tables method; Hannah-Skye for her improved
writing; Harvey Ba (again!) for describing how to get a
gorilla in a bath! Cleo for her paper-cut dress and
instructions; Effie and Lucy (againa new record for a
newsletter!) for winning the Maths in Motion first
round at ECC; Ruby, Phoebe and Joel for the extra
effort they put into their Home Learning; Jessica for
her reading; Ayla and Hope for their nativity
playdough; Jake for his extra home learning; Iona for
her lovely (and brave) singing; Alice for getting her
sports Blue Peter badge; Annabel for her reading;
Ryan, James, Imogen, Leah and Nate for super maths;
Rihanna for reading; and Lois for her sewing and
writing. Well done to you all!!

DEARDrop Everything And Read!

Heres a selection of some of the #DEARselfies and
shelfies from the DEAR project. Keep it up!!! Prizes for the
best!! Follow them all on our Twitter feed: @BudleighStP
and #DEARselfie #DEARshelfie

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