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PSA Memo.

Fernando Martinez
University Of Texas at El Paso

Public Service Announcement Memo

The Public Service Announcement project was a mix of emotions that allowed for a correct
development of each of our team members ideas. Calling ourselves La migra due to our
relation to the migration topic, my team members through this process were: Luis Valerio, Alex
Rodriguez, Gilberto Rodriguez, and myself, Fernando Martinez. During this memo the role of
each of the members as well as our process as a team is intended to be described thoroughly.
Roles in our team included the making of the robot which was used to represent how could there
be changes to shorten the time needed to cross the border. This was done by every member of the
team as we had to come in our free time to finish building it. However, the role of programming
it was mine in order to make sure it completed the actions it was intended to do. Another kind of
roles that were included in our team was looking for ideas as well as sources that we could
include in our project which were done by Gilberto and Alex.
Our PSA topic is migration in relation to both our robotics project and transportation engineering.
Two of these topics were chosen by our team, while transportation engineering was a random
topic given to us during our University class. Since we were to present it to our classmates and
teachers , we had to make sure that our approach was clear and formal as to show that there are
good changes that could be done to migration.
Since the very beginning of our project, we brainstormed and discussed ideas as a team which
allowed us to take decisions that would result for the best of our team. We started off by creating
a relation between migration and our robotics project in order to complete the PSA for both of
our subjects. We then started to brainstorm when we learned that we would be also required to
create a relation to a new topic: Transportation Engineering. We then started to create a plan of
action in order to complete both assignments in time.
During the organization of our PSA we had to face many problems, such as a lack of ideas
during the very first step of brainstorming as to how to relate our robot with our PSA project.
Another problem we had to face was the fact that we needed to fit a time limit which was not
originally considered in our original brainstorm. Due to this problem we had to face we also had
to make changes to the PSA in order for it to fit into the time limit that was given to us.
Our most effective aspect is the fact that it is something that could really help every person
crossing the border, since it is such a big part of life for citizens of both Juarez and El Paso. Also
the relation with our robotics project brings an easy way to represent how obstacles can be
evaded creating new opportunities for people to take advantage of.

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