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Chapter 2.3

Work Bank for questions 1-8. Use each word only once. : Lipids, double, amino acids, polypeptide,
disaccharide, Carbohydrates, Form chains and rings, Nucleic Acids

1. You are going to run a race, so for some quick energy you reach for some

2. It is the future, and you can design your pet. You would like a kitten with white fur and green
eyes. The DNA of your new kitten is assembled from ________________________.

3. The bear has eaten and eaten all summer in preparation for winter; at which point he goes into
hibernation. What did he store? ____________________

4. Hemoglobin is a functional protein that occurs in the red blood cells and helps to transport
oxygen in the body. What are the monomer building blocks of this protein?

5. Olive Oil is a liquid at room temperature. Butter is a solid at room temperature. This is because
olive oil is an unsaturated lipid. Butter, on the other hand is saturated. There are
________________carbon bonds in the unsaturated oil that give it its properties.

6. Amino Acids bond together to make _________________ chains.

7. The valence electrons give carbon a 4+ or 4- oxidation number. You can also tell this by
Carbons place on the periodic table. What is one unique thing that carbon can do, that makes
life as we know it possible? ________ _________ _______ _____________.

8. One monomer of carbohydrates is a glucose molecule, another is a fructose molecule. If you

combine the two monomers together by polymerization, you get the __________________
table sugar.

9. Is the above a structural formula or molecular formula?

10. The above molecule in question 9 is glucose. It is a monomer of carbohydrates. Please tell me
the ratio of the elements that compose it.

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