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Writers Name _______________________________________ English III Period _____ Date ________________

Ideas ______ / 60

______ %

Organization ______ / 30
Style _____ / 10

______ %

______ %

Grammar ______ / 25

______ %

English III Literary Essay Rubric

Body Paragraphs






4- Distinguished
Thesis establishes a precise,
knowledgeable, sophisticated,
and arguable claim that explains
the relationship between key
concepts or reasons.

3- Proficient

1-Not Meeting

Thesis summarizes the topic or

provides a general frame for

Thesis does not adequately

address the topic.

16 pts
Evidence includes precise
information gathered from text
(i.e. quotes, statistics, data, etc.)
gathered from primary and
secondary sources.
Selected evidence provides
adequate support for claims.

14 pts
Evidence is too general.
Selected evidence provides limited
support for claims.

12 pts
Evidence provided is
inaccurate or does not
support claims.

16 pts
Analyzes and interprets evidence
to demonstrate its significance;
begins to explore implications
and complex meanings.
Explains the relationships
between claims and evidence

14 pts
Interprets evidence to state an
obvious or simple significance.
States a basic relationship
between claim and evidence.

12 pts
Simply restates the claim
and/or evidence.

16 pts
A variety of advanced
transitional words, phrases, and
clauses clarify the relationship
between ideas and details and
create cohesion.
8 pts

14 pts
Predictable transitional words,
phrases, and clauses and simple
sentence structures state
relationship between ideas and
7 pts

12 pts
There are insufficient
transitional words, phrases,
and clauses.

Topic sentences logically and

cleverly advance thesis and
make precise claims;
progression of ideas
demonstrates intentional
examination of position rather
than adherence to formulaic

Topic sentences logically prove

thesis and make focused claims;
progression of ideas may be

Topic sentences connect to the

thesis and establish a focus for
each body paragraph.

Topic sentences are missing

or do not relate to the thesis.

Claims, evidence are reasoning

are logically organized in body

Concluding statements fully

summarize main ideas.

Essay maintains a consistent

focus, explains the critical
context, and evaluates the
strengths and limitations of
20 pts
Evidence includes precise
information (i.e. quotes,
statistics, data, etc.) gathered
from primary and secondary
Selected evidence provides the
strongest possible support for
20 pts
Analyzes and interprets
evidence to demonstrate its
significance, evaluate
implications, and explain
complex meanings.
Thoroughly clarifies the
relationships between claims,
evidence, and analysis.
20 pts
A variety of sophisticated
transitional words, phrases, and
clauses clarify the relationship
between ideas and details and
create cohesion.
10 pts

Concluding statements fully

summarize and extend the main
ideas using new language.
10 pts

Thesis makes a credible,

knowledgeable, and arguable
claim that introduces key
concepts or reasons.


Essay maintains a consistent

focus and acknowledges the
strengths and limitations of

Claims, evidence are reasoning

are logically organized in body

8 pts

Claims, evidence, and reasoning

are present in each paragraph.

6 pts

Concluding statements are

missing or do not focus on
the original claim.

Concluding statements partially

summarize main ideas.

7 pts

6 pts

Introduction & Conclusion


Introduction engages reader,

acknowledges texts title and
author, provides an angled
summary of the text, explains
the significance of the
context/topic, and ends with a
thesis statement.
Conclusion fully summarizes
the argument, reconsiders the
purpose of the essay, and
extends ideas using new
10 pts
A variety of refined sentence
Precise words and meticulous
use of content/ disciplinespecific language make writing
exceptionally clear and concise,
and cohesive.
Formal academic tone
maintained throughout essay.
Evidence is seamlessly
introduced and properly cited
(MLA format).
10 pts

Introduction engages reader,

acknowledges texts title and
author, provides a concise
summary of the text, and ends
with a thesis statement.

Introduction acknowledges texts

title and author and includes a
thesis statement.

Introduction includes a thesis


Conclusion partially summarizes

the argument.

Conclusion is missing or
does not focus on the

7 pts
Repetitious use of sentence
A mix of specific and vague/
general words make writing
inconsistently clear and concise.

6 pts
Uniformly simple sentence
Vague/general and
inaccurate word choice make
writing unclear or simplistic.

Conclusion fully summarizes the

argument and reiterates the
purpose of the essay.

8 pts
A combination of simple and
complex sentence structures
Specific words and some
language make writing generally
clear, concise, and cohesive.
Formal academic tone
maintained throughout essay.
Evidence is effectively
introduced and properly cited
(MLA format).

Formal academic style generally

maintained throughout essay;
occasionally use of I or you.
Evidence is introduced and cited.

8 pts

7 pts

6 pts

Grammar in Writing
Comma Usage

Writer includes absolutely NO unnecessary commas

and properly punctuates all nonessentials and
dependent clauses.

5 pts

Quick Review
Comma Usage

Writer includes one unnecessary comma or improperly

punctuates one nonessential or dependent clause.

Problem Area
Comma Usage

Writer includes two or more unnecessary commas or

improperly punctuates two or more nonessentials or
dependent clauses.

2 pts

3 pts
Subject-Verb Agreement
Writer includes one subject-verb
disagreement OR uses of instead of
3 pts
Run-on Sentences (FANBOYS or

Subject-Verb Agreement
Writer includes two or more subject-verb
disagreements and/or uses of instead of
2 pts
Run-on Sentences (FANBOYS or

Writer includes one run-on; most likely needs to apply

FANBOYS or semicolon rule.

Writer includes two or more run-ons; most likely needs

to apply FANBOYS or semicolon rule.




Writer includes absolutely NO fragments.

Writer includes one fragment.

Writer includes two or more fragments.

Writer does not use any wordy language or

redundancies (e.g., It was a big and large car).

Writer includes one wordy phrase or redundancy.

Writer includes two or more wordy phrases or


Subject-Verb Agreement
All subjects and verbs agree in number and tense.
Writer correctly uses the perfect tense with have and
not of.

5 pts

Run-on Sentences (FANBOYS or

semicolon )
Writer includes absolutely NO run-on sentences.

5 pts

5 pts
Redundancy/ Wordiness

5 pts

3 pts

3 pts
Redundancy/ Wordiness

3 pts

2 pts

3 pts
Redundancy/ Wordiness

2 pts

Total ___________ / 25 pts

Take pride in your superb grammar!

Rewrite the sentence(s) with errors.

Rewrite the entire paragraph / piece.

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