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New Unit 6 Digital Graphics

Assignment 1 Task 3

Matt hardy

Find two different types of advertising graphics
from different sources. Try searching for
graphics relating to:
Healthy eating

These graphics can be logos, photographs,

leaflets, posters

Present these graphics with an explanation of their purpose,
intended audience and their features, including:
type vector graphic or bitmap image (photograph)
use of colour and texture
size and position
characters and objects
file type and sizes
The Features of Digital Graphics presentation will help you.

When describing the purpose of the graphic
make sure you use at least one of these key
words: Inform
Change behavior

Explain the purpose of the graphic.
Its purpose is to get people to change their behavior and donate
books to Oxfam to raise money for charity.
Who are the indented audience?
The intended audience is the general public, especially people
who give to charity.
What type of image is it (vector or bitmap)?
This is a bitmap image.
What is the file type and size?
The image is a .jpg and is 379 KB in size, with a high resolution.
What text does it have?
It uses a small amount of text, including powerful short sentences
and a longer explanation of what it wants the viewer to do.
Talk about the composition of the graphic, including size and
position of the objects on it.
There is a large eye-catching cartoon of a book at the top of the
page, with all the text underneath. The name and slogan of the
charity is at the bottom, in a different colour. The image and text
are slanted slightly to attract attention.
What colour does it use?
There are only three colours used in the entire graphic.

Your task

Image - Recycling
1. Explain the purpose of the graphic.
To make it look bold

1. Who are the indented audience?

People who like keeping the world healthy

Your task

Image - Recycling
3. What type of image is it (vector or bitmap)?

4. What is the file type and size?

498 x 464

Your task

Image - Recycling
5. What text does it have?
none just a picture of someone putting rubbish
in the bin
6. Talk about the composition of the graphic,
including size and position of the objects on it.
big and bold

7. What colour does it use?

dark green and black for the image

Your task

Image - Healthy
1. Explain the purpose of the graphic.
too make healthy food look bright and

1. Who are the indented audience?

people who like fruit and veg

Your task

3. What type of image is it (vector or


4. What is the file type and size?

1677 x 1145

Image - Healthy

Your task
5. What text does it have?

6. Talk about the composition of the graphic,

including size and position of the objects on
it has a white background with eye catching
fruit and veg

7. What colour does it use?


Image - Healthy

1.What work have you

completed for this task? Give
a brief description.

2. What BTec criteria have

you achieved by completing
this task?

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