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Rubric for Task: Lifestyle Photography


Just Beginning

Coming Along

Developing Well


Image Quality &


Average in general
compositional skills, sloppy
and poorly captured
Image is not in focus
including distracting content
Does not consider the Rule
of Thirds
Lacks originality

Sufficient application of
compositional knowledge
yet absence of care in use
of camera
Image is visibly grainy or
may be only partly in focus
Relevance of image is
Image is somewhat
meaningful but the main
point of interest is confusing

Work is inventive yet lacks

a finishing touch or attention
to detail
Image has little grain and
has utilized focus to achieve
a certain result
Interpretation of point of
interest is clear with firm
guidance for viewer
Image is meaningful and
suggests deeper thinking

Technical ability reflects patience

and aesthetic superiority as well as
expertise in camera handling
Precise consideration of the Rule
of Thirds
My image has the intended effect
on the audience
Composition enhances the
message or theme
Image is sharp and attractive

Image Editing

Total neglect of image

Editing strategies overused
or underused
I need help to use the
techniques covered in class;
however, I have not seeked

Some attempt to address

image problems but remains
poorly developed
Edit does not suit the
I only adjust 1 level

Problems are being

developed but lack full
Editing emphasizes the
I adjust 2-3 levels

Image editing fully enhances the

Structure of work is clearly
developed with no remaining need
for further editing
I feel confident using the
techniques and adjusting levels in


There is no explanation of
how the essence of Reynolds
is captured in the image
I have not included the
correct Aperture, Shutter
Speed, ISO for each image
Thumbnails, text and titles
are not nearly organized on a
8.5 x 11 inch JPEG image

Explanation is unclear
I have some view of
the topic but it is not well
supported or argued for
I forgot to include either:
Aperture, Shutter Speed or
ISO for an image
Thumbnails, text and
titles are not neatly
organized on a 8.5 x 11 inch
JPEG image

Clear Explanation
I provide good overview of
the topic and supported with
good considerations
All 3 thumbnails are of a
similar size
Thumbnails, text and
titles are reasonably
organized in a 8.5 x 11 inch
JPEG image

Detailed explanation
I present a thoughtful and
comprehensive view of the topic with
compelling considerations
All thumbnails are the same size
and presented uniformly
Thumbnails, text and titles are
professionally organized within a 8.5
x 11 inch JPEG image
I have included the correct
Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO for
each image


Your assignment folder

is not found in the correct
submission folder
Personal assignment folder
has an arbitrary title
Camera Raw files and
corresponding edited JPEGs
have different titles
Written response JPEG
Image is not included or

Your assignment folder

is found in the submission
folder but not in your
particular student folder
Assignment folder title
includes the phrase Lifestyle
but has no name
Camera Raw Files and
original edited JPEGs have
similar titles
Written response JPEG is

Your assignment folder

is placed in the correct
submission folder
Assignment folder title
includes your name
Camera Raw Files and
edited JPEGs have mostly
corresponding titles
Written response JPEG
has a relevant title but not
specifically accurate

Your assignment folder is placed

in the correct submission folder
Assignment folder is titled
Camera Raw Files and edited
JPEGs have corresponding titles
Written response JPEG is titled
correctly: Response_yourname

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