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Page Introduction vii Section 1 — General Limitations 1-1 Weight limitations 1-1 Basic Weight 1-1 Centre of Gravity 1-1 Airspeed 1-1 Operational Limits 1-2 Fuel System 1-4 Engine (EGT) 1-5 Definitions 1-7 Aerodromes 1-7 Distances 1-7 Fuel 1-8 Speed 1-9 Temperature 1-1 Time 1-1 Thrust 1-1 Weight 1-L Company Policy 1-1 Fuel — General 1-1 Table 1.1 — Fuel Allowance Required — kg Before-flight Planning 1-17 Weight and Balance — General 1-18 Weight and Balance — Fuel Management 1-18 Table 1.2 — Tank Capacities — Usable Fuel ~ kg 1-20 Abnormal Operations 1-21 Fuel Dumping 1-22 Critical Point 1-23 Point of No Return 1-23 Section 2 - Take-off and Climb Take-off and Climb Performance 21 Take-off Charts 21 Use of Take-off Charts ~ Take-off Runway Limitation 241 Use of Take-off Charts — Take-off Climb Limitation 2-1 Brakes Release Weight (BRW) 2-2 Take-off Speeds 22 Climb Performance Tables 2-2 Use of Climb Performance Tables 2.2 iii Altitude Capability — Buffet and Thrust/Gross Weight Limitations Factors Buffet Boundary Charts Use of Buffet Boundary Charts Thrust/Gross Weight Limitations Altitude Capability Table Use of the Altitude Capability Table Graph 2.1 Take-off — Runway Limitation Graph 2.2 Take-off — Climb Limitation Table 2.1 Take-off — Speeds Table 2.2 En route Climb 310 KIAS/.78 Mach — ISA Table 2.3 En route Climb 310 KIAS/.78 Mach — ISA + 10 Table 2.4 En route Climb 310 KIAS/.78 Mach — ISA + 20 Graph 2.3 jal Buffet Boundaries 1.0G and No Turbulence Graph 2.4 Initial Buffet Boundaries 1.3G or Moderate Turbulence Graph 2.5 Initital Buffet Boundaries 1.6G or Heavy Turbulence Table 2.5 Altitude Capability Section 3 — Cruise Performance Before-flight Planning Data Integrated Range Tables Before-flight Planning Data Integrated Range Tables Tables 1-5 In-flight Planning Data LRC and Constant Mach/Airspeed Schedules Cruise Procedure In-flight Planning Data ~ Long Range Cruise/Constant Mach Cruise Tables 1-36 Total Temperature at ISA Section 4 — Descent and Landing Performance Descent Performance Descent Holding General Landing Charts Thermal Plug Integrity Check Table 4.1 Standard Descent Data Table 4.2 Holding Data Graph 4.1 Landing — Reference Distance — Flap 30° and 40° Graph 4.2 Landing - Runway Limitation — Flap 30° Graph 4.3 Landing - Runway Limitation — Flap 40° Graph 4.4 Landing — Climb Limitation — Flap 30° Graph 4.5 Landing — Maximum Quick Turn-Around Weight — Flap 30° 3-71 3-72 3-106 4-1 41 4-1 42 42 43 4-5 4-6 4-7 48 49 Section 5 — Abnormal Operations Abnormal Operations 5-1 One Engine Inoperative Performance 5-1 Maximum Continuous Limit EPR 5-1 Altitude Capability S-1 Cruise Control Tables -— LRC 5-2 Holding 5-2 Depressurised Cruise 5-2 Yaw Damper Inoperative 5-3 Operation with Tailskid Extended 5-3 Landing Gear Extended 5-4 Table 5.1 Max. Continuous EPR — 1 Engine [nop 5-5 Table 5.2 Altitude Capability — 1 Engine Inop 5-6 Table 5.3-5.8 Long Range Cruise — | Engine Inop FL110-FL310 5-8 Table 5.9 Holding — 1 Engine Inop 5-14 Table 5.10-5.11 Low Altitude Cruise 250 KIAS — 6000ft-9000ft 5-16 Table 5.12-5.15 Low Altitude Cruise 310 KIAS — 10000ft-FL250 5-18 table 5.16-5.19 Yaw Damper Inop ~ FL190-FL300 5-22 Table 5.20 Altitude Capability - Gear down 5-27 Table 5.21-5.26 Long Range Cruise — Gear down FL100-FL300 5-28 Section 6 —- Emergency Operations Emergency Operations 6-1 Two Engines Inoperative 6-1 Driftdown/Climbing Cruise 6-1 Driftdown/Climbing Cruise Range Capability 6-1 Table 6.1 Driftdown/Climbing Cruise — 2 Engine Inop 6-2 Graph 6.1 Drifidown/Climbing Cruise Range Capability — 2 Engines Inop 6-3 SECTION 1 GENERAL LIMITATIONS Weight Limitations Maximum Ramp Weight 89 700 kg Maximum Brakes Release Weight (MBRW) 89 350 kg NOTE 1 Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) (a) Flaps 30° 72.600 kg NOTE 2 (b) Flaps 40° 64 650 kg Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) 63 500 kg Note 1: Apply a linear reduction of 50 kg for each thousand feet pressure altitude aerodrome is above 2000ft pressure altitude. Note 2: — (a) Flaps 25° inflight when weight 88 450kg or less. (b) Flaps 30° inflight when weight 73 000kg or less. (c) Flaps 40° inflight when weight 65 100kg or less. Basic Weight The fleet average Basic Weight is 47 000kg. — (see Section 1 ~ Definitions). Centre of Gravity Centre of Gravity (CG) limits are included on the approved Load and Trim sheet for each aeroplane in the fleet. Airspeed Maximum Operating Limit Speeds Viio- My: Pressure Max Max altitude KIAS Mach No. SL 350 5000 353 10 000 355 15 000 359 20 000 365 25 000 370 30 000 347 -902 35 000 311 902 40 000 277 902 Note: Vyjo/My. changeover at approximately 26 600 ft. 1-1 Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed V,,-M, . Extend: V,, : 270 KIAS SL to 37 000 ft M,, : .83M above 37 000 ft Retract: 200 KIAS Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed V, -M,, Vig : 320 KIAS SLTO 29 500 ft Me : 83M above 29 500 fi Landing gear extended — Doors open : 270 KIAS/.80M Maximum Flaps Operating speed V,o-Ve Fisps Vio" Vee position Deg KIAS 2 245 5 230 15 205 20 195 25 185 30 185 40 175 Maximum Speed leading edge devices (LED) only extended is 245 KIAS Flaps are not to be extended above 20 000 ft pressure altitude. Turbulence Penetration Speed : .80M/280 KIAS. Operational Limits ‘Take-off'and Landing Altitude Limit : 8300 ft Runway Slope : #2 percent Maximum Tailwind : 10 kt Maximum Operating Altitude Maximum Altitude : 42 000 ft Yaw Damper Limits Maximum operating altitude and speeds with one or both yaw dampers inoperative are: PRESSURE ALTITUDE KIAS up to 25 000 350 26 000 310 27.000 300 28 000 290 29.000 280 30 000 270 Flight Manoeuvring Load Acceleration Limits Flaps Up: +2.5G to-1.0G Flaps Down: —_+2.0G to 0.0G Cross Wind Maximum cross wind components are: Dry Runway : 29 kt Significant Water on Runway 15 kt Slick Runway 17 kt Wet Runway but not slick nor puddled : 26 kt One hydraulic system inoperative 19 kt Rudder Load Limit Light ON : 19 kt More than one LED fails to extend: 19 kt Manual reversion : 15 kt Note: Maximum demonstrated cross wind is 29 kt. Tyre Speed and Brake Energy Limits Maximum tyre speed is 182 kt. After a landing at a weight in excess of that extracted from the Maximum Quick Turn-Around Weight chart, (Section 4 - Descent and Landing), a subsequent take- off is not to be scheduled for at least 44 minutes at which time the integrity of the wheel thermal plugs must be checked. Following a rejected take-off using heavy to maximum braking, the wheel thermal plugs are to be checked. Fuel System Fuel Management Fuel weights in tanks | and 3 are not to differ by more than 450 kg. When operating at the MZFW, the fuel weights in tanks 1,2 and 3 are to be essentially equal unless tanks 1 and 3 are full. When operating at less than MZFW and tanks | and 3 are not full, the fuel weight in tank 2 is not to exceed the fuel weight in tank 1 (or tank 3) by more than the difference between the MZFW and the actual ZFW for each flight. Tanks | and 3 are to be full, and tank 2 is to contain at least 4550 kg more fuel than either tank | or 3 before the AFT AUX tank is loaded. With fuel in the AUX tank(s), use not less than 3650 kg from tank 2 or until tanks 1, 2 and 3 are equal before using fuel from the AUX tank(s). Do not use AUX tank(s) fuel feed for take-off or approach and landing. When FWD AUX tank fuel is loaded as ballast, the MZFW is limited to 52 150 kg plus ballast fuel. Tank 2 may be loaded with fuel in lieu of payload beyond equal loaded fuel (tanks 1 and 3) up to a maximum allowable payload provided there is accountability for the difference in effect on weight and balance calculations. Fuel Tank Structural Limits — kg ‘These structural limits may be reached when loading cold fuel. Total Tank Tank Tank AFT AUX FWD AUX 1 2 3 Tank Tank 31402 5717 14589 5717 2770 2 609 Engine (EGT) Thrust Setting Time Limit Maximum Observed (min) EGT°C Starting: Ground Momentary 550 in-flight Momentary 620 Idle Continuous 480 Acceleration? 2 630 Take-Off 5 620 Max Climb ©) Continuous 580° Max Cruise Continuous 550 Note 1: 480° applies when airbleed or power extraction is being used. When no airbleed or power extraction is used, 420°C applies. Operation of an engine which exceeds these temperatures is at the Captain’s discretion. 480° applies when airbleed or During an engine acceleration the EGT must not exceed 630°C and must stabilise at or below 630°C within two minutes of advancing the throttle, The limit is contained in the first two minutes of the five minute time limit at take-off power and is not in addition to the five minute limit. Max Climb limit of 580°C is also Max Continuous below 1500 fi. F CORRECTION FACTORS This table may be used to obtain the TAS for a given IAS schedule. F CORRECTION FACTORS FOR TAS. PRESSURE CALIBRATED AIRSPEED KNOTS, ALTITUDE 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 10,000 10 1.0 99 99 98 98 7 97 20,000 99 98 7 97 96 95 94 93 30,000 O7 96 95 94 92 o 90 89 40,000 96 94 92 90 88 87 87 86 50,000 93 90 87 86 84 84 84 84 DIRECTIONS USE CALIBRATED AIRSPEED AND PRESSURE ALTITUDE TO OBTAIN F FACTOR MULTIPLY F FACTOR BY TAS OBTAINED WITH COMPUTER TO OBTAIN TAS CORRECTED FOR COMPRESSIBILITY DEFINITIONS Note: This section does not include definitions which are in documents such as CARs, CAOs, AIPs, unless there is specific applicability to the B727. Aerodromes Acceptable Aerodrome An acceptable aerodrome is an aerodrome approved for B727 operations and which is forecast to be above landing minima for the period of possible use. Suitable Aerodrome A suitable aerodrome is an aerodrome approved for B727 operations and which is forecast to be above alternate minima for the period of possible use. Distances Accelerate-stop Distance (ASD) The total distance required to accelerate from a standing start with all engines operating, experience a pod engine failure such that failure is recognised at V,, and then decelerate toa full stop. Accelerate-stop Distance Available (ASDA) Refer AIP Balanced Field Length Balanced Field Length occurs when ASD equals Take-off Distance (engine out) to 35ft. Effective Operational Length (EOL) Refer Section 2 — Use of Take-off Charts. Landing Distance Available (LDA) Refer AIP Line-Up Allowance Refer Section 2 — Use of Take-Off Charts. Supplementary Take-off Distance Available Refer AIP Take-off Distance 115 per cent of the distance required to 35 ft with all engines operating. Take-off Distance Available (TODA) Refer AIP Take-off Run Available (TORA) Refer AIP Unbalanced Field Length Unbalanced Field Length occurs when ASD is not equal to TOD (engine out) and is the usual situation in the B727-200 series. Fuel Bum-off Fuel burned in a specified time or distance. Contingency (Variable) Reserve Refer to Section 1 — Company Policy — Fuel. This reserve is carried to allow for variations en route: (a) from forecast meteorological conditions; (b) in aeroplane performance compared with fleet average; (c) from optimum/planned operating techniques; and (@ from planned route: and to allow for navigation system inaccuracies. Fixed Reserve Refer Section 1 — Company Policy — Fuel. This reserve is carried to allow for unplanned intermediate approach manoeuvring and/or holding, and a missed approach, circuit and landing using standard instrument approach procedures. Fixed Reserve fuel is, in the normal course of events, intended to be retained to touch-down. Flight Fuel Refer Section 1 — Company Policy — Fuel - Table 1-1. Flight fuel is the total fuel required for flight from brakes release to top of climb (TOC), TOC to top of descent (TOD), TOD to landing plus approach and manoeuvring, Holding Fuel Refer Section 1 - Company Policy — Fuel. Holding fuel is a planned reserve carried because of forecast delays in the terminal area(s) due to weather, traffic, works in progress, etc. Margin Fuel Refer Section 1 - Company Policy - Fuel. The excess of Ramp fuel above minimum fuel requirements. Ramp Fuel Ramp fuel is fuel on board at engine start. Total Fuel on Board This includes usable and unusable fuel loaded on the aeroplane. Unusable Fuel Fuel which is on board the aeroplane but which is trapped in the tanks because of tank design/construction. Unusable fuel is included in the Basic Weight and Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (see Weight Definitions). Usable Fuel Fuel which is available in the tanks for supply to the engines. Speed Indicated Air Speed (IAS) ‘The airspeed reading on the airspeed indicator (ASI) without corrections for system/instrument errors. Shown as KIAS. Calibrated Airpseed (CAS) TAS corrected for system/instrument errors. Corrections for these errors in the B727 are less than | knot therefore for this aeroplane [AS = CAS. Shown as KCAS. Equivalent Airspeed (EAS) CAS corrected for compressibility errors. Shown as KEAS. True Airspeed (TAS) EAS corrected for density effects. Shown as KTAS. Mach Number (M) Mach number is the ratio of TAS to the speed of sound in the same environment. Decision Speed (V,) The speed used to determine whether to continue the take-off or to abort (reject) the take-off and stop in the event of a critical engine failure. A failure below V, is an abort; at or above V, the take-off is continued. Minimum Control Speed — Ground (Veg) ‘The minimum speed at which directional control is available using primary aerodynamic controls alone following sudden failure of the critical engine with maximum thrust in the take-off configuration. Minimum Control Speed — Ait (Ve) The minimum speed at which the aeroplane can be kept within specified limits of heading and attitude following sudden failure of the critical engine in the second segment configuration with take-off thrust applied. Rotation Speed (V,) The speed at which the pilot begins to rotate the aeroplane to the lift-off attitude. Take-off Safety Speed (V,) The speed achieved following correct rotation and lift-off procedures and which allows the aeroplane to maintain a specified gradient in the climb-out path. V, is not less than 1.1V,,... nor 1.2V, and is achieved before 35 ft (all engines operating). V, may be referred to as Initial Climb Speed. 1-10 Landing Reference Speed (V,_,) Landing speed in a nominated configuration, ¢.g. Very is the landing speed with 30° flap. Temperature Outside Air Temperature (OAT) OAT is the static ambient air temperature. Ram Air Temperature (RAT) RAT is the static ambient air temperature increased by some ram temperature rise. Total Air Temperature (TAT) TAT is equal to the static ambient air temperature increased by the full theoretical ram temperature rise. When the temperature sensor recovery factor is 1, TAT equals RAT. Time Flight Time Elasped time from brakes release to landing. Block Time Flight Time plus allowances — Engine Start to Taxi 2 mins Taxi to Brakes Release 4 mins Taxi In'and Shut Down 4 mins 10 mins Thrust Take-off Thrust Maximum thrust setting available for take-off and is time limited to 5 minutes (see Section 1 this manual — Limitations). Maximum Climb Thrust Maximum thrust setting approved for continuous use in the all-engines climb. 1-1 Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT) Maximum thrust setting approved for continuous emergency use following engine failure, MCT is the scheduled thrust to be used in the final take-off climb segment, and en route following an engine failure, Use of MCT in these situations ensures compliance with various obstacle clearance and climb requirements. Maximum Cruise Thrust Maximum thrust setting approved for continuous use in the all-engines cruise. Weight Basic Weight The basic weight includes all furnishings, oil, hydraulic fluid, operating crew and unusable fuel (see Section I — Limitations). Maximum Ramp Weight The absolute maximum gross weight to which the aeroplane may be loaded at the ramp. The maximum ramp weight may be limited by pavement considerations to less than the structural limit (see Section 1 — Limitations). Maximum Brakes Release Weight (MBRW) The absolute maximum gross weight of the aeroplane at the start of the take-off roll. The MBRW may be limited by pavement or other considerations to less than the structural limit (see Section 1 — Limitations and Section 2 - Take-off and Climb Performance). Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) ‘The absolute maximum gross weight of the aeroplane without usable fuel. Any load beyond MZEW is to be usable fuel. (see Section | — Limitations). Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) The absolute maximum gross weight of the aeroplane at touch-down, depending on flap setting. The MLW may be limited by pavement or other considerations to less than the structural limit (see Section I — Limitations and Section 4 — Descent and Landing Performance). 1-12 Maximum Quick Turn-Around Weight (MQTW) A variable landing weight limitation designed to protect against main gear thermal fuse plug melt (see Section | ~ Limitations and Section 4 — Descent and Landing Performance). 1-13 COMPANY POLICY Fuel — General 1. Fuel on board. At start-up fuel on board shall include the following allowances: (a) starvtaxi fuel; (b) climb, cruise and descent fuel; (c) approach and manoeuvring fuel; (d) contingency (variable) reserve; (e) taxi/shut-down fuel; (f) fixed reserve; and (g) holding (weather and/or traffic) - when required. 2. Standard Allowances. Standard allowances are: (a) start/taxi fuel : 150kg (b) approach and manoeuvring fuel : 400 kg (c) taxi/shut-down fuel > 100kg 3. Reserve Fuel Calculations (refer to table 1.1, page 1-17). Reserve fuel is calculated as follows: (a) Contingency (variable) reserve: 10 per cent of the total of climb, cruise, descent and approach/manoeuvring fuel. (b) Fixed reserve: based on fuel flow for 3 engine holding configuration at 1500ft at ISA, that is 4500 kg/hr for a specific time as shown in Table 1.1 Fuel Allowance Required. (c) Holding: based on fuel flow for 3 engine holding configuration at 25,000 ft at ISA+10, that is 4000 kg/hr for the time nominated in the holding requirement. 4. Margin Fuel. When calculating endurance the fuel flow for margin fuel is 4500 kg/hr. 1-15 5. Abnormal Operations. Fuel on board at brakes release shall be sufficient to allow operations in 2 engine configuration from any point en route to a suitable aerodrome or in depressurised configuration from any point en route to an acceptable aerodome (whichever requires the greater fuel), with reserves specified in Table 1.1 Fuel Allowance Required. No variable reserve is required when planning for Depressurised Operations, including that part of the flight involving normal operations out to the point where depressurisation occurs. 6. Before-flight Planning. Table 1.1 shows the fuel allowances required — except where quantities are extracted from data provided in the various phases of flight. The total fuel determined using this Table as the guide is the minimum required for the flight. 7, Alternate Required — Descent and Climb at Destination Descent should be planned to 1500” above the aerodome. Aerodomes below 5000” pressure height may be assumed to be at mean sea level. The subsequent climb enroute to the alternate should be planned from 1500’ above the aerodome as per paragraph 12 on page 2.2. No approach and manoeuvre allowance is made at the destination but is allowed for at the alternate. 8. Before-flight Planning — En Route Diversion. ‘Table 1.1 also shows the fuel allowances required when an en route diversion for refuelling may be required. This procedure allows the aeroplane to leave the Departure aerodrome with less fuel than the minimum required (Table 1.1) for flight form Departure to Destination. In-flight planning will determine if the flight may proceed to the Destination or if an en route diversion for refuelling will be required. 9. In-flight Planning The fixed reserve of 45 minutes may be reduced to 30 minutes for in-flight planning Contingency (variable) reserve may be recalculated at a positive fix as 10 percent of the total fuel required for cruise, descent and approach/manoeuvring from the positive fix to the selected landing aerodrome. The selected landing aerodrome may be Destination, Alternate, or en route Alternate. No allowance for the taxi/shutdown fuel (100 kg) is required. Abnormal Operations ‘There is no reduction in the fixed reserve for abnormal operations. Any in-flight re-planning involving abnormal operation should use the fixed reserve specified in table 1.1, page 1.17 (ie 30 minutes for Depressurised operations and 20 minutes for One Engine Inoperative.) 10. Carriage of Additional Fuel. There may be occasions when additional fuel may be carried in excess of the minimum flight plan requirements. This additional fuel may be referred to as Margin fuel 1-16 11, Abnormal Operations - Alternate Required At the pre-flight planning stage, company policy requires that, at brakes release, sufficient fuel is on board to enable the aircraft to fly depressurised from any point en route to an “acceptable” aerodrome. Where a flight is planned to a destination which requires an alternate but is forecast to remain open (ic. an “acceptable” aerodrome), then provided the departure aerodrome is also of “acceptable” standard, sufficient fuel to fly depressurised to either the destination or departure aerodrome meets the company fuel policy requirement. In this situation there is no requirement to carry sufficient fuel to fly depressurised between the destination and the alternate since the depressurised case is based on an “acceptable” aerodrome (i.e. the destination). It should be noted, however, that fuel to cater for one engine inoperative flight to an alternate would be required as the one engine inoperative case must plan to a “suitable” aerodrome. 12, Abnormal Operations ~ Holding Required Company policy as stated in Table 1.1, page 1.17 specifies that holding fuel be carried “as required” for abnormal operations. The principles to be applied to the carriage of holding fuel for abnormal operations are as follows: 1) Traffic holding — need not be carried. 2) Depressurised Operations — where Inter or Tempo deteriorations are forecast at destination, and these deteriorations are not below aerodrome landing minima, then the aerodrome is forecast to remain open. It remains, therefore, an “acceptable” aerodrome during these periods and no holding fuel is required. If the deteriorations are below the aerodrome landing minina the aerodrome is closed and not “acceptable” during these periods and holding (or alternate) fuel must be carried, 3) One engine inoperative — the same standard of aerodrome is required as for normal operations therefore the same weather related holding requirements apply. 1-16A Table 1.1 - Fuel allowance required - Kg Before-Flight planning start/ t fuel, contingency fixed holding “) taxi taxi ‘climl ‘cruise, lescent approacl (variable) shut- manoeuvre down, Departure to - destination 150 data data data 400 10% 3300 as req’d 100 Departure to - destination 150 data data data”) NIL 10% NIL as req’d NIL Destination to - alternate NIL data data data 400 10% 2250 100 Departure to - enroute alternate 150 data data data 400 10% 33000 as req’d 100 Departure to - destination 150 data data’? data 400 10% 1500 as req’d 100 Engine Failure Departure to - destination 150 data data” data 400 NIL 2250 as req’d 100 Depressurisation Note: (1) holding rate is 4000 kg/hr. (2) 45 mins at 4500 kg/hr. (3) Descent data to 1500 ft above Destination aerodrome. Climb data from 1500 ft above Destination aerodrome for Alternate (4) 30 mins at 4500 kg/hr. (5) Plan to fly in a 2 engine configuration from any point enroute to a suitable aerodrome. (6) 20 mins at 4500 kg/hr. (7) Plan to fly in a depressurised configuration from any point enroute to an acceptable aerodrome. Weight and balance ~ General 1. Preparation of Weight and Balance Information in the before-flight planning stage is carried out as follows: (a) The dispatcher will notify the Captain of the planning payload for the flight. (6) The Captain will prepare the flight plan, calculate the minimum fuel required. (©) The Captain will notify the dispatcher of the minimum fuel usage from brakes release to landing (d) The dispatcher will then complete the approved Load and Trim sheet and present the sheet to the Captain for his/her acceptance. The Load and Trim sheet includes the following information: (i) actual payload; (ii) total fuel load; (iii) Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW); (iv) Brakes Release Weight (BRW); wv Estimated Landing Weight (ELW); (vi) Centre of Gravity (CG) at ZFW; and (vii) CG for take-off. Weight and balance — Fuel Management 2. Fuel management for weight and balance of the aeroplane includes: (a) Fuel loading limitations; (b) Fuel loading procedures; and (c) Fuel usage procedures. 3, Fuel Loading Limitations. The fuel load in tanks 1 and 3 must not differ by more than 450 kg. 4. Fuel Loading Procedures, Fuel loading procedures are as follows: 1-18 (a) (bo) () (d) tank). Load main tanks 1, 2 and 3 equally. When tanks | and 3 are full, continue to load tank 2. When tank 2 is full, load the aft auxiliary tank (AFT AUX tank). When the AFT AUX tank is full, load the forward auxiliary tank (FWD AUX CAUTION Tanks 1 and 3 must be full, and tank 2 must contain at least 4550 kg more fuel than either tank | or 3 before loading the AFT AUX tank. ¢ All other tanks must be full before the FWD AUX tank is loaded EXCEPT when the FWD AUX tank fuel is used as ballast. (Refer LIMITATIONS for revised ZFW when FWD AUX tank fuel is used as ballast). 5. Fuel Usage Procedures. Fuel usage procedures are as follows. (a) (b) (©) (@) Essentially equal quantities in tanks 1, 2 and 3: (i) Use tank to engine feed. Quantity in tank 2 greater than in tank 1 or 3: (i) Use tank 2 fuel feed. (ii) When essentially equal quantities in tanks 1, 2 and 3, use tank to engine feed. Fuel in AFT AUX tank: (i) Use tank 2 for all operations until not less than 3650 kg has been used and the main tanks are essentially equal. (ii) Use fuel from AFT AUX tank until empty. (iii) Use tank to engine feed. Fuel in FWD AUX tank: (i) Use tank 2 for all operations until not less than 3650 kg has been used and the main tanks are essentially equal. (ii) Use fuel from FWD AUX tank until empty. 1-19 (ii) Use fuel from AFT AUX tank until empty. (iv) Use tank to engine feed. NOTE: — On short sectors the fuel usage procedures above may result in the situation where tanks 1 and 3 and the AUX tank(s) are full, but tank 2 is approximately 3650 kg less than full on landing. To correct this situation, drain the AUX tank(s) into tank 2 before take-off. If this action is not possible, the dispatcher is to be advised so that the Load and Trim Sheet may be revised. 6. Fuel Usage Procedures — Tank Capacities — Usable Fuel. Nominal usable fuel capacities of each tank are shown in Table 1.2 Tank Capacities — Usable Fuel. Capacities are given for both underwing (pressure) refuelling and overwing (gravity) refuelling. fable 1-2 Tank capabil usable fuel — kg Refuel Total Tank Tank Tank AFTAUX FWDAUX 1 2 3 Tank Tank Underwing 29550 5 400 13 700 5 400 2600 2.450 Overwing 28 250 4750 13 700 4750 2.600 2.450 ‘VENT SURGE TANK TANK NO. 2 (3 SECTIONS) TANK NO. 3 OVERWING FILLER PORT DEFUELLING VALVE AFT AUX TANK FWD AUX TANK OVERWING FILLER PORT Abnormal operations 1. An abnormal operation is one in which aeroplane performance is degraded as a result of a malfunction of aeroplane equipment, but in which no doubt exists as to the safety of the aeroplane and its occupants if the flight is continued to the planned destination. In all cases the decision to proceed to planned destination, divert to a suitable en route aerodrome, or return to departure aerodrome is the Captain’s responsibility. 2. Flight in one of the following configurations is considered to be an abnormal operation: (a) one engine inoperative; (b) _ depressurisation; (c)_ yaw damper inoperative; (d@) tail skid extended; and (e) _ landing gear extended. The circumstances which lead to the shutdown of one engine will generally dictate if flight with one engine operative is classified as an abnormal operation or an emergency. For example, a precautionary shutdown because of the possibility of engine damage/failure would generally allow abnormal operation. However, shutdown because of known or indicated engine fire/failure may be regarded as an emergency. iz IQ les 2: The circumstances which lead to depressurised operation will generally dictate if such an operation is classified as an abnormal operation or an emergency. 3: There may be a requirement on occasion to ferry an aeroplane in a non-standard configuration, either empty or as a revenue operation. Of the configurations listed above in paragraph 2, only 2(c), 2(d) and 2(e) are permitted in this operation, and specific authorisation is required on each occasion. Fuel Dumping 1. The aeroplane has a fuel dump capability with the following characteristics: (a) fuel may only be dumped from the main tanks 1, 2 and 3, or tank 2 alone; (b) dump rate with all boost pumps on in main tanks 1, 2 and 3 is 1050 kg/min; (©) dump rate from tank 2 alone is 500kg/min; and (d) automatic shutoff in each tank should occur at 1600 kg indicated fuel weight remaining in each tank. 2, Dumping of fuel is permitted only in an Emergency. 3. Dumping of fuel is to be stopped manually when the desired fuel weight is reached or when the indicated fuel weight remaining in each tank is 1600 kg. 4, Dumping of fuel loaded as payload or for Weight and Balance is NOT permitted, except in an Emergency when the Emergency flight condition is more critical than Weight and Balance considerations. 1-22 Critical point 1. Critical Point (CP) calculations may be required to ensure that the conditions laid down in the Company Fuel Policy are met. The most fuel-critical operation in the B727 is the 3 Engine Depressurised cruise. 2. Critical Point calculations — position, time, fuel requirements — may be done using average data unless particular conditions of aeroplane gross weight, route distance, flight levels available, temperature and wind components require more detailed calculations using the Zonal method. 3. _ In-flight revision of CP calculations may be done using average data. Point of No Return 1, Point of No Return (PNR) calculations are normally only required on those routes which do not have an en route alternate aerodrome available. PNR calculations may be done using average data unless conditions (mentioned in CP policy) require more detailed planning using the Zonal method. In-flight revision may be done using average data. Note 1: En route descents are to be planned for all CP and PNR calculations regardless of the method (Zonal or average) or condition (before flight or in-flight). 1-23 SECTION 2 TAKE-OFF AND CLIMB TAKE-OFF AND CLIMB PERFORMANCE ‘Take-off Charts (Graphs 2.1, 2.2) 1. Take-off charts are available for the following configurations: 15° , 20° and 25° flap. Use of Take-Off Charts ~ Take-Off-Runway Limitation 2. From the TAKE-OFF-RUNWAY LIMITATION chart determine the average EPR from ‘Average Take-Off EPR’ table. 3. Determine the available Effective Operational Length (EOL). The EOL is determined by deducting the Line-up allowance from the least distance available of the: * ASDA ° TODA © Supplementary TODA (1.9%) (if applicable) The Line-up allowance for a tum on or onto the active runway is 45m. Ifa line-up is possible before the starting threshold, e.g. in the case of a displaced threshold for take-off, then a line-up allowance of zero may be applied. 4. Enter the chart with the EOL and follow the guide lines through runway slope, wind and flap position curves. The flap selected generally depends on runway length, gross weight requirements and ambient conditions. Normal procedure is to select 15° flap; if this selection does not provide sufficient weight, examine the other flap settings. 5. Continue vertically to the average take-off EPR determined in paragraph 2 above; follow the guidelines through the pressure altitude and temperature curves to find the RUNWAY LIMIT WEIGHT. Use of Take-off Charts — Take-off — Climb Limitation 6. _ Enter the chart with temperature and pressure altitude, and follow the guidelines through flap setting to find the CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT. Note: Supplementary TODA The Take off Climb Limitation chart on page 2.6 is based on the certification requirements of CAO 20.7.1B section 7 which requires a minimum net climb gradient of 1.8% in event of engine failure. In fact the B727 is capable of meeting a 1.9% obstacle free climb surface requirement at these weights and consequently the supplementary TODA based on a 1.9% gradient may be used (as stated in paragraph 3). Please note that this automatically admits supplementary TODA based on a 1.6% obstacle free climb surface (or any TODA based on a 1.9% gradient or less). 2-1 Brakes Release Weight (BRW) 7. The BRW is the lesser of the RUNWAY LIMIT WEIGHT (paragraph 5) and CLIMB LIMIT WEIGHT (paragraph 6). ‘Take-off Speeds (Table 2.1) 8. Refer to the TAKE-OFF SPEEDS table. Climb Performance Tables (Tables 2.2-2.4) 9. Climb Performance tables provide data for elapsed time, fuel used, TAS and distance travelled from BRAKES RELEASE using the standard climb schedule of 310 KIAS / .78 Mach. The tables allow for temperatures of ISA, ISA+10 and ISA+20 during the climb, and for various gross weights at brakes release. Use of Climb Performance Tables 10. Determine the average temperature (expressed as a deviation from ISA to the nearest 5°) of the altitude block through which the climb is to be made. This temperature will designate the table (or tables if interpolation is required) to be used. 11. Enter the appropriate table for temperature deviation with the BRW (to the nearest 2000 kg) and the initial cruising pressure altitude. When departure airport pressure altitude is above or below Mean Sea Level (MSL), adjustment to fuel used is taken from the block at the bottom of each table. 12. For en route climbs made after departure, the initial cruise pressure altitude data (time/ fuel/distance) is subtracted from the final cruise pressure altitude data. The time and distance extracted in this way may be used to calculate the average TAS in the en route climb. 13. Step climb Enroute step climbs from one cruising level to a higher cruising level, made to optimise cruise performance as fuel is burnt off should be planned when appropriate. For planning purposes a step climb need not be commenced immediately altitude capability permits but may be delayed until the start of the next zone on the flight plan Cruise data may be used for the whole of the zone in which the step climb takes place with an additional allowance of 50 kg of fuel per 1000 feet of climb over and above the cruise fuel burn for the zone. 14, One engine inoperative climb Where data for one engine inoperative climb is required the following procedure should be adopted. 1) Determine the time, fuel and distance for a normal three engine climb under the same conditions of gross weight, temperature and cruising level. 2) Add an allowance to those figures based on the table below. ry Cruise Level Time (min) Fuel (kg) Distance (anm) Up to FLISO 6 500 2) FL160 to FL200 11 750: 45 FL210 to FL250 14 1000 60 FL260 and above 17 1250 i) Example Gross Weight 72,000 kg ISA + 10° Climb from 1500 ft Pressure Height to FL230 NORMAL - SL to FL230 13 min 1900 kg 71 anm NORMAL - SL to 1500 ft 2 min 400 kg - NORMAL - 1500’ toFL230 11 min 1500 kg 71 anm ADDALLOWANCE - +14 min 1000 kg. 60 anm ONE INOP CLIMB - 25 min 2500 kg 131 anm 2-2A ALTITUDE CAPABILITY — BUFFET AND THRUST/GROSS. ‘WEIGHT LIMITATIONS Factors Important factors which influence selection of cruise altitudes (Flight Levels) are: (a) Buffet boundaries, and (b) Thrust available for cruise at optimum altitude or at maximum cruise thrust. Buffet Boundary Charts (Graphs 2.3-2.5) Under conditions of high gross weight, high altitude or high load factors (resulting from gust loads or manoeuvre), buffet will occur at speeds considerably above stall or below Myo: In the low speed range (below approximately .78M) buffet is due simply to pre-stall flow separation. Buffet which occurs above .78M is the result of unstable airflow produced by shock waves on the wing. Buffet boundary charts are provided for particular load factors and turbulence conditions as follows: 1.0G Level flight and No turbulence 1.3G 40° Bank angle or Moderate turbulence 1.6G 50° Bank angle or Heavy turbulence ‘The optimum turbulence penetration speeds are also shown on each chart. Use of Buffet Boundary Charts Select the chart based on forecast turbulence or expected manoeuvre load, and enter with pressure altitude (flight level) and Mach number. Extend along the pressure altitude line until the gross weight curve is met; using the pressure altitude/Mach number intersection as the reference, measure off decrease in KLAS to low speed side and the increase in KIAS to high speed side of chart. These figures define the margins above and below the low and high speed buffet limits. Thrust/Gross Weight Limitations When selecting a cruise altitude, the relationship between thrust available and gross weight must be considered. Either all available thrust — ic. maximum cruise thrust — is used to cruise at a heavier gross weight and/or a higher altitude, or sufficient thrust is used to maintain a particular cruise schedule at the optimum gross weighV/altitude. Altitude Capability Table (Table 2.5) The Altitude Capability Table provides the following data: (a) _ the gross weight for which the selected cruise altitude (flight level) will be the optimum altitude for a particular cruise schedule; and (b) the maximum gross weight at which the aeroplane can maintain the selected cruise altitude for a particular cruise schedule, using maximum cruise thrust. Use of the Altitude Capability Table Enter the table with flight level and cruise schedule and extract the Optimum Weight for those parameters. With the same parameters, and the temperature at the flight level extract the maximum gross weight using maximum cruise thrust. The table may also be used to determine when to climb to maintain an optimum cruise profile or a profile using maximum cruise thrust. Enter the table with the next available flight level and planned cruise schedule and extract either the optimum gross weight or the thrust limited gross weight at that flight level. BOEING 727 1 NOTE. STRUCTURAL LIMITS MUST NOT BE XCEEDED i | b4 3 S z 3 A i o 5} 2 rerenkue. 9) $13.0) —45| oli 3 4| 0 10 20 30 40 50) PRESSURE oat ~°C ALTITUDE 1000 AVERAGE TAKE-OFF EPR PRESSURE °C ALT.~ft 0 10 [20 [30 [40 [50 |: 1000 2.05 [2.05 |2.05|2.05 | 1.95] 1.1 SL 2.10 [2.10 2.10] 2.09 |1.99 | 7.90 1000 2.15 [2.14 |2.12|2.0|1.99] 1.00 220 [2.15]2.14|2.09 |1.99] 1.00 3000 2.20 |2 15 |2.14/2.09 | 1.99] 1.90 2.20 [2.15 |2.14|2.09 }1.99] 1.90 NOTE: DETERMINE AVERAGE TAKE-OFF EPR FROM TABLE. WITH ENGINE ANTI-ICE ON, REDUCE AVERAGE EPR BY O01. TAKE-OFF ~ RUNWAY LIMITATION GRAPH 2.1 BOEING 727 FTE ‘NOTE: STRUCTURAL LIMITS MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED CLIMB _LIMIT|WEIGHT ~ 1000 k; 20) 5 ec ~ FLar ETTING NOTE: 1. WITH ENGINE ANTI-ICE ON, REDUCE WEIGHT AS FOUND BY 1200 kg. oat ~ 2. WITH ENGINE AND WING ANTHICE ON, REDUCE WEIGHT AS FOUND BY 4000 kg. 3. IN TAILWIND. REDUCE WEIGHT AS FOUND BY 350 kg PER KNOT. TAKE-OFF ~ CLIMB LIMITATION GRAPH 2.2 2-6 PRESSURE ALTITUDE OAT~°C 1001 to 3000 ft va | v2 TAKE-OFF SPEEDS TABLE 2.1 2-7 ENROUTE CLIMB 310/.78 ISA Parssuac aris BRAKES RELEASE WEIGHT - EC ALTET9DE | scare #2 | mummers | azooe | arooe | ao020 | 76000 |r2000 | saeco | sso00 |seoce | séooo bérer00 | 2172300 1000 | TzMEVFUEL Dist /Tas hr3ve2g | 1377426 3go00 | TIMEvFucL 3173250 | 24/2700 [2072350 | 17/2050 Dist /Tas 2057429 | 1557625 frz0ve23 | it27e2r 37000 | FIME/FUEL 3573859 [6/3100 | 22/2700 | 19/2e09 [rrraiso | 13/1950 DIST /TAS 2367429 | 727626 | 1437421 | 124762 frogreia | 96/417 3sooo | Tinsvrust. 4174550 | 2973550 | 2573050 [2272750 | 19/2450 17/2200 |15/2000 | 14/1800 DIST /TAS 2127630 | 1907623 | 1577420 |1367618 | 1207416 | 1067615 | 957416 | 257416 —+ 33000 | rrmevue | 3274050] 27/3500 | 2473100] 21/2800/19/2500 | 17/2300] 1572100 |14/1900 | 13/1700 Jearers| rz0sere}irezer3 | roeser2| 94zer7| w5ver0 | 767609 Dist /tas | 2087422 [1727018 2573680 | 2373100 teore13 | terver1 217280| 19/2550|11/2390 | 16/2150 | ¥«/1950|13/1800 | 1271600 1267610] 1137609]102/608 | 93/407] 847605] 757605 | 69/405 i000 | rimesFUEL DIST /TAS 23/3150 | 21/2900 | 19/2650| 1772«00]1472200 | 14/2000] 13/1850/12/1700 | 1171550 29000 | TIME/FUEL 1 /6are00 | 62/600 pist /tas | 1367606] 1227605 | 1107608] 100/603] 91/02 | e3/sor] | 757 28000 | TIHE/FUEL | 22/3050] 20/2750] 1872550] 1672350]1572150 | 14/1950] 12/1800 pist./tas |i26seaz | 1147401] 1027800] 947399] @6/399| 78/398] 71/398 zrooo | tinevruet | 20/2900| 18/2650 1772600] 15/2250] 1472050 | 13/1900] 1271700/1171600 bist /tas | 1157397| 105/396] 95/396] 877395] 79/296 | 72/396] $6/393| 60/393 me7euEL | 19/2750] 1772500 | 16/2300] 14/2150| 13/1950 | 12/1800| 11/1650|10/1500 373590 | 1173650 65/397 1071500 39/397 1071650, 95/393, 26000 bist stas | 1057392] 967391| 87/391] 807330] 72/390] 67/390] 61/309| 597389] 51/388 25000 | timevecer | 17/2600] 15/2400] 1572200] 1472050] 13/1900] 11v175e| 1171600/t0/1s50| 971350 bist ¢tas | 967387] 87/387| 80/386] 737386) 7385] 58/385] 517385] 47/386 zeooo | zemevruet | 16/2550] 152300| 1472100] 1371959| 1271800] 1171550] 10/1500] 971400 orst stas | 87/383] 80/383| 73/382] 677382| 62/382] 57/381] 52/381] 8/387 ga000 | timesFucc | 15/2350] 14/2150| 19/2000| 12/1850] +1/1700| 1071600] 9/te50] 9/1350] 671200 Dist /tas | sor397 | 73/378 | s7v378| 62/378] 57/378 | szvatz | 42/377] 4as3T2] 407377 gzo00 | trnesFuet | 1472250] 13/2050| 12/+900| 1171800] 10/1650] 1071500| 97te00] a71300/ 7/1150 bist tas | 73/375| 67/376] 62/378] 57/374) S3/a7e] 687373] 44/973] 44/373] 377373 gioco | tinerruet | 1472150] 13/2000] 127i@50| 1171700| 10/1550] 9/1e50| 8/1350] B/iz50| 7/1150 Dist stas | ersazt | 62/371| 57/370] 52/370] «er370] 45/370] 417370] 38/370] 34/369 0000 | tiMe/FUEL | 13/2050) 12/1900] 1171750] 1071600] 971500] 9/tco0| 371300] 7/1200] 7/1100 orst stas | 61/367| 7/367] 52/367] 48/367] 45/367] 41/366] 38/366) 35/365] 32/366 joo | trmevFuEL | 12/1950] 11/1800] 10/1650| 10/1550] 971450] 8/1300] 871200] 171150] 5/1050 pist tas | $6/364] $2/368] 48/363] 447363] 41/263] 34/363] 357363] 32/363| 297363 vaooo | tineveuer | 1171950] 1071700 10/1600] 971450] 971350 8/1250] 772150 7/1100] 5. Dist stas | 1/360] 47/360] 447380] 17360] 387360 2 35/360| 32/36¢| 297360 67/1059] 671000. y6000 | TIME/FUEL | 1071550] 971550] 971e50| 971350] Tr1250/ 771150 27/954] 25/353 pisz /tas | 42/354] 39/354] 36/354] 34/354) 31/354] 297358 ssrose| 67950) 57900] $7300 tsooo | tineveuet | 971500] e710] @71300] 171200| 6/1100 zes3ea] 22/368] 2078 | 197/368 bist stas | 357348] 32/348] 30/350] 28/3<3] 26731 v2000 | tieveue. | 8/1300 | 1/1250] 771150] 1050] 6/1000] sz9co| 5/850] +7800) 4700 Dist stas | 20/3e2| 25/302] 24/342] 227342] 21v34z| 19/362] 1873¢2] 167362] 157342 roooo | rimevFuet | 671150] 6/1100] 6vr0co| 57950] s7aso | svaoo] sv7s0/ ss700| 4650 pist ¢tas | 212337 | 20/337] saraa7| 17/337] v6e337 | asvaa7 | 14s337| 1a/a3T | 12/337 1500 rimesruet | 3/500] 3/500] 2/650 | 2veo0 | 2vgo0| 2v350 | 27350 | 2/300 | 2/300 ADJUST FUEL FoR ATGH CE: oats[arseoat ecev| 2000 | cooo | é000 | e000 | 10000 _| 12000 Wo EFFECT om Time Ano Distance [SUE ADJUST | -100 eo] =300 | -ro0 | -500_[ ~600 | TABLE 2.2 2-8 ENROUTE CLIMB 310/.78 ISA + 10 wicvewan leares BRAKES RELEASE WEIORT - KG ! _ Llttgane |araree Fr |anrxaors | seoco [asovo [sooo |rs0co |rzo0e [saoo0 | ss000 |soove | seo00 = — sro rzwerroce 24/2500 bist /tas teers aeo00 | TIME/FOEL 2473000 24/2600 | 20/2250 bisttas Taare igrrese | tacrea0 Sooo | Fivevvoee 3373880 |27/3050 | 23/2650 |20/2350 | 12/2100 prstvtas aatrede |itareds | iszveas]eszvear | ts6re2s 35000 TIME/ FUEL, 3974300 | 31/3550 |26/3100 | 23/2750 | 21/2450] 18/2200 | 16/2000 bistvras 2057235 | 2oszcas [irazeae |egzane | tatsezs tteraas | toaveae s000 [rruevroet | s87saso [26/4200 | 2073600 | 2673200 23/2050 [2172550 | 1972300 [17/2100 | 1571900 Bratrtas’ | aer7edr | 2uavea0 | tgosest | regrezs [regress [iai/ens | reerezoliocsery | 99700 sooo |raverroee | 3574200 | 3072550 | 2672250 lex26s0 | 1972400 | r1v2rsa] 15/1950 | v4/1900 pist/tas’_| 2aaraas | isareae | teszez0 fagreit [terete | tousers arene 29000 |rrnevroet | 30/3750 | 26/9350 | 22/3000 | 21/2100] 1972050 [1772250 | 14/2050 13/1700 Distrtas” | tacrarr | tersais | saavens | s2gveng|tis/erz [taa/ens | ‘99ret tos 2e000 | txvevruet | zarasse | 25/3200 | zzvag00 | 2072650 |13/2400 | 17/2200 | 152200] 4/1800 | 12/1650 brststas_| tegzeis | sgorent | tacrevo | t20/s09|togvaos | garsor| ‘aaveor| T97e0s | “Ta/eos rrvesroct | 26/3a¢0 | a3ao50 | 21/2750 | 19/2500 t6/2900| 1471900]13/1750 | 12/1550 orstrtas | 153700 | taereas | t2graas | troveoe sors0s | ‘zvtog] Fascae | er/eon 26000 | rrmevroee | 24var50 | 21/2850 | 1972600 | 18/2400]1672200 | 1572000 | 1371800] 1271650 | 1171500 ijezede | Spcseas | rtzseno | rorseoo| 92/399 | 83/390 | 75/996) gavsar | \62/39F DEST’ 1772250|15/2100 | 14/1909] 13/1750) 11/1800 | 19/1359 92/395| aer3ge | 76/394 69/393) 63/393 | 57/393 22/3000 | 20/2790 1257997 | 113/996 1972500 TIMe/FaEL 102/396 DISt/Tas 2uo0o =| trmesFuEL | 20/2800 | 19/2600 | 17/2350 | 16/2150] 14/2000 | 13/1800] 12/1650] 11/1590 | 10/1500 prst/tas | 1137392 | 1037392 | 937391 | 85/391] 77/390 | 70/390] S ADJUSIMENTS FOR OPERATION AT NON-STANDARD TEMPERATURES: INCREASE FUEL REQUIRED BY .9 PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE FUEL REQUIRED BY .9 PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C BELOW ISA INCREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C BELOW ISA NOTE-OPTIMUM WEIGHT FOR FLIGHT LEVEL EXCEEDS STRUCTURAL LIMIT THRUST LIMITED WEIGHT FOR EXCEEDS STRUCTURAL LIMIT THRUST LIMITED WEIGIT FOR ISA + 10°C EXCEEDS STRUCTURAL LIMIT sTBD-1S 3-10 SBQEING G27 LONG RANGE CRUISE PLANNING ALL ENGINES 2 AIRBLEEDS MAX CRUISE THRUST LIMITS ISA= ~36.5 DEG C FLIGHT LEVEL 260 BEE Te, NE |B8oS4 |FZUE Phe |ENSNS |SAKKAS NOTE - ADJUSIMENTS FOR OPERATION AT NON-STANDARD TEMPERATURES : PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C ABOVE ISA PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C BELOW ISA INCREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE TAS BY 1-KNOT PER DEGREE C BELOW ISA NOTE-OPTIMUM WEIGHT FOR FLIGHT LEVEL EXCEEDS STRUCTURAL LIMIT 7 LIMITED WEIGIT FOR ISA EXCEEDS STRUCTURAL LIMIT THRUST LIMITED WEIGIT FOR ISA + 10°C IS 93700 KG 780-15 3-11 LONG RANGE CRUISE BOEING F227 PLANNIN: 270 FLIGHT LEVEL ISA= -38.5 DEG C 55000 #411 o 2 24 35 47 59 7 3 95 10 56000 413 {118 130 142 4154 165 177 189 200 212 22: eR HH HR ie # 590G0 JA21 | 468 7949. 502 513 525 536 555 $7 0001 24 | 582 593 605 616 628 639 650 662 673 6 61000 $426 | 696 707 738 729 741 752 763 774 786 79 62000 $428 | 808 819 830 842 853 864 875 886 897 90: 2808 31, ‘0 bt 942 953 964 986 997 1008 101! 64000 #433 [1030 1041 1052 1063 1074 1085 1096 1107 1 112! OO #435 [1140 1151 1162 1173 1184 1194 1205 1216 1227 1231 66000 $437 +383 33 0 «1270 «1281 3383 1303 1314 1334 1335 (134 67000 4439 367 1378 1389 1400 1410 1421 1432 1442 145. 68000 #441 1464 1474 1485 1496 1506 1517 1527 1538 1549 155! 69000 }443 [1570 1580 1591 i602 1612 1623 1633 1644 1654 166: 70000 #445 |1675 1686 1696 1707 1717 1728 1738 1748 1759 176! 71000 #446 |1780 1790 1801 1811 1821 1832 1842 1852 1863 187: 72000 #448 {1883 4834 1904 1914 1925 193! 4348 1956 1966 197 73000 #450 |1986 1997 2007 2017 2027 20: 048 «2058 «2068 «207: 74000 #451 [2088 2099 2109 2119 2129 2139 2149 2159 2169 2181 75000 #453 |2190 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2: 2270 2281 76000 $454 |2290 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 3383 2370 2381 77000 #456 |2390 2400 2410 2420 2430 2440 2449 2459 2469 247: 78000 #457 |2489 2499 2509 2518 2528 2538 2548 2558 2568 257° 79000 #458 (2587 2597 2607 2616 2626 2636 2646 2655 2665 267: 80000 #460 |2685 26: 2704 2714 2723 2733 77; 81000 #461 |278: 3834 2801 2810 2820 2829 3848 3838 285 33g 82000 #462 er8 2887 3836 3206 3213 3333 3838 3344 2334 296: wae Hed SH Ge See SL IE SES SBE tHe ree Ke [AG Be BE RH 2G 1 IBS Ha ee 87000 es 3338 3354 335 3372 3381 3390 3398 3u48 3188 3427} BB000 $468 [3436 3445 3454 3463 3472 3481 3490 3499 3508 3517) 89000 }469 |3526 3535 3544 3553 3562 3571 3580 3588 3597 360 90000 #469 |3615 3624 3633 3642 3651 3659 3668 3677 3686 3695) 1000 #470 [3704 3712 3721 3730 3739 3747 3756 3765 3774 3782) 92000 #471 |3791 3800 3808 3817 3826 3837 3843 3832 B61 3869) 92009 M47. (3878 3886 32895 3904 3912 392] 392! 938 63945 3955) 72 3964 3972 3981 3989 3998 4006 4015 4023 4032 4040) 73 |4049 4057 4065 4074 4082 4091 4099 4107 4116 4124 73/4133 4141 4149 4158 4166 4174 4183 4191 4199 4208 NOTE ~ ADJUSIMENTS FOR OPERATION AT NON-STANDARD TEMPERATURES : INCREASE FUEL REQUIRED BY .9 PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE FUEL REQUIRED BY .9 PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C BELOW ISA INCREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C BELOW ISA NOTE~OPTIMUM STRUCTURAL Hiner inise weiga ros TAs CE EB STRoCTURAL, LIMIT THRUST LIMITED WEIGHT FOR ISA + 10°C IS 92000 KG J780-15 3-12 BOEING FP LONG RANGE CRUISE ALL ENGINES 2 AIRBLEEDS MAX CRUISE THRUST LIMITS ISA= ~40.5 DEG C FLIGHT LEVEL 280 1093 1162 13 184 1195 4383 +g 1383 3: 133 a6 Be 3233 1707 1718 1728 1739 1813 1824 1834 3843 1919 1929 10 12024 3034 aaa 2088 ISDN a ISRLBS eS 3733 2782 733 Se} 2829 3859 3838 082 053 3063 3072 BeRN Dea EAU ea ona loon f fe 4 3224 3233 3242 3252 3261 3270 3308 3317 3333 3336 3345 3334 3363 3499 3409 3413 3628 3432 3446 3: 36) 38 39: 4106 411: 4157 $353 4173 4182 4240 4248 426! 4190 419% 4257 NOTE - ADJUSIMENTS FOR OPERATION AT NON-STANDARD TEMPERATURES : INCREASE FUEL REQUIRED BY .9 PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE FUEL REQUIRED BY .9 PERCENT PER 10 DEGREE C BELOW ISA INCREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C ABOVE ISA DECREASE TAS BY 1 KNOT PER DEGREE C BELOW ISA NOTE-OPTIMM WEIGHT FOR FLIGHT LEVEL IS 91200 KG THRUST LIMITED WEIGHT FOR ISA BEDS STRUCTURAL LIMIT THRUST LIMITED WEIGIT FOR ISA + 10°C TS 90100 KG sT80-15 3-13

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