Communicative Activity Hi BegIntermediate Conjunctions

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Time Management
Activity type: Partner Dictation: Story
Level: High-Beginning / LowIntermediate

Purpose: Students practice using

conjunctions (and, but, or, and because)
in speaking, listening, and writing. They
work together to fill in gaps in two short

Set-up: Pairs
Time: 5 minutes to prepare / 20 minutes
to do the activity

Materials Preparation:
1. Make one copy of the Students Page
for each pair.
2. Be sure each pair has scissors.
Alternatively, you may cut each part of
the Students Page in half in advance.
3. Be sure each student or pair has a
pen or pencil.

in half (if you have not already done so).

Make sure Student A has the complete
paragraph for Part 1 and the paragraph
with blanks for Part 2; Student B should
have the paragraph with blanks for Part
1 and the complete paragraph for Part
2. Tell students not to look at their
partners paragraph.
4. Have students help you model the
activity. Ask a Student A to read aloud
the first sentence of his or her
paragraph, and encourage other
Student As to follow along. Ask all
Student Bs to listen and look at the first
sentence on their papers. Have one
Student B say what should go in the
space (and my life is).
5. Tell pairs to begin with Part 1.
Student A reads the paragraph aloud.
Student B listens and fills in the missing
words and phrases. Then tell pairs to
complete Part 2, with Student B reading
the paragraph and Student A filling in
the blanks.
6. Circulate to monitor students
progress. When everyone has finished,
check answers by having a Student B
volunteer read the paragraph in Part 1
aloud and a Student A volunteer read
the paragraph in Part 2 aloud.

1. As a warm-up, copy the following
sentence onto the board: I like working
here, ____ I prefer spending time with
my family. Tell students to listen and
decide what goes in the blank. Then
say, I like working here, but I prefer
spending time with my family. Make
sure students have said or written but.
Ask students to say why the conjunction
but is used here (to show contrast).
2. Divide the students into pairs.
Designate, or have them decide, who
will be Student A and who will be
Student B. Tell students they are going
to do a dictation activity one student
will read while the other writes what they
hear, then they will switch roles.
3. Pass out a two-page Students Page
to each pair. Ask them to cut each page

Grammar and Beyond Communicative Activities

Have students use the paragraphs as
models to write an analysis of their own
daily habits. Tell them to use and, but,
or, and because at least once each.

Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable

Students Page

Conjunctions | Partner Dictation: Story

Time Management
Part 1

1 Student A: Cut this page in half. Give the bottom half to Student B.
2 Student A: Read the paragraph aloud to Student B. Student B will listen and fill in
missing information on his or her paper. Read the paragraph aloud again if needed.
Im a teenager, and my life is very stressful. I go to school and play sports, and I
play computer games with my friends. I hardly have time to relax! I do my homework, of
course, but I dont read any extra books or newspapers for fun. I play the drums, and Id
like to join a band, but I dont have time to practice or rehearse. My schoolwork comes
first, and sports come second. Playing soccer is very important to me because it gives
me energy. Im always tired because I never get enough sleep. I usually stay up late
because I have to finish homework or write e-mails. Maybe I need better time
management skills.

3 Student B: Listen to Student A. Fill in the missing information. Listen to the paragraph
again if needed.
Im a teenager, __________________ very stressful. I go to school
_______________ sports, _________________ computer games with my friends. I
hardly have time to relax! I do my homework, of course, __________________ any
extra books or newspapers for fun. I play the drums, __________________ to join a
band, __________________ time to practice _____ rehearse. My schoolwork comes
first, _________________ second. Playing soccer is very important to me
___________________ me energy. Im always tired __________________ enough
sleep. I usually stay up late _________ I have to _______________________________.
Maybe I need better time management skills.

Grammar and Beyond Communicative Activities

Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable

Students Page

Part 2

1 Student B: Cut this page in half. Give the bottom half to Student A.
2 Student B: Read the paragraph aloud to Student A. Student A will listen and fill in
missing information on his or her paper. Read the paragraph aloud again if needed.
Im a banker, and these days, my life is very stressful. I set my alarm for 7:30 a.m.,
and I shower, dress, and leave the house in thirty minutes. I try to get to the office by
8:30 or 8:45. The first thing I do every day is look at my calendar and my to-do list
because I dont want to forget a meeting or an important task. I have a calendar on my
phone, but I also have a paper calendar in case my phone battery dies. Im very busy at
work, and sometimes I dont get home until 10:00 p.m. I have great time-management
skills at work, but I dont have enough time to relax!

3 Student A: Listen to Student B. Fill in the missing information. Listen to the paragraph
again if needed.
Im a banker, ______ these days, my life is very stressful. I set my alarm for 7:30
a.m., _______________, dress, ______________________ in thirty minutes. I try to get
to the office by 8:30 _______________. The first thing I do every day is look at my
calendar ______ my to-do list ______________________ to forget a meeting _____ an
important task. I have a calendar on my phone, ________________ a paper calendar in
case my phone battery dies. Im very busy at work, _____ sometimes I dont get home
until 10:00 p.m. I have great time-management skills at work, ________________
enough time to relax!

Grammar and Beyond Communicative Activities

Cambridge University Press 2012 Photocopiable

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