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Your group should research two to three companies that are reportedly doing an excellent job
of recognizing the various cross-cultural similarities and differences among the consumers of
different societies. Your group should focus on company marketing strategies. What
marketing strategies have these companies employed in order to meet the needs of the
consumers in these foreign cultures? How do these marketing strategies differ from the
marketing strategies used for the American culture? Select at least one company that has been
unsuccessful at recognizing cross-cultural similarities and differences. What did this
company do wrong? What could this company have done better in order to be successful in
its attempt? (Note: Coca Cola could qualify for both categories. Their early attempts at
cross-cultural marketing were disastrous, especially in Asia. Now they are one of the
premier international marketers.)
Students can select the companies on their own to be creative with their own selection.
Remember to have them explain or justify their picks. The focus of this assignment is on how
companies recognize and deal with cross-cultural similarities and differences. Students
should reference the material in the chapter before beginning this assignment. If students
have a difficult time getting started, recommend that the section on Marketing Mistakes be

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